Beispiel #1
        /**** Public Methods              ****/

        public static void ShowEvents(GH_ActiveObject component, List <Event> events, bool clearShownEvents = true)
            if (events.Count > 0)
                List <string> errors   = events.Where(x => x.Type == EventType.Error).Select(x => x.Message).ToList();
                List <string> warnings = events.Where(x => x.Type == EventType.Warning).Select(x => x.Message).ToList();
                List <string> notes    = events.Where(x => x.Type == EventType.Note).Select(x => x.Message).ToList();

                // Re-process preexisting messages

                foreach (string message in errors)
                    component.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, message);

                foreach (string message in warnings)
                    component.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, message);

                //If any warnings or errors have been added, then add the message as a blank.
                //This is to ensure the colour of the component gets the appropriate colour.
                //(A bug in GH ranks remarks higher than warning and errors, keeping the component grey when it should be orange/red)
                //Solution to use 'Blank' warning level, which generally does not do anything on the component.
                if (errors.Count() > 0 || warnings.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (string message in notes)
                    foreach (string message in notes)
                        component.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Remark, message);

                if (clearShownEvents)
Beispiel #2
        /**** Private Methods             ****/

        private static void AddBlankNoteMessage(this GH_ActiveObject component, string text)
            //Method added to be able to force in 'Blank' messages to the component.
            //Method added because  'Blank' messages are not added when `AddRuntimeMessage` is called.
            //We are adding 'Blank' messages because 'Remark' is treated with higher priority than any of the others (bug in core Grasshopper),
            //which is causing issues with component colouring.
            //This is, the component stays standard grey, even if an error or warning has been raised.

            //If this bug is fixed, this method can be removed and we can return to only adding remarks to the components instead.

            var messages = component.RuntimeMessages(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Blank);

            foreach (string message in messages)
                if (message == text)

                //Force add blank messages via reflection
                //The code below is executing: 'm_messages.Add(new Message(text, GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Blank));'
                Type            t            = typeof(GH_ActiveObject);
                FieldInfo       messageField = t.GetField("m_messages", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                Type            messageType  = messageField.FieldType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
                ConstructorInfo constructor  = messageType.GetConstructors().First();

                var mess = constructor.Invoke(new object[] { text, GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Blank });

                var        messageList = messageField.GetValue(component);
                MethodInfo addMethod   = messageField.FieldType.GetMethod("Add");
                addMethod.Invoke(messageList, new object[] { mess });
            catch (Exception)
                //As we are already in the message handling, no real place to add messages here