Beispiel #1
 public void Draw()
     if (bold)
         // Sprite.DrawBoldText(pos.X + left, pos.Y, textData, textFont);
         GLFont.DrawText(pos.X + left, pos.Y, textData, fontId, fontColor);
Beispiel #2
		private void GLView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

			if (DesignMode)


			font = GLFont.LoadFont("Times", 10.0f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);
Beispiel #3
 public Button(Rectangle rectangle, string text, OnClick onClick)
     base.zOrder        = 0;
     this.text          = text;
     this.areaRectangle = rectangle;
     base.onClick       = onClick;
     texNormalS         = "normal.jpg";
     texPressedS        = "pressed.jpg";
     textHoverS         = "hover.jpg";
     texCurrent         = texNormal;
     textWidth          = GLFont.GlSize("verdana", 18, text);
     textPosition       = new Vector2(areaRectangle.X + (areaRectangle.Width - textWidth) / 2,
                                      areaRectangle.Y + ((areaRectangle.Height - 15) / 2) + 14);
     this.fontId = GLFont.GetFontId("verdana", 18);
        public PBTTaskControl(GLGui gui, PBT.Task <DataType> task, bool extended)
            : base(gui)
            Task = task;

            Render += OnRender;

            AutoSize             = true;
            FlowDirection        = GLFlowDirection.TopDown;
            skin                 = Skin;
            skin.Border          = new GLPadding(1);
            skin.BorderColor     = Color.FromArgb(32, 32, 32);
            skin.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(48, 48, 48);
            Skin                 = skin;

            if (monospaceFont == null)
                monospaceFont = new GLFont(new Font("Lucida Console", 6.5f));
                monospaceFont.Options.Monospacing = GLFontMonospacing.Yes;

            // title
            title = Add(new GLLabel(Gui)
                AutoSize = true, Text = Task.GetType().Name.TrimEnd('1', '2', '`')
            var titleSkin = title.SkinEnabled;

            titleSkin.TextAlign = GLFontAlignment.Centre;
            titleSkin.Color     = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
            title.SkinEnabled   = titleSkin;
            title.AutoSize      = false;

            if (extended)
                // content (quick and dirty)
                string contentString = "";
                var    fields        = task.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                foreach (var f in fields)
                    var v = f.GetValue(task);
                    if (v == null)
                    var ft = f.FieldType.Name.TrimEnd('1', '2', '`') + " " + f.Name + ":\n ";
                    if (v is string && f.Name == "impulse")
                        contentString += ft + v.ToString() + "\n\n";
                    else if (v is Expression || v.GetType().Name.Contains("Expression")) // i'm lazy right now :/
                        var codeField = v.GetType().GetField("code", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                        if (codeField == null)
                        { // must be ResultExpression
                            contentString += ft + v.ToString() + "\n\n";
                            var code = codeField.GetValue(v);
                            if (code != null)
                                contentString += ft + code.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n ") + "\n\n";
                                contentString += ft + "null\n\n";
                contentString = contentString.TrimEnd('\n', '\t');
                if (contentString.Length > 0)
                    var content = Add(new GLLabel(Gui)
                        AutoSize = true, Text = contentString, Multiline = true, WordWrap = false
                    var contentSkin = content.SkinEnabled;
                    contentSkin.Font    = monospaceFont;
                    content.SkinEnabled = contentSkin;
Beispiel #5
 public void Draw()
     Sprite.DrawSprite(areaRectangle, texCurrent);
     GLFont.DrawText(textPosition.X, textPosition.Y, text, fontId, fontColor);
        private void OnLoad(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MouseUp += (s, ev) => { try { MakeCurrent(); } catch (GraphicsContextException) { } }; // workaround for correct context switching (mouseclicks might change the gui directly)
            glGui    = new GLGui(this);

            if (monospaceFont == null)
                monospaceFont = new GLFont(new Font("Lucida Console", 6.5f));
                monospaceFont.Options.Monospacing = GLFontMonospacing.Yes;

            var verticalSplitter = glGui.Add(new GLSplitLayout(glGui)
                Size             = ClientSize,
                SplitterPosition = 0.7f,
                Orientation      = GLSplitterOrientation.Vertical,
                Anchor           = GLAnchorStyles.All

            TreeContainer = verticalSplitter.Add(new PBTTreeContainer(glGui));
            TreeContainer.Add(new PBTTaskTreeControl <DataType>(glGui, Root.Root, true));

            var sidebar = verticalSplitter.Add(new GLFlowLayout(glGui)
                FlowDirection = GLFlowDirection.TopDown
            var sidebarSkin = sidebar.Skin;

            sidebarSkin.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(48, 48, 48);
            sidebar.Skin = sidebarSkin;

            var extended = sidebar.Add(new GLCheckBox(glGui)
                Text = "extended view", Checked = true, AutoSize = true

            extended.Changed += (s, ev) =>
                TreeContainer.Add(new PBTTaskTreeControl <DataType>(glGui, Root.Root, extended.Checked));

            var filter = sidebar.Add(new GLButton(glGui)
                Text = "Impulse Filter", AutoSize = true

            var horizontalSplitter = sidebar.Add(new GLSplitLayout(glGui)
                Size             = new Size(sidebar.InnerWidth, sidebar.InnerHeight - extended.Outer.Bottom),
                SplitterPosition = 0.5f,
                Orientation      = GLSplitterOrientation.Horizontal,
                Anchor           = GLAnchorStyles.All

            dataControl = horizontalSplitter.Add(new GLDataControl(glGui));

            var horizontalSplitter2 = horizontalSplitter.Add(new GLSplitLayout(glGui)
                Orientation      = GLSplitterOrientation.Horizontal,
                SplitterPosition = 0.5f

            var impulseLogScroll = horizontalSplitter2.Add(new GLScrollableControl(glGui));

            impulseLog = impulseLogScroll.Add(new GLLabel(glGui)
                Multiline = true, AutoSize = true
            var impulseLogSkin = impulseLog.SkinEnabled;

            impulseLogSkin.Font    = monospaceFont;
            impulseLog.SkinEnabled = impulseLogSkin;

            impulseLogger    = new PBTImpulseLogger <DataType, ImpulseType>(new LabelWriter(impulseLog), Root.Context);
            HandleDestroyed += (s, ev) => impulseLogger.Dispose();
            filter.Click    += (s, ev) => glGui.Add(new PBTImpulseFilterForm <DataType, ImpulseType>(glGui, impulseLogger));

            Overview = horizontalSplitter2.Add(new PBTOverviewControl <DataType>(glGui, TreeContainer));

            Resize += (s, ev) => { MakeCurrent(); GL.Viewport(ClientSize); };
            Paint  += OnRender;
            //Application.Idle += (s, ev) => Invalidate();
            Timer t = new Timer();

            t.Interval = 16;
            t.Tick    += (s, ev) => Invalidate();