public override Task<IEnumerable<FsPath>> FindFiles(FsPath path, string searchPattern) { if (_next != null) return _next.FindFiles(path, searchPattern); return Enumerable.Empty<FsPath>() .AsImmediateTask(); }
public override async Task DeleteDir(FsPath path) { var randomDirectoryName = (await _undoDataCache)/Guid.NewGuid() .ToString("N"); await Next.MoveDir(path, randomDirectoryName); _AddUndoStep(() => Next.MoveDir(randomDirectoryName, path)); }
public override async Task<IEnumerable<FsPath>> FindFiles(FsPath path, string searchPattern) { if (!await DirExists(path)) return Enumerable.Empty<FsPath>(); return await Task.Run(()=>Directory.EnumerateFiles(path.Absolute, searchPattern) .Select(p => new FsPath(p))); }
public override Task CreateDir(FsPath path) { _AllMissingDirectoriesInPathFromBottomUp(path) .Reverse() .Each(dir => { _AddUndoStep(() => Next.DeleteDir(new FsPath(dir))); }); return base.CreateDir(path); }
public override async Task Overwrite(FsPath path, string newContents) { using (var writer = File.CreateText(path.Absolute)) { await writer.WriteAsync(newContents); await writer.FlushAsync(); } }
public override async Task Overwrite(FsPath path, byte[] newContents) { using (var writer = File.OpenWrite(path.Absolute)) { await writer.WriteAsync(newContents, 0, newContents.Length); await writer.FlushAsync(); } }
public void MoveFile(FsPath src, FsPath dest) { if (_GetStorage(src).Kind != _StorageKind.File) throw new ArgumentException("path", string.Format("Attempted to move file {0}, which is not a file.", src.Absolute)); if (_GetStorage(dest).Kind != _StorageKind.Missing) throw new ArgumentException("path", string.Format("Attempted to move file to destination {0}, which already exists.", dest.Absolute)); _data[dest] = _data[src]; _data.Remove(src); }
public void CreateDir(FsPath path) { while (true) { _data[path] = new _Node(_StorageKind.Directory); if (path.IsRoot) return; path = path.Parent; } }
public override Task CreateDir(FsPath path) { while (true) { _data[path] = new _Node(_StorageKind.Directory); if (path.IsRoot) return CompletedTask; path = path.Parent; } }
public IEnumerable <FsPathAndFileStatusPair> ListFiles(FsPath path, FileListParameters parameters) { foreach (var page in ListFilesPaged(path, parameters)) { foreach (var filestatus in page.FileItems) { var item = new FsPathAndFileStatusPair(page.Path, filestatus); yield return(item); } } }
public override Task DeleteFile(FsPath path) { var storageKind = _GetStorage(path) .Kind; if (storageKind == _StorageKind.Missing) return CompletedTask; if (storageKind == _StorageKind.Directory) throw new ArgumentException("path", string.Format("Path {0} was a directory, and you attempted to delete a file.", path.Absolute)); _data.Remove(path); return CompletedTask; }
public GeneratorRunner(ILog log, IServerLog serverLog, string workDir) { ServerLog = serverLog; Log = log; _projectLoader = new ProjectLoader(log, workDir); _scriptHandler = new CsharpScriptHandler(Log); WorkDirectory = workDir; ConfigFile = new FsPath(WorkDirectory, "bookgen.json"); _configuration = new Config(); _toc = new ToC(); }
public Dictionary <string, string> GetTcgSetBySet() { FsPath setMapFile = _resourcesDir.Join(""); var tcgSetBySet = setMapFile.ReadAllLines() .Where(l => l != string.Empty) .Select(l => l.Split('\t')) .ToDictionary(p => p[0], p => p[1]); return(tcgSetBySet); }
private static FsPath getTargetPath(ImageFile imageFile, FsPath subdir) { var fileName = imageFile.FullPath.Basename(); while (true) { if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".jpg")) { continue; } if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".png")) { continue; } if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".xlhq")) { continue; } // ReSharper disable once StringLiteralTypo if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".xhlq")) { continue; } if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".full")) { continue; } break; } string targetFileName; if (imageFile.FullPath.Value.EndsWith(".jpg", Str.Comparison)) { targetFileName = fileName + ".jpg"; } else if (imageFile.FullPath.Value.EndsWith(".png", Str.Comparison)) { targetFileName = fileName + ".png"; } else { throw new NotSupportedException("only .png .jpg extensions are supported"); } var targetFullPath = subdir.Join(targetFileName); return(targetFullPath); }
public async Task DownloadApp(CancellationToken token) { var expectedSignature = AppOnlineSignature; FsPath appOnline = _updateAppDir.Join(expectedSignature.Path); ensureFileDeleted(appOnline); _updateAppDir.CreateDirectory(); var client = new YandexDiskClientWrapper(new YandexDiskClient(), _appSourceConfig.YandexKey); string url = string.Format(_appSourceConfig.ZipUrl, expectedSignature.Path); await client.TryDownloadFile(url, appOnline, token); }
private static bool createApplicationShortcut(FsPath shortcutPath, FsPath exePath, FsPath iconPath) { if (Runtime.IsLinux) { Console.WriteLine("Shortcut creation is not supported"); return(true); } return(new UtilExe().CreateShortcut( exePath: exePath, iconPath: iconPath, shortcutPath: shortcutPath)); }
public void Download(FsPath src_path, FsLocalPath dest_path, FileDownloadParameters parameters) { using (var stream = this.RestClients.FileSystemRest.Open(this.Account, src_path)) { var filemode = parameters.Append ? System.IO.FileMode.Append : System.IO.FileMode.Create; using (var fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(dest_path.ToString(), filemode)) { stream.CopyTo(fileStream); } } }
private static string GetDescription(ILog log, FsPath file) { using (var pipeline = new BookGenPipeline(BookGenPipeline.Plain)) { string?content = file.ReadFile(log).Replace('\n', ' ').Trim(); string?description = pipeline.RenderMarkdown(content); var limit = description.Length < 190 ? description.Length : 190; return(description.Substring(0, limit) + "..."); } }
private Bitmap tryGetFromCache(FsPath path, RotateFlipType rotations) { if (!_imagesByPath.TryGetValue(new Tuple <FsPath, RotateFlipType>(path, rotations), out var cacheEntry)) { return(null); } shiftFromLast(cacheEntry); return(cacheEntry.Image); }
public static Result ReadFsPath(out FsPath path, ServiceCtx context, int index = 0) { long position = context.Request.PtrBuff[index].Position; long size = context.Request.PtrBuff[index].Size; byte[] pathBytes = new byte[size]; context.Memory.Read((ulong)position, pathBytes); return(FsPath.FromSpan(out path, pathBytes)); }
public static bool FallbackTemplateRequired(FsPath workingDirectory, BuildConfig buildConfig) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(buildConfig.TemplateFile)) { return(true); } FsPath templatePath = workingDirectory.Combine(buildConfig.TemplateFile); return(!templatePath.IsExisting); }
private static void scale(FsPath smallImg, FsPath zoomImg) { if (isZoomed(smallImg)) { File.Copy(smallImg.Value, zoomImg.Value); } else { WaifuScaler.Scale(smallImg, zoomImg); } }
public void Document(FsPath assembly, FsPath xmlFile, FsPath outputDir) { IEnumerable <Type> documentableTypes = GetDocumentableTypes(assembly); XElement documentation = XElement.Load(xmlFile.ToString()); foreach (var type in documentableTypes) { _log.Info("Documenting type: {0}", type.FullName); DocumentType(type, documentation, outputDir); } }
private void InlineOrSave(FsPath file, FsPath targetdir, ILog log, RuntimeSettings settings, SKData data, string?extensionOverride = null) { if (data.Size < settings.CurrentBuildConfig.ImageOptions.InlineImageSizeLimit) { log.Detail("Inlining: {0}", file); InlineImage(file, settings, data, extensionOverride); } else { SaveImage(file, targetdir, log, data, extensionOverride); } }
internal async Task SetCustomColumnsDataAsync(IEnumerable <FileSystemItemPropertyData> customColumnsData) { List <StorageProviderItemProperty> customColumns = new List <StorageProviderItemProperty>(); if (customColumnsData != null) { foreach (FileSystemItemPropertyData column in customColumnsData) { customColumns.Add(new StorageProviderItemProperty() { Id = column.Id, // If value is empty Windows File Manager crushes. Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(column.Value) ? "-" : column.Value, // If icon is not set Windows File Manager crushes. IconResource = column.IconResource ?? Path.Combine(virtualDrive.Settings.IconsFolderPath, "Blank.ico") }); } } // This method may be called on temp files, typically created by MS Office, that exist for a short period of time. IStorageItem storageItem = await FsPath.GetStorageItemAsync(userFileSystemPath); if (storageItem == null) { // This method may be called on temp files, typically created by MS Office, that exist for a short period of time. // StorageProviderItemProperties.SetAsync(null,) causes AccessViolationException // which is not handled by .NET (or handled by HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions) and causes a fatal crush. return; } FileInfo file = new FileInfo(userFileSystemPath); // Can not set provider properties on read-only files. // Changing read-only attribute on folders triggers folders listing. Changing it on files only. bool readOnly = file.IsReadOnly; // Remove read-only attribute. if (readOnly && ((file.Attributes & System.IO.FileAttributes.Directory) == 0)) { file.IsReadOnly = false; //new FileInfo(userFileSystemPath).Attributes &= ~System.IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly; } // Update columns data. await StorageProviderItemProperties.SetAsync(storageItem, customColumns); // Set read-only attribute. if (readOnly && ((file.Attributes & System.IO.FileAttributes.Directory) == 0)) { file.IsReadOnly = true; //new FileInfo(userFileSystemPath).Attributes |= System.IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly; } }
public void FSPath_Constructor_Root() { var p0 = new FsPath("/"); Assert.AreEqual("/", p0.ToString()); var p1 = FsPath.Root; Assert.AreEqual("/", p1.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(p1.ToString(), p1.ToString()); }
public void EnsureThat_FsUtils_WriteFile_CreatesFile() { var file = new FsPath(_testDir, "test.txt"); file.WriteFile(TestEnvironment.GetMockedLog(), "test"); Assert.IsTrue(file.IsExisting); var content = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(_testDir, "test.txt")); Assert.AreEqual("test", content); }
public async Task <bool> DownloadAndExtract(string remotePath, FsPath targetDirectory, FsPath fileName, CancellationToken token) { if (!Str.Equals(".7z", fileName.Extension())) { throw new ArgumentException(); } FsPath archiveFileName = targetDirectory.Join(fileName); if (archiveFileName.IsFile()) { try { archiveFileName.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {archiveFileName}: {ex.Message}"); return(false); } } bool downloaded = await TryDownloadFile(remotePath, archiveFileName, token); if (!downloaded) { return(false); } if (!archiveFileName.IsFile()) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to download {archiveFileName} from {remotePath}"); return(false); } var sevenZip = new SevenZip(silent: true); sevenZip.Extract(archiveFileName, targetDirectory, Enumerable.Empty <FsPath>()); try { archiveFileName.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {archiveFileName}: {ex.Message}"); } return(true); }
public override Task DeleteDir(FsPath path) { var storageKind = _GetStorage(path) .Kind; if (storageKind == _StorageKind.Missing) return CompletedTask; if (storageKind == _StorageKind.File) throw new ArgumentException("path", string.Format("Path {0} was a file, and you attempted to delete a directory.", path.Absolute)); var toDelete = _ItemsInScopeOfDirectory(path); toDelete.Each(p => _data.Remove(p.Key)); return CompletedTask; }
public void Set_images_are_from_expected_directory(string setCode, params FsPath[] expectedDirsSet) { setCode = setCode.Trim(); var set = Repo.SetsByCode[setCode]; foreach (var card in set.ActualCards) { var imageModel = Ui.GetSmallImage(card); FsPath dir = imageModel.ImageFile.FullPath.Parent(); new[] { dir.Value }.Should().BeSubsetOf(expectedDirsSet.Select(_ => _.Value)); } }
public static void CreateApplicationShortcut(FsPath exePath, FsPath iconPath, FsPath shortcutPath) { if (shortcutPath.IsFile()) { shortcutPath.DeleteFile(); } var wsh = new WshShell(); IWshShortcut shortcut; try { shortcut = wsh.CreateShortcut(shortcutPath.Value) as IWshShortcut; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine( "Failed to create shortcut object {0} at {1}: {2}", exePath, shortcutPath, ex); return; } FsPath bin = exePath.Parent(); if (shortcut == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create shortcut {0} at {1}: {2}.{3} returned null", exePath, shortcutPath, nameof(WshShell), nameof(wsh.CreateShortcut)); return; } shortcut.Arguments = ""; shortcut.TargetPath = exePath.Value; shortcut.WindowStyle = 1; shortcut.Description = "Application to search MTG cards and build decks"; shortcut.WorkingDirectory = bin.Value; if (iconPath.HasValue()) { shortcut.IconLocation = iconPath.Value; } try { shortcut.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create shortcut {0} at {1}: {2}", exePath, shortcutPath, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Moves a file or folder placeholder in user file system. /// </summary> /// <param name="userFileSystemNewPath">New path in user file system.</param> /// <remarks> /// This method failes if the file or folder in user file system is modified (not in sync with the remote storage) /// or if the target file exists. /// </remarks> public async Task MoveToAsync(string userFileSystemNewPath) { // Cloud Filter API does not provide a function to move a placeholder file only if it is not modified. // The file may be modified between InSync call, Move() call and SetInSync() in this method. try { // Because of the on-demand population the file or folder placeholder may not exist in the user file system. if (FsPath.Exists(userFileSystemPath)) { bool inSync = PlaceholderItem.GetItem(userFileSystemPath).GetInSync(); if (inSync) { string eTag = await ETag.GetETagAsync(userFileSystemPath); ETag.DeleteETag(userFileSystemPath); try { Directory.Move(userFileSystemPath, userFileSystemNewPath); } catch { await ETag.SetETagAsync(userFileSystemPath, eTag); throw; } await ETag.SetETagAsync(userFileSystemNewPath, eTag); // The file is marked as not in sync after move/rename. Marking it as in-sync. PlaceholderItem placeholderItem = PlaceholderItem.GetItem(userFileSystemNewPath); placeholderItem.SetInSync(true); placeholderItem.SetOriginalPath(userFileSystemNewPath); await new UserFileSystemRawItem(userFileSystemNewPath).ClearStateAsync(); } if (!inSync) { throw new ConflictException(Modified.Client, "The item is not in-sync with the cloud."); } } } catch (Exception ex) { string path = FsPath.Exists(userFileSystemNewPath) ? userFileSystemNewPath : userFileSystemPath; await new UserFileSystemRawItem(userFileSystemPath).SetDownloadErrorStateAsync(ex); // Rethrow the exception preserving stack trace of the original exception. System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex).Throw(); } }
public void FSPath_Constructor_Combine_Unrooted() { var p0 = new FsPath("test"); var p1 = p0.Append("foo"); var p2 = p0.Append("foo/bar"); Assert.AreEqual("test", p0.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("test/foo", p1.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("test/foo/bar", p2.ToString()); Assert.IsFalse(p0.IsRooted); Assert.IsFalse(p1.IsRooted); Assert.IsFalse(p2.IsRooted); }
private async Task downloadImage(string url, FsPath targetPath, CancellationToken token) { try { var stream = await DownloadStream(url, token); convertToPng(stream, targetPath); } catch (HttpRequestException ex) { _log.Info(ex, "Failed request to {0} {1}", url); } }
public void EnsureThat_FsUtils_CopyDirectory_Works() { var source = new FsPath(TestEnvironment.GetTestFolder()); var target = new FsPath(_testDir, "copydir"); var result = source.CopyDirectory(target, TestEnvironment.GetMockedLog()); Assert.IsTrue(result); var files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(_testDir, "copydir")); Assert.AreEqual(6, files.Length); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes file or folder in the remote storage. /// </summary> internal async Task <bool> DeleteAsync() { if (!FsPath.AvoidSync(userFileSystemPath)) { await new VirtualFileSystem.UserFileSystemItem(userFileSystemPath).DeleteAsync(); ETag.DeleteETag(userFileSystemPath); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Sets or removes icon. /// </summary> /// <param name="set">True to display the icon. False - to remove the icon.</param> private async Task SetIconAsync(bool set, int?id = null, string iconFile = null, string description = null) { IStorageItem storageItem = await FsPath.GetStorageItemAsync(userFileSystemPath); if (storageItem == null) { // This method may be called on temp files, typically created by MS Office, that exist for a short period of time. // StorageProviderItemProperties.SetAsync(null,) causes AccessViolationException // which is not handled by .NET (or handled by HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions) and causes a fatal crush. return; } try { if (set) { StorageProviderItemProperty propState = new StorageProviderItemProperty() { Id = id.Value, Value = description, IconResource = Path.Combine(virtualDrive.Settings.IconsFolderPath, iconFile) }; await StorageProviderItemProperties.SetAsync(storageItem, new StorageProviderItemProperty[] { propState }); } else { await StorageProviderItemProperties.SetAsync(storageItem, new StorageProviderItemProperty[] { }); } } // Setting status icon failes for blocked files. catch (FileNotFoundException) { } catch (COMException) { // "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component." } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.HResult == -2147024499) { // "The operation failed due to a conflicting cloud file property lock. (0x8007018D)" } else { // Rethrow the exception preserving stack trace of the original exception. System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex).Throw(); } } }
public void CreateApplicationShortcut(FsPath shortcutLocation) { string appVersionInstalled = GetAppVersionInstalled(); // var prefix = "Mtgdb.Gui."; var postfix = ".zip"; var versionDir = appVersionInstalled.Substring(prefix.Length, appVersionInstalled.Length - prefix.Length - postfix.Length); FsPath currentBin = AppDir.BinVersion.Parent().Join(versionDir); // may be different from currently running executable because of just installed upgrade FsPath execPath = currentBin.Join(ExecutableFileName); FsPath iconPath = currentBin.Join("mtg64.ico"); FsPath shortcutPath = shortcutLocation.Join(ShortcutFileName); if (createApplicationShortcut(shortcutPath, execPath, iconPath)) { return; } // workaround a problem with WshShell unable to create the link within desktop directory // due to a mismatch between physical and localized directory names var tempLocation = new FsPath(Path.GetTempPath()); FsPath tempPath = tempLocation.Join(ShortcutFileName); if (!createApplicationShortcut(tempPath, execPath, iconPath)) { return; } try { tempPath.MoveFileTo(shortcutPath); Console.WriteLine("Moved application shortcut from {0} to {1}", tempLocation, shortcutLocation); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to move application shortcut from {0} to {1}: {2}", tempLocation, shortcutLocation, ex); try { tempPath.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception cleanupEx) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to remove application shortcut from {0}: {1}", tempLocation, cleanupEx); } } }
internal async Task SetUploadErrorStateAsync(Exception ex) { if (FsPath.Exists(userFileSystemPath)) { if (ex is ConflictException) { await SetConflictIconAsync(true); } else { await SetUploadPendingIconAsync(true); } } }
private bool addFirst(FsPath path, RotateFlipType rotations, Bitmap image) { var key = new Tuple <FsPath, RotateFlipType>(path, rotations); if (_imagesByPath.ContainsKey(key)) { return(false); } _ratings.AddFirst(key); _imagesByPath[key] = new ImageCacheEntry(image, _ratings.First); return(true); }
public MiddlewareContext(string sourcePath, string outputPath = "", string pluginPath = "") { SourcePath = new FsPath(sourcePath); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputPath)) { outputPath = "_output"; } OutputPath = SourcePath.Combine(outputPath); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pluginPath)) { pluginPath = "plugins"; } PluginPath = SourcePath.Combine(pluginPath); }
public override void Overwrote(FsPath path) { if (!_fileSystem._Disk.FileExists(path)) { _undoActions.Add(() => _fileSystem._Disk.DeleteFile(path)); return; } var randomFileName = FsPath.TempFolder/Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); _fileSystem._Disk.MoveFile(path, randomFileName); _undoActions.Add(() => { _fileSystem._Disk.DeleteFile(path); _fileSystem._Disk.MoveFile(randomFileName, path); }); }
public bool FileExists(FsPath path) { return _GetStorage(path).Kind == _StorageKind.File; }
public void DeleteFile(FsPath path) { if (_GetStorage(path).Kind == _StorageKind.Directory) throw new ArgumentException("path", string.Format("Path {0} was a directory, and you attempted to delete a file.", path.Absolute)); _data.Remove(path); }
public bool DirExists(FsPath path) { return _GetStorage(path).Kind == _StorageKind.Directory; }
public override Task CreateDir(FsPath path) { return Task.Run(() => Directory.CreateDirectory(path.Absolute)); }
public void CreateDir(FsPath path) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path.Absolute); }
public override Task MoveDir(FsPath src, FsPath dest) { return Task.Run(() => Directory.Move(src.Absolute, dest.Absolute)); }
public byte[] RawContents(FsPath path) { _Node storage = _GetStorage(path); _ValidateStorage(path, storage); return storage.RawContents; }
public override Task DeleteFile(FsPath path) { return Task.Run(() => File.Delete(path.Absolute)); }
public override Task MoveFile(FsPath src, FsPath dest) { return Task.Run(() => File.Move(src.Absolute, dest.Absolute)); }
public override Task DeleteDir(FsPath path) { return Task.Run(() => Directory.Delete(path.Absolute, true)); }
public override Task<bool> FileExists(FsPath path) { return File.Exists(path.Absolute) .AsImmediateTask(); }
public override Task<string> TextContents(FsPath path) { return Task.Run(() => File.ReadAllText(path.Absolute)); }
public void Overwrite(FsPath path, string newContents) { _data[path] = new _Node(_StorageKind.File) { RawContents= DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(newContents) }; }
public override Task<bool> DirExists(FsPath path) { return Directory.Exists(path.Absolute) .AsImmediateTask(); }
public void Overwrite(FsPath path, byte[] newContents) { _data[path] = new _Node(_StorageKind.File) { RawContents = newContents }; }
private void _ValidateStorage(FsPath path, _Node storage) { if (storage.Kind == _StorageKind.Missing) throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not find file '{0}'.", path.Absolute), path.Absolute); if (storage.Kind == _StorageKind.Directory) throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(string.Format("Access to the path '{0}' is denied.", path.Absolute)); }
public string TextContents(FsPath path) { _Node storage = _GetStorage(path); _ValidateStorage(path, storage); return DefaultEncoding.GetString(storage.RawContents); }
public override Task<byte[]> RawContents(FsPath path) { return Task.Run(() => File.ReadAllBytes(path.Absolute)); }