void ReadCSV()
        txt = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("ikea2", typeof(TextAsset));

        string[] line = txt.text.Split('\n');

        for (int i = 1; i < line.Length -1; ++i)
            FurnitureTemplate furniture = new FurnitureTemplate();
            string[] values = line[i].Split(',');

            for ( int j = 0; j < values.Length; ++j )
                if ( j == 0 ) furniture.SetTexture( values[ j ] );
                if ( j == 1 ) furniture.Description = values[ j ];
                if ( j == 2 ) furniture.Name = ( values[ j ] );
                if ( j == 3 ) furniture.SetDepartment( values[ j ] );
                if ( j == 4 ) furniture.Price = float.Parse( values[ j ] );
                if ( j == 5 ) furniture.AllanKeys = int.Parse( values[ j ] );
                if ( j == 6 ) furniture.SetZone( values[ j ] );
            furnitureMap[ furniture.Department ].Add( furniture );
Beispiel #2
 public void OnFurnitureCollected( FurnitureTemplate Template )
     DeductCash( Template.Price );
     AllanKeys += Template.AllanKeys;
Beispiel #3
    public void OnFurnitureCollected( FurnitureTemplate Template )
        PointBurst burst = (Instantiate( PointBurst, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity ) as GameObject).GetComponent<PointBurst>();

        PointBursts.Enqueue( burst );

        burst.SetUpForFurniture( new Vector2( 0, 0 ), Template.Price, Template.AllanKeys );

        dataObject.CollectedFurniture.Add( Template );

        if ( Player.HasDiscount )
            switch ( Player.DiscountType )
                case GiftCard.Discount.DIS_25:
                    burst.SetUpForFurniture( new Vector2( 0, 0 ), Template.Price * 0.75f, Template.AllanKeys );
                case GiftCard.Discount.DIS_50:
                    burst.SetUpForFurniture( new Vector2( 0, 0 ), Template.Price * 0.50f, Template.AllanKeys );
                case GiftCard.Discount.DIS_75:
                    burst.SetUpForFurniture( new Vector2( 0, 0 ), Template.Price * 0.25f, Template.AllanKeys );



        ap.PlayClip( Audiopocalypse.Sounds.Pickup_Furniture );

        if ( Player.Cash < 0 && State == Gamestate.NONE )
Beispiel #4
    void Start()
        dataobject 		= GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Data>();
        if ( dataobject == null )
            GameObject go = new GameObject();
            Data d = go.AddComponent<Data>();
            d.CollectedFurniture = new List<FurnitureTemplate>();
            int NumFurniture = 100;//Random.Range(10, 21);
            for ( int i = 0; i < NumFurniture; i++ )
                FurnitureTemplate temp = new FurnitureTemplate();
                temp.AllanKeys 		   = Random.Range( 1, 4 );
                int temp2 			   = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(DepartmentType)).Length;
                temp.Department 	   = (DepartmentType)Random.Range( 0, temp2 - 1);
                temp.Description 	   = "Description: " + temp.Department.ToString();
                temp.Name 			   = "Name: " + temp.Department.ToString();
                temp.Price 			   = Random.Range( 0.0f, 1000.0f );
                temp.Sprite 		   = null;
                d.CollectedFurniture.Add( temp );

            d.didWin = false;
            d.ElapsedTime = new System.TimeSpan( 0, Random.Range( 0, 60 ), Random.Range( 0, 60 ) );
            d.RemainingMoney = 0;
            dataobject = d;

        alphaTweenStarted = false;
        numItems = 0;
        numCompletedTweens = 0;
        itemRects = new List<FurnitureListElement>();
        foreach( FurnitureTemplate template in dataobject.CollectedFurniture )

            // Total the number of Allen keys and amount spent
            SpentMoney += template.Price;
            AllenKeyTotal += template.AllanKeys;

            Rect priceRect, nameRect;
            FurnitureListElement pair = new FurnitureListElement();

            // Shopping cart item name field
            nameRect  = new Rect( 520f, 0f - 2f * numItems * itemSpacing, 280f, 30f );
            priceRect = new Rect( 800f, 0f - 2f * numItems * itemSpacing, 100f, 30f );

            pair.NameRect  = nameRect;
            pair.PriceRect = priceRect;
            pair.Template  = template;

            float itemTargetHeight = 670f - itemSpacing * numItems;
            if (numItems <= SHOWN_ITEMS)
                StartCoroutine( TweenTextFields( itemRects.Count - 1, itemTargetHeight ) );
 public ShoppingListPair( FurnitureTemplate Template )
     this.Template = Template;
     HasBeenCollected = false;