private void OCR() { if (IsPauseFlag) { if (IsOCRingFlag == false) { IsOCRingFlag = true; int j = 0; for (; j < 3; j++) { Thread.Sleep(Common.UsingOCRDelay); string srcText = Common.ocr.OCRProcess(); GC.Collect(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcText)) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { //0.清除面板 SourceTextPanel.Children.Clear(); //1.得到原句 string source = srcText; _currentsrcText = source; if (_isShowSource) { //3.分词 List <MecabWordInfo> mwi = _mecabHelper.SentenceHandle(source); //分词后结果显示 for (int i = 0; i < mwi.Count; i++) { TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceTextFont)) { FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(SourceTextFont); textBlock.FontFamily = fontFamily; } textBlock.Text = mwi[i].Word; textBlock.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 10); textBlock.FontSize = SourceTextFontSize; textBlock.Background = Brushes.Transparent; textBlock.MouseLeftButtonDown += DictArea_MouseLeftButtonDown; //根据不同词性跟字体上色 switch (mwi[i].PartOfSpeech) { case "名詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.AliceBlue; break; case "助詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.LightGreen; break; case "動詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Red; break; case "連体詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Orange; break; default: textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.White; break; } SourceTextPanel.Children.Add(textBlock); } } if (Convert.ToBoolean(Common.appSettings.EachRowTrans)) { //需要分行翻译 source = source.Replace("<br>", string.Empty).Replace("</br>", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\t", string.Empty).Replace("\r", string.Empty); } //去乱码 source = source.Replace("_", string.Empty).Replace("-", string.Empty).Replace("+", string.Empty); //4.翻译前预处理 string beforeString = _beforeTransHandle.AutoHandle(source); //5.提交翻译 string transRes1 = string.Empty; string transRes2 = string.Empty; if (_translator1 != null) { transRes1 = _translator1.Translate(beforeString, Common.UsingDstLang, Common.UsingSrcLang); } if (_translator2 != null) { transRes2 = _translator2.Translate(beforeString, Common.UsingDstLang, Common.UsingSrcLang); } //6.翻译后处理 string afterString1 = _afterTransHandle.AutoHandle(transRes1); string afterString2 = _afterTransHandle.AutoHandle(transRes2); //7.翻译结果显示到窗口上 FirstTransText.Text = afterString1; FirstTransTextShadow.Text = FirstTransText.Text; //8.翻译结果记录到队列 if (_gameTextHistory.Count > 5) { _gameTextHistory.Dequeue(); } _gameTextHistory.Enqueue(source + "\n" + afterString1 + "\n" + afterString2); })); IsOCRingFlag = false; break; } } if (j == 3) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { FirstTransText.Text = "[OCR]自动识别三次均为空,请自行刷新!"; })); IsOCRingFlag = false; } } } }
public void RunExcelMacro(string excelFileName, string macro, bool visible) { //### improve & cleanup code // Define Workbooks Excel2.Application oExcel = null; Excel2.Workbooks oBooks = null; Excel2._Workbook oBook = null; object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; try { //### test thread culture System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR"); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(excelFileName); // Create an instance of Microsoft Excel //Excel2.ApplicationClass oExcel = new Excel2.ApplicationClass(); oExcel = new Excel2.Application(); oExcel.Visible = visible; oExcel.DisplayAlerts = true; oBooks = oExcel.Workbooks; //Open the file, using the 'path' variable oBook = oBooks.Open(excelFileName, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing); //### activate //Object[] oRunArgs = { "'" + fi.Name + "'!FULL.FULL" }; Object[] oRunArgs = { "'" + fi.Name + "'!" + macro }; oExcel.GetType().InvokeMember("Run", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, oExcel, oRunArgs); //oRunArgs = new object[] { fi.Name + "!exportFile" }; //oExcel.GetType().InvokeMember("Run", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, // oExcel, oRunArgs); //save excel file oBook.Save(); // Quit Excel and clean up. oBook.Close(false, oMissing, oMissing); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oBook); oBook = null; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oBooks); oBooks = null; oExcel.Quit(); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oExcel); oExcel = null; //Garbage collection GC.Collect(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (oBook != null) { try { oBook.Close(false, oMissing, oMissing); } catch (Exception ex2) { } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oBook); oBook = null; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oBooks); oBooks = null; } if (oExcel != null) { try { oExcel.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex2) { } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oExcel); oExcel = null; } log.Error("Error :: RunExcelMacro : " + ex.Message); throw ex; } }
private void IBProjectViewCP_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GC.Collect(); }
//public void Init(Stream rptFile) //{ // rptDoc.Load( //.Load(rptFile); //} /// <summary> /// Load the Report and Generate a Base64 Data /// </summary> /// <param name="report"></param> public void Load(Rpt report = null) { try { if (DataSource == null) { throw new Exception("Please provide Report Data Source"); } report?.Invoke(rptDoc); //nat 20160630 rptDoc.SetDatabaseLogon(Credentials.User, Credentials.Password, Credentials.Server, Credentials.Database); rptDoc.SetDataSource(this.DataSource); foreach (ReportDocument ireport in rptDoc.Subreports) { foreach (IConnectionInfo dsc in ireport.DataSourceConnections) { dsc.SetConnection(Credentials.Server, Credentials.Database, Credentials.User, Credentials.Password); } } if (SubReportSource.Count > 0) { SubReportSource.ForEach(x => { var gg = rptDoc.Subreports.Cast <ReportDocument>().Where(y => y.Name == x.Name); if (gg.Any()) { gg.Single().SetDataSource(x.DataSource); } }); } //if(SubReportSource.Count > 0) //{ // foreach(ReportDocument rd in rptDoc.Subreports) // { // if (SubReportSource.Any(x => x.Name == rd.Name)) // rd.SetDataSource(SubReportSource.Single(x => x.Name == rd.Name)); // else // foreach (IConnectionInfo dsc in rd.DataSourceConnections) // dsc.SetConnection(Credentials.Server, Credentials.Database, Credentials.User, Credentials.Password); // } //} var ggs = GetParameterKeys(); foreach (var g in this.rParameters) { if (ggs.Contains(g.Key)) { rptDoc.SetParameterValue(g.Key, g.Value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (File.Exists(tmp)) { File.Delete(tmp); } GC.Collect(); } }
private void patcher_PatchingStateChanged(object sender, PatchingEventArgs e) { switch (e.State) { case PatchingState.PatchStart: AppendStateText("패치중" + e.Part.FileName + "\r\n"); break; case PatchingState.VerifyOldChecksumBegin: AppendStateText(" 이전파일 checksum..."); break; case PatchingState.VerifyOldChecksumEnd: AppendStateText(" 완료 \r\n"); break; case PatchingState.VerifyNewChecksumBegin: AppendStateText(" 새파일 checksum..."); break; case PatchingState.VerifyNewChecksumEnd: AppendStateText(" 완료 \r\n"); break; case PatchingState.TempFileCreated: AppendStateText(" 임시파일 생성중 \r\n"); progressBarX1.Maximum = e.Part.NewFileLength; break; case PatchingState.TempFileBuildProcessChanged: progressBarX1.Value = (int)e.CurrentFileLength; progressBarX1.Text = string.Format("{0:N0}/{1:N0}", e.CurrentFileLength, e.Part.NewFileLength); break; case PatchingState.TempFileClosed: AppendStateText(" 임시파일 삭제중 \r\n"); progressBarX1.Value = 0; progressBarX1.Maximum = 0; progressBarX1.Text = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.compareFolder) && e.Part.Type == 1 && Path.GetExtension(e.Part.FileName).Equals(".wz", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && !Path.GetFileName(e.Part.FileName).Equals("list.wz", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Wz_Structure wznew = new Wz_Structure(); Wz_Structure wzold = new Wz_Structure(); try { AppendStateText(" (comparer)파일비교중 \r\n"); EasyComparer comparer = new EasyComparer(); comparer.OutputPng = chkOutputPng.Checked; comparer.OutputAddedImg = chkOutputAddedImg.Checked; comparer.OutputRemovedImg = chkOutputRemovedImg.Checked; comparer.Comparer.PngComparison = (WzPngComparison)cmbComparePng.SelectedItem; wznew.Load(e.Part.TempFilePath, false); wzold.Load(e.Part.OldFilePath, false); comparer.EasyCompareWzFiles(wznew.wz_files[0], wzold.wz_files[0], this.compareFolder); } catch (Exception ex) { txtPatchState.AppendText(ex.ToString()); } finally { wznew.Clear(); wzold.Clear(); GC.Collect(); } } if (this.deadPatch && e.Part.Type == 1) { ((WzPatcher)sender).SafeMove(e.Part.TempFilePath, e.Part.OldFilePath); AppendStateText(" (deadpatch)파일적용중\r\n"); } break; } }
public override void Calc() { DateTime start__full_time = DateTime.Now; List <int> gen_index = prepare_generate_to_Calc(); List <int> leant_index = prepare_learn_to_Calc(); make_Log(Log_line.Start, TimerValue: start__full_time); int currentstep = 0; int all_step = (Rules_generator.Count() + Learn_algorithms.Count() * Repeat_into) * Repeat_renew_global; currentstep = Make_inform_back_process(currentstep, all_step); // Parallel.For(0, Repeat_renew_global, i => LOG = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Repeat_renew_global; i++) { Approx_Singletone = new TSAFuzzySystem(Approx_learn_set, Approx_test_set); DateTime start__curle_time = DateTime.Now; #region Генерация аппроксиматора make_Log(Log_line.StartGenerate, TimerValue: start__curle_time); if (Rules_generator.Count() == 0 && (is_UFS)) { Approx_Singletone = TSAFSUFSLoader.loadUFS(Approx_Singletone, UFS_file_name); } for (int ad = 0; ad < Rules_generator.Count(); ad++) { make_Log(Log_line.PreGenerate_log, name_Alg: Rules_generator[ad].ToString()); Approx_Singletone = Rules_generator[ad].Generate(Approx_Singletone as TSAFuzzySystem, Rules_generator_conf[gen_index[ad]]) as TSAFuzzySystem; currentstep = Make_inform_back_process(currentstep, all_step); make_Log(Log_line.PostGenerate_log, Approx_Singletone, name_Alg: Rules_generator[ad].ToString(true)); if (is_autosave) { save_FS(Approx_Singletone, Name_alg: Rules_generator[ad].ToString()); } GC.Collect(); } #endregion make_Log(Log_line.StartOptimaze, Approx_Singletone); for (int j = 0; j < Repeat_into; j++) { #region Оптимизация аппроксиматора for (int l = 0; l < Learn_algorithms.Count(); l++) { make_Log(Log_line.PreOptimaze_log, name_Alg: Learn_algorithms[l].ToString()); Approx_Singletone = Learn_algorithms[l].TuneUpFuzzySystem(Approx_Singletone as TSAFuzzySystem, Learn_algorithm_conf[leant_index[l]]) as TSAFuzzySystem; currentstep = Make_inform_back_process(currentstep, all_step); make_Log(Log_line.PostOptimaze_log, FS: Approx_Singletone, name_Alg: Learn_algorithms[l].ToString(true)); if (is_autosave) { save_FS(Approx_Singletone, Learn_algorithms[l].ToString()); } GC.Collect(); } #endregion } make_Log(Log_line.EndCircle, TimerSpan: (DateTime.Now - start__curle_time)); GC.Collect(); } // ); make_Log(Log_line.End, TimerSpan: DateTime.Now - start__full_time); }
public void Dispose() { GC.Collect(); }
/// <summary> /// Clear out the cache /// </summary> public void Setup() { ProjectCollection.GlobalProjectCollection.UnloadAllProjects(); GC.Collect(); }
public override bool LoadExcelAndInsertList(string filepath, Int32 GoodsAttrType, bool bFixedType, string goodsname) { LQStructures.LQCrawlerInfo pCrawlerInfo = CrawlerManager.Instance.GetCrawlerInfo(); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application ap = null; Workbook wb = null; Worksheet ws = null; HKExcelHelper.GetWorkSheet(filepath, ref ap, ref wb, ref ws); Range tRange = null; string tempString = ""; string comparesitename = ""; Int32 nCurrentRow = 0; Int32 ExData_Option = 0; Int32 ExData_Coupncode = 0; Int32 ExData_Buyer = 0; Int32 ExData_Cancel = 0; Int32 ExData_Use = 0; Int32 ExData_Buyphone = 0; Int32 ExData_Price = 0; Int32 ExData_BuyDate = 0; Int32 ExData_BuyCount = 0; if (bFixedType == true) {// 레저큐 양식일때는 고정값으로 nCurrentRow = 2; ExData_Option = 4; ExData_Coupncode = 3; ExData_Buyer = 1; ExData_Cancel = 6; ExData_Use = 6; ExData_Buyphone = 2; ExData_Price = 5; ExData_BuyDate = 7; ExData_BuyCount = 8; } else { nCurrentRow = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Start_; ExData_Option = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Option_; ExData_Coupncode = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Coupncode_; ExData_Buyer = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Buyer_; ExData_Cancel = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Cancel_; ExData_Use = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Use_; ExData_Buyphone = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Buyphone_; ExData_Price = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Price_; ExData_BuyDate = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Buydate_; ExData_BuyCount = pCrawlerInfo.ExData_Count_; // 티몬을 위한 변경 if (GoodsAttrType == 1) { nCurrentRow = 3; ExData_Option = 6; ExData_Coupncode = 3; ExData_Buyer = 1; ExData_Cancel = 8; ExData_Use = 8; ExData_Buyphone = 2; ExData_Price = 7; ExData_BuyDate = 9; } } while (true) { try { tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, 1]; comparesitename = Convert.ToString(tRange.Value2); tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_Option]; if (tRange == null) break; tempString = tRange.Value2; if (tempString == null) { break; } Int32 tempgoodSeq = -1; tblOrderData pExcelData = new tblOrderData(); pExcelData.channelSeq_ = pCrawlerInfo.Channel_Idx_; pExcelData.authoritySeq_ = pCrawlerInfo.AuthoritySeq_; //pExcelData.goodsCode_ = pGoodInfo.Goods_Code_; pExcelData.goodsSeq_ = tempgoodSeq; pExcelData.ExData_Option_ = tempString; pExcelData.ExData_OptionOriginal_ = tempString; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(goodsname) == false) { pExcelData.ExData_GoodsName_ = goodsname; } tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_Coupncode]; if (tRange == null) break; pExcelData.channelOrderCode_ = Convert.ToString(tRange.Value2); if (pExcelData.channelOrderCode_ == null) break; pExcelData.channelOrderCode_ = pExcelData.channelOrderCode_.Replace("'", ""); pExcelData.channelOrderCode_ = pExcelData.channelOrderCode_.Trim(); // 공백 제거 tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_Buyer]; pExcelData.orderName_ = Convert.ToString(tRange.Value2); if (pExcelData.orderName_ == null) pExcelData.orderName_ = ""; tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_Cancel]; pExcelData.ExData_Cancel_ = tRange.Value2; if (pExcelData.ExData_Cancel_ == null) pExcelData.ExData_Cancel_ = ""; tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_Use]; pExcelData.ExData_Use_ = tRange.Value2; if (pExcelData.ExData_Use_ == null) pExcelData.ExData_Use_ = ""; tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_Buyphone]; pExcelData.orderPhone_ = Convert.ToString(tRange.Value2); if (pExcelData.orderPhone_ == null || pExcelData.orderPhone_ == "") { tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, 31]; pExcelData.orderPhone_ = Convert.ToString(tRange.Value2); } pExcelData.orderPhone_ = pExcelData.orderPhone_.Replace("'", ""); if (ExData_Price != 0) { tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_Price]; if (tRange.Value2 != null) {// 돈에 , 가 있으면 제거하자. tempString = Convert.ToString(tRange.Value2); tempString = tempString.Replace(",", ""); pExcelData.orderSettlePrice_ = Convert.ToInt32(tempString); } } tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_BuyDate]; double temp = Convert.ToDouble(tRange.Value2); DateTime dta = DateTime.FromOADate(temp); pExcelData.BuyDate_ = dta.ToString("u"); pExcelData.BuyDate_ = pExcelData.BuyDate_.Replace("Z", ""); if (ExData_BuyCount != 0)// 구매갯수를 따로 뽑아야 하는 채널에서만 { tRange = ws.Cells[nCurrentRow, ExData_BuyCount]; pExcelData.BuyCount_ = Convert.ToInt32(tRange.Value2); } SplitDealAndInsertExcelData(pExcelData, comparesitename); } catch (System.Exception ex) { LogManager.Instance.Log(string.Format("엑셀 파싱 에러 : {0}", ex.Message)); nCurrentRow++; continue; } nCurrentRow++; } wb.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); ap.Quit(); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(ws); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(wb); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(ap); ws = null; wb = null; ap = null; GC.Collect(); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Archive the region requested. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException">if there was an io problem with creating the file</exception> public void ArchiveRegion(Dictionary <string, object> options) { m_options = options; if (options.ContainsKey("all") && (bool)options["all"]) { MultiRegionFormat = true; } if (options.ContainsKey("noassets") && (bool)options["noassets"]) { SaveAssets = false; } if (options.TryGetValue("checkPermissions", out Object temp)) { FilterContent = (string)temp; } // Find the regions to archive ArchiveScenesGroup scenesGroup = new ArchiveScenesGroup(); if (MultiRegionFormat) { m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Saving {0} regions", SceneManager.Instance.Scenes.Count); SceneManager.Instance.ForEachScene(delegate(Scene scene) { scenesGroup.AddScene(scene); }); } else { scenesGroup.AddScene(m_rootScene); } scenesGroup.CalcSceneLocations(); m_archiveWriter = new TarArchiveWriter(m_saveStream); try { // Write out control file. It should be first so that it will be found ASAP when loading the file. m_archiveWriter.WriteFile(ArchiveConstants.CONTROL_FILE_PATH, CreateControlFile(scenesGroup)); m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Added control file to archive."); // Archive the regions Dictionary <UUID, sbyte> assetUuids = new Dictionary <UUID, sbyte>(); HashSet <UUID> failedIDs = new HashSet <UUID>(); HashSet <UUID> uncertainAssetsUUIDs = new HashSet <UUID>(); scenesGroup.ForEachScene(delegate(Scene scene) { string regionDir = MultiRegionFormat ? scenesGroup.GetRegionDir(scene.RegionInfo.RegionID) : ""; ArchiveOneRegion(scene, regionDir, assetUuids, failedIDs, uncertainAssetsUUIDs); }); // Archive the assets if (SaveAssets) { m_log.DebugFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Saving {0} assets", assetUuids.Count); AssetsRequest ar = new AssetsRequest( new AssetsArchiver(m_archiveWriter), assetUuids, failedIDs.Count, m_rootScene.AssetService, m_rootScene.UserAccountService, m_rootScene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, options, null); ar.Execute(); assetUuids = null; } else { m_log.DebugFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Not saving assets since --noassets was specified"); // CloseArchive(string.Empty); } CloseArchive(string.Empty); } catch (Exception e) { CloseArchive(e.Message); throw; } GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.Default; }
private void ArchiveOneRegion(Scene scene, string regionDir, Dictionary <UUID, sbyte> assetUuids, HashSet <UUID> failedIDs, HashSet <UUID> uncertainAssetsUUIDs) { m_log.InfoFormat("[ARCHIVER]: Writing region {0}", scene.Name); EntityBase[] entities = scene.GetEntities(); List <SceneObjectGroup> sceneObjects = new List <SceneObjectGroup>(); int numObjectsSkippedPermissions = 0; // Filter entities so that we only have scene objects. // FIXME: Would be nicer to have this as a proper list in SceneGraph, since lots of methods // end up having to do this IPermissionsModule permissionsModule = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IPermissionsModule>(); foreach (EntityBase entity in entities) { if (entity is SceneObjectGroup) { SceneObjectGroup sceneObject = entity as SceneObjectGroup; if (!sceneObject.IsDeleted && !sceneObject.IsAttachment && !sceneObject.IsTemporary && !sceneObject.inTransit) { if (!CanUserArchiveObject(scene.RegionInfo.EstateSettings.EstateOwner, sceneObject, FilterContent, permissionsModule)) { // The user isn't allowed to copy/transfer this object, so it will not be included in the OAR. ++numObjectsSkippedPermissions; } else { sceneObjects.Add(sceneObject); } } } } if (SaveAssets) { UuidGatherer assetGatherer = new UuidGatherer(scene.AssetService, assetUuids, failedIDs, uncertainAssetsUUIDs); int prevAssets = assetUuids.Count; foreach (SceneObjectGroup sceneObject in sceneObjects) { int curErrorCntr = assetGatherer.ErrorCount; int possible = assetGatherer.possibleNotAssetCount; assetGatherer.AddForInspection(sceneObject); assetGatherer.GatherAll(); curErrorCntr = assetGatherer.ErrorCount - curErrorCntr; possible = assetGatherer.possibleNotAssetCount - possible; if (curErrorCntr > 0) { m_log.ErrorFormat("[ARCHIVER]: object {0} '{1}', at {2}, contains {3} references to missing or damaged assets", sceneObject.UUID, sceneObject.Name, sceneObject.AbsolutePosition.ToString(), curErrorCntr); if (possible > 0) { m_log.WarnFormat("[ARCHIVER Warning]: object also contains {0} references that may not be assets or are missing", possible); } } else if (possible > 0) { m_log.WarnFormat("[ARCHIVER Warning]: object {0} '{1}', at {2}, contains {3} references that may not be assets or are missing", sceneObject.UUID, sceneObject.Name, sceneObject.AbsolutePosition.ToString(), possible); } } assetGatherer.GatherAll(); GC.Collect(); int errors = assetGatherer.FailedUUIDs.Count; m_log.DebugFormat( "[ARCHIVER]: {0} region scene objects to save reference {1} possible assets", sceneObjects.Count, assetUuids.Count - prevAssets + errors); if (errors > 0) { m_log.DebugFormat("[ARCHIVER]: {0} of these have problems or are not assets and will be ignored", errors); } } if (numObjectsSkippedPermissions > 0) { m_log.DebugFormat( "[ARCHIVER]: {0} scene objects skipped due to lack of permissions", numObjectsSkippedPermissions); } // Make sure that we also request terrain texture assets RegionSettings regionSettings = scene.RegionInfo.RegionSettings; if (regionSettings.TerrainTexture1 != RegionSettings.DEFAULT_TERRAIN_TEXTURE_1) { assetUuids[regionSettings.TerrainTexture1] = (sbyte)AssetType.Texture; } if (regionSettings.TerrainTexture2 != RegionSettings.DEFAULT_TERRAIN_TEXTURE_2) { assetUuids[regionSettings.TerrainTexture2] = (sbyte)AssetType.Texture; } if (regionSettings.TerrainTexture3 != RegionSettings.DEFAULT_TERRAIN_TEXTURE_3) { assetUuids[regionSettings.TerrainTexture3] = (sbyte)AssetType.Texture; } if (regionSettings.TerrainTexture4 != RegionSettings.DEFAULT_TERRAIN_TEXTURE_4) { assetUuids[regionSettings.TerrainTexture4] = (sbyte)AssetType.Texture; } if (scene.RegionEnvironment != null) { scene.RegionEnvironment.GatherAssets(assetUuids); } List <ILandObject> landObjects = scene.LandChannel.AllParcels(); foreach (ILandObject lo in landObjects) { if (lo.LandData != null && lo.LandData.Environment != null) { lo.LandData.Environment.GatherAssets(assetUuids); } } Save(scene, sceneObjects, regionDir); GC.Collect(); }
public void ShowUI(EUiId nextUiId, SceneTransType transType = SceneTransType.Null, Transform parent = null, string EventTypeName = null, params object[] param) { Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); GC.Collect(); if (isInit) { AudioManager.Instance.PlayAudio(); } if (!isInit) { isInit = true; } BaseUI currentUI = GetBaseUI(CurrentId); SceneTransition.ShowTranstion(transType, () => { if (transType == SceneTransType.Newspaper) { } }, () => { if (currentUI != null && parent == null) { //父级baseUI EUiId parentUiId = EUiId.NullUI; BaseUI parentUI = currentUI.transform.GetComponentUpwards <BaseUI>(); if (parentUI != null) { parentUiId = parentUI.UiId; } BaseUI[] childUI = currentUI.GetComponentsInFirstHierarchyChildren <BaseUI>(true); //如果父级有baseUI并且直接打开的是别的UI的话就删除 if (parentUiId != EUiId.NullUI && nextUiId != parentUiId) { Destroy(parentUI.gameObject); } else { Destroy(currentUI.gameObject); } RemoveUiId(CurrentId); if (childUI != null) { for (int i = 0; i < childUI.Length; i++) { EUiId chiidUiId = childUI[i].UiId; RemoveUiId(chiidUiId); } } if (parentUiId != EUiId.NullUI && nextUiId != parentUiId) { RemoveUiId(parentUiId); } } BaseUI baseUI = JudgeShowUI(nextUiId, parent); if (baseUI != null) { baseUI.HideUI(); if (EventTypeName != null) { SwanEngine.Events.Dispatcher.Instance.DispathEvent(EventTypeName, param); } //CurrentId = nextUiId; baseUI.ShowUI(); /* 到时候可能要改成这样,因为在OnEnable的时候Enable还为false,不能调用协程 * baseUI.ShowUI(); * if (EventTypeName != null) * SwanEngine.Events.Dispatcher.Instance.DispathEvent(EventTypeName, param); */ } CurrentId = nextUiId; }); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); GC.Collect(); }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { this.MyUtility.InitLog("T24UpdateTransState"); context.Response.Clear(); context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; string json = string.Empty, data = string.Empty, message = string.Empty; SysCode code = SysCode.A000; XmlDocument xmlDoc = null; string xPath = string.Empty, strSql = string.Empty; List <IDataParameter> para = null; string USERID = string.Empty, SESSION_KEY = string.Empty, TRANS_STATE = string.Empty; string year_and_month = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM"); DataTable dt = null; int result = -1; List <string> delete_list = new List <string>(); try { #region 取得參數 data = context.GetRequest("data"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(data)) { throw new Utility.ProcessException(string.Format("參數為空值"), ref code, SysCode.E004); } this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, string.Format("DATA.JSON:{0}", data)); #endregion xmlDoc = JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(data); XmlNode xmlNodeProcessInfo = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xPath = string.Format("./CHANGINGTEC/PROCESS_INFO")); if (xmlNodeProcessInfo == null) { throw new Utility.ProcessException(xPath, ref code, SysCode.E003); } SESSION_KEY = xmlNodeProcessInfo.SelectSingleNode("SESSION_KEY", ref code); TRANS_STATE = xmlNodeProcessInfo.SelectSingleNode("TRANS_STATE", ref code); this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, context, string.Format("SESSION_KEY:{0}", SESSION_KEY)); this.MyUtility.DBLog(context, SysCode.A001, "T24UpdateTransState", SESSION_KEY, USERID, string.Empty); bool is_delete = TRANS_STATE.Trim().ToUpper().Equals("DELE"); this.MyUtility.CheckAndCreateTable(context, year_and_month, ref code); strSql = this.MyUtility.Select.CASE_TABLE_T24_Trans(year_and_month, SESSION_KEY, ref para); #region SQL Debug this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, strSql); this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, para.ToLog()); #endregion dt = this.MyUtility.DBConnTransac.GeneralSqlCmd.ExecuteToDataTable(strSql, para); this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, context, string.Format("dt.Rows.Count:{0}", dt.Rows.Count.ToString())); bool case_data_check = dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0; if (!case_data_check) { year_and_month = year_and_month.GetPreviousYM(); strSql = this.MyUtility.Select.CASE_TABLE_T24_Trans(year_and_month, SESSION_KEY, ref para); #region SQL Debug this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, strSql); this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, para.ToLog()); #endregion dt = this.MyUtility.DBConnTransac.GeneralSqlCmd.ExecuteToDataTable(strSql, para); case_data_check = dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0; } if (!case_data_check) { throw new Utility.ProcessException(string.Format("查詢資料不存在"), ref code, SysCode.E007); } if (is_delete) { for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { if (dt.Rows[i]["CASE_STATE"].ToString() == "0") { strSql = this.MyUtility.Update.FILE_TABLE_STOP(year_and_month, dt.Rows[i]["SESSION_KEY"].ToString(), ref para); #region SQL Debug this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, strSql); this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, para.ToLog()); #endregion result = this.MyUtility.DBConnTransac.GeneralSqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql, para); this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, context, string.Format("Result:{0}", result)); } } } this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, context, string.Format("TRANS_STATE:{0}", TRANS_STATE)); strSql = this.MyUtility.Update.CASE_TABLE_T24_TRANS_STATE_Trans(year_and_month, SESSION_KEY, TRANS_STATE.ToUpper(), USERID, ref para); #region SQL Debug this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, strSql); this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Log.Mode.LogMode.DEBUG, context, para.ToLog()); #endregion result = this.MyUtility.DBConnTransac.GeneralSqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql, para); this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.INFO, context, string.Format("Result:{0}", result)); this.MyUtility.DBConnTransac.GeneralSqlCmd.Transaction.Commit(); this.MyUtility.DBLog(context, SysCode.A002, "T24UpdateTransState", SESSION_KEY, USERID, string.Empty); } catch (System.Exception ex) { this.MyUtility.Rollback(); message = ex.Message; this.MyUtility.WriteLog(Mode.LogMode.ERROR, context, ex.ToString()); code = !code.Equals(SysCode.A000) ? code : SysCode.E999; this.MyUtility.DBLog(context, code, "T24UpdateTransState", SESSION_KEY, USERID, ex.Message); this.MyUtility.SendEMail(context, "T24UpdateTransState", SESSION_KEY, code); } finally { json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new T24UPDATE_STATE_RESPOSE_RESPOSE() { CHANGINGTEC = new T24UPDATE_STATE_RESPOSE_SYSTEM_CLASS() { SYSTEM = new SYSTEM_INFO_CLASS() { CODE = code.ToString(), MESSAGE = message.EncryptBase64() } } }); dt = null; xmlDoc = null; para = null; this.MyUtility.CloseConnTransac(); xmlDoc = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); context.Response.Write(json); context.Response.End(); } }
void RunRenderWindow() { bool winStarted = false; Task winthread = new Task(() => { win = new RenderWindow(renderer, midifile, settings); winStarted = true; win.Run(); }); winthread.Start(); SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => winStarted); double time = 0; int nc = -1; long maxRam = 0; long avgRam = 0; long ramSample = 0; Stopwatch timewatch = new Stopwatch(); timewatch.Start(); IPluginRender render = null; double lastWinTime = double.NaN; bool tryToParse() { lock (midifile) { return((midifile.ParseUpTo((win.midiTime + win.lastDeltaTimeOnScreen + (win.tempoFrameStep * 20 * settings.tempoMultiplier * (win.lastMV > 1 ? win.lastMV : 1)))) || nc != 0) && settings.running); } } try { while (tryToParse()) { //SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => lastWinTime != win.midiTime || render != renderer.renderer || !settings.running); if (!settings.running) { break; } Note n; double cutoffTime = win.midiTime; bool manualDelete = false; double noteCollectorOffset = 0; bool receivedInfo = false; while (!receivedInfo) { try { render = renderer.renderer; receivedInfo = true; } catch { } } manualDelete = render.ManualNoteDelete; noteCollectorOffset = render.NoteCollectorOffset; cutoffTime += noteCollectorOffset; if (!settings.running) { break; } lock (midifile.globalDisplayNotes) { var i = midifile.globalDisplayNotes.Iterate(); if (manualDelete) { while (i.MoveNext(out n)) { if (n.delete) { i.Remove(); } else { nc++; } } } else { while (i.MoveNext(out n)) { if (n.hasEnded && n.end < cutoffTime) { i.Remove(); } if (n.start > cutoffTime) { break; } } } GC.Collect(); } try { double progress = win.midiTime / midifile.maxTrackTime; if (settings.timeBasedNotes) { progress = win.midiTime / 1000 /; } Console.WriteLine( Math.Round(progress * 10000) / 100 + "\tNotes drawn: " + renderer.renderer.LastNoteCount + "\tRender FPS: " + Math.Round(settings.liveFps) + " " ); } catch { } long ram = Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64; if (maxRam < ram) { maxRam = ram; } avgRam = (long)((double)avgRam * ramSample + ram) / (ramSample + 1); ramSample++; lastWinTime = win.midiTime; Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); s.Start(); SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => ( s.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000.0 / settings.fps * 10 || win.midiTime + win.lastDeltaTimeOnScreen + (win.tempoFrameStep * 10 * settings.tempoMultiplier * win.lastMV) > midifile.currentSyncTime || lastWinTime != win.midiTime || render != renderer.renderer || !settings.running ) );; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while opeining render window. Please try again.\n\n" + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); settings.running = false; } winthread.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); settings.running = false; Console.WriteLine("Reset midi file"); midifile.Reset(); win.Dispose(); win = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForFullGCComplete(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; Console.WriteLine( "Finished render\nRAM usage (Private bytes)\nPeak: " + Math.Round((double)maxRam / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 * 100) / 100 + "GB\nAvg: " + Math.Round((double)avgRam / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 * 100) / 100 + "GB\nMinutes to render: " + Math.Round((double)timewatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000 / 60 * 100) / 100); Console.ResetColor(); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Resources["notRendering"] = true; Resources["notPreviewing"] = true; }); }
static void EnableGC() { GarbageCollector.GCMode = GarbageCollector.Mode.Enabled; // Trigger a collection to free memory. GC.Collect(); }
// Early code... index a full zip archive. public static async void LoadZIPDirectory(string folder = @"d:\beatsaver") { if (MapDatabase.DatabaseLoading) { return; } await Task.Run(() => { var startingmem = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Starting to read archive."); int addcount = 0; var StarTime = DateTime.Now; var di = new DirectoryInfo(folder); foreach (FileInfo f in di.GetFiles("*.zip")) { try { var x = System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.OpenRead(f.FullName); var info = x.Entries.First <ZipArchiveEntry>(e => (e.Name.EndsWith("info.json"))); string id = ""; string version = ""; GetIdFromPath(f.Name, ref id, ref version); if (MapDatabase.MapLibrary.ContainsKey(id)) { if (MapLibrary[id].path != "") { MapLibrary[id].path = f.FullName; } continue; } JSONObject song = JSONObject.Parse(readzipjson(x)).AsObject; string hash; JSONNode difficultylevels = song["difficultyLevels"].AsArray; var FileAccumulator = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var level in difficultylevels) { try { FileAccumulator.Append(readzipjson(x, level.Value)); } catch { //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"key={level.Key} value={level.Value}"); //throw; } } hash = CreateMD5FromString(FileAccumulator.ToString()); string levelId = string.Join("∎", hash, song["songName"].Value, song["songSubName"].Value, song["authorName"], song["beatsPerMinute"].AsFloat.ToString()) + "∎"; if (LevelId.ContainsKey(levelId)) { LevelId[levelId].path = f.FullName; continue; } addcount++; song.Add("id", id); song.Add("version", version); song.Add("hashMd5", hash); new SongMap(song, levelId, f.FullName); x = null; } catch (Exception) { Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Failed to process {f.FullName}"); //Instance.QueueChatMessage(ex.ToString()); } } Instance.QueueChatMessage($"Archive indexing done, {addcount} files added. ({(DateTime.Now-StarTime).TotalSeconds} secs."); GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce; GC.Collect(); Instance.QueueChatMessage($"hashentries: {SongMap.hashcount} memory: {(GC.GetTotalMemory(false) - startingmem) / 1048576} MB"); }); MapDatabase.DatabaseLoading = false; }
public void saveToFile(long lenghtOutputByteArray, List <string> items, string path, Mixer mixer) { Wave outputWave = new Wave(); Wave chunkWave = new Wave(); byte[] outputArray = new byte[lenghtOutputByteArray]; long iterator = 0; foreach (string chunk in items) { //get patametest from file to var in object chunkWave.WaveHeaderIN(fileStream[chunk]); outputWave.addWave(chunkWave); for (int i = 0; i < lenghtArrayByte[chunk]; i++) { outputArray[iterator] = fileByte[chunk][i]; iterator++; } } if (items.Count <= 0) { return; } //set headers in output file from first item chunkWave.WaveHeaderIN(fileStream[items[0]]); FileStream outputFile; if (!File.Exists(soundTmpTrack + fileOuptutWavName)) { outputFile = new FileStream(soundTmpTrack + fileOuptutWavName, FileMode.Create); outputFile.Close(); } outputFile = new FileStream(soundTmpTrack + fileOuptutWavName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write); BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(outputFile); outputWave.BitsPerSample = chunkWave.BitsPerSample; outputWave.channels = chunkWave.channels; outputWave.samplerate = chunkWave.samplerate; outputWave.WaveHeaderOUT(outputFile, binaryWriter); outputFile.Close(); binaryWriter.Close(); //save raw data to output file outputFile = new FileStream(soundTmpTrack + fileOuptutWavName, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(outputFile); binaryWriter.Write(outputArray); // close output file binaryWriter.Close(); outputFile.Close(); binaryWriter = null; outputFile = null; outputArray = null; GC.Collect(); bool isMixed = mixer.makeLoud(soundTmpTrack + fileOuptutWavName, soundTmpTrack + fileMix); //convert wave to mp3 Process cmd = new Process(); cmd.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; cmd.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; cmd.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; cmd.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; cmd.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; cmd.Start(); if (isMixed) { cmd.StandardInput.WriteLine( "lame -b " + kbpsInMp3.ToString() + " " + soundTmpTrack + fileMix + " " + path ); } else { cmd.StandardInput.WriteLine( "lame -b " + kbpsInMp3.ToString() + " " + soundTmpTrack + fileOuptutWavName + " " + path ); } cmd.StandardInput.Flush(); cmd.StandardInput.Close(); cmd.WaitForExit(); }
/// <summary> /// 检查炸弹爆炸时的伤害 /// </summary> /// <returns>是否炸到玩家</returns> private bool CheckBlast(List <Cell> SmokePoints, Graphics UnityGraphics) { int EnemyIndex = 0; Rectangle TempRectangle; while (EnemyIndex >= 0 && EnemyIndex < EnemyList.Count) { foreach (Cell SmokePoint in SmokePoints) { TempRectangle = new Rectangle(EnemyList[EnemyIndex].Location, GameMap.CellSize); TempRectangle.Intersect(new Rectangle(SmokePoint.Location, GameMap.CellSize)); if ((double)(TempRectangle.Width * TempRectangle.Height) / (double)(GameMap.CellSize.Width * GameMap.CellSize.Width) > 0.3) { lock (EnemyDeadCellImage) { UnityGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(EnemyDeadCellImage, EnemyList[EnemyIndex].Location); EnemyList[EnemyIndex].Dispose();//结束敌人的巡逻线程,否则不会释放内存 EnemyList[EnemyIndex].Patrol -= new EnemyModel.PatrolEventHander(EnemyPatrol); EnemyList.RemoveAt(EnemyIndex); EnemyIndex--; break; } } } EnemyIndex++; } //if (((List<Cell>)SmokePoints).FirstOrDefault(X => new Rectangle(X.Location,GameMap.CellSize).IntersectsWith(new Rectangle(EnemyList[EnemyIndex].Location,GameMap.CellSize))) != null) //{ // //Debug.Print("敌人 {0} : {1},{2} 被炸伤,退出战场!剩余敌人总数:{3}", EnemyIndex, EnemyList[EnemyIndex].TabelLocation.X, EnemyList[EnemyIndex].TabelLocation.Y, EnemyList.Count - 1); // lock(EnemyDeadCellImage) // UnityGraphics.DrawImageUnscaled(EnemyDeadCellImage, EnemyList[EnemyIndex].Location); // EnemyList[EnemyIndex].Dispose();//结束敌人的巡逻线程,否则不会释放内存 // EnemyList[EnemyIndex].Patrol -= new EnemyModel.PatrolEventHander(EnemyPatrol); // EnemyList.RemoveAt(EnemyIndex); //} //else // EnemyIndex++; GC.Collect(); #if (!God) foreach (Cell SmokePoint in SmokePoints) { TempRectangle = new Rectangle(SmokePoint.Location, GameMap.CellSize); TempRectangle.Intersect(new Rectangle(Player.Location, GameMap.CellSize)); if ((double)(TempRectangle.Width * TempRectangle.Height) / (double)(GameMap.CellSize.Width * GameMap.CellSize.Width) > 0.3) { //Debug.Print("玩家被炸弹炸伤,重新开始游戏!"); UnityGraphics.DrawImage(UnityResource.Player_Lose, new Rectangle(Player.Location, GameMap.CellSize)); StopGame(); MessageBox.Show(this, "玩家被炸弹炸伤!游戏结束!"); ResetGame(); return(true); } } #endif #if (Fly) this.CreateGraphics().DrawImageUnscaled(PlayerCellImage, Player.Location); #endif return(false); //if (((List<Cell>)SmokePoints).FirstOrDefault(X => new Rectangle(X.Location, GameMap.CellSize).IntersectsWith(new Rectangle(Player.Location, GameMap.CellSize))) != null) //{ // //Debug.Print("玩家被炸弹炸伤,重新开始游戏!"); // UnityGraphics.DrawImage(UnityResource.Player_Lose, new Rectangle(Player.Location, GameMap.CellSize)); // StopGame(); // MessageBox.Show("玩家被炸弹炸伤!游戏结束!"); // ResetGame(); // return true; //} //else // return false; }
private void btnGC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GC.Collect(); }
private void GameForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Icon = UnityResource.BomberMan; this.BackgroundImage = GameMap.Ground; GC.Collect(); }
public override bool Play(string strFile) { _isCDA = false; _graphState = PlayState.Init; _currentFile = strFile; Log.Info("AudioPlayerWMP9: Disabling DX9 exclusive mode"); GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SWITCH_FULL_WINDOWED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); GUIWindowManager.SendMessage(msg); _notifyPlaying = true; GC.Collect(); CreateInstance(); LoadStreamingSettings(); if (_wmp10Player == null) { return(false); } if (_wmp10Player.cdromCollection == null) { return(false); } VideoRendererStatistics.VideoState = VideoRendererStatistics.State.VideoPresent; _wmp10Player.PlayStateChange += new _WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEventHandler(OnPlayStateChange); _wmp10Player.Buffering += new _WMPOCXEvents_BufferingEventHandler(OnBuffering); //_wmp10Player.enableContextMenu = false; //_wmp10Player.Ctlenabled = false; if (strFile.IndexOf("cdda:") >= 0) { string strTrack = strFile.Substring(5); int iTrack = Convert.ToInt32(strTrack); if (_wmp10Player.cdromCollection.count <= 0) { return(false); } if (_wmp10Player.cdromCollection.Item(0).Playlist == null) { return(false); } if (iTrack > _wmp10Player.cdromCollection.Item(0).Playlist.count) { return(false); } _wmp10Player.currentMedia = _wmp10Player.cdromCollection.Item(0).Playlist.get_Item(iTrack - 1); if (_wmp10Player.currentMedia == null) { return(false); } _isCDA = true; Log.Info("Audioplayer: play track:{0}/{1}", iTrack, _wmp10Player.cdromCollection.Item(0).Playlist.count); } else if (strFile.IndexOf(".cda") >= 0) { string strTrack = ""; int pos = strFile.IndexOf(".cda"); if (pos >= 0) { pos--; while (Char.IsDigit(strFile[pos]) && pos > 0) { strTrack = strFile[pos] + strTrack; pos--; } } if (_wmp10Player.cdromCollection.count <= 0) { return(false); } string strDrive = strFile.Substring(0, 1); strDrive += ":"; int iCdRomDriveNr = 0; while ((_wmp10Player.cdromCollection.Item(iCdRomDriveNr).driveSpecifier != strDrive) && (iCdRomDriveNr < _wmp10Player.cdromCollection.count)) { iCdRomDriveNr++; } int iTrack = Convert.ToInt32(strTrack); if (_wmp10Player.cdromCollection.Item(iCdRomDriveNr).Playlist == null) { return(false); } int tracks = _wmp10Player.cdromCollection.Item(iCdRomDriveNr).Playlist.count; if (iTrack > tracks) { return(false); } _wmp10Player.currentMedia = _wmp10Player.cdromCollection.Item(iCdRomDriveNr).Playlist.get_Item(iTrack - 1); if (_wmp10Player.currentMedia == null) { return(false); } /* * string strStart=strFile.Substring(0,2)+@"\"; * int ipos=strFile.LastIndexOf("+"); * if (ipos >0) strStart += strFile.Substring(ipos+1); * strFile=strStart; * _currentFile=strFile; * Log.Info("Audioplayer:play {0}", strFile);*/ //_wmp10Player.URL=strFile; _currentFile = strFile; _isCDA = true; } else { Log.Info("Audioplayer:play {0}", strFile); _wmp10Player.URL = strFile; }; _wmp10Player.ClientSize = new Size(0, 0); _wmp10Player.Visible = false; // When file is internetstream if (_wmp10Player.URL.StartsWith("http") || _wmp10Player.URL.StartsWith("mms") || _wmp10Player.URL.StartsWith("HTTP") || _wmp10Player.URL.StartsWith("MMS")) { _bufferCompleted = false; using (WaitCursor waitcursor = new WaitCursor()) { GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay = false; while (_bufferCompleted != true) { { // if true then could not load stream if (_wmp10Player.playState.Equals(WMPPlayState.wmppsReady)) { _bufferCompleted = true; } if (GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay) { GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay = false; } _graphState = PlayState.Playing; GUIWindowManager.Process(); } } GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay = true; } if (_bufferCompleted && _wmp10Player.playState.Equals(WMPPlayState.wmppsReady)) { Log.Info("Audioplayer: failed to load {0}", strFile); return(false); } } GUIMessage msgPb = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_PLAYBACK_STARTED, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null); msgPb.Label = strFile; GUIWindowManager.SendThreadMessage(msgPb); _graphState = PlayState.Playing; GC.Collect(); _needUpdate = true; _isFullScreen = GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullScreenVideo; _positionX = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Left; _positionY = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Top; _videoWidth = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Width; _videoHeight = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Height; SetVideoWindow(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Disposes the engine. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); }
private void ExecutePatch(string patchFile, string msFolder, bool prePatch) { WzPatcher patcher = null; advTreePatchFiles.Nodes.Clear(); txtNotice.Clear(); txtPatchState.Clear(); try { patcher = new WzPatcher(patchFile); patcher.PatchingStateChanged += new EventHandler <PatchingEventArgs>(patcher_PatchingStateChanged); AppendStateText("패치확인중 "); patcher.OpenDecompress(); AppendStateText("성공\r\n"); if (prePatch) { AppendStateText("패치준비중 \r\n"); long decompressedSize = patcher.PrePatch(); AppendStateText(string.Format("패치용량: {0:N0} bytes \r\n", decompressedSize)); AppendStateText(string.Format("패치갯수: {0} 개 \r\n", patcher.PatchParts == null ? -1 : patcher.PatchParts.Count)); txtNotice.Text = patcher.NoticeText; foreach (PatchPartContext part in patcher.PatchParts) { advTreePatchFiles.Nodes.Add(CreateFileNode(part)); } advTreePatchFiles.Enabled = true; AppendStateText("패치파일을 선택 후 패치를 눌러주세요. \r\n"); waiting = true; waitHandle.WaitOne(); advTreePatchFiles.Enabled = false; patcher.PatchParts.Clear(); for (int i = 0, j = advTreePatchFiles.Nodes.Count; i < j; i++) { if (advTreePatchFiles.Nodes[i].Checked) { patcher.PatchParts.Add(advTreePatchFiles.Nodes[i].Tag as PatchPartContext); } } } AppendStateText("패치중 \r\n"); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; patcher.Patch(msFolder); TimeSpan interval = DateTime.Now - time; MessageBoxEx.Show(this, "패치완료,시간" + interval.ToString(), "Patcher"); } catch (ThreadAbortException) { MessageBoxEx.Show("패치중단。", "Patcher"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBoxEx.Show(this, ex.ToString(), "Patcher"); } finally { if (patcher != null) { patcher.Close(); patcher = null; } patchThread = null; waitHandle = null; GC.Collect(); panelEx2.Visible = false; expandablePanel2.Height = 157; } }
private void Btn_close_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GC.Collect(); this.Hide(); }
public void RunPPTMacro(string pptFileName, string excelFile, string macro, bool visible) { //### improve & cleanup code // Define Workbooks PowerPoint.Application oPP = null; PowerPoint.Presentations oPresSet = null; PowerPoint._Presentation _activePres = null; object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; string mess = ""; try { //open Excel //System.Diagnostics.Process excelProc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(excelFile); Excel2.Application oExcel = new Excel2.Application(); oExcel.Visible = false; oExcel.DisplayAlerts = false; Excel2.Workbooks oBooks = oExcel.Workbooks; Excel2._Workbook oBook = oBooks.Open(excelFile, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing, oMissing); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(pptFileName); //string pptTempName = fi.DirectoryName + @"\TEMP.pptm"; oPP = new PowerPoint.Application(); oPP.DisplayAlerts = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.PpAlertLevel.ppAlertsNone; //oPP.Visible = MsoTriState.msoFalse; oPresSet = oPP.Presentations; _activePres = oPresSet.Open(fi.FullName, MsoTriState.msoFalse, MsoTriState.msoFalse, MsoTriState.msoTrue); //Object[] oRunArgs = { "'" + fi.Name + "'!M2" }; Object[] oRunArgs = { "'" + fi.Name + "'!" + macro }; oPP.GetType().InvokeMember("Run", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Default | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, oPP, oRunArgs); //close Excel try { //excelProc.CloseMainWindow(); //excelProc.Close(); //excelProc.Dispose(); //excelProc.Kill(); } catch (Exception exCloseExcel) { //excelProc.Kill(); } //save excel file //oBook.Save(); // Quit Excel and clean up. Thread.Sleep(1000); oBook.Close(false, oMissing, oMissing); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oBook); oBook = null; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oBooks); oBooks = null; oExcel.Quit(); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oExcel); oExcel = null; mess += "kill excel" + Environment.NewLine; //_activePres.Final = false; Thread.Sleep(2000); _activePres.Save(); //_activePres.SaveAs(pptTempName); mess += "save ppt temp" + Environment.NewLine; Thread.Sleep(2000); //_activePres.Final = true; // Quit PPT and clean up. if (_activePres != null) { mess += "check activepres = null" + Environment.NewLine; try { _activePres.Close(); mess += "activepres close" + Environment.NewLine; } catch (Exception exClosePresentation) { } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_activePres); mess += "release activepres" + Environment.NewLine; _activePres = null; mess += "activepres = null" + Environment.NewLine; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oPresSet); mess += "release presset" + Environment.NewLine; oPresSet = null; mess += "presset null" + Environment.NewLine; try { Thread.Sleep(1000); oPP.Quit(); mess += "opp quit" + Environment.NewLine; } catch (Exception exQuitPPT) { } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oPP); mess += "release opp" + Environment.NewLine; oPP = null; mess += "opp = null" + Environment.NewLine; } GC.Collect(); mess += "garbage" + Environment.NewLine; //Kill PPT File var processes = from p in Process.GetProcessesByName("POWERPNT") select p; foreach (var process in processes) { //if (process.MainWindowTitle == "TEMP.pptm") try { mess += "test process null" + Environment.NewLine; if (process != null) { process.Close(); Thread.Sleep(1000); mess += "close process" + Environment.NewLine; if (process != null) { process.Kill(); mess += "kil process" + Environment.NewLine; } } } catch (Exception exCloseProc) { } } //rename file & delete temp file //if (File.Exists(pptFileName)) //{ // File.Delete(pptFileName); // mess += "delete ppt" + Environment.NewLine; // File.Move(pptTempName, pptFileName); // mess += "move temp" + Environment.NewLine; //} //if (File.Exists(pptTempName)) // File.Delete(pptTempName); //mess += "delete temp" + Environment.NewLine; } catch (Exception ex) { if (_activePres != null) { try { _activePres.Close(); } catch (Exception ex2) { } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oPresSet); oPresSet = null; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_activePres); _activePres = null; } if (oPP != null) { try { oPP.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex2) { } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oPP); oPP = null; } log.Error("Error :: RunPPTMacro : " + ex.Message); throw ex; } }
// [TestMethod] Temporarily disabled for bug 18866003 public void ValidateLoadUnload() { /* * if (!PlatformConfiguration.IsOsVersionGreaterThan(OSVersion.Redstone2)) * { * Log.Warning("Skipping: Test has instability on rs1 and rs2. Tracked by bug 18919096"); * return; * } */ // In this test, we will repeatedly put a repeater in and out // of the visual tree, under the same or a different parent. // And we will validate that the subscriptions and unsubscriptions to // the IRepeaterScrollingSurface events is done in sync. TestScrollingSurface scroller1 = null; TestScrollingSurface scroller2 = null; ItemsRepeater repeater = null; WeakReference repeaterWeakRef = null; var renderingEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); var unorderedLoadEvent = false; var loadCounter = 0; var unloadCounter = 0; int scroller1SubscriberCount = 0; int scroller2SubscriberCount = 0; RunOnUIThread.Execute(() => { CompositionTarget.Rendering += (sender, args) => { renderingEvent.Set(); }; var host = new Grid(); scroller1 = new TestScrollingSurface() { Tag = "Scroller 1" }; scroller2 = new TestScrollingSurface() { Tag = "Scroller 2" }; repeater = new ItemsRepeater(); repeaterWeakRef = new WeakReference(repeater); repeater.Loaded += delegate { Log.Comment("ItemsRepeater Loaded in " + ((FrameworkElement)repeater.Parent).Tag); unorderedLoadEvent |= (++loadCounter > unloadCounter + 1); }; repeater.Unloaded += delegate { Log.Comment("ItemsRepeater Unloaded"); unorderedLoadEvent |= (++unloadCounter > loadCounter); }; // Subscribers count should never go above 1 or under 0. var validateSubscriberCount = new Action(() => { Verify.IsLessThanOrEqual(scroller1SubscriberCount, 1); Verify.IsGreaterThanOrEqual(scroller1SubscriberCount, 0); Verify.IsLessThanOrEqual(scroller2SubscriberCount, 1); Verify.IsGreaterThanOrEqual(scroller2SubscriberCount, 0); }); scroller1.ConfigurationChangedAddFunc = () => { ++scroller1SubscriberCount; validateSubscriberCount(); }; scroller2.ConfigurationChangedAddFunc = () => { ++scroller2SubscriberCount; validateSubscriberCount(); }; scroller1.ConfigurationChangedRemoveFunc = () => { --scroller1SubscriberCount; validateSubscriberCount(); }; scroller2.ConfigurationChangedRemoveFunc = () => { --scroller2SubscriberCount; validateSubscriberCount(); }; scroller1.Content = repeater; host.Children.Add(scroller1); host.Children.Add(scroller2); Content = host; }); IdleSynchronizer.Wait(); Verify.IsTrue(renderingEvent.WaitOne(), "Waiting for rendering event"); renderingEvent.Reset(); Log.Comment("Putting repeater in and out of scroller 1 until we observe two out-of-sync loaded/unloaded events."); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { while (!unorderedLoadEvent) { RunOnUIThread.Execute(() => { // Validate subscription count for events + reset. scroller1.Content = null; scroller1.Content = repeater; }); // For this issue to repro, we need to wait in such a way // that we don't tick the UI thread. We can't use IdleSynchronizer here. Task.Delay(16 * 3).Wait(); } unorderedLoadEvent = false; Log.Comment("Detected an unordered load/unload event."); } IdleSynchronizer.Wait(); Verify.IsTrue(renderingEvent.WaitOne(), "Waiting for rendering event"); renderingEvent.Reset(); RunOnUIThread.Execute(() => { Verify.AreEqual(1, scroller1SubscriberCount); Verify.AreEqual(0, scroller2SubscriberCount); Log.Comment("Moving repeater from scroller 1 to scroller 2."); scroller1.Content = null; scroller2.Content = repeater; }); IdleSynchronizer.Wait(); Verify.IsTrue(renderingEvent.WaitOne(), "Waiting for rendering event"); RunOnUIThread.Execute(() => { Verify.AreEqual(0, scroller1SubscriberCount); Verify.AreEqual(1, scroller2SubscriberCount); Log.Comment("Moving repeater out of scroller 2."); scroller2.Content = null; repeater = null; }); Log.Comment("Waiting for repeater to get GCed."); for (int i = 0; i < 5 && repeaterWeakRef.IsAlive; ++i) { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); IdleSynchronizer.Wait(); } Verify.IsFalse(repeaterWeakRef.IsAlive); renderingEvent.Reset(); RunOnUIThread.Execute(() => { Verify.AreEqual(0, scroller1SubscriberCount); Verify.AreEqual(0, scroller2SubscriberCount); Log.Comment("Scroller raise IRepeaterScrollSurface.PostArrange. Make sure no one is subscribing to it."); scroller1.InvalidateArrange(); scroller2.InvalidateArrange(); Content.UpdateLayout(); }); IdleSynchronizer.Wait(); Verify.IsTrue(renderingEvent.WaitOne(), "Waiting for rendering event"); }
/// <summary> /// Do not run on main thread /// </summary> /// <param name="realms"></param> /// <param name="region"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static void Build(Dictionary <string, List <ConnectedRealm> > selected, FileStream stream, bool includeRegion = true) { const int MAX_GROUP_SIZE = 5000; string zero = ((uint)0).ToBase93(); string defaultSep = ","; string regionData = zero + zero; string zeroZero = zero + zero; string zeroZeroZeroZero = zero + zero + zero + zero; using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) { string directoryPath = DataSource.DirectoryPath; writer.WriteLine("local Ans = select(2, ...);"); writer.WriteLine("local R = {};"); writer.WriteLine("Ans.Realms = R;"); writer.WriteLine("R.F = function(region, rid)"); writer.WriteLine("\tlocal t = {};"); writer.WriteLine("\tlocal s = {};"); writer.WriteLine("\tlocal sd = {};"); foreach (string region in selected.Keys) { Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <ItemGroup> > > all = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <ItemGroup> > >(); List <ConnectedRealm> realms = selected[region]; string regID = "\"" + region.ToUpper() + "\""; writer.WriteLine("\ts[" + regID + "] = {};"); KVDB regionDB = new KVDB(directoryPath, region); if (includeRegion) { regionDB.Load(); } for (int i = 0; i < realms.Count; ++i) { ConnectedRealm r = realms[i]; // skip selected region dbs // since that is already handled above if (region.Equals(r.realms.JoinNames()) || < 0) { continue; } KVDB realm = new KVDB(directoryPath, region + "-" +; realm.Load(); foreach (Realm rr in r.realms) { List <string> names =; foreach (string n in names) { writer.WriteLine("\tt[\"" + region.ToUpper() + "-" + n + "\"] = " + (i + 1) + ";"); } } foreach (string k in realm.Keys) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(k)) { continue; } string d = realm.GetString(k); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(d)) { continue; } string rkey = UnpackKey(k); string[] split = rkey.Split(":"); string subkey = $"{split[0]}:{split[1]}"; Dictionary <string, List <ItemGroup> > groups = null; all.TryGetValue(subkey, out groups); groups ??= new Dictionary <string, List <ItemGroup> >(); all[subkey] = groups; List <ItemGroup> group = null; groups.TryGetValue(k, out group); group ??= new List <ItemGroup>(); groups[k] = group; group.Add(new ItemGroup(r, UnpackValues(d), i)); } realm.Close(); GC.Collect(); } if (includeRegion && regionDB.Keys.Count() > 0) { int tcount = 1; int offset = 0; Debug.WriteLine(regionDB.Keys.Count()); foreach (string k in regionDB.Keys) { Dictionary <string, List <ItemGroup> > subgroups = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(k)) { continue; } string rkey = UnpackKey(k); string[] split = rkey.Split(":"); string subkey = $"{split[0]}:{split[1]}"; all.TryGetValue(subkey, out subgroups); subgroups ??= new Dictionary <string, List <ItemGroup> >(); all[subkey] = subgroups; if (!subgroups.ContainsKey(k)) { subgroups[k] = null; } } GC.Collect(); Debug.WriteLine(all.Count); foreach (string sk in all.Keys) { List <ItemGroup> g = null; if (offset % MAX_GROUP_SIZE == 0) { writer.WriteLine($"\tsd[{tcount++}] = function()"); } string results = ""; for (int i = 0; i < realms.Count; ++i) { string sep = ""; string packData = ""; foreach (string k in all[sk].Keys) { g = all[sk][k]; string regionValue = regionDB.GetString(k); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionValue)) { uint[] values = UnpackRegionValues(regionValue); regionData = values[0].ToBase93() + values[1].ToBase93(); } else { regionData = zeroZero; } var r = realms[i]; var rg = g != null?g.Find(m => == : null; if (rg != null) { var rdat =; var dat = rdat[1].ToBase93() + rdat[2].ToBase93() + rdat[3].ToBase93() + rdat[0].ToBase93() + regionData; packData += sep + UnpackKey(k) + defaultSep + dat; } else { var dat = zeroZeroZeroZero + regionData; packData += sep + UnpackKey(k) + defaultSep + dat; } sep = defaultSep; } results += $"{(results.Length > 0 ? defaultSep : string.Empty)}{WrapLuaBinary(packData)}"; } writer.WriteLine($"\t\ts[{regID}][\"{sk}\"] = select(t[rid], {results});"); ++offset; if (offset % MAX_GROUP_SIZE == 0) { writer.WriteLine("\tend;"); } } if (offset % MAX_GROUP_SIZE != 0) { writer.WriteLine("\tend;"); } } else { int tcount = 1; int offset = 0; foreach (string sk in all.Keys) { List <ItemGroup> g = null; if (offset % MAX_GROUP_SIZE == 0) { writer.WriteLine($"\tsd[{tcount++}] = function()"); } string results = ""; for (int i = 0; i < realms.Count; ++i) { string sep = ""; string packData = ""; foreach (string k in all[sk].Keys) { g = all[sk][k]; var r = realms[i]; var rg = g != null?g.Find(m => == : null; if (rg != null) { var rdat =; var dat = rdat[1].ToBase93() + rdat[2].ToBase93() + rdat[3].ToBase93() + rdat[0].ToBase93() + regionData; packData += sep + UnpackKey(k) + defaultSep + dat; } else { var dat = zeroZeroZeroZero + regionData; packData += sep + UnpackKey(k) + defaultSep + dat; } sep = defaultSep; } results += $"{(results.Length > 0 ? defaultSep : string.Empty)}{WrapLuaBinary(packData)}"; } writer.WriteLine($"\t\ts[{regID}][\"{sk}\"] = select(t[rid], {results});"); ++offset; if (offset % MAX_GROUP_SIZE == 0) { writer.WriteLine("\tend;"); } } if (offset % MAX_GROUP_SIZE != 0) { writer.WriteLine("\tend;"); } } regionDB.Close(); } writer.WriteLine("if (t[rid]) then"); writer.WriteLine("\tfor i = 1, #sd do"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tsd[i]();"); writer.WriteLine("\tend"); writer.WriteLine("end"); writer.WriteLine("wipe(sd)"); writer.WriteLine("R[rid] = s[region] or {}"); writer.WriteLine("end;"); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); GC.Collect(); } }
private void UserControl_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GC.Collect(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { RoamingProfileOGCS = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), Application.ProductName); parseArgumentsAndInitialise(args); Updater.MakeSquirrelAware(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Forms.Splash.ShowMe(); log.Debug("Loading settings from file."); Settings.Load(); Updater = new Updater(); isNewVersion(Program.IsInstalled); Updater.CheckForUpdate(); TimezoneDB.Instance.CheckForUpdate(); try { try { String startingTab = Settings.Instance.LastSyncDate == new DateTime(0) ? "Help" : null; Application.Run(new Forms.Main(startingTab)); } catch (ApplicationException ex) { String reportError = ex.Message; log.Fatal(reportError); if (ex.InnerException != null) { reportError = ex.InnerException.Message; log.Fatal(reportError); } MessageBox.Show(reportError, "Application terminated!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message.StartsWith("COM error") ? "Suggest startup delay" : ""); } catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse(ex); throw new ApplicationException("Suggest startup delay"); } catch (System.Exception ex) { OGCSexception.Analyse(ex); log.Fatal("Application unexpectedly terminated!"); MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Application unexpectedly terminated!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); throw new ApplicationException(); } } catch (ApplicationException aex) { if (aex.Message == "Suggest startup delay") { if (isCLIstartup() && Settings.Instance.StartOnStartup) { log.Debug("Suggesting to set a startup delay."); MessageBox.Show("If this error only happens when logging in to Windows, try " + ((Settings.Instance.StartupDelay == 0) ? "setting a" : "increasing the") + " delay for OGCS on startup.", "Set a delay on startup", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } log.Warn("Tidying down any remaining Outlook references, as OGCS crashed out."); try { if (!OutlookOgcs.Calendar.IsInstanceNull) { OutlookOgcs.Calendar.InstanceConnect = false; OutlookOgcs.Calendar.Instance.IOutlook.Disconnect(); } } catch { } } Forms.Splash.CloseMe(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); while (Updater.IsBusy) { Application.DoEvents(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); } log.Info("Application closed."); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTabletoExcel((DataTable)this.dataGridView1.DataSource, "d:\\dd.asv"); return; try { this.Cursor = PubStaticFun.WaitCursor(); #region 简单打印 DataTable tb = (DataTable)this.dataGridView1.DataSource; if (tb == null || tb.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } Excel.Application myExcel = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); //new Excel.Application(); //关闭时不显示提示 //myExcel.DefaultFilePath = ""; //myExcel.DisplayAlerts = false; //myExcel.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 1; Excel.Workbook xlBook = myExcel.Application.Workbooks.Add(true); //查询条件 string rq = "日期:" + this.dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortDateString() + " 到 " + this.dateTimePicker2.Value.ToShortDateString(); string ks = ""; string swhere = rq + ks; //写入行头 int SumRowCount = tb.Rows.Count; int SumColCount = 0; for (int j = 0; j < this.dataGridView1.Columns.Count; j++) { if (this.dataGridView1.Columns[j].Visible) { SumColCount = SumColCount + 1; myExcel.Cells[5, SumColCount] = "" + this.dataGridView1.Columns[j].HeaderText; } } myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[5, 1], myExcel.Cells[5, SumColCount]).Font.Bold = true; myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[5, 1], myExcel.Cells[5, SumColCount]).Font.Size = 10; //逐行写入数据, for (int i = 0; i < tb.Rows.Count; i++) { int ncol = 0; for (int j = 0; j < tb.Columns.Count; j++) { if (this.dataGridView1.Columns[j].Visible) { ncol = ncol + 1; myExcel.Cells[6 + i, ncol] = "'" + tb.Rows[i][j].ToString().Trim(); //if (tb.Columns[j].ColumnName.IndexOf("比例") >= 0) //{ // myExcel.Cells[6 + i, ncol] = "'" + Convert.ToDecimal(Convert.ToDecimal(tb.Rows[i][j].ToString().Trim()) * 100).ToString("0.00") + "%"; //} } } } //设置报表表格为最适应宽度 myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[5, 1], myExcel.Cells[5 + SumRowCount, SumColCount]).Select(); //6 myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[5, 1], myExcel.Cells[5 + SumRowCount, SumColCount]).Columns.AutoFit(); //6 //加边框 myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[5, 1], myExcel.Cells[5 + SumRowCount, SumColCount]).Borders.LineStyle = 1; //报表名称 string ss = TrasenFrame.Classes.Constant.HospitalName + " 检验单汇总表"; myExcel.Cells[1, 1] = ss; myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[1, 1], myExcel.Cells[1, SumColCount]).Font.Bold = true; myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[1, 1], myExcel.Cells[1, SumColCount]).Font.Size = 16; //报表名称跨行居中 myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[1, 1], myExcel.Cells[1, SumColCount]).Select(); myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[1, 1], myExcel.Cells[1, SumColCount]).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection; //报表条件 myExcel.Cells[3, 1] = swhere.Trim(); myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[3, 1], myExcel.Cells[3, SumColCount]).Font.Size = 10; myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[3, 1], myExcel.Cells[3, SumColCount]).Select(); myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[3, 1], myExcel.Cells[5, SumColCount]).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft; //最后一行为黄色 myExcel.get_Range(myExcel.Cells[5 + SumRowCount, 1], myExcel.Cells[5 + SumRowCount, SumColCount]).Interior.ColorIndex = 19; //xlBook.SaveCopyAs("d:\\yy.xls"); //让Excel文件可见 myExcel.Visible = true; //myExcel.Workbooks.Close(); if (xlBook != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(xlBook); xlBook = null; } if (myExcel != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myExcel); myExcel = null; //xlApp.Quit(); } GC.Collect(); #endregion } catch (System.Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } finally { //this.btExcel.Enabled = true; this.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow; } }