public static void Log(Summary summary, ITestOutputHelper output)
            var logger = new OutputLogger(output);

            // We construct HostEnvironmentInfo manually, so that we can have the HardwareTimerKind enum as text, rather than an integer
            // SimpleJson serializer doesn't seem to have an enum String/Value option (to-be-fair, it is meant to be "Simple")
            //var environmentInfo = new
            //    HostEnvironmentInfo.BenchmarkDotNetCaption,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.BenchmarkDotNetVersion,
            //    OsVersion = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.OsVersion.Value,
            //    ProcessorName = ProcessorBrandStringHelper.Prettify(summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value),
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value?.PhysicalProcessorCount,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value?.PhysicalCoreCount,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value?.LogicalCoreCount,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.RuntimeVersion,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.Architecture,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.HasAttachedDebugger,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.HasRyuJit,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.Configuration,
            //    DotNetCliVersion = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.DotNetSdkVersion.Value,
            //    summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.ChronometerFrequency,
            //    HardwareTimerKind = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.HardwareTimerKind.ToString()

            // If we just ask SimpleJson to serialize the entire "summary" object it throws several errors.
            // So we are more specific in what we serialize (plus some fields/properties aren't relevant)

            var benchmarks = summary.Reports.Select(report =>
                var data = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    // We don't need Benchmark.ShortInfo, that info is available via Benchmark.Parameters below
                    { "DisplayInfo", report.BenchmarkCase.DisplayInfo },
                    { "Namespace", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type.Namespace },
                    { "Type", GetTypeName(report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type) },
                    { "Method", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.WorkloadMethod.Name },
                    { "MethodTitle", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.WorkloadMethodDisplayInfo },
                    { "Parameters", report.BenchmarkCase.Parameters.PrintInfo },
                    { "FullName", FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(report.BenchmarkCase) }, // do NOT remove this property, it is used for xunit-performance migration
                    { "ExecutionTime", $"{report.ResultStatistics.Mean.ToTimeStr(TimeUnit.GetBestTimeUnit(report.ResultStatistics.Mean))}" },

                // We show MemoryDiagnoser's results only if it is being used
                if (report.BenchmarkCase.Config.HasMemoryDiagnoser())
                    data.Add("Memory", report.GcStats);


            logger.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Title", summary.Title },
                // { "HostEnvironmentInfo", environmentInfo },
                { "Benchmarks", benchmarks }
            }, Formatting.Indented));
        protected virtual IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> GetDataToSerialize(BenchmarkReport report)
            var benchmark = new Dictionary <string, object>
                // We don't need Benchmark.ShortInfo, that info is available via Benchmark.Parameters below
                { "DisplayInfo", report.BenchmarkCase.DisplayInfo },
                { "Namespace", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type.Namespace },
                { "Type", FullNameProvider.GetTypeName(report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type) },
                { "Method", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.WorkloadMethod.Name },
                { "MethodTitle", report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.WorkloadMethodDisplayInfo },
                { "Parameters", report.BenchmarkCase.Parameters.PrintInfo },
                    "FullName", FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(report.BenchmarkCase)
                }, // do NOT remove this property, it is used for xunit-performance migration
                // Hardware Intrinsics can be disabled using env vars, that is why they might be different per benchmark and are not exported as part of HostEnvironmentInfo
                { "HardwareIntrinsics", report.GetHardwareIntrinsicsInfo() ?? "" },
                // { "Properties", r.Benchmark.Job.ToSet().ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Value) }, // TODO
                { "Statistics", report.ResultStatistics }

            // We show MemoryDiagnoser's results only if it is being used
            if (report.BenchmarkCase.Config.HasMemoryDiagnoser())
                benchmark.Add("Memory", new
                    BytesAllocatedPerOperation = report.GcStats.GetBytesAllocatedPerOperation(report.BenchmarkCase)

            if (ExcludeMeasurements == false)
                // We construct Measurements manually, so that we can have the IterationMode enum as text, rather than an integer
                              report.AllMeasurements.Select(m => new
                    IterationMode  = m.IterationMode.ToString(),
                    IterationStage = m.IterationStage.ToString(),

                if (report.Metrics.Any())
                    benchmark.Add("Metrics", report.Metrics.Values);

Beispiel #3
        protected static string GetSessionName(BenchmarkCase benchmarkCase)
            string benchmarkName = FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(benchmarkCase);

            if (benchmarkName.Length <= MaxSessionNameLength)

            // session name is not really used by humans, we can just give it the hashcode value
Beispiel #4
        private static string GetBenchmarkName(BenchmarkCase benchmark)
            var fullName = FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(benchmark);

            // FullBenchmarkName is passed to Process.Start as an argument and each OS limits the max argument length, so we have to limit it too
            // Windows limit is 32767 chars, Unix is 128*1024 but we use 1024 as a common sense limit
            if (fullName.Length < 1024)

            string typeName   = FullNameProvider.GetTypeName(benchmark.Descriptor.Type);
            string methodName = benchmark.Descriptor.WorkloadMethod.Name;
            string paramsHash = benchmark.HasParameters
                ? "paramsHash_" + Hashing.HashString(FullNameProvider.GetMethodName(benchmark)).ToString()
                : string.Empty;

Beispiel #5
        private void AssertBenchmarkName <T>(string expectedBenchmarkName)
            var benchmark = BenchmarkConverter.TypeToBenchmarks(typeof(T)).BenchmarksCases.Single();

            Assert.Equal(expectedBenchmarkName, FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(benchmark));
        public override void ExportToLog(Summary summary, ILogger logger)
            // We construct HostEnvironmentInfo manually, so that we can have the HardwareTimerKind enum as text, rather than an integer
            // SimpleJson serializer doesn't seem to have an enum String/Value option (to-be-fair, it is meant to be "Simple")
            var environmentInfo = new
                OsVersion     = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.OsVersion.Value,
                ProcessorName = ProcessorBrandStringHelper.Prettify(summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.CpuInfo.Value?.ProcessorName ?? ""),
                DotNetCliVersion = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.DotNetSdkVersion.Value,
                HardwareTimerKind = summary.HostEnvironmentInfo.HardwareTimerKind.ToString()

            // If we just ask SimpleJson to serialise the entire "summary" object it throws several errors.
            // So we are more specific in what we serialise (plus some fields/properties aren't relevant)

            var benchmarks = summary.Reports.Select(r =>
                var data = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    // We don't need Benchmark.ShortInfo, that info is available via Benchmark.Parameters below
                    { "DisplayInfo", r.BenchmarkCase.DisplayInfo },
                    { "Namespace", r.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type.Namespace },
                    { "Type", FullNameProvider.GetTypeName(r.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type) },
                    { "Method", r.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.WorkloadMethod.Name },
                    { "MethodTitle", r.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.WorkloadMethodDisplayInfo },
                    { "Parameters", r.BenchmarkCase.Parameters.PrintInfo },
                    { "FullName", FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(r.BenchmarkCase) }, // do NOT remove this property, it is used for xunit-performance migration
                    // { "Properties", r.Benchmark.Job.ToSet().ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => p.Value) }, // TODO
                    { "Statistics", r.ResultStatistics }

                // We show MemoryDiagnoser's results only if it is being used
                if (summary.Config.HasMemoryDiagnoser())
                    data.Add("Memory", r.GcStats);

                if (ExcludeMeasurements == false)
                    // We construct Measurements manually, so that we can have the IterationMode enum as text, rather than an integer
                             r.AllMeasurements.Select(m => new
                        IterationMode  = m.IterationMode.ToString(),
                        IterationStage = m.IterationStage.ToString(),


            JsonSerializer.CurrentJsonSerializerStrategy.Indent = IndentJson;
            logger.WriteLine(JsonSerializer.SerializeObject(new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Title", summary.Title },
                { "HostEnvironmentInfo", environmentInfo },
                { "Benchmarks", benchmarks }
Beispiel #7
            public static void RunCore(IHost host, BenchmarkCase benchmarkCase, BenchmarkActionCodegen codegenMode, IConfig config)
                var target       = benchmarkCase.Descriptor;
                var job          = benchmarkCase.Job; // TODO: filter job (same as SourceCodePresenter does)?
                int unrollFactor = benchmarkCase.Job.ResolveValue(RunMode.UnrollFactorCharacteristic, EnvironmentResolver.Instance);

                // DONTTOUCH: these should be allocated together
                var instance               = Activator.CreateInstance(benchmarkCase.Descriptor.Type);
                var workloadAction         = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateWorkload(target, instance, codegenMode, unrollFactor);
                var overheadAction         = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateOverhead(target, instance, codegenMode, unrollFactor);
                var globalSetupAction      = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateGlobalSetup(target, instance);
                var globalCleanupAction    = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateGlobalCleanup(target, instance);
                var iterationSetupAction   = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateIterationSetup(target, instance);
                var iterationCleanupAction = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateIterationCleanup(target, instance);
                var dummy1 = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateDummy();
                var dummy2 = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateDummy();
                var dummy3 = BenchmarkActionFactory.CreateDummy();

                FillMembers(instance, benchmarkCase);

                foreach (string infoLine in BenchmarkEnvironmentInfo.GetCurrent().ToFormattedString())
                    host.WriteLine("// {0}", infoLine);
                host.WriteLine("// Job: {0}", job.DisplayInfo);

                var engineParameters = new EngineParameters
                    Host = host,
                    WorkloadActionNoUnroll = invocationCount =>
                        for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                    WorkloadActionUnroll   = workloadAction.InvokeMultiple,
                    Dummy1Action           = dummy1.InvokeSingle,
                    Dummy2Action           = dummy2.InvokeSingle,
                    Dummy3Action           = dummy3.InvokeSingle,
                    OverheadActionNoUnroll = invocationCount =>
                        for (int i = 0; i < invocationCount; i++)
                    OverheadActionUnroll   = overheadAction.InvokeMultiple,
                    GlobalSetupAction      = globalSetupAction.InvokeSingle,
                    GlobalCleanupAction    = globalCleanupAction.InvokeSingle,
                    IterationSetupAction   = iterationSetupAction.InvokeSingle,
                    IterationCleanupAction = iterationCleanupAction.InvokeSingle,
                    TargetJob           = job,
                    OperationsPerInvoke = target.OperationsPerInvoke,
                    MeasureGcStats      = config.HasMemoryDiagnoser(),
                    BenchmarkName       = FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(benchmarkCase)

                using (var engine = job
                                    .ResolveValue(InfrastructureMode.EngineFactoryCharacteristic, InfrastructureResolver.Instance)
                    var results = engine.Run();

                    host.ReportResults(results); // printing costs memory, do this after runs
Beispiel #8
        public override void ExportToLog(Summary summary, ILogger logger)
            var reporter = Reporter.CreateReporter();

            if (!reporter.InLab) // not running in the perf lab

            DisassemblyDiagnoser disassemblyDiagnoser = summary.Reports
                                                        .FirstOrDefault()? // dissasembler was either enabled for all or none of them (so we use the first one)
                                                        .BenchmarkCase.Config.GetDiagnosers().OfType <DisassemblyDiagnoser>().FirstOrDefault();

            foreach (var report in summary.Reports)
                var test = new Test();
                test.Name       = FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(report.BenchmarkCase);
                test.Categories = report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Categories;

                var results = from result in report.AllMeasurements
                              where result.IterationMode == Engines.IterationMode.Workload && result.IterationStage == Engines.IterationStage.Result
                              orderby result.LaunchIndex, result.IterationIndex
                    select new { result.Nanoseconds, result.Operations };

                var overheadResults = from result in report.AllMeasurements
                                      where result.IsOverhead() && result.IterationStage != Engines.IterationStage.Jitting
                                      orderby result.LaunchIndex, result.IterationIndex
                    select new { result.Nanoseconds, result.Operations };

                test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                    Name           = "Duration of single invocation",
                    TopCounter     = true,
                    DefaultCounter = true,
                    HigherIsBetter = false,
                    MetricName     = "ns",
                    Results        = (from result in results
                                      select result.Nanoseconds / result.Operations).ToList()
                test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                    Name           = "Overhead invocation",
                    TopCounter     = false,
                    DefaultCounter = false,
                    HigherIsBetter = false,
                    MetricName     = "ns",
                    Results        = (from result in overheadResults
                                      select result.Nanoseconds / result.Operations).ToList()
                test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                    Name           = "Duration",
                    TopCounter     = false,
                    DefaultCounter = false,
                    HigherIsBetter = false,
                    MetricName     = "ms",
                    Results        = (from result in results
                                      select result.Nanoseconds).ToList()

                test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                    Name           = "Operations",
                    TopCounter     = false,
                    DefaultCounter = false,
                    HigherIsBetter = true,
                    MetricName     = "Count",
                    Results        = (from result in results
                                      select(double) result.Operations).ToList()

                foreach (var metric in report.Metrics.Keys)
                    var m = report.Metrics[metric];
                    test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                        Name           = m.Descriptor.DisplayName,
                        TopCounter     = false,
                        DefaultCounter = false,
                        HigherIsBetter = m.Descriptor.TheGreaterTheBetter,
                        MetricName     = m.Descriptor.Unit,
                        Results        = new[] { m.Value }

                if (disassemblyDiagnoser != null && disassemblyDiagnoser.Results.TryGetValue(report.BenchmarkCase, out var disassemblyResult))
                    string disassembly = DiffableDisassemblyExporter.BuildDisassemblyString(disassemblyResult, disassemblyDiagnoser.Config);
                    test.AdditionalData["disasm"] = disassembly;


Beispiel #9
 public UserSession(DiagnoserActionParameters details, EtwProfilerConfig config, DateTime creationTime)
     : base(FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(details.BenchmarkCase), details, config, creationTime)
Beispiel #10
        public override void ExportToLog(Summary summary, ILogger logger)
            var reporter = Reporter.CreateReporter();

            if (reporter == null) // not running in the perf lab

            foreach (var report in summary.Reports)
                var test = new Test();
                test.Name       = FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(report.BenchmarkCase);
                test.Categories = report.BenchmarkCase.Descriptor.Categories;
                var results = from result in report.AllMeasurements
                              where result.IterationMode == Engines.IterationMode.Workload && result.IterationStage == Engines.IterationStage.Result
                              orderby result.LaunchIndex, result.IterationIndex
                    select new { result.Nanoseconds, result.Operations };
                test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                    Name           = "Duration of single invocation",
                    TopCounter     = true,
                    DefaultCounter = true,
                    HigherIsBetter = false,
                    MetricName     = "ns",
                    Results        = (from result in results
                                      select result.Nanoseconds / result.Operations).ToList()
                test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                    Name           = "Duration",
                    TopCounter     = false,
                    DefaultCounter = false,
                    HigherIsBetter = false,
                    MetricName     = "ms",
                    Results        = (from result in results
                                      select result.Nanoseconds).ToList()

                test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                    Name           = "Operations",
                    TopCounter     = false,
                    DefaultCounter = false,
                    HigherIsBetter = true,
                    MetricName     = "Count",
                    Results        = (from result in results
                                      select(double) result.Operations).ToList()

                foreach (var metric in report.Metrics.Keys)
                    var m = report.Metrics[metric];
                    test.Counters.Add(new Counter
                        Name           = m.Descriptor.DisplayName,
                        TopCounter     = false,
                        DefaultCounter = false,
                        HigherIsBetter = m.Descriptor.TheGreaterTheBetter,
                        MetricName     = m.Descriptor.Unit,
                        Results        = new[] { m.Value }


 public BenchmarkId(int value, BenchmarkCase benchmarkCase)
     Value             = value;
     FullBenchmarkName = FullNameProvider.GetBenchmarkName(benchmarkCase);
     JobId             = benchmarkCase.Job.Id;