Beispiel #1
        private void panel2_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int     H          = 0;
            int     W          = 0;
            GObject GContainer = new GObject();
            GObject GToDrag    = new GObject();

            GToDrag = GNetwork.GObjects[CurrObjDragIndx];
            double   d1     = 0;
            double   d2     = 0;
            TimeSpan DTDrag = new TimeSpan();

            DTDrag = DateTime.Now.Subtract(Tdown);
            if ((Dragging == true) && (DTDrag.Milliseconds > DragTimeMin))
                if ((GNetwork.GObjects[CurrObjDragIndx].Type == "Line") &&
                    (GNetwork.FindContainerObject(e.X, e.Y, ref GContainer, true) > -1))
                    //    What is the point of the line to link ?
                    //    The nearest to (Xdown,Ydown)
                    d1 = CommFnc.distance(Xdown, Ydown, GToDrag.x1, GToDrag.y1);
                    d2 = CommFnc.distance(Xdown, Ydown, GToDrag.x2, GToDrag.y2);
                    if (d1 <= d2)
                        GToDrag.x1   = (GContainer.x1 + GContainer.x2) / 2;
                        GToDrag.y1   = (GContainer.y1 + GContainer.y2) / 2;
                        GToDrag.Lnk1 = GContainer.Name;
                        GToDrag.x2   = (GContainer.x1 + GContainer.x2) / 2;
                        GToDrag.y2   = (GContainer.y1 + GContainer.y2) / 2;
                        GToDrag.Lnk2 = GContainer.Name;
                    W          = GToDrag.x2 - GToDrag.x1;
                    H          = GToDrag.y2 - GToDrag.y1;
                    GToDrag.x1 = e.X;
                    GToDrag.y1 = e.Y;
                    GToDrag.x2 = e.X + W;
                    GToDrag.y2 = e.Y + H;
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                Dragging       = false;



Beispiel #2
        private void panel2_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Xdown = e.X;
            Ydown = e.Y;
            Tdown = DateTime.Now;
            GObject GContainer = new GObject();
            int     Container  = GNetwork.FindContainerObject(Xdown, Ydown, ref GContainer, false);

            if (Container > -1)
                Dragging        = true;
                Cursor.Current  = Cursors.Hand;
                CurrObjDragIndx = Container;
                // Click out of all objects
Beispiel #3
        private void panel2_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Xdown = e.X;
            Ydown = e.Y;
            //Tdown = DateTime.Now;
            GObject GContainer = new GObject();
            int     Container  = GNetwork.FindContainerObject(Xdown, Ydown, ref GContainer, false);

            if (Container > -1)
                //Dragging = true;
                //Cursor.Current = Cursors.Hand;
                //CurrObjDragIndx = Container;

                this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.panel2, GContainer.AddInfo);
                //this.toolTip1.ShowAlways = true;
                // Click out of all objects