Beispiel #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a custom event to the submit queue (see GA_Queue)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="eventName">
    /// Identifies the event so this should be as descriptive as possible. PickedUpAmmo might be a good event name. EventTwo is a bad event name! <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="eventValue">
    /// A value relevant to the event. F.x. if the player picks up some shotgun ammo the eventName could be "PickedUpAmmo" and this value could be "Shotgun". This can be null <see cref="System.Nullable<System.Single>"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="x">
    /// The x coordinate of the event occurence. This can be null <see cref="System.Nullable<System.Single>"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="y">
    /// The y coordinate of the event occurence. This can be null <see cref="System.Nullable<System.Single>"/>
    /// </param>
    private void CreateNewEvent(string eventName, float?eventValue)
        Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable()
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.EventID], eventName },
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Level], GA.SettingsGA.CustomArea.Equals(string.Empty)?Application.loadedLevelName:GA.SettingsGA.CustomArea }

        if (eventValue.HasValue)
            parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Value], eventValue.ToString());

        GA_Queue.AddItem(parameters, GA_Submit.CategoryType.GA_Event, false);

        GA_AdSupport.ShowAdStatic(GA_AdSupport.GAEventType.Custom, GA_AdSupport.GAEventCat.Design, eventName);

                #if UNITY_EDITOR
        if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugAddEvent)
            string options = "";
            if (eventValue.HasValue)
                options = ", value: " + eventValue;

            GA.Log("GA Design Event added: " + eventName + options, true);
Beispiel #2
 void OnDestroy()
     if (GA_ADSUPPORT == this)
         GA_ADSUPPORT = null;
Beispiel #3
	void Awake()
		if (GA_ADSUPPORT != null)
			// only one ad support allowed per scene
			GA.LogWarning("Destroying dublicate GA_ADSUPPORT - only one is allowed per scene!");
		GA_ADSUPPORT = this;


		if (GA.SettingsGA.Start_AlwaysShowAds)

		SaveConditions ();

		// iAd
		if (GA.SettingsGA.IAD_enabled)
			if (ADBannerView.IsAvailable(ADBannerView.Type.MediumRect) && iPhone.generation.ToString().StartsWith("iPad"))
				_iAdBanner = new ADBannerView(GA.SettingsGA.IAD_type, GA.SettingsGA.IAD_layout);
				_iAdBanner = new ADBannerView(ADBannerView.Type.Banner, GA.SettingsGA.IAD_layout);

			if (GA.SettingsGA.IAD_layout == ADBannerView.Layout.Manual)
				_iAdBanner.position = GA.SettingsGA.IAD_position;

			ADBannerView.onBannerWasClicked += OnBannerClicked;
			ADBannerView.onBannerWasLoaded  += OnBannerLoaded;

		// Charboost
		#if CB_ON
		if (GA.SettingsGA.CB_enabled)
			GameObject go = new GameObject("ChartboostManager");

			CBBinding.init( GA.SettingsGA.CB_appID, GA.SettingsGA.CB_appSig );

			CBManager.didDismissInterstitialEvent += OnDismissInterstitialEvent;
			CBManager.didCloseInterstitialEvent += OnCloseInterstitialEvent;
			CBManager.didClickInterstitialEvent += OnClickInterstitialEvent;
			CBManager.didShowInterstitialEvent += OnShowInterstitialEvent;
Beispiel #4
    void Awake()
        if (GA_ADSUPPORT != null)
            // only one ad support allowed per scene
            GA.LogWarning("Destroying dublicate GA_ADSUPPORT - only one is allowed per scene!");
        GA_ADSUPPORT = this;



        // iAd
        if (GA.SettingsGA.IAD_enabled)
                        #if UNITY_IPHONE
            if (ADBannerView.IsAvailable(ADBannerView.Type.MediumRect) && iPhone.generation.ToString().StartsWith("iPad"))
                _iAdBanner = new ADBannerView(GA.SettingsGA.IAD_type, GA.SettingsGA.IAD_layout);
                _iAdBanner = new ADBannerView(ADBannerView.Type.Banner, GA.SettingsGA.IAD_layout);

            if (GA.SettingsGA.IAD_layout == ADBannerView.Layout.Manual)
                _iAdBanner.position = GA.SettingsGA.IAD_position;

            ADBannerView.onBannerWasClicked += OnBannerClicked;
            ADBannerView.onBannerWasLoaded  += OnBannerLoaded;

        // Charboost
                #if CB_ON
        if (GA.SettingsGA.CB_enabled)
            if (FindObjectOfType(typeof(Chartboost)) == null)
                GameObject go = new GameObject("ChartboostManager");
                go.AddComponent <Chartboost>();

                Chartboost.didDismissInterstitial += OnDismissInterstitialEvent;
                Chartboost.didCloseInterstitial   += OnCloseInterstitialEvent;
                Chartboost.didClickInterstitial   += OnClickInterstitialEvent;
                Chartboost.didDisplayInterstitial += OnShowInterstitialEvent;
    /// <summary>
    /// Used for player purchases
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="businessID">
    /// The business identifier. F.x. "Rocket Launcher Upgrade" <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="currency">
    /// Abbreviation of the currency used for the transaction. F.x. USD (U.S. Dollars) <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="amount">
    /// The value of the transaction in the lowest currency unit. F.x. if currency is USD then amount should be in cent <see cref="System.Int32"/>
    /// </param>
    private void CreateNewEvent(string eventName, string currency, int amount, float?x, float?y, float?z)
        Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable()
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.EventID], eventName },
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Currency], currency },
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Amount], amount.ToString() },
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Level], GA.SettingsGA.CustomArea.Equals(string.Empty)?Application.loadedLevelName:GA.SettingsGA.CustomArea }

        if (x.HasValue)
            parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.X], (x * GA.SettingsGA.HeatmapGridSize.x).ToString());

        if (y.HasValue)
            parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Y], (y * GA.SettingsGA.HeatmapGridSize.y).ToString());

        if (z.HasValue)
            parameters.Add(GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Z], (z * GA.SettingsGA.HeatmapGridSize.z).ToString());

        GA_Queue.AddItem(parameters, GA_Submit.CategoryType.GA_Purchase, false);

        GA_AdSupport.ShowAdStatic(GA_AdSupport.GAEventType.Custom, GA_AdSupport.GAEventCat.Business, eventName);

                #if UNITY_EDITOR
        if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugAddEvent)
            string options = "";

            if (x.HasValue && y.HasValue && z.HasValue)
                options = ", x: " + x + ", y: " + y + ", z: " + z;

            GA.Log("GA Business Event added: " + eventName + ", currency: " + currency + ", amount: " + amount + options, true);
Beispiel #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Used for player purchases
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="businessID">
    /// The business identifier. F.x. "Rocket Launcher Upgrade" <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="currency">
    /// Abbreviation of the currency used for the transaction. F.x. USD (U.S. Dollars) <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="amount">
    /// The value of the transaction in the lowest currency unit. F.x. if currency is USD then amount should be in cent <see cref="System.Int32"/>
    /// </param>
    private void CreateNewEvent(string eventName, string currency, int amount)
        Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable()
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.EventID], eventName },
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Currency], currency },
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Amount], amount.ToString() },
            { GA_ServerFieldTypes.Fields[GA_ServerFieldTypes.FieldType.Level], GA.SettingsGA.CustomArea.Equals(string.Empty)?Application.loadedLevelName:GA.SettingsGA.CustomArea }

        GA_Queue.AddItem(parameters, GA_Submit.CategoryType.GA_Purchase, false);

        GA_AdSupport.ShowAdStatic(GA_AdSupport.GAEventType.Custom, GA_AdSupport.GAEventCat.Business, eventName);

                #if UNITY_EDITOR
        if (GA.SettingsGA.DebugAddEvent)
            GA.Log("GA Business Event added: " + eventName + ", currency: " + currency + ", amount: " + amount, true);
Beispiel #7
 private void CheckAdNetwork(GA_Settings ga, GA_AdSupport.GAAdNetwork AdNetwork)
     if (AdNetwork == GA_AdSupport.GAAdNetwork.iAd && !GA.SettingsGA.IAD_enabled ||
         AdNetwork == GA_AdSupport.GAAdNetwork.Chartboost && !GA.SettingsGA.CB_enabled)
         Rect lastrect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
         Color tmpColor = GUI.color;
         int tmpSize =;
         GUI.color =;
         GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(lastrect.x - 2, lastrect.y - 1, 5, 17), _triggerAdNotEnabledTexture);
         GUI.color = Color.white; = 20;
         GUI.Label(new Rect(lastrect.x - 5, lastrect.y - 7, 20, 30), _triggerAdNotEnabled); = tmpSize;
         GUI.color = tmpColor;
 void OnDestroy()
     if (GA_ADSUPPORT == this)
         GA_ADSUPPORT = null;