Beispiel #1
        public FullTextLinqtoHqlGeneratorsRegistry()
            // ReSharper disable VirtualMemberCallInConstructor

            // Register "contains" function
            RegisterGenerator(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(() => FullTextDialectExtensions.FullTextContains(null, null)), new MsSqlFullTextGenerator("contains", () => FullTextDialectExtensions.FullTextContains(null, null)));
            RegisterGenerator(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(() => FullTextHelper.Contains((string[])null, null)), new MsSqlFullTextGenerator("contains", () => FullTextHelper.Contains((string[])null, null)));
            RegisterGenerator(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(() => FullTextHelper.Contains((string)null, null)), new MsSqlFullTextGenerator("contains", () => FullTextHelper.Contains((string)null, null)));

            // Register "freetext" function
            RegisterGenerator(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(() => FullTextDialectExtensions.FreeText(null, null)), new MsSqlFullTextGenerator("freetext", () => FullTextDialectExtensions.FreeText(null, null)));
            RegisterGenerator(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(() => FullTextHelper.FreeText((string[])null, null)), new MsSqlFullTextGenerator("freetext", () => FullTextHelper.FreeText((string[])null, null)));
            RegisterGenerator(ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(() => FullTextHelper.FreeText((string)null, null)), new MsSqlFullTextGenerator("freetext", () => FullTextHelper.FreeText((string)null, null)));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimises the Algebra so that BGPs containing relevant patterns are converted to use the <see cref="FullTextMatch">FullTextMatch</see> operator
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="algebra">Algebra to optimise</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ISparqlAlgebra Optimise(ISparqlAlgebra algebra)
            if (algebra is IAbstractJoin)
            else if (algebra is IUnaryOperator)
            else if (algebra is IBgp)
                IBgp current = (IBgp)algebra;
                if (current.PatternCount == 0)
                    ISparqlAlgebra result = new Bgp();

                    List <FullTextPattern> fps = FullTextHelper.ExtractPatterns(current.TriplePatterns);
                    if (fps.Count == 0)
                    List <ITriplePattern> ps = current.TriplePatterns.ToList();

                    //First we want to find where each FullTextPattern is located in the original triple patterns
                    Dictionary <int, int> locations = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < fps.Count; i++)
                        locations.Add(i, -1);
                        ITriplePattern first = fps[i].OriginalPatterns.First();
                        for (int j = 0; j < ps.Count; j++)
                            if (first.Equals(ps[j]))
                                locations[i] = j;
                        //If we fail to locate this we've failed to optimise here so must abort
                        if (locations[i] == -1)

                    //Knowing this we can then start splitting the BGP into several BGPs
                    int locBase = 0;
                    foreach (int i in Enumerable.Range(0, fps.Count).OrderBy(x => locations[x]).ToList())
                        //Wrap everything up to that point in a BGP excluding any patterns relevant to any FullTextPattern
                        result  = Join.CreateJoin(result, new Bgp(ps.Skip(locBase).Take(locations[i]).Where(tp => !(tp is TriplePattern) || !fps.Any(fp => fp.OriginalPatterns.Contains((TriplePattern)tp)))));
                        locBase = locations[i] + 1;
                        //Then apply the FullTextMatch operator over it
                        FullTextPattern ftp = fps[i];
                        result = new FullTextMatch(this._provider, result, ftp.MatchVariable, ftp.ScoreVariable, ftp.SearchTerm, ftp.Limit, ftp.ScoreThreshold);

                    //If there are any patterns left over remember to include them
                    if (locBase < ps.Count)
                        result = Join.CreateJoin(result, new Bgp(ps.Skip(locBase).Where(tp => !(tp is TriplePattern) || !fps.Any(fp => fp.OriginalPatterns.Contains((TriplePattern)tp)))));

                    //List<ITriplePattern> patterns = new List<ITriplePattern>();
                    //List<ITriplePattern> ps = new List<ITriplePattern>(current.TriplePatterns.ToList());
                    //for (int i = 0; i < current.PatternCount; i++)
                    //    if (!(ps[i] is TriplePattern))
                    //    {
                    //        patterns.Add(ps[i]);
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        //Check to see if the Predicate of the Pattern match the Full Text Match Predicate URI
                    //        TriplePattern tp = (TriplePattern)ps[i];
                    //        PatternItem pred = tp.Predicate;
                    //        if (pred is NodeMatchPattern)
                    //        {
                    //            INode predNode = ((NodeMatchPattern)pred).Node;
                    //            if (predNode.NodeType == NodeType.Uri)
                    //            {
                    //                String predUri = ((IUriNode)predNode).Uri.ToString();
                    //                if (predUri.Equals(FullTextHelper.FullTextMatchPredicateUri))
                    //                {
                    //                    if (patterns.Count > 0) result = Join.CreateJoin(result, new Bgp(patterns));
                    //                    result = new FullTextMatch(this._provider, result, tp.Subject, tp.Object);
                    //                    patterns.Clear();
                    //                }
                    //                else
                    //                {
                    //                    patterns.Add(ps[i]);
                    //                }
                    //            }
                    //            else
                    //            {
                    //                patterns.Add(ps[i]);
                    //            }
                    //        }
                    //        else
                    //        {
                    //            patterns.Add(ps[i]);
                    //        }
                    //    }

                    //if (patterns.Count == current.PatternCount)
                    //    //If count of remaining patterns same as original pattern count there was no optimisation
                    //    //to do so return as is
                    //    return current;
                    //else if (patterns.Count > 0)
                    //    //If any patterns left at end join as a BGP with result so far
                    //    result = Join.CreateJoin(result, new Bgp(patterns));
                    //    return result;
                    //    return result;
            else if (algebra is ITerminalOperator)