Beispiel #1
        public void TestCGSolver()
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            float one  = 1.0f;
            float zero = 0.0f;

            _hiMatrixMN = new float[N * N];
            _hoVectorN  = new float[N];
            CreateDiagonalMatrix(_hiMatrixMN, N, 6);

            _hiVectorN  = new float[N];
            _hiVectorN2 = new float[N];
            FillBuffer(_hiVectorN2, 6);

            _diMatrixMN = _gpu.CopyToDevice(_hiMatrixMN);
            _diVectorN  = _gpu.Allocate(_hiVectorN);
            _diVectorN2 = _gpu.CopyToDevice(_hiVectorN2);

            _diPerRow   = _gpu.Allocate <int>(N);
            _diVectorP  = _gpu.Allocate <float>(N);
            _diVectorAX = _gpu.Allocate <float>(N);

            int nnz = _sparse.NNZ(N, N, _diMatrixMN, _diPerRow);

            _diCSRVals = _gpu.Allocate <float>(nnz);
            _diCSRCols = _gpu.Allocate <int>(nnz);
            _diCSRRows = _gpu.Allocate <int>(N + 1);

            _sparse.Dense2CSR(N, N, _diMatrixMN, _diPerRow, _diCSRVals, _diCSRRows, _diCSRCols);

            SolveResult result = _solver.CG(N, nnz, _diCSRVals, _diCSRRows, _diCSRCols, _diVectorN, _diVectorN2, _diVectorP, _diVectorAX, 0.01f, 1000);
            long        time   = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            _sparse.CSRMV(N, N, nnz, ref one, _diCSRVals, _diCSRRows, _diCSRCols, _diVectorN, ref zero, _diVectorN2);

            _gpu.CopyFromDevice(_diVectorN2, _hoVectorN);

            float maxError = 0.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                float error = Math.Abs(_hoVectorN[i] - _hiVectorN2[i]);

                if (error > maxError)
                    maxError = error;

            Console.WriteLine("Time : {0} ms", time);
            Console.WriteLine("Iterate Count : {0}", result.IterateCount);
            Console.WriteLine("Residual : {0}", result.LastError);
            Console.WriteLine("max error : {0}", maxError);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves symmetric linear system with conjugate gradient solver.
        /// A * x = b
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n">number of rows and columns of matrix A.</param>
        /// <param name="csrValA">array of nnz elements, where nnz is the number of non-zero elements and can be obtained from csrRowA[m] - csrRowA[0].</param>
        /// <param name="csrRowA">array of n+1 index elements.</param>
        /// <param name="csrColA">array of nnz column indices.</param>
        /// <param name="dx">vector of n elements.</param>
        /// <param name="db">vector of n elements.</param>
        /// <param name="dp">vector of n elements. (temporary vector)</param>
        /// <param name="dAx">vector of n elements. (temporary vector)</param>
        /// <param name="tolerence">iterate tolerence of conjugate gradient solver.</param>
        /// <param name="maxIterate">max iterate count of conjugate gradient solver.</param>
        /// <returns>if A has singulrarity or failure in max iterate count, returns false. return true otherwise.</returns>
        public SolveResult CG(
            int n, int nnz, float[] csrValA, int[] csrRowA, int[] csrColA,
            float[] dx, float[] db, float[] dp, float[] dAx, float tolerence = 0.00001f, int maxIterate = 300)
            SolveResult result = new SolveResult();
            int         k; // Iterate count.
            float       a, b, r0, r1;
            float       zero = 0.0f;
            float       one  = 1.0f;

            if (blas.DOT(db, db) == 0)
                SetValue(n, dx, 0);
                result.IsSuccess = true;


            sparse.CSRMV(n, n, nnz, ref one, csrValA, csrRowA, csrColA, dx, ref zero, dAx);
            blas.AXPY(-1.0f, dAx, db);

            r1 = blas.DOT(db, db);

            k  = 1;
            r0 = 0;

            while (true)
                if (k > 1)
                    b = r1 / r0;
                    blas.SCAL(b, dp);
                    blas.AXPY(1.0f, db, dp);
                    blas.COPY(db, dp);

                sparse.CSRMV(n, n, nnz, ref one, csrValA, csrRowA, csrColA, dp, ref zero, dAx);
                a = r1 / blas.DOT(dp, dAx);
                blas.AXPY(a, dp, dx);
                blas.AXPY(-a, dAx, db);

                r0 = r1;
                r1 = blas.DOT(db, db);


                if (r1 <= tolerence * tolerence)
                    result.IsSuccess    = true;
                    result.LastError    = r1;
                    result.IterateCount = k;

                if (k > maxIterate)
                    result.IsSuccess    = false;
                    result.LastError    = r1;
                    result.IterateCount = k;

Beispiel #3
        public void Test_SPARSE2_CSRMV()
            int nnz;

            // No transpose


            diMatrixA  = _gpu.CopyToDevice(hiMatrixMN);
            diVectorXN = _gpu.CopyToDevice(hiVectorXN);
            diVectorYM = _gpu.CopyToDevice(hiVectorYM);

            diNNZRows = _gpu.Allocate <int>(M);
            nnz       = _sparse.NNZ(M, N, diMatrixA, diNNZRows);
            diVals    = _gpu.Allocate <double>(nnz);
            diRows    = _gpu.Allocate <int>(M + 1);
            diCols    = _gpu.Allocate <int>(nnz);

            _sparse.Dense2CSR(M, N, diMatrixA, diNNZRows, diVals, diRows, diCols);

            _sparse.CSRMV(M, N, nnz, ref Alpha, diVals, diRows, diCols, diVectorXN, ref Beta, diVectorYM);

            _gpu.CopyFromDevice(diVectorYM, gpuResultM);

            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                double cpuResult = 0.0;
                for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                    cpuResult += Alpha * hiMatrixMN[GetIndexColumnMajor(i, j, M)] * hiVectorXN[j];

                cpuResult += Beta * hiVectorYM[i];

                Assert.AreEqual(cpuResult, gpuResultM[i]);


            // Transpose


            diMatrixA  = _gpu.CopyToDevice(hiMatrixMN);
            diVectorXM = _gpu.CopyToDevice(hiVectorXM);
            diVectorYN = _gpu.CopyToDevice(hiVectorYN);

            diNNZRows = _gpu.Allocate <int>(M);
            nnz       = _sparse.NNZ(M, N, diMatrixA, diNNZRows);
            diVals    = _gpu.Allocate <double>(nnz);
            diRows    = _gpu.Allocate <int>(M + 1);
            diCols    = _gpu.Allocate <int>(nnz);

            _sparse.Dense2CSR(M, N, diMatrixA, diNNZRows, diVals, diRows, diCols);

            _sparse.CSRMV(M, N, nnz, ref Alpha, diVals, diRows, diCols, diVectorXM, ref Beta, diVectorYN, SPARSE.cusparseOperation.Transpose);

            _gpu.CopyFromDevice(diVectorYN, gpuResultN);

            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                double cpuResult = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
                    cpuResult += Alpha * hiMatrixMN[GetIndexColumnMajor(i, j, M)] * hiVectorXM[i];

                cpuResult += Beta * hiVectorYN[j];

                Assert.AreEqual(cpuResult, gpuResultN[j]);
