Beispiel #1
        public void autoCalibrateMapping(bool leftHand)
            uint id = Fubi.getClosestUserID();

            if (id > 0)
                FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint elbow    = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_ELBOW;
                FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint shoulder = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER;
                FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint hand     = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND;

                if (leftHand)
                    elbow    = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_ELBOW;
                    shoulder = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_SHOULDER;
                    hand     = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_HAND;

                float  confidence;
                double timeStamp;
                float  elbowX, elbowY, elbowZ;
                Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, elbow, out elbowX, out elbowY, out elbowZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);
                if (confidence > 0.5f)
                    float shoulderX, shoulderY, shoulderZ;
                    Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, shoulder, out shoulderX, out shoulderY, out shoulderZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);
                    if (confidence > 0.5f)
                        double dist1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(elbowX - shoulderX, 2) + Math.Pow(elbowY - shoulderY, 2) + Math.Pow(elbowZ - shoulderZ, 2));
                        float  handX, handY, handZ;
                        Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, hand, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);
                        if (confidence > 0.5f)
                            double dist2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(elbowX - handX, 2) + Math.Pow(elbowY - handY, 2) + Math.Pow(elbowZ - handZ, 2));
                            MapH = (float)(dist1 + dist2);
                            // Calculate all others in depence of maph
                            MapY = 250.0f / 550.0f * MapH;
                            MapW = MapH / m_aspect;
                            MapX = -100.0f / (550.0f / m_aspect) * MapW;
        protected Vector3D getCurrentJointValue(uint targetID, FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint jointID, FubiUtils.BodyMeasurement measureID = FubiUtils.BodyMeasurement.NUM_MEASUREMENTS)
            float  x, y, z, confidence;
            double timeStamp;

            if (Type == XMLGenerator.RecognizerType.JointRelation || Type == XMLGenerator.RecognizerType.LinearMovement)
                if (UseHand)
                    Fubi.getCurrentHandJointPosition(targetID, (FubiUtils.SkeletonHandJoint)jointID, out x, out y, out z, out confidence, out timeStamp, Options.Local, Options.Filtered);
                    Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(targetID, jointID, out x, out y, out z, out confidence, out timeStamp, Options.Local, Options.Filtered);
                    if (measureID != FubiUtils.BodyMeasurement.NUM_MEASUREMENTS && Type == XMLGenerator.RecognizerType.JointRelation)
                        float measureDist, measureConfidence;
                        Fubi.getBodyMeasurementDistance(targetID, measureID, out measureDist, out measureConfidence);
                        if (measureDist > 0)
                            x /= measureDist;
                            y /= measureDist;
                            z /= measureDist;
                var mat = new float[9];
                if (UseHand)
                    Fubi.getCurrentHandJointOrientation(targetID, (FubiUtils.SkeletonHandJoint)jointID, mat, out confidence, out timeStamp, Options.Local, Options.Filtered);
                    Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointOrientation(targetID, jointID, mat, out confidence, out timeStamp, Options.Local, Options.Filtered);
                FubiUtils.Math.rotMatToRotation(mat, out x, out y, out z);
            return(new Vector3D(x, y, z));
Beispiel #3
//    private string DisplayFubiSwipeMenu(Vector2 center, float radius, string[] options, GUIStyle optionStyle, GUIStyle centerStyle)
//    {
//        if (!(radius > 0 && options.Length > 0 && options.Length <= m_swipeRecognizers.Length))
//        {
//            Debug.LogWarning("FubiSwipeMenu called with incorrect parameters!");
//            Debug.DebugBreak();
//            return "";
//        }
//        GUI.depth = -2;
//        string selection = "";
//        m_swipeMenuDisplayed = true;
//		ScaleMode smode = /*(options.Length >= 2) ? ScaleMode.StretchToFill :*/ ScaleMode.ScaleToFit;
//        // Display center and explanation text
//        float centerRad = radius * 0.25f;
//        Rect centerRect = new Rect(center.x - centerRad, center.y - centerRad, 2.0f * centerRad, 2.0f * centerRad);
//        // Check for right hand in front for general activation
//        if (m_currentUser > 0 && Fubi.recognizeGestureOn(m_handToFrontRecognizer, m_currentUser) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED)
//			m_lastHandToFront = Fubi.getCurrentTime();
//        else if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastHandToFront > 1.2f)
//          m_handToFrontEnd = Fubi.getCurrentTime();
//        // Check for left hand in front for general activation
//        if (m_currentUser > 0 && Fubi.recognizeGestureOn(m_leftHandToFrontRecognizer, m_currentUser) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED)
//            m_lastLeftHandToFront = Fubi.getCurrentTime();
//        else if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastLeftHandToFront > 1.2f)
//            m_leftHandToFrontEnd = Fubi.getCurrentTime();
//        bool withinInteractionFrame = m_currentUser > 0 && (m_lastHandToFront - m_handToFrontEnd > 0.5 || m_lastLeftHandToFront - m_leftHandToFrontEnd > 0.5);
//		if (withinInteractionFrame)
//		{
//			if (!m_swipeMenuActive)
//			{
//				m_swipeMenuActive = true;
//				Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, m_currentUser, false);
//			}
//            GUI.DrawTexture(centerRect, m_swipeCenterActive, smode);
//            GUI.Label(centerRect, "Swipe for \nselection","-hover");
//		}
//		else
//		{
//			m_swipeMenuActive = false;
//			GUI.DrawTexture(centerRect, m_swipeCenterNormal, smode);
//            if (m_lastHandToFront > m_handToFrontEnd || m_lastLeftHandToFront > m_leftHandToFrontEnd)
//			{
//				GUI.Label(centerRect, "Hold arm", centerStyle);
//			}
//			else
//	            GUI.Label(centerRect, "Stretch arm \nto front", centerStyle);
//		}
//        // Display the options and check their recognizers
//        float rotAdd = 360.0f / options.Length;
//        float currRot = (options.Length > 2) ? 0 : 90.0f;
//        Rect buttonRect = new Rect();
//        buttonRect.height = radius * 0.35f;
//        buttonRect.width = (options.Length > 2) ? (Mathf.PI * (radius / 2.0f) / options.Length) : buttonRect.height;
//        buttonRect.y = center.y - (0.65f* radius);
//        buttonRect.x = center.x - (0.5f * buttonRect.width);
//        for (uint i = 0; i < options.Length; ++i)
//        {
//			Rect textRect = new Rect(buttonRect);
//			textRect.y = center.y - radius;
//			textRect.height *= 0.5f;
//            string text = options[i];
//            GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
//            bool selected = false;
//            int recognizerGroup = options.Length - 1;
//            uint recognizerIndex = i;
//            if (Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastSwipeRecognitions[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex] < 0.5
//                || Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastLeftSwipeRecognitions[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex] < 0.5) // last recognition not longer than 0.5 seconds ago
//            {
//                GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(currRot, center);
//                GUI.DrawTexture(buttonRect, m_swipeButtonActive, smode);
//                Vector3 newPos = GUI.matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(,;
//                textRect.x = newPos.x - textRect.width / 2.0f;
//                textRect.y = newPos.y - textRect.height / 2.0f;
//                GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
//                selected = GUI.Button(textRect, text,"-hover");
//            }
//            else // Display button also usable for mouse interaction
//            {
//                GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(currRot, center);
//                GUI.DrawTexture(buttonRect, m_swipeButtonNormal, smode);
//                Vector3 newPos = GUI.matrix.MultiplyPoint(new Vector3(,;
//                textRect.x = newPos.x - textRect.width / 2.0f;
//                textRect.y = newPos.y - textRect.height / 2.0f;
//                GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.identity;
//                selected = GUI.Button(textRect, text, optionStyle);
//            }
//			// Check for full swipe
//            // Of right hand
//			if (!selected && m_currentUser > 0
//                && withinInteractionFrame
//                && Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastSwipeRecognition > 1.0f) // at least one second between to swipes
//            {
//                selected = Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(m_swipeRecognizers[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex], m_currentUser, false) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED;
//                if (selected)
//				{
//					m_swipeMenuActive = false;
//                    Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, m_currentUser, false);
//                    m_lastSwipeRecognitions[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex] = m_lastSwipeRecognition = Fubi.getCurrentTime();
//				}
//                else
//                    Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(m_swipeRecognizers[options.Length - 1][i], m_currentUser, true);
//            }
//            // Or left hand
//            if (!selected && m_currentUser > 0
//                && withinInteractionFrame
//                && Fubi.getCurrentTime() - m_lastLeftSwipeRecognition > 1.0f) // at least one second between to swipes
//            {
//                selected = Fubi.getCombinationRecognitionProgressOn(m_leftSwipeRecognizers[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex], m_currentUser, false) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED;
//                if (selected)
//                {
//                    m_swipeMenuActive = false;
//                    Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(FubiPredefinedGestures.Combinations.NUM_COMBINATIONS, m_currentUser, false);
//                    m_lastLeftSwipeRecognitions[recognizerGroup][recognizerIndex] = m_lastLeftSwipeRecognition = Fubi.getCurrentTime();
//                }
//                else
//                    Fubi.enableCombinationRecognition(m_leftSwipeRecognizers[options.Length - 1][i], m_currentUser, true);
//            }
//            if (selected)
//            {
//                selection = text;
//                if (m_swipeSound && m_swipeSound.isReadyToPlay)
//                    AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(m_swipeSound, new Vector3(0,0,0), 1.0f);
//                break;
//            }
//            currRot += rotAdd;
//        }
//        return selection;
//    }

    bool calibrateCursorMapping(uint id)
        m_aspect = (float)Screen.width / (float)Screen.height;
        if (id > 0)
            FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint elbow    = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_ELBOW;
            FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint shoulder = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER;
            FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint hand     = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND;

            float  confidence;
            double timeStamp;
            float  elbowX, elbowY, elbowZ;
            Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, elbow, out elbowX, out elbowY, out elbowZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);
            if (confidence > 0.5f)
                float shoulderX, shoulderY, shoulderZ;
                Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, shoulder, out shoulderX, out shoulderY, out shoulderZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);
                if (confidence > 0.5f)
                    double dist1 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(elbowX - shoulderX, 2) + Mathf.Pow(elbowY - shoulderY, 2) + Mathf.Pow(elbowZ - shoulderZ, 2));
                    float  handX, handY, handZ;
                    Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(id, hand, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);
                    if (confidence > 0.5f)
                        double dist2 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(elbowX - handX, 2) + Mathf.Pow(elbowY - handY, 2) + Mathf.Pow(elbowZ - handZ, 2));
                        m_mapping.height = (float)(dist1 + dist2);
                        // Calculate all others in depence of maph
                        m_mapping.y     = 200.0f / 550.0f * m_mapping.height;
                        m_mapping.width = m_mapping.height / m_aspect;
                        m_mapping.x     = -100.0f / (550.0f / m_aspect) * m_mapping.width;
                        //Debug.Log ("m_mapping.x=" + m_mapping.x + "m_mapping.y=" + m_mapping.y + "m_mapping.height=" + m_mapping.height + "m_mapping.width=" + m_mapping.width);
Beispiel #4
    // Called for rendering the gui
    void OnGUI()
        // AA: Position the depth image so the user can see the kinect output
        if (!m_disableTrackingImage && (!m_disableTrackingImageWithSwipeMenu || !m_swipeMenuDisplayedLastFrame))
            // Debug image
            GUI.depth = -4;
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(25, Screen.height - m_yRes / m_factor - 25, m_xRes / m_factor, m_yRes / m_factor), m_depthMapTexture);
            //GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(Screen.width-m_xRes/m_factor, Screen.height-m_yRes/m_factor, m_xRes / m_factor, m_yRes / m_factor), m_depthMapTexture);

        //AA: add the GUI elements
        int shift = 42;

        GUI.Box(new Rect(5 + shift, 25, Screen.width / 3 - 130, Screen.height - 50), "FILTERS");

        m_bUseSimpleAverage = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 50, 200, 30), m_bUseSimpleAverage, " SIMPLE AVERAGE 10");

        m_bUseMovingAverage = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 90, 200, 30), m_bUseMovingAverage, " MOVING AVERAGE");

        m_bUseSimpleAverage5 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 130, 200, 30), m_bUseSimpleAverage5, " SIMPLE AVERAGE 5");

        m_bDblMovingAverage = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 170, 200, 30), m_bDblMovingAverage, " DOUBLE MOV AVERAGE");

        m_bUseExpSmoothing = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 210, 200, 30), m_bUseExpSmoothing, " EXP SMOOTHING");

        m_bUseDblExpSmoothing = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 250, 200, 30), m_bUseDblExpSmoothing, " DOUBLE EXP SMOOTHING");

        m_bUseAdaptive = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 290, 200, 30), m_bUseAdaptive, " ADAPTIVE DBL EXP");

        m_bUseMedian = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 330, 200, 30), m_bUseMedian, " MEDIAN");

        m_bUseCombination1 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 370, 200, 30), m_bUseCombination1, " SIMPLE AVG + Median");

        m_bUseCombination2 = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 410, 200, 30), m_bUseCombination2, " DBL MOV AVG + Median");

        m_bUseNone = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(45 + shift, 450, 200, 30), m_bUseNone, " NONE");

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50 + shift, Screen.height - 75, 150, 30), "Clear"))

        // If some button has been pressed OR this is the first exection
        if (GUI.changed)

            if (fm.filters.Count == 1)
                m_principalCursor = 0;

        int count = 0;

        if (m_bUseSimpleAverage)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 45, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseMovingAverage)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 85, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseSimpleAverage5)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 125, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bDblMovingAverage)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 165, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseExpSmoothing)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 205, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseDblExpSmoothing)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 245, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseAdaptive)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 285, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseMedian)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 325, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseCombination1)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 365, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseCombination2)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 405, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (m_bUseNone)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(15 + shift, 445, 30, 30), m_colorTextureDictionary[fm.colors[count].ToString()]);

        if (prevScreenWidth != Screen.width || prevScreenHeight != Screen.height)
            // Resize writeable area, redraw the circle
            prevScreenWidth  = Screen.width;
            prevScreenHeight = Screen.height;

        //AA: Draw the writeable area
        for (int i = 0; i < fv.m_filterOutputTexture.Count; i++)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(fv.filterOutputLocX, fv.filterOutputLocY, fv.filterOutputWidth, fv.filterOutputHeight), fv.m_filterOutputTexture[i]);

        // Cursor
        m_gotNewFubiCoordinates = false;
        if (Fubi.isInitialized())
            // Take closest user
            uint userID = Fubi.getClosestUserID();
            if (userID != m_currentUser)
                m_currentUser             = userID;
                m_lastCalibrationSucceded = false;
            if (userID > 0)
                if (!m_lastCalibrationSucceded)
                    m_lastCalibrationSucceded = calibrateCursorMapping(m_currentUser);
                FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint joint    = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND;
                FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER;

                // Get hand and shoulder position and check their confidence
                double timeStamp;
                float  handX, handY, handZ, confidence;
                Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, joint, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);
                if (confidence > 0.5f)
                    float relX, relY, relZ;
                    Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, relJoint, out relX, out relY, out relZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);
                    if (confidence > 0.5f)
                        // AA: Filtering should happen here for the hand and relative joints separately
                        // If true, use the smoothed joints for calculating screen coordinates
                        fm.UpdateJointFilters(new Vector3(handX, handY, handZ), new Vector3(relX, relY, relZ));

                        for (int i = 0; i < fm.filters.Count; i++)
                            if (m_bUseJointFiltering)
                                //Debug.Log ("Prehand " + new Vector3(handX, handY, handZ) + " relJoint " + new Vector3(relX, relY, relZ));
                                Vector3 handPos     = fm.joints[i];                             // filter.Update(new Vector3(handX, handY, handZ), Filter.JOINT_TYPE.JOINT);
                                Vector3 relJointPos = fm.relativeJoints[i];                     //filter.Update(new Vector3(relX, relY, relZ), Filter.JOINT_TYPE.RELATIVEJOINT);
                                //Debug.Log ("hand " + handPos + " relJoint " + relJointPos);
                                handZ = handPos.z;
                                handY = handPos.y;
                                handX = handPos.x;

                                relZ = relJointPos.z;
                                relY = relJointPos.y;
                                relX = relJointPos.x;
                                m_relativeCursorPosition = fm.relativeCursorPosition[i];
                            // AA: End

                            // Take relative coordinates
                            float zDiff = handZ - relZ;
                            float yDiff = handY - relY;
                            float xDiff = handX - relX;
                            // Check if hand is enough in front of shoulder
                            if ((yDiff > 0 && zDiff < -150.0f) || (Mathf.Abs(xDiff) > 150.0f && zDiff < -175.0f) || zDiff < -225.0f)
                                // Now get the possible cursor position
                                // Convert to screen coordinates
                                float newX, newY;
                                float mapX = m_mapping.x;
                                newX = (xDiff - mapX) / m_mapping.width;
                                newY = (m_mapping.y - yDiff) / m_mapping.height;         // Flip y for the screen coordinates

                                // Filtering
                                // New coordinate is weighted more if it represents a longer distance change
                                // This should reduce the lagging of the cursor on higher distances, but still filter out small jittering
                                float changeX = newX - m_relativeCursorPosition.x;
                                float changeY = newY - m_relativeCursorPosition.y;

                                if (changeX != 0 || changeY != 0 && timeStamp != m_timeStamp)
                                    float changeLength = Mathf.Sqrt(changeX * changeX + changeY * changeY);
                                    float filterFactor = changeLength;         //Mathf.Sqrt(changeLength);
                                    if (filterFactor > 1.0f)
                                        filterFactor = 1.0f;

                                    // Apply the tracking to the current position with the given filter factor
                                    // AA: Filtering should happen here for joint-to-relativejoint (VECTOR) filtering
                                    // AA: filtering code

                                    Vector2 tempNew = new Vector2(newX, newY);

                                    fm.UpdateVectorFilters(m_relativeCursorPosition, tempNew, filterFactor);
                                    // If true, use the calculated factor for smoothing, else just use the new
                                    if (m_bUseVectorFiltering)
                                        m_relativeCursorPosition = fm.vectors[i]; //filter.Update(m_relativeCursorPosition, tempNew, filterFactor);
                                    else                                          // Just give equal weight to both
                                        m_relativeCursorPosition = filter.Update(m_relativeCursorPosition, tempNew, 0.5f);

                                    // AA: Calculate all filters
                                    // fm.UpdateVectorFilters(m_relativeCursorPosition, tempNew, filterFactor);

                                    m_timeStamp = timeStamp;

                                    // Send it, but only if it is more or less within the screen
                                    if (m_relativeCursorPosition.x > -0.1f && m_relativeCursorPosition.x < 1.1f &&
                                        m_relativeCursorPosition.y > -0.1f && m_relativeCursorPosition.y < 1.1f)
                                        MoveMouse(m_relativeCursorPosition.x, m_relativeCursorPosition.y, i);

                                        // Each filter must store it's own value of relative position, absolute and previous absolute positions
                                        fm.relativeCursorPosition[i] = m_relativeCursorPosition;
                                        fm.absPixelPosition[i]       = m_absPixelPosition;
                                        fm.prevAbsPixelPosition[i]   = m_previousAbsPixelPosition;

                                        m_gotNewFubiCoordinates      = true;
                                        m_lastCursorChangeDoneByFubi = true;
        // AA: FUBI does not move mouse if the confidence value is too low

        if (!m_gotNewFubiCoordinates)           // AA: this only executes when input is coming from mouse
            // Got no mouse coordinates from fubi this frame
            Vector2 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
            // Only move mouse if it wasn't changed by fubi the last time or or it really has changed
            if (!m_lastCursorChangeDoneByFubi || mousePos != m_lastMousePos)
                //AA: Old code for cursor placement
                m_relativeCursorPosition.x = mousePos.x / (float)Screen.width;
                m_relativeCursorPosition.y = 1.0f - (mousePos.y / (float)Screen.height);
                // Get mouse X and Y position as a percentage of screen width and height
                MoveActualMouse(m_relativeCursorPosition.x, m_relativeCursorPosition.y, true);
                m_lastMousePos = mousePos;
                m_lastCursorChangeDoneByFubi = false;
Beispiel #5
        public void applyHandPositionToMouse(uint userID, out float x, out float y, bool leftHand = false)
            x = float.NaN;
            y = float.NaN;

            float handX, handY, handZ, confidence;

            FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint joint    = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND;
            FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER;
            if (leftHand)
                joint    = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_HAND;
                relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_SHOULDER;

            double timeStamp;

            Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, joint, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);

            if (confidence > 0.5f)
                float relX, relY, relZ;
                Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, relJoint, out relX, out relY, out relZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);

                if (confidence > 0.5f)
                    // Take relative coordinates
                    float rawX = handX - relX;
                    float rawY = handY - relY;

                    // Convert to screen coordinates
                    float newX, newY;
                    float mapX = m_mapX;
                    if (leftHand)
                        // Mirror x  area for left hand
                        mapX = -m_mapX - m_mapW;
                    newX = (rawX - mapX) / m_mapW;
                    newY = (m_mapY - rawY) / m_mapH; // Flip y for the screen coordinates

                    // Filtering
                    // New coordinate is weighted more if it represents a longer distance change
                    // This should reduce the lagging of the cursor on higher distances, but still filter out small jittering
                    float changeX = newX - m_x;
                    float changeY = newY - m_y;

                    if (changeX != 0 || changeY != 0 && timeStamp != m_timeStamp)
                        double changeLength = Math.Sqrt(changeX * changeX + changeY * changeY);
                        double changeDur    = timeStamp - m_timeStamp;
                        float  filterFactor = (float)Math.Sqrt(changeLength) * m_smoothingFactor;
                        if (filterFactor > 1.0f)
                            filterFactor = 1.0f;

                        // Apply the tracking to the current position with the given filter factor
                        m_x         = (1.0f - filterFactor) * m_x + filterFactor * newX;
                        m_y         = (1.0f - filterFactor) * m_y + filterFactor * newY;
                        m_timeStamp = timeStamp;

                        // Send it
                        MouseSimulator.sendMousePos(m_x, m_y);
                        x = m_x;
                        y = m_x;

                    // Check for mouse click
                    if (Fubi.recognizeGestureOn("mouseClick", userID) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED ||
                        Fubi.recognizeGestureOn("mouseClick1", userID) == FubiUtils.RecognitionResult.RECOGNIZED)
                        if (m_timeStamp - m_lastMouseClick > 1)
                            MouseSimulator.sendMouseButton(true, true);
                            MouseSimulator.sendMouseButton(true, false);
                            m_lastMouseClick = m_timeStamp;
        public void applyHandPositionToMouse(uint userID, out float x, out float y, bool leftHand = false)
            x = float.NaN;
            y = float.NaN;

            float handX, handY, handZ, confidence;

            var joint    = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_HAND;
            var relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.RIGHT_SHOULDER;

            if (leftHand)
                joint    = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_HAND;
                relJoint = FubiUtils.SkeletonJoint.LEFT_SHOULDER;

            double timeStamp;

            Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, joint, out handX, out handY, out handZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);

            if (confidence > 0.5f)
                float relX, relY, relZ;
                Fubi.getCurrentSkeletonJointPosition(userID, relJoint, out relX, out relY, out relZ, out confidence, out timeStamp);

                if (confidence > 0.5f)
                    // Take relative coordinates
                    var rawX = handX - relX;
                    var rawY = handY - relY;

                    // Convert to screen coordinates
                    var mapX = m_mapX;
                    if (leftHand)
                        // Mirror x  area for left hand
                        mapX = -m_mapX - m_mapW;
                    float newX = (rawX - mapX) / m_mapW;
                    float newY = (m_mapY - rawY) / m_mapH;

                    // Filtering
                    // New coordinate is weighted more if it represents a longer distance change
                    // This should reduce the lagging of the cursor on higher distances, but still filter out small jittering
                    var changeX = newX - m_x;
                    var changeY = newY - m_y;

                    if (Math.Abs(changeX) > float.Epsilon || Math.Abs(changeY) > float.Epsilon && Math.Abs(timeStamp - m_timeStamp) > float.Epsilon)
                        var changeLength = Math.Sqrt(changeX * changeX + changeY * changeY);
                        var filterFactor = (float)Math.Sqrt(changeLength) * m_smoothingFactor;
                        if (filterFactor > 1.0f)
                            filterFactor = 1.0f;

                        // Apply the tracking to the current position with the given filter factor
                        m_x         = (1.0f - filterFactor) * m_x + filterFactor * newX;
                        m_y         = (1.0f - filterFactor) * m_y + filterFactor * newY;
                        m_timeStamp = timeStamp;

                        // Send it
                        MouseKeyboardSimulator.sendMousePos(m_x, m_y);
                        x = m_x;
                        y = m_x;