Beispiel #1
         * Creates a Function and waits for the it to become available to use.
         * @param fnManagementClient the service client to use to create the Application.
         * @param applicationId the OCID of the Application which owns the Function.
         * @param displayName the display name of created Function.
         * @param image an accessible OCI Registry image implementing the function to be executed.
         * @param memoryInMBs the maximum amount of memory available (128, 256, 512, 1024) to the function in MB.
         * @param timeoutInSeconds the maximum amount of time a function can execute (30 - 120) in seconds.
         * @return the created Function.
        private static async Task <Function> CreateFunction(FunctionsManagementClient fnManagementClient, string applicationId, string image, long memoryInMBs, int timeoutInSeconds)
            logger.Info("Creating function");

            // Create a new function
            var createFunctionDetails = new CreateFunctionDetails
                ApplicationId    = applicationId,
                DisplayName      = FunctionName,
                Image            = image,
                MemoryInMBs      = memoryInMBs,
                TimeoutInSeconds = timeoutInSeconds
            var createFunctionRequest = new CreateFunctionRequest
                CreateFunctionDetails = createFunctionDetails
            var createFunctionResponse = await fnManagementClient.CreateFunction(createFunctionRequest);

            logger.Info("Waiting for Function to be in Active state");
            var getFunctionRequest = new GetFunctionRequest
                FunctionId = createFunctionResponse.Function.Id
            var getFunctionResponse = fnManagementClient.Waiters.ForFunction(getFunctionRequest, Function.LifecycleStateEnum.Active).Execute();

            logger.Info($"Function: {FunctionName} is Active");

 protected override void ProcessRecord()
     client = new FunctionsManagementClient(AuthProvider, new Oci.Common.ClientConfiguration
         RetryConfiguration = retryConfig,
         TimeoutMillis      = TimeOutInMillis,
         ClientUserAgent    = PSUserAgent
         string region = GetPreferredRegion();
         if (region != null)
             WriteDebug("Choosing Region:" + region);
         if (Endpoint != null)
             WriteDebug("Choosing Endpoint:" + Endpoint);
     catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #3
         * Creates an Application and waits for it to become available to use.
         * @param fnManagementClient the service client to use to create the application.
         * @param compartmentId the OCID of the compartment which owns the Application.
         * @param displayName the display name of the created Application.
         * @param subnetIds a List of subnets (in different ADs) that will expose the function.
         * @return the created application.
        private static async Task <Application> CreateApplication(FunctionsManagementClient fnManagementClient,
                                                                  string compartmentId, List <string> subnetIds)
            logger.Info("Creating application");
            // Create a new Application
            var createApplicationDetails = new CreateApplicationDetails
                CompartmentId = compartmentId,
                DisplayName   = AppName,
                SubnetIds     = subnetIds
            var createApplicationRequest = new CreateApplicationRequest
                CreateApplicationDetails = createApplicationDetails
            var createApplicationResponse = await fnManagementClient.CreateApplication(createApplicationRequest);

            logger.Info("Waiting for application to become Active");
            var getApplicationRequest = new GetApplicationRequest
                ApplicationId = createApplicationResponse.Application.Id
            var getApplicationResponse = fnManagementClient.Waiters.ForApplication(getApplicationRequest, Application.LifecycleStateEnum.Active).Execute();

            logger.Info($"Application: {getApplicationResponse.Application.DisplayName} is Active");

Beispiel #4
         * Invoke a function.
         * @param provider      the OCI credentials provider.
         * @param compartmentId the compartment in which to created the required
         *                      resources.
         * @param payload       the payload to be sent to the function on invocation.
        private static async Task InvokeFunction(IBasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider provider, string compartmentId, string payload)
            var fnManagementClient = new FunctionsManagementClient(provider);
            var fnInvokeClient     = new FunctionsInvokeClient(provider);

                // Invoke the function
                var fn = await GetUniqueFunctionByName(fnManagementClient, compartmentId);

                var response = await InvokeFunction(fnInvokeClient, fn, payload);

                if (response != null)
                    logger.Info($"Response from function: {response}");
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Error($"Failed to invoke function: {e}");
Beispiel #5
         * Remove all resources created by the 'setup' operation.
         * NB: Resources can only be removed 30 minutes after the last Function
         * invocation.
         * @param provider      the OCI credentials provider.
         * @param region        the OCI region in which to create the required
         *                      resources.
         * @param compartmentId the compartment in which to created the required
         *                      resources.
         * @param name          a name prefix to easily identify the resources.
        private static async Task TearDownResources(IBasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider provider, string compartmentId)
            var identityClient     = new IdentityClient(provider);
            var vcnClient          = new VirtualNetworkClient(provider);
            var fnManagementClient = new FunctionsManagementClient(provider);

                logger.Info("Cleaning up....");

                var vcn = await GetUniqueVcnByName(vcnClient, compartmentId);

                var ig = await GetUniqueInternetGatewayByName(vcnClient, compartmentId, vcn.Id);

                var rt = await GetUniqueRouteTableByName(vcnClient, compartmentId, vcn.Id);

                var subnet = await GetUniqueSubnetByName(vcnClient, compartmentId, vcn.Id);

                var application = await GetUniqueApplicationByName(fnManagementClient, compartmentId);

                var fn = await GetUniqueFunctionByName(fnManagementClient, application.Id, FunctionName);

                if (fn != null)
                    await DeleteFunction(fnManagementClient, fn.Id);

                if (application != null)
                    await DeleteApplication(fnManagementClient, application.Id);

                if (ig != null)
                    await ClearRouteRulesFromDefaultRouteTable(vcnClient, vcn.DefaultRouteTableId);
                    await DeleteInternetGateway(vcnClient, ig.Id);

                if (subnet != null)
                    await DeleteSubnet(vcnClient, subnet);

                if (vcn != null)
                    await DeleteVcn(vcnClient, vcn);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Error($"Failed to clean the resources: {e}");
Beispiel #6
         * Deletes an Application and waits for it to be deleted.
         * @param fnManagementClient the service client to use to delete the Application.
         * @param applicationId the Application to delete.
        private static async Task DeleteApplication(FunctionsManagementClient fnManagementClient, string applicationId)
            // Delete the specified Application
            var deleteApplicationRequest = new DeleteApplicationRequest
                ApplicationId = applicationId
            await fnManagementClient.DeleteApplication(deleteApplicationRequest);

            logger.Info($"Application deleted: {AppName}");
Beispiel #7
         * Deletes a Function and waits for it to be deleted.
         * @param fnManagementClient the service client to use to delete the Function.
         * @param functionId the Function to delete.
        private static async Task DeleteFunction(FunctionsManagementClient fnManagementClient, string functionId)
            // Delete the specified function
            var deleteFunctionRequest = new DeleteFunctionRequest
                FunctionId = functionId
            await fnManagementClient.DeleteFunction(deleteFunctionRequest);

            logger.Info($"Function deleted: {FunctionName}");
Beispiel #8
         * Gets the Application info of a single uniquely named Application in the specified compartment.
         * @param fnManagementClient the service client to use to get the Application information.
         * @param compartmentId of the application.
         * @param applicationDisplayName of the application.
         * @return the ApplicationSummary.
        private static async Task <ApplicationSummary> GetUniqueApplicationByName(FunctionsManagementClient fnManagementClient, string compartmentId)
            var listApplicationRequest = new ListApplicationsRequest
                DisplayName   = AppName,
                CompartmentId = compartmentId
            var listApplicationResponse = await fnManagementClient.ListApplications(listApplicationRequest);

            if (listApplicationResponse.Items.Count != 1)
                logger.Error($"Could not find unique application with name: {AppName} in compartment: {compartmentId}");

Beispiel #9
         * Gets Function information. This is an expensive operation and the results should be cached.
         * @param fnManagementClient the service client to use to get the Function information.
         * @param applicationId of the application.
         * @param functionDisplayName the function name to search for.
         * @return the FunctionSummary.
        private static async Task <FunctionSummary> GetUniqueFunctionByName(FunctionsManagementClient fnManagementClient, string applicationId, string functionDisplayName)
            var listFunctionsRequest = new ListFunctionsRequest
                ApplicationId = applicationId,
                DisplayName   = functionDisplayName
            var listFunctionsResponse = await fnManagementClient.ListFunctions(listFunctionsRequest);

            if (listFunctionsResponse.Items.Count != 1)
                logger.Error($"Could not find function with name: {functionDisplayName} in application: {applicationId}");

Beispiel #10
         * Create all the OCI and Fn resources required to invoke a function.
         * @param provider      the OCI credentials provider.
         * @param compartmentId the compartment in which to create the required
         *                      resources.
         * @param image         a valid OCI Registry image for the function.
        private static async Task SetUpResources(IBasicAuthenticationDetailsProvider provider, string compartmentId, string image)
            logger.Info("Setting up resources");

            var identityClient     = new IdentityClient(provider);
            var vcnClient          = new VirtualNetworkClient(provider);
            var fnManagementClient = new FunctionsManagementClient(provider);

            Vcn             vcn             = null;
            Subnet          subnet          = null;
            InternetGateway internetGateway = null;

                AvailabilityDomain availablityDomain = await GetAvailabilityDomain(identityClient, compartmentId);

                logger.Info($"availability domain is {availablityDomain.Name}");

                vcn = await CreateVcn(vcnClient, compartmentId);

                internetGateway = await CreateInternalGateway(vcnClient, compartmentId, vcn);
                await AddInternetGatewayToDefaultRouteTable(vcnClient, vcn.DefaultRouteTableId, internetGateway.Id);

                subnet = await CreateSubnet(vcnClient, compartmentId, availablityDomain.Name, vcn.Id);

                var subnetIds = new List <string>()
                Application app = await CreateApplication(fnManagementClient, compartmentId, subnetIds);

                long     memoryInMBs      = 128L;
                int      timeoutInSeconds = 30;
                Function fn = await CreateFunction(fnManagementClient, app.Id, image, memoryInMBs, timeoutInSeconds);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.Error($"failed to setup resources: {e}");
Beispiel #11
         * Gets Function information. This is an expensive operation and the results should be cached.
         * @param fnManagementClient the service client to use to get the Function information.
         * @param compartmentId of the application and function.
         * @return the FunctionSummary.
        private static async Task <FunctionSummary> GetUniqueFunctionByName(FunctionsManagementClient fnManagementClient, string compartmentId)
            var application = await GetUniqueApplicationByName(fnManagementClient, compartmentId);

            return(await GetUniqueFunctionByName(fnManagementClient, application.Id, FunctionName));