Beispiel #1
 public virtual void PrintStats(StringBuilder p)
     p.Append("Block scanner information for volume " + volume.GetStorageID() + " with base path "
              + volume.GetBasePath() + "%n");
     lock (stats)
         p.Append(string.Format("Bytes verified in last hour       : %57d%n", stats.bytesScannedInPastHour
         p.Append(string.Format("Blocks scanned in current period  : %57d%n", stats.blocksScannedInCurrentPeriod
         p.Append(string.Format("Blocks scanned since restart      : %57d%n", stats.blocksScannedSinceRestart
         p.Append(string.Format("Block pool scans since restart    : %57d%n", stats.scansSinceRestart
         p.Append(string.Format("Block scan errors since restart   : %57d%n", stats.scanErrorsSinceRestart
         if (stats.nextBlockPoolScanStartMs > 0)
             p.Append(string.Format("Hours until next block pool scan  : %57.3f%n", PositiveMsToHours
                                        (stats.nextBlockPoolScanStartMs - Time.MonotonicNow())));
         if (stats.blockPoolPeriodEndsMs > 0)
             p.Append(string.Format("Hours until possible pool rescan  : %57.3f%n", PositiveMsToHours
                                        (stats.blockPoolPeriodEndsMs - Time.Now())));
         p.Append(string.Format("Last block scanned                : %57s%n", ((stats.lastBlockScanned
                                                                                == null) ? "none" : stats.lastBlockScanned.ToString())));
         p.Append(string.Format("More blocks to scan in period     : %57s%n", !stats.eof));
            internal ScanInfo(long blockId, FilePath blockFile, FilePath metaFile, FsVolumeSpi
                this.blockId = blockId;
                string condensedVolPath = vol == null ? null : GetCondensedPath(vol.GetBasePath()

                this.blockSuffix = blockFile == null ? null : GetSuffix(blockFile, condensedVolPath
                this.blockFileLength = (blockFile != null) ? blockFile.Length() : 0;
                if (metaFile == null)
                    this.metaSuffix = null;
                    if (blockFile == null)
                        this.metaSuffix = GetSuffix(metaFile, condensedVolPath);
                        this.metaSuffix = GetSuffix(metaFile, condensedVolPath + blockSuffix);
                this.volume = vol;
Beispiel #3
            public virtual void Handle(ExtendedBlock block, IOException e)
                FsVolumeSpi volume = scanner.volume;

                if (e == null)
                    Log.Trace("Successfully scanned {} on {}", block, volume.GetBasePath());
                // If the block does not exist anymore, then it's not an error.
                if (!volume.GetDataset().Contains(block))
                    Log.Debug("Volume {}: block {} is no longer in the dataset.", volume.GetBasePath(
                                  ), block);
                // If the block exists, the exception may due to a race with write:
                // The BlockSender got an old block path in rbw. BlockReceiver removed
                // the rbw block from rbw to finalized but BlockSender tried to open the
                // file before BlockReceiver updated the VolumeMap. The state of the
                // block can be changed again now, so ignore this error here. If there
                // is a block really deleted by mistake, DirectoryScan should catch it.
                if (e is FileNotFoundException)
                    Log.Info("Volume {}: verification failed for {} because of " + "FileNotFoundException.  This may be due to a race with write."
                             , volume.GetBasePath(), block);
                Log.Warn("Reporting bad {} on {}", block, volume.GetBasePath());
                catch (IOException)
                    // This is bad, but not bad enough to shut down the scanner.
                    Log.Warn("Cannot report bad " + block.GetBlockId(), e);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>Set up a scanner for the given block pool and volume.</summary>
 /// <param name="ref">A reference to the volume.</param>
 public virtual void AddVolumeScanner(FsVolumeReference @ref)
     lock (this)
         bool success = false;
             FsVolumeSpi volume = @ref.GetVolume();
             if (!IsEnabled())
                 Log.Debug("Not adding volume scanner for {}, because the block " + "scanner is disabled."
                           , volume.GetBasePath());
             VolumeScanner scanner = scanners[volume.GetStorageID()];
             if (scanner != null)
                 Log.Error("Already have a scanner for volume {}.", volume.GetBasePath());
             Log.Debug("Adding scanner for volume {} (StorageID {})", volume.GetBasePath(), volume
             scanner = new VolumeScanner(conf, datanode, @ref);
             scanners[volume.GetStorageID()] = scanner;
             success = true;
             if (!success)
                 // If we didn't create a new VolumeScanner object, we don't
                 // need this reference to the volume.
                 IOUtils.Cleanup(null, @ref);
Beispiel #5
 internal VolumeScanner(BlockScanner.Conf conf, DataNode datanode, FsVolumeReference
     this.conf     = conf;
     this.datanode = datanode;
     this.@ref     = @ref;
     this.volume   = @ref.GetVolume();
     VolumeScanner.ScanResultHandler handler;
         handler = System.Activator.CreateInstance(conf.resultHandler);
     catch (Exception e)
         Log.Error("unable to instantiate {}", conf.resultHandler, e);
         handler = new VolumeScanner.ScanResultHandler();
     this.resultHandler = handler;
     SetName("VolumeScannerThread(" + volume.GetBasePath() + ")");
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Stops and removes a volume scanner.<p/>
 /// This function will block until the volume scanner has stopped.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="volume">The volume to remove.</param>
 public virtual void RemoveVolumeScanner(FsVolumeSpi volume)
     lock (this)
         if (!IsEnabled())
             Log.Debug("Not removing volume scanner for {}, because the block " + "scanner is disabled."
                       , volume.GetStorageID());
         VolumeScanner scanner = scanners[volume.GetStorageID()];
         if (scanner == null)
             Log.Warn("No scanner found to remove for volumeId {}", volume.GetStorageID());
         Log.Info("Removing scanner for volume {} (StorageID {})", volume.GetBasePath(), volume
         Sharpen.Collections.Remove(scanners, volume.GetStorageID());
         Uninterruptibles.JoinUninterruptibly(scanner, 5, TimeUnit.Minutes);
 internal virtual FilePath GetBlockFile()
     return((blockSuffix == null) ? null : new FilePath(volume.GetBasePath(), blockSuffix