public SQLiteTester() { //SQLiteClient.CreateDB(TestFilename); dbClient = new SQLiteClient(); dbClient.Open(TestFilename); if (!dbClient.ExistTable("Member")) { GDebug.Log(dbClient.CreateTable("Member", new SQLiteFieldAffinity(TypeAffinity.Text, "ID"), new SQLiteFieldAffinity(TypeAffinity.Text, "PW"))); } var resultDataSet = dbClient.ExecuteDataset("SELECT * FROM Member WHERE PW LIKE '%345%'"); GDebug.Log("Result " + resultDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[1][0]); object result = dbClient.ExecuteScalar("SELECT PW FROM Member WHERE ID='isg1153'"); if (result != null) { string foundPw = result as string; GDebug.Log(foundPw); } else { GDebug.Log(dbClient.InsertRow("Member", new SQLiteField("ID", DbType.String, "isg1153"), new SQLiteField("PW", DbType.String, "123456"))); } dbClient.Close(); }
public override void Initialization() { base.Initialization(); GDebug.Log("GAME START INITIALIZE", this, LogCategory.STATE_CONTROLLERS); _soundManager.PlayMusic(SoundDataConfig.INTRO_MUSIC); }
public static void Set(string KeyName, bool enable, string arg = null) { try { RegistryKey startupKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(runKey, true); if (enable) { Set(KeyName, false); string value = "\"" + IOUtility.AppFileInfo.FullName.Replace('/', '\\') + "\" "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg)) { value += arg; } startupKey.SetValue(KeyName, value); startupKey.Close(); } else { startupKey.DeleteValue(KeyName, false); startupKey.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log(ex.ToString(), GLogLevel.Warnning); } }
public override void Handle() { GDebug.Log("Big SphericalTribune Start", this, LogCategory.STATE_MACHINE); _controller = _factory.Create(); _controller.Initialization(); }
private void OnAddFriendsSuccess(string in_stringData, object in_obj) { GStateManager.Instance.EnableLoadingSpinner(false); GDebug.Log(string.Format("Success | {0}", in_stringData)); GFriendsManager.Instance.GetPresenceOfFriends(); }
public override void Handle() { GDebug.Log("GamestartState Start", this, LogCategory.STATE_MACHINE); _controller = _factory.Create(); _controller.Initialization(); }
public override void Initialization() { base.Initialization(); GDebug.Log("GAME OVER INITIALIZE", this, LogCategory.STATE_CONTROLLERS); _soundManager.PlaySFX(SoundDataConfig.GAMEOVER); }
public static void DownloadFile(string url, DirectoryInfo directoryInfo) { byte[] data = DownloadData(url); //GetPath Uri uri = new Uri(url); string localPath; if (url.Length > 6 && url.Substring(url.Length - 6) == ":large") { //Twitter localPath = new Uri(url.Substring(0, url.Length - 6)).LocalPath; } else { localPath = uri.LocalPath; } string filePath = Path.Combine(directoryInfo.FullName, Path.GetFileName(localPath)); string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); string extension = Path.GetExtension(filePath); //Find Extension if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(extension)) { try { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data)) { ImageFileFormat format = IOUtility.GetImageFormat(stream); if (format != ImageFileFormat.unknown) { extension = "." + format.ToString(); filePath += extension; } else { extension = ""; } } } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log(ex.ToString(), GLogLevel.Warnning); extension = ""; } } int num = 2; while (File.Exists(filePath)) { filePath = Path.Combine(directoryInfo.FullName, fileName + num + extension); ++num; } using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { fileStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } }
private void Play(AudioClip clip, float volume, bool loop = false) { GDebug.Log("playing sound fx:" +, this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); AudioSource source = GetSourceFromPool(); source.volume = volume; source.clip = clip; source.Play(); source.loop = loop; }
/// <summary> /// 함수를 호출하며 예외를 검사합니다. /// </summary> public static bool TryInvoke(this Action action) { try { action?.Invoke(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log(ex.ToString(), GLogLevel.Warnning); return(false); } }
public void FadeOutMusic(AudioSource musicSource, float targetVolume) { if (musicSource == null || musicSource.clip == null) { return; } GDebug.Log("fading out music: " +, this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); _musicFadeOutTweener = DOTween.To(() => musicSource.volume, (val) => musicSource.volume = val, targetVolume, FadeTime).OnComplete(() => this.DoneMusicFade(musicSource)); }
public void FadeOutMusic(AudioSource musicSource) { if (musicSource == null || musicSource.clip == null) { return; } GDebug.Log("fading out music: " +, this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); _musicFadeOutTweener = DOTween.To(() => musicSource.volume, (val) => musicSource.volume = val, 0f, FadeTime).OnComplete(() => this.DoneMusicFade(musicSource)); // _musicFadeOutTweener = HOTween.To(musicSource, FadeTime, new TweenParms().Prop("volume", 0f)._onComplete(this.doneMusicFade, musicSource)); }
public static bool Get(string KeyName) { try { RegistryKey startupKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(runKey, true); return(startupKey.GetValue(KeyName) != null); } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log(ex.ToString(), GLogLevel.Warnning); } return(false); }
private void OnDestroyPoint(GraphPoint point) { graphPoints.Remove(point); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_POINTS_COUNT; i++) { sizeMatrix[i, point.Id] = INF; sizeMatrix[point.Id, i] = INF; } FindAndDeleteEdge(point); GDebug.Log("Точка " + point.Id + " удалена"); }
public override void Initialization() { base.Initialization(); GDebug.Log("GAME PLAY INITIALIZE", this, LogCategory.STATE_CONTROLLERS); ResetGameplayState(); Subscriptions(); SpawnUser(); SpawnEnemies(); _soundManager.PlayMusic(SoundDataConfig.GAME_MUSIC); }
private AudioSource GetSourceFromPool() { foreach (AudioSource adSource in AudioSourcePool) { if (adSource != null && !adSource.isPlaying) { return(adSource); } } GDebug.Log("Audio Source Pool passed limit of " + AudioPoolSize + ", stealing sound from first source", this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); return(AudioSourcePool[0]); }
public void Initialize() { GDebug.Log("Application start", this, LogCategory.GAME_MANAGER); _gamePresenter = _gamePresenterFactory.Create(); _gamePresenter.transform.position =; _gamePresenter.transform.localScale =; _disposables = new CompositeDisposable(); Subscriptions(); _onGamestartSignal.Fire(); }
private static void OnAttachFacebookIdentityFail(int status, int reasonCode, string jsonError, object cbObject) { //Handle Fail GDebug.Log("attach failed " + reasonCode + " " + jsonError); switch (reasonCode) { case ReasonCodes.DUPLICATE_IDENTITY_TYPE: // Account already attached break; case ReasonCodes.MERGE_PROFILES: ConnectFBAccount(); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Удалить ребро между выбранными вершинами /// </summary> public void DeleteEdge() { if (CheckSelection()) { GraphPoint pointA = selectedPoints[0]; GraphPoint pointB = selectedPoints[1]; bool isConnected = sizeMatrix[pointA.Id, pointB.Id] != INF; GDebug.Log(string.Format("удаление ребра {0}, {1}...", pointA.Id, pointB.Id)); if (isConnected) { Disсonnect(pointA, pointB); } } }
/// <summary> /// Соединить две выбранные вершины /// </summary> public void DrawEdge() { if (CheckSelection()) { GraphPoint pointA = selectedPoints[0]; GraphPoint pointB = selectedPoints[1]; int A = pointA.Id; int B = pointB.Id; if (sizeMatrix[A, B] == INF) { Connect(pointA, pointB); GDebug.Log(string.Format("соединены {0}, {1}", pointA.Id, pointB.Id)); } } }
public static bool Start(string path, string args = null) { try { Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.FileName = path; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(args)) { process.StartInfo.Arguments = args; } process.Start(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log(ex.ToString(), GLogLevel.Warnning); return(false); } }
public void PlaySFX(AudioClip soundClip, float volume, InterruptionType interruptType, List <string> alsoInterrupt, bool loop = false) { GDebug.Log("try play " + + " with volume " + volume + " interrupt " + interruptType, this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); if (!MuteAllSound && !MuteSfx) { switch (interruptType) { case InterruptionType.DontCare: Play(soundClip, volume, loop); break; case InterruptionType.DontInterrupt: if (!SFXIsPlaying(soundClip)) { Play(soundClip, volume, loop); } break; case InterruptionType.Interrupt: if (SFXIsPlaying(soundClip)) { GetPlayingSFXSource(soundClip).Stop(); StopPlayingSoundList(alsoInterrupt,; Play(soundClip, volume, loop); } else { if (soundClip != null) { StopPlayingSoundList(alsoInterrupt,; } Play(soundClip, volume, loop); } break; case InterruptionType.DontInterruptButInterruptOthers: if (!SFXIsPlaying(soundClip)) { Play(soundClip, volume, loop); } StopPlayingSoundList(alsoInterrupt,; break; } } }
public static GameObject FindGameObject(this Transform transform, string name) { try { int count = transform.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Transform child = transform.GetChild(i); if ( == name) { return(child.gameObject); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log($"Can't find gameObject'{name}'{Environment.NewLine}{ex.ToString()}", GLogLevel.Warnning); } return(null); }
public void ChangeState(GameStateType gameState) { if (null != _currentStateObject) { _currentStateObject.Dispose(); _currentStateObject = null; } _previousState = _currentState; _currentState = gameState; CurrentState.Value = _currentState; _currentStateObject = _gameStateFactory.Create(gameState); _currentStateObject.Handle(); GDebug.Log("Change state to " + gameState, this, LogCategory.STATE_MACHINE); }
public void DoneMusicFade(AudioSource fadedTargetAudioSource) { if (fadedTargetAudioSource == null || fadedTargetAudioSource.clip == null) { return; } if (fadedTargetAudioSource.volume < .1f) { GDebug.Log("done music fade stoping music: " +, this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); fadedTargetAudioSource.Pause(); } else { GDebug.Log("music Fade is done, but volume is above .1(" + fadedTargetAudioSource.volume + "} so wasnt killed.", this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); } }
internal bool Run(float deltaMillisec) { try { if (UpdateTime(deltaMillisec)) { return(true); } if (delayMillisec <= 0f) { bool hasValue = routine.MoveNext(); if (hasValue) { object returnObject = routine.Current; GWait waitOrder = CastWaitOrder(returnObject); if (waitOrder != null) { switch (waitOrder.unit) { case GTimeUnit.Frame: delayFrame += (int)waitOrder.time; break; case GTimeUnit.Millisecond: delayMillisec += waitOrder.time; break; case GTimeUnit.Second: delayMillisec += waitOrder.time * 1000f; break; } } } else { Complete(); } return(hasValue); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log(ex.ToString(), GLogLevel.Error); Complete(); return(false); } }
private void DoMusicPlay(AudioClip musicClip, float startVolume, float endVolume) { GDebug.Log("playing music: " +, this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); if (CurrentMusicAudioSource != null) { CurrentMusicAudioSource.clip = musicClip; CurrentMusicAudioSource.volume = startVolume; if (!_muteMusic) { CurrentMusicAudioSource.Play(); } DOTween.Kill(_musicFadeOutTweener); _musicFadeInTweener = DOTween.To(() => CurrentMusicAudioSource.volume, (val) => CurrentMusicAudioSource.volume = val, endVolume, FadeTime).SetEase(Ease.InCubic); } }
public virtual void PlayMusic(string musicClipName, float volume) { MusicVolume = volume; if (!MuteAllSound) { AudioClip musicClip = MusicPlaylist.FindByName(musicClipName); if (musicClip == null) { GDebug.LogError("NO SOUNDTRACK " + musicClipName, this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); GDebug.Log("Tried to play music : " + musicClipName + " but soundManager could not find it!", this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); return; } //we have music playing already GDebug.Log("playing: " +, this, LogCategory.SOUND_MANAGER); DoMusicPlay(musicClip, volume); } }
public static BitmapSource OpenImageFile() { BitmapSource image; OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "이미지 파일 (*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.tiff;*.bmp)|*.png;*.jpg;*.gif;*.tiff;*.bmp|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dialog.Title = "이미지 파일을 선택하세요."; try { bool?result = dialog.ShowDialog(); if (result.HasValue && result.Value) { image = dialog.FileName.GetBitmap(); return(image); } } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log("Failed to load image. " + ex.ToString()); } return(null); }
private static async void MainLoop() { for (; ;) { await MainWaitOne(); int count = mainJobQueue.Count; if (count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { try { mainJobQueue.Dequeue()(); } catch (Exception ex) { GDebug.Log($"{nameof(ThreadChannel)} ::{Environment.NewLine}{ex.ToString()}", GLogLevel.Warnning); } } } } }