public void Init()
     bPOI           = false;
     iIndex         = 0;
     sDescription   = "";
     sComment       = "";
     fFix           = false;
     fLat           = 0F;
     fLon           = 0F;
     fAlt           = 0F;
     fESpeed        = -1000000F;
     fNSpeed        = -1000000F;
     fVSpeed        = -1000000F;
     fRoll          = -1000F;
     fPitch         = -1000F;
     sAltUnit       = "";
     sSpeedUnit     = "";
     fSpeed         = 0F;
     fHeading       = 0F;
     sIcon          = "";
     sPortInfo      = "";
     iHour          = 0;
     fSec           = 0F;
     iMonth         = 0;
     iYear          = 0;
     bShowInfo      = false;
     bTrackLine     = false;
     gpsTrack       = null;
     bRestartTrack  = false;
     colorTrack     = Color.FromArgb(255);
     iAPRSIconTable = -1;
     iAPRSIconCode  = -1;
     fTrack         = false;
Beispiel #2
 public void TestConstructors()
     Assert.IsNotEmpty(sGPXInfo.trk, "Precondition failed: no track in test file");
     GPSTrack lTrk = new GPSTrack(sGPXInfo.trk[0]);
     Assert.AreEqual(sGPXInfo.trk[0].trkseg.Length, lTrk.Segments.Count, "Track has not the expected size");
     lTrk = new GPSTrack(null);
     Assert.IsNotNull(lTrk, "GPSTrack constructor with null parameter failed");
Beispiel #3
 public void Init()
     bPOI                   = false;
     iIndex                 = 0;
     sDescription           = "";
     sComment               = "";
     fFix                   = false;
     fLat                   = 0F;
     fLon                   = 0F;
     fAlt                   = 0F;
     fESpeed                = -1000000F;
     fNSpeed                = -1000000F;
     fVSpeed                = -1000000F;
     fRoll                  = -1000F;
     fPitch                 = -1000F;
     sAltUnit               = "";
     sSpeedUnit             = "";
     fSpeed                 = 0F;
     fHeading               = 0F;
     sIcon                  = "";
     sPortInfo              = "";
     iHour                  = 0;
     fSec                   = 0F;
     iMonth                 = 0;
     iYear                  = 0;
     bShowInfo              = false;
     bTrackLine             = false;
     gpsTrack               = null;
     bRestartTrack          = false;
     colorTrack             = Color.FromArgb(255);
     iAPRSIconTable         = -1;
     iAPRSIconCode          = -1;
     fTrack                 = false;
     bShowName              = true;
     bShowPosition          = true;
     bShowSpeed             = true;
     bShowHeading           = true;
     bShowTimeDate          = true;
     bShowTrackDistance     = true;
     bShowComment           = true;
     bShowReferenceDistance = true;
     bShowReferenceAngles   = true;
     iInformationFontSize   = 0;
     colorInformation       = Color.Yellow;
     bShowGrid              = false;
Beispiel #4
 public void TestPrint()
     Assert.IsNotEmpty(sGPXInfo.trk, "Precondition failed: no track in test file");
     GPSTrack lTrk = new GPSTrack(sGPXInfo.trk[0]);