/// <summary> /// Detect the FTP Server based on the welcome message sent by the server after getting the 220 connection command. /// Its the primary method. /// </summary> public static FtpServer DetectFtpServer(FtpClient client, FtpReply HandshakeReply) { var serverType = client.ServerType; if (HandshakeReply.Success && (HandshakeReply.Message != null || HandshakeReply.InfoMessages != null)) { var message = (HandshakeReply.Message ?? "") + (HandshakeReply.InfoMessages ?? ""); // try to detect any of the servers foreach (var server in AllServers) { if (server.DetectByWelcome(message)) { serverType = server.ToEnum(); break; } } // trace it if (serverType != FtpServer.Unknown) { client.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "Status: Detected FTP server: " + serverType.ToString()); } } return(serverType); }
private FtpReply GetProxyReply(FtpSocketStream stream) { FtpReply reply = new FtpReply(); string buf; lock (Lock) { if (!IsConnected) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No connection to the server has been established."); } stream.ReadTimeout = ReadTimeout; while ((buf = stream.ReadLine(Encoding)) != null) { Match m; FtpTrace.WriteLine(buf); if ((m = Regex.Match(buf, @"^HTTP/.*\s(?<code>[0-9]{3}) (?<message>.*)$")).Success) { reply.Code = m.Groups["code"].Value; reply.Message = m.Groups["message"].Value; break; } reply.InfoMessages += string.Format("{0}\n", buf); } } return(reply); }
public override void SetModifiedTime(SyncQueueItem i, DateTime time) { string command; var reply = new FtpReply(); var timeFormatted = time.ToString("yyyyMMddHHMMss"); if (_ftpc.Capabilities.HasFlag(FtpCapability.MFF)) { command = string.Format("MFF Modify={0}; {1}", timeFormatted, i.CommonPath); reply = _ftpc.Execute(command); } if (!reply.Success && _ftpc.Capabilities.HasFlag(FtpCapability.MFMT)) { command = string.Format("MFMT {0} {1}", timeFormatted, i.CommonPath); reply = _ftpc.Execute(command); } if (!reply.Success) { command = string.Format("SITE UTIME {0} {1}", timeFormatted, i.CommonPath); reply = _ftpc.Execute(command); } if (!reply.Success) { Log.Write(l.Error, "SetModTime failed, file: {0} msg: {1}", i.CommonPath, reply.ErrorMessage); } }
private static void User() { if ((client == null) || !client.IsConnected) { Console.WriteLine("not connected."); } else if (commandParams.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage:user naem [password]"); } else { client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(commandParams[0], (commandParams.Count == 1) ? "" : commandParams[1]); FtpReply reply = client.Execute("User " + commandParams[0]); if ((commandParams.Count == 1) && !reply.Success) { Console.WriteLine(reply.Code + " " + reply.Message); } if (commandParams.Count > 1) { reply = client.Execute("PASS " + commandParams[1]); } Console.WriteLine(reply.Code + " " + reply.Message); } }
private static async Task <string> GetFtpServerInfoInnerAsync(WebDirectory webDirectory, string username, string password, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)) { GetCredentials(webDirectory, out string username1, out string password1); username = username1; password = password1; } // Try multiple possible options, the AutoDetect and AutoConnectAsync are not working (reliably) foreach (FtpEncryptionMode ftpEncryptionMode in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FtpEncryptionMode))) { try { Logger.Warn($"Try FTP(S) connection with EncryptionMode {ftpEncryptionMode}"); FtpClient ftpClient = new FtpClient(webDirectory.Uri.Host, webDirectory.Uri.Port, username, password) { EncryptionMode = ftpEncryptionMode }; ftpClient.ValidateAnyCertificate = true; await ftpClient.ConnectAsync(cancellationToken); OpenDirectoryIndexer.Session.Parameters[Constants.Parameters_FtpEncryptionMode] = ftpEncryptionMode.ToString(); FtpReply connectReply = ftpClient.LastReply; FtpReply helpReply = await ftpClient.ExecuteAsync("HELP", cancellationToken); FtpReply statusReply = await ftpClient.ExecuteAsync("STAT", cancellationToken); FtpReply systemReply = await ftpClient.ExecuteAsync("SYST", cancellationToken); await ftpClient.DisconnectAsync(cancellationToken); return ($"Connect Respones: {connectReply.InfoMessages}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"ServerType: {ftpClient.ServerType}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"Help response: {helpReply.InfoMessages}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"Status response: {statusReply.InfoMessages}{Environment.NewLine}" + $"System response: {systemReply.InfoMessages}{Environment.NewLine}"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is FtpCommandException ftpCommandException) { if (IsMaxThreads(ftpCommandException)) { return(null); } } Logger.Error($"FTP EncryptionMode {ftpEncryptionMode} failed: {ex.Message}"); } } return(null); }
public void DownloadFile(string sourceFilePath, System.IO.Stream destinationStream) { FtpClient conn = null; try { conn = OpenClient(sourceFilePath); sourceFilePath = AdjustPath(conn.Host, sourceFilePath); using (System.IO.Stream sStream = conn.OpenRead(sourceFilePath, FtpDataType.Binary)) { sStream.CopyTo(destinationStream); } FtpReply reply = conn.GetReply(); if (!reply.Success) { throw new Exception("There was an error reading from the FTP server: " + reply.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { DisposeClient(conn); conn = null; throw ex; } finally { RecycleClient(conn); } }
public void UploadFile(System.IO.Stream sourceStream, string destinationFilePath) { FtpClient conn = null; try { conn = OpenClient(destinationFilePath); destinationFilePath = AdjustPath(conn.Host, destinationFilePath); using (System.IO.Stream dStream = conn.OpenWrite(destinationFilePath, FtpDataType.Binary)) { sourceStream.CopyTo(dStream); } FtpReply reply = conn.GetReply(); if (!reply.Success) { throw new Exception("There was an error writing to the FTP server: " + reply.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { DisposeClient(conn); conn = null; throw ex; } finally { RecycleClient(conn); } }
//[Fact] public async Task StreamResponsesAsync() { using (FtpClient cl = NewFtpClient()) { cl.EncryptionMode = FtpEncryptionMode.None; cl.ValidateCertificate += OnValidateCertificate; using (FtpDataStream s = (FtpDataStream)await cl.OpenWriteAsync("test.txt")) { FtpReply r = s.CommandStatus; FtpTrace.WriteLine(""); FtpTrace.WriteLine("Response to STOR:"); FtpTrace.WriteLine("Code: " + r.Code); FtpTrace.WriteLine("Message: " + r.Message); FtpTrace.WriteLine("Informational: " + r.InfoMessages); r = s.Close(); FtpTrace.WriteLine(""); FtpTrace.WriteLine("Response after close:"); FtpTrace.WriteLine("Code: " + r.Code); FtpTrace.WriteLine("Message: " + r.Message); FtpTrace.WriteLine("Informational: " + r.InfoMessages); } } }
/// <summary> /// Envía el comando LIST al servidor /// </summary> internal override FtpReply Send() { FtpReply reply = new FtpReply(0); // Asigna la protección Connection.CheckProtection(Parameters.FtpClientParameters.FtpProtection.ControlChannel); // Obtiene los archivos using (Network.FtpStream data = new Network.FtpStreamFactory().OpenDataStream(Connection, FtpClient.FtpTransferMode.Binary)) { // Envía el comando reply = Expect(SendCommand("MLSD", Connection.Server.ServerPlatform.EscapePath(Path.ToString())), 125, 150, 425); // Si ha contestado correctamente, se interpretan los archivos del directorio if (reply.IsSuccess) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data.Validated(), Connection.Client.ClientParameters.Encoding)) { string line; // Lee las líneas while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { AddFileEntry(line); } } } else { data.Abort(); ThrowException(reply); } } // Devuelve la respuesta return(reply); }
static void StreamResponses() { using (FtpClient cl = new FtpClient()) { cl.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(m_user, m_pass); cl.Host = m_host; cl.EncryptionMode = FtpEncryptionMode.None; cl.ValidateCertificate += new FtpSslValidation(delegate(FtpClient control, FtpSslValidationEventArgs e) { e.Accept = true; }); using (FtpDataStream s = (FtpDataStream)cl.OpenWrite("test.txt")) { FtpReply r = s.CommandStatus; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Response to STOR:"); Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", r.Code); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", r.Message); Console.WriteLine("Informational: {0}", r.InfoMessages); r = s.Close(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Response after close:"); Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", r.Code); Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", r.Message); Console.WriteLine("Informational: {0}", r.InfoMessages); } } }
public static void GenNewScript() { FtpClient Client = new FtpClient(""); Client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("astronet", "P@ssw0rd"); Client.ConnectTimeout = 1000; Client.Connect(); //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Test Json Write----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List <ScriptStructureNew> ScriptList = new List <ScriptStructureNew>(); int station_random = new Random().Next(1, 4); String stationName = null; /* * if(station_random == 1) * { * stationName = "AIRFORCE"; * ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), "30", STATIONNAME.AIRFORCE.ToString(), DEVICENAME.AIRFORCE_TS700MM.ToString(), TS700MMSET.TS700MM_MOUNT_SETENABLE.ToString(), new List<String> { }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString())); * ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), "30", STATIONNAME.AIRFORCE.ToString(), DEVICENAME.AIRFORCE_IMAGING.ToString(), IMAGINGSET.IMAGING_CCD_EXPOSE.ToString(), new List<String> { "FileName", "12.0", "true" }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString())); * } * else if(station_random == 2) * { * stationName = "ASTROPARK"; * ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), "30", STATIONNAME.ASTROPARK.ToString(), DEVICENAME.ASTROPARK_TS700MM.ToString(), TS700MMSET.TS700MM_MOUNT_SETENABLE.ToString(), new List<String> { }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString())); * ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), "30", STATIONNAME.ASTROPARK.ToString(), DEVICENAME.ASTROPARK_IMAGING.ToString(), IMAGINGSET.IMAGING_CCD_EXPOSE.ToString(), new List<String> { "FileName", "12.0", "true" }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString())); * } * else if (station_random == 3) * { * stationName = "USA"; * ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), "30", STATIONNAME.USA.ToString(), DEVICENAME.USA_TS700MM.ToString(), TS700MMSET.TS700MM_MOUNT_SETENABLE.ToString(), new List<String> { }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString())); * ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), "30", STATIONNAME.USA.ToString(), DEVICENAME.USA_IMAGING.ToString(), IMAGINGSET.IMAGING_CCD_EXPOSE.ToString(), new List<String> { "FileName", "12.0", "true" }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-2).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString())); * } */ stationName = "ASTROPARK"; ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(+1).Ticks.ToString(), "30", stationName, stationName + "_" + "TS700MM", TS700MMSET.TS700MM_MOUNT_SETENABLE.ToString(), new List <String> { }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+1).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString(), "", "", "CHAMP")); ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(+2).Ticks.ToString(), "30", stationName, stationName + "_" + "TS700MM", TS700MMSET.TS700MM_MOUNT_SLEWRADEC.ToString(), new List <String> { "4 55 23.32", "+14 32 54.12" }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+1).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString(), "", "", "CHAMP")); ScriptList.Add(new ScriptStructureNew(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(+3).Ticks.ToString(), "30", stationName, stationName + "_" + "IMAGING", IMAGINGSET.IMAGING_CCD_EXPOSE.ToString(), new List <String> { "FileName", "1.0", "true", "TigerStar" }, SCRIPTSTATE.WAITINGSERVER.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+1).Ticks.ToString(), DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(+2).Ticks.ToString(), "", "", "CHAMP")); String DataJsonTest = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ScriptList); var remoteFileStream = Client.OpenWrite(@"\Script\" + stationName + "\\" + DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString() + ".txt"); Byte[] DataByte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(DataJsonTest); remoteFileStream.Write(DataByte, 0, DataByte.Count()); remoteFileStream.Close(); FtpReply status = Client.GetReply(); Client.Disconnect(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
public void ReadMultilineTest() { var ftpReply = new FtpReply(); Assert.IsTrue(ftpReply.ParseLine("220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------")); Assert.IsTrue(ftpReply.ParseLine("220-You are user number 1 of 1000 allowed.")); Assert.IsTrue(ftpReply.ParseLine("220-Local time is now 01:29. Server port: 21.")); Assert.IsTrue(ftpReply.ParseLine("220-This is a private system - No anonymous login")); Assert.IsTrue(ftpReply.ParseLine("220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.")); Assert.IsFalse(ftpReply.ParseLine("220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.")); }
//Returns true if successful public static bool RemoteCommand(string Command, bool ShowError = true) { FtpReply reply = Client.Execute("RCMD " + Command); if (ShowError) { HandleError(reply.Code, reply.ErrorMessage); } return(reply.Success); }
private static void Binary() { if ((client == null) || !client.IsConnected) { Console.WriteLine("not connected."); } else { FtpReply reply = client.Execute("TYPE I"); Console.WriteLine(reply.Code + " " + reply.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Lanza la excepción adecuada para una respuesta /// </summary> protected void ThrowException(FtpReply reply) { if (reply.Class == FtpReply.FtpReplyCodeClass.Filesystem) { throw new Exceptions.FtpFileException($"File error. Code={reply.Code} ('{reply.Lines[0]}')", reply); } if (reply.Class == FtpReply.FtpReplyCodeClass.Connections) { throw new Exceptions.FtpTransportException($"Connection error. Code={reply.Code} ('{reply.Lines[0]}')"); } throw new Exceptions.FtpProtocolException($"Expected other reply than {reply.Code} ('{reply.Lines[0]}')", reply); }
/// <summary> /// Envía el comando /// </summary> internal override FtpReply Send() { FtpReply reply = Expect(SendCommand("SYST", null), 215); // Obtiene el sistema a partir de la respuesta if (reply.IsSuccess) { System = reply.Lines[0]; } // Devuelve la respuesta del servidro return(reply); }
/// <summary> /// Obtiene el directorio actual del cliente /// </summary> internal override FtpReply Send() { FtpReply reply = Expect(SendCommand("PWD", null), 257, 550); // Si ha devuelto al menos una línea, obtiene el directorio de la primera if (reply.Lines.Length > 0) { ActualPath = GetPath(reply.Lines[0]); } // Devuelve el resultado return(reply); }
private static void Execute(string command, bool appendParams = false) { if (CheckClient() && (!appendParams || HasParam("parameter invalidate."))) { if (appendParams) { command = command + " " + commandParams.Aggregate <string>((s, s1) => (s + " " + s1)); } FtpReply reply = client.Execute(command); Console.WriteLine(reply.Code + " " + reply.Message); } }
private bool UploadData2(Stream localStream, string remotePath) { bool result; using (Stream remoteStream = client.OpenWrite(remotePath)) { result = TransferData(localStream, remoteStream); } FtpReply ftpReply = client.GetReply(); return(result && ftpReply.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Envía los comandos RNFR y RNTO /// </summary> internal override FtpReply Send() { FtpReply reply = Expect(SendCommand("RNFR", Path.ToString()), 350); // Si ha podido enviar el comando RNFR, envía el comando RNTO if (reply.IsSuccess) { reply = Expect(SendCommand("RNTO", Target.ToString()), 250); } // Devuelve la última respuesta return(reply); }
private bool UploadDataInternal(Stream localStream, string remotePath) { bool result; #pragma warning disable 0618 using (Stream remoteStream = client.OpenWrite(remotePath)) { result = TransferData(localStream, remoteStream); } #pragma warning restore 0618 FtpReply ftpReply = client.GetReply(); return(result && ftpReply.Success); }
public void Handle(TestMessage.FtpMessage message) { Console.WriteLine("Message Received With The Following\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("ID: " + message.ID.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Name: " + message.Name); FtpReply rep = new FtpReply { ID = 500, OtherData = Guid.NewGuid(), IsThisCool = true, Description = "What the?" }; this.Bus.Reply(rep); }
private FtpReply GetProxyReply(FtpSocketStream stream) { var reply = new FtpReply(); string buf; #if !CORE14 lock (Lock) { #endif if (!IsConnected) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No connection to the server has been established."); } stream.ReadTimeout = ReadTimeout; while ((buf = stream.ReadLine(Encoding)) != null) { Match m; LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Info, buf); if ((m = Regex.Match(buf, @"^HTTP/.*\s(?<code>[0-9]{3}) (?<message>.*)$")).Success) { reply.Code = m.Groups["code"].Value; reply.Message = m.Groups["message"].Value; break; } reply.InfoMessages += buf + "\n"; } // fixes #84 (missing bytes when downloading/uploading files through proxy) while ((buf = stream.ReadLine(Encoding)) != null) { LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Info, buf); if (FtpExtensions.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(buf)) { break; } reply.InfoMessages += buf + "\n"; } #if !CORE14 } #endif return(reply); }
/// <summary> /// Lee los parámetros de EPSV /// </summary> private void ReadParametersEpsv(FtpReply reply) { // Si responde con código 229, recoge el puerto, si no, lo intenta de nuevo (puede haber dado // un error de tipo "421 - Demasiadas conexiones abiertas") if (reply.Code == 229) { Match match = EpsvEx.Match(reply.Lines[0]); // Obtiene los datos Host = Connection.Client.Uri.Host; Port = int.Parse(match.Groups["port"].Value); // Indica que se ha pasado a modo pasivo IsPassive = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Comprueba los códigos espeficcados en una respuesta /// </summary> protected FtpReply Expect(FtpReply reply, params int[] codes) { // Si no existe ninguno de los códigos especificados if (!ExistsCode(reply.Code, codes)) { // Cuando se encuentra el código 214 no se trata, puede que se dé una inconsistencia entre // comandos y respuestas así que lo mejor es desconectar para reiniciar las parejas comando / respuesta if (reply.Code == 214) { Connection.Disconnect(); } // Lanza la excepción adecuada ThrowException(reply); } // Si todo ha ido bien, devuelve la respuesta leída return(reply); }
/// <summary> /// Lee los parámetros de PSV /// </summary> private void ReadParametersPsv(FtpReply reply) { // Si se encuentra el código 227, recoge el host y puerto, si no, lo intenta de nuevo (puede haber dado un // error del tipo "421 - Demasiadas conexiones abiertas") if (reply.Code == 227) { Match match = PasvEx.Match(reply.Lines[0]); // Obtiene el host y el puerto de la expresión regular Host = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", match.Groups["ip1"], match.Groups["ip2"], match.Groups["ip3"], match.Groups["ip4"]); Port = int.Parse(match.Groups["portHi"].Value) * 256 + int.Parse(match.Groups["portLo"].Value); // Indica que se ha pasado a modo pasivo IsPassive = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Envía el comando RMD /// </summary> internal override FtpReply Send() { FtpReply reply = null; // Borra el directorio o el archivo if (IsDirectory ?? true) { reply = DeletePath(); } // Si era un archivo o hemos intentado borrar el directorio y no hemos podido if (reply == null || !reply.IsSuccess) { reply = DeleteFile(); } // Devuelve la respuesta return(reply); }
/// <summary> Redefine the first dialog: auth with proxy information </summary> protected override void Handshake() { // Proxy authentication eventually needed. if (Proxy.Credentials != null) { Authenticate(Proxy.Credentials.UserName, Proxy.Credentials.Password); } // Connection USER@Host means to change user name to add host. Credentials.UserName = Credentials.UserName + "@" + Host; FtpReply reply = GetReply(); if (reply.Code == "220") { FtpTrace.WriteLine(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "Status: Server is ready for the new client"); } }
/// <summary> Redefine the first dialog: auth with proxy information </summary> protected override void Handshake() { // Proxy authentication eventually needed. if (Proxy.Credentials != null) { Authenticate(Proxy.Credentials.UserName, Proxy.Credentials.Password); } // Connection USER@Host means to change user name to add host. Credentials.UserName = Credentials.UserName + "@" + Host; FtpReply reply = GetReply(); if (reply.Code == "220") { this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "Status: Server is ready for the new client"); } // TO TEST: if we are able to detect the actual FTP server software from this reply HandshakeReply = reply; }
public void SendResponse(FtpReply ftpReply, bool IsRawReply) { if (disposedValue) { return; } var bytesMessage = ServerEncoding.GetBytes(ftpReply.Message); if (IsRawReply) { ClientCommandStream.Write(bytesMessage, 0, bytesMessage.Length); return; } var reply = ServerEncoding.GetBytes((int)ftpReply.ReplyCode + " " + ftpReply.Message + "\r\n"); ClientCommandStream.Write(reply, 0, reply.Length); }