/* * CRUD */ public void Register(Freight freight) { List <Freight> list; if (_cookie.isExisting(Key)) { list = Consult(); var freightLocalized = list.SingleOrDefault(i => i.CEP == freight.CEP); if (freightLocalized == null) { list.Add(freight); } else { freightLocalized.ShoppingCartCode = freight.ShoppingCartCode; freightLocalized.ListValues = freight.ListValues; } } else { list = new List <Freight>(); list.Add(freight); } Save(list); }
public override async Task <FreightModel> GetFreight(GetFreightRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { GetFreightByIdQuery query = new GetFreightByIdQuery { Id = Guid.Parse(request.FreightId) }; Freight freight = await _mediator.Send(query); FreightModel response; if (freight != null) { response = new FreightModel { Width = freight.Width, Height = freight.Height, Length = freight.Length, FreightType = Protos.FreightType.FullTruckLoad, Weight = freight.Weight, CreateDate = Timestamp.FromDateTime(freight.CreateDate) }; } else { response = new FreightModel(); } return(await Task.FromResult(response)); }
// PUT api/values/5 public Object Put(int id, [FromBody] string freight) { Freight u = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Freight>(freight); u.ID = id; return(new { success = FreightBLL.UpdateFreight(u) }); }
protected bool UnstoreSorting() { Freight frg = null; bool Success = false; // start transaction using (TransactionScope TS = new TransactionScope()) { try { frg = Freight.SelectFreightByFreightId(CurrentWeighingId, ControlObjectContext); frg.FreightStatus = "In sorting"; // and save to persistent storage ControlObjectContext.SaveChanges(System.Data.Objects.SaveOptions.DetectChangesBeforeSave); // commit the transaciton TS.Complete(); Success = true; } catch (Exception ex) // commit or procedure failed somewhere { // rollback transaction TS.Dispose(); // inform user Common.InformUserOnTransactionFail(ex, Page); } } return(Success); }
public ActionResult CreateFreight(FreightModel FreightModel1) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { FreightModel1.UserId = User1.Id; FreightModel1.CreateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); FreightModel1.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); if (FreightModel.FreightTypes.OceanFreight.ToString().Equals(FreightModel1.Type)) { FreightModel1.ServiceName = ShipmentModel.Services.SeaInbound.ToString(); } else if (FreightModel.FreightTypes.AirFreight.ToString().Equals(FreightModel1.Type)) { FreightModel1.ServiceName = ShipmentModel.Services.AirInbound.ToString(); } else if (FreightModel.FreightTypes.InlandRates.ToString().Equals(FreightModel1.Type)) { FreightModel1.ServiceName = ShipmentModel.Services.InlandService.ToString(); } else { FreightModel1.ServiceName = ShipmentModel.Services.Other.ToString(); } FreightModel1.ServiceId = servicesType.GetId(FreightModel1.ServiceName); Freight Freight1 = _freightService.CreateFreight(FreightModel1); if (Freight1 != null) { foreach (string inputTagName in Request.Files) { HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[inputTagName]; if (file.ContentLength > 0) { string filePath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/" + FREIGHT_PATH) , Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); file.SaveAs(filePath); //save file to db ServerFile ServerFile1 = new ServerFile(); ServerFile1.ObjectId = Freight1.Id; ServerFile1.ObjectType = Freight1.GetType().ToString(); ServerFile1.Path = FREIGHT_PATH + "/" + file.FileName; ServerFile1.FileName = file.FileName; ServerFile1.FileSize = file.ContentLength; ServerFile1.FileMimeType = file.ContentType; _freightService.insertServerFile(ServerFile1); } } } return(RedirectToAction("ListFreight", new { Id = 0, FreightType = FreightModel1.Type })); } else { IEnumerable <Area> AreaListDep = _shipmentService.getAllAreaByCountry(FreightModel1.CountryNameDep); IEnumerable <Area> AreaListDes = _shipmentService.getAllAreaByCountry(FreightModel1.CountryNameDes); ViewData["AreaListDep"] = new SelectList(AreaListDep, "Id", "AreaAddress"); ViewData["AreaListDes"] = new SelectList(AreaListDes, "Id", "AreaAddress"); ViewData["FreightTypes"] = FreightTypes; } return(View(FreightModel1)); }
protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { int rowIndex = e.RowIndex; Freight freight = new Freight(); freight.Freight_id = Convert.ToInt32(this.GridView1.DataKeys[rowIndex].Value); FreightProvider provider = new FreightProvider(); if (provider.Delete(freight)) { this.Alert("删除成功!!!"); if (this.txt_Name.Text == "") { this.ListPager1.RecordCount = this.ListPager1.RecordCount - 1; this.BindSource(null); } else { this.ListPager1.RecordCount = this.ListPager1.RecordCount - 1; this.BindSource("%" + this.txt_Name.Text + "%"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 添加一条新的运费付汇方式 /// </summary> /// <param unit="freight">新的运费付汇方式</param> /// <returns>添加成功返回true,否则返回false</returns> public bool Insert(Freight freight) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(freight.Freight_name)) { return(false); } try { string commandText = "INSERT INTO t_freight VALUES (@freight_name)"; DataParameter parmName = new DataParameter(); parmName.ParameterName = "@freight_name"; parmName.DbType = DbType.String; parmName.Value = freight.Freight_name; IList parameters = new ArrayList(); parameters.Add(parmName); return(this.handler.ExecuteCommand(commandText, parameters)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 修改运费付汇方式的内容 /// </summary> /// <param name="freight">新的运费付汇方式</param> /// <returns>修改成功返回true,否则返回false</returns> public bool Update(Freight freight) { if (freight.Freight_id == 0) { return(false); } string commandText = " UPDATE t_freight " + " SET freight_name=@freight_name " + " WHERE freight_id=@freight_id "; DataParameter parmID = new DataParameter(); parmID.ParameterName = "@freight_id"; parmID.DbType = DbType.Int32; parmID.Value = freight.Freight_id; DataParameter parmName = new DataParameter(); parmName.ParameterName = "@freight_name"; parmName.DbType = DbType.String; parmName.Value = freight.Freight_name; IList parameters = new ArrayList(); parameters.Add(parmID); parameters.Add(parmName); return(this.handler.ExecuteCommand(commandText, parameters)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetName = "Freight"; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.Params["FreightID"] != null) { CurrentWeighingId = new Guid(Request.Params["FreightID"].ToString()); CurrentPageNr = 22; // locate the freight number and display it in the proper box Freight frg = Freight.SelectFreightByFreightId(CurrentWeighingId, new ModelTMSContainer(Session["CustomerConnectString"].ToString(), Session)); if (frg != null) { TextBoxOrderNumber.Text = frg.OurReference.ToString(); //LoadFirstWeighingData(frg); } CurrentPageNr = 21; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); CurrentPageNr = 22; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); if (frg.FreightStatus != "2nd weighing") { Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf("?"))); } } } }
public async Task <Result <Freight> > Create(CreateFreightViewModel viewModel) { var maybeState = await _stateRepository.FindById(viewModel.StateId); if (maybeState.HasNoValue) { return(Result.Fail <Freight>("Estado não existe")); } var state = maybeState.Value; var value = new FreightValue { Name = $"{viewModel.Name} {state.Name}", Price = viewModel.Price, BeginZipCode = state.BeginZipCode, EndZipCode = state.EndZipCode, BeginWeight = 0, EndWeight = 0, Deadline = viewModel.Deadline }; var values = new List <FreightValue> { value }; var freight = new Freight { Name = viewModel.Name, Values = values }; return(Result.Ok(freight)); }
public void SaveSecondWeighingData(Freight frg, ModelTMSContainer ControlObjectContext) { FreightWeighing fgw = frg.FreightWeighing.First <FreightWeighing>(); FreightWeighingMaterial fwm = fgw.FreightWeighingMaterial.First <FreightWeighingMaterial>(); fgw.WeighingDateTime2 = CalendarWithTimeControl2.SelectedDateTime; fgw.Key2 = TextBoxKey2.Text; try { fgw.Weight2 = Convert.ToDouble("0" + TextBoxWeight2.Text); } catch { }; fwm.TarraWeight = fgw.Weight2; fwm.NetWeight = fwm.GrossWeight - fwm.TarraWeight; frg.TotalNetWeight = fwm.NetWeight; frg.Description = TextBoxDescription.Text; frg.Comments = TextBoxComments.Text; frg.FreightStatus = "Done"; frg.RecalcTotalWeightFromWeighing(); if (CheckBoxWeighingActionSort.Checked) { frg.FreightStatus = "In sorting"; } if (CheckBoxWeighingActionInvoice.Checked) { frg.FreightStatus = "To be invoiced"; } }
public IActionResult Index() { var typeFreightSelectedByUser = _cookie.Consult("cart.typefreight"); if (typeFreightSelectedByUser != null) { var addressAdressId = int.Parse(_cookie.Consult("ShoppingCart.Address").Replace("-end", "")); int cep = 0; if (addressAdressId == 0) { cep = int.Parse(Mask.Remove(_clientLogin.GetClient().Zipcode)); } else { var address = _deliveryAddressRepository.GetAddress(addressAdressId); cep = int.Parse(Mask.Remove(address.Zipcode)); } var hashCart = GenerateHashAndSerialize(_cookieShoppingCart.Consult()); Freight freight = _cookieFreight.Consult().Where(c => c.CEP == cep && c.ShoppingCartCode == hashCart).FirstOrDefault(); if (freight != null) { ViewBag.Freight = freight.ListValues.Where(f => f.TypeFreight == typeFreightSelectedByUser).First(); List <ProductItem> products = LoadProductDb(); return(View(products)); } } TempData["MSG_E"] = Message.MSG_E009; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "ShoppingCart")); }
protected void btn_sure_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Freight freight = this.AddFreight(); FreightProvider provider = new FreightProvider(); switch (this.OperationFlag) { case Operation.Add: if (this.IsSame() == 1) { break; } if (provider.Insert(freight)) { this.Alert("添加成功!!!"); this.TextCancel(); } break; case Operation.Update: if (provider.Update(freight)) { this.Alert("修改成功!!!"); this.BindText(); } break; } }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int hash = 17; hash = hash * 23 + (AccountNumber == null ? 0 : AccountNumber.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (BillToAddressId == default(int) ? 0 : BillToAddressId.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (Comment == null ? 0 : Comment.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (CreditCardApprovalCode == null ? 0 : CreditCardApprovalCode.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (CreditCardId == null ? 0 : CreditCardId.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (CurrencyRateId == null ? 0 : CurrencyRateId.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (CustomerId == default(int) ? 0 : CustomerId.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (DueDate == default(DateTime) ? 0 : DueDate.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (Freight == default(decimal) ? 0 : Freight.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (ModifiedDate == default(DateTime) ? 0 : ModifiedDate.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (OnlineOrderFlag == default(bool) ? 0 : OnlineOrderFlag.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (OrderDate == default(DateTime) ? 0 : OrderDate.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (PurchaseOrderNumber == null ? 0 : PurchaseOrderNumber.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (RevisionNumber == default(byte) ? 0 : RevisionNumber.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (Rowguid == default(Guid) ? 0 : Rowguid.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (SalesOrderNumber == null ? 0 : SalesOrderNumber.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (SalesPersonId == null ? 0 : SalesPersonId.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (ShipDate == null ? 0 : ShipDate.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (ShipMethodId == default(int) ? 0 : ShipMethodId.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (ShipToAddressId == default(int) ? 0 : ShipToAddressId.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (Status == default(byte) ? 0 : Status.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (SubTotal == default(decimal) ? 0 : SubTotal.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (TaxAmt == default(decimal) ? 0 : TaxAmt.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (TerritoryId == null ? 0 : TerritoryId.GetHashCode()); hash = hash * 23 + (TotalDue == default(decimal) ? 0 : TotalDue.GetHashCode()); return(hash); } }
public List <Freight> GetFreightByBookingId(int bookingId) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetFreightByBookingId"); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add("@bookingId", SqlDbType.Int).Value = bookingId; DataTable result = base.FillDataTable(cmd); List <Freight> listFr = new List <Freight>(); foreach (DataRow r in result.Rows) { Freight f = new Freight { Id = int.Parse(r["Id"].ToString()), BookingId = int.Parse(r["BookingId"].ToString()), Code = r["Code"].ToString(), BS = r["BS"].ToString(), PC = r["PC"].ToString(), Units = int.Parse(r["Units"].ToString()), Rate = decimal.Parse(r["Rate"].ToString(), NumberStyles.Currency), AmtPPD = decimal.Parse(r["AmtPPD"].ToString(), NumberStyles.Currency), AmtCOL = decimal.Parse(r["AmtCOL"].ToString(), NumberStyles.Currency), BrkRate = decimal.Parse(r["BrkRate"].ToString(), NumberStyles.Currency), BrkAmt = decimal.Parse(r["BrkAmt"].ToString(), NumberStyles.Currency) }; listFr.Add(f); } return(listFr); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ComboBoxWeighingLocation.DataBind(); ComboBoxCustomer.DataBind(); // parse the FreightId and link this one up to that freight if (Request.Params["FreightId"] != null) { //ModelTMSContainer ControlObjectContext = new ModelTMSContainer(Session["CustomerConnectString"].ToString(), Session); CurrentWeighingId = new Guid(Request.Params["FreightId"].ToString()); Freight frg = Freight.SelectFreightByFreightId(CurrentWeighingId, ControlObjectContext); if ((frg.FreightStatus == "In sorting") && (frg.FreightSortingMaterial.Count == 0)) { // only create a new sorting form for an existing weighing if this weighing is "In sorting" and not filled in yet PrepareOldWeighingForSorting(); // show form CurrentPageNr = 2; } else { CurrentWeighingId = Guid.Empty; } } Common.LimitLocationList(ComboBoxWeighingLocation.Items, Session, ControlObjectContext); ShowCorrectCustomer(); } }
/// <summary> /// 利用分页机制,根据指定的过滤条件查询运费付汇方式 /// </summary> /// <param name="freight">过滤条件</param> /// <param name="start">起始行</param> /// <param name="max">获取记录行的总数</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable Select(Freight freight, int start, int max) { StringBuilder commandText = new StringBuilder(); commandText.Append("SELECT * FROM t_freight WHERE 1=1 "); IList parameters = new ArrayList(); if (freight.Freight_id != 0) { commandText.Append(" AND freight_id=@freight_id "); DataParameter parmID = new DataParameter(); parmID.ParameterName = "@freight_id"; parmID.DbType = DbType.Int32; parmID.Value = freight.Freight_id; parameters.Add(parmID); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(freight.Freight_name)) { commandText.Append(" AND freight_name like @freight_name "); DataParameter parmName = new DataParameter(); parmName.ParameterName = "@freight_name"; parmName.DbType = DbType.String; parmName.Value = freight.Freight_name; parameters.Add(parmName); } return(this.handler.Query(commandText.ToString(), parameters, start, max)); }
public Task <Result <Freight> > Create(CreateFreightViewModel viewModel) { var value = new FreightValue { Name = viewModel.Name, Price = viewModel.Price, BeginZipCode = "0", EndZipCode = "0", BeginWeight = 0, EndWeight = 0, Deadline = viewModel.Deadline }; var values = new List <FreightValue>() { value }; var freight = new Freight { Name = viewModel.Name, Values = values }; var result = Result.Ok(freight); return(Task.FromResult(result)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { // check if a freight is given on the Url if (Request.Params["FreightId"] != null) { Freight frg = Freight.SelectFreightByFreightId(new Guid(Request.Params["FreightId"]), new ModelTMSContainer(Session["CustomerConnectString"].ToString(), Session)); if (frg != null) { TextBoxOrderNumber.Text = frg.OurReference.ToString(); CurrentPageNr = 2; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); if (Request.Params["Speed"] != null) { CurrentPageNr = 3; EnableCorrectScreenElements(); if (WebUserControlCashPurchase1.Visible) { WebUserControlCashPurchase1.FreightSpeedCycle(); } else { WebUserControlNonCashPurchase1.FreightSpeedCycle(); } } } } } }
// POST api/values public int Post([FromBody] string freight) { JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented }; Freight u = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Freight>(freight, serializerSettings); return(FreightBLL.InsertFreight(u)); }
protected bool ProcessFirstWeighing() { ModelTMSContainer ControlObjectContext = new ModelTMSContainer(Session["CustomerConnectString"].ToString(), Session); bool Success = false; // start transaction using (TransactionScope TS = new TransactionScope()) { try { // process freight // setup base objects Freight frg = new Freight(); FreightWeighing frgw = new FreightWeighing(); FreightWeighingMaterial frgm = new FreightWeighingMaterial(); frg.FreightWeighing.Add(frgw); frgw.FreightWeighingMaterial.Add(frgm); ControlObjectContext.AddToFreightSet(frg); // save the first weighing data in the freight SaveFirstWeighingData(frg, ControlObjectContext); // assign the weighing number frg.AssignFreightNumber(ControlObjectContext); LabelFreightNr.Text = frg.OurReference.ToString(); CurrentWeighingId = frg.Id; frg.Description = "Weegbon " + frg.OurReference + " / " + Common.CurrentClientDateTime(Session).ToString(); frg.FreightType = "Weighing"; // and save to persistent storage ControlObjectContext.SaveChanges(System.Data.Objects.SaveOptions.DetectChangesBeforeSave); // commit the transaciton TS.Complete(); Success = true; } catch (Exception ex) // commit or procedure failed somewhere { // rollback transaction TS.Dispose(); // inform user Common.InformUserOnTransactionFail(ex, Page); // reset the weighing id when not saved CurrentWeighingId = Guid.Empty; } } if (Success) { // when success advance panel CurrentPageNr++; } return(Success); }
public ActionResult Add(FreightAddViewModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } else { using (UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork()) { var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); var companyId = int.Parse(User.Identity.GetCompanyId()); var company = uow.FindObject <Company>(CriteriaOperator.Parse("Oid==?", companyId)); var freight = new Freight(uow) { EndDate = model.EndDate, EndLocationCoordinates = model.EndLocationCoordinates, EndLocationCountry = model.EndLocationCountry, EndLocationName = model.EndLocationName, EndLocationZip = model.EndLocationZip, OfferredPrice = model.OfferredPrice, StartDate = model.StartDate, StartLocationCoordinates = model.StartLocationCoordinates, StartLocationCountry = model.StartLocationCountry, StartLocationName = model.StartLocationName, StartLocationZip = model.StartLocationZip, StartLat = model.StartLat, StartLon = model.StartLon, EndLat = model.EndLat, EndLon = model.EndLon, Notes = model.Notes, ConactPersonName = model.ContactPersonName, ContactPersonPhone = model.ContactPersonPhone, ContactPersonEmail = model.ContactPersonEmail, UserId = userId, TruckId = model.TruckId, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, }; company.Freights.Add(freight); uow.CommitChanges(); try { //await SendEmail(load.LoadId); return(RedirectToAction("Freights", "Client")); } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.errorMessage = e.Message; return(View("Error")); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Bus bus = new Bus("Bogdan"); Freight freight = new Freight("VW Transporter"); SuperCar super = new SuperCar("Ferrari"); super.Go(); bus.Go(); freight.Go(); }
public async Task <Result <Freight> > Create(CreateFreightViewModel viewModel) { var maybeState = await _stateRepository.FindById(viewModel.StateId); if (maybeState.HasNoValue) { return(Result.Fail <Freight>("Estado não existe")); } var state = maybeState.Value; var tasks = viewModel.CitiesId.Select(async it => { var maybeCity = await _cityRepository.FindById(viewModel.StateId, it); if (maybeCity.HasNoValue) { return(Result.Fail <FreightValue>("Cidade não existe")); } var city = maybeCity.Value; var value = new FreightValue { Name = $"{viewModel.Name} {state.Name} {city.Name}", Price = viewModel.Price, BeginZipCode = city.BeginZipCode, EndZipCode = city.EndZipCode, BeginWeight = 0, EndWeight = 0, Deadline = viewModel.Deadline }; return(Result.Ok(value)); }); var results = await Task.WhenAll(tasks); var result = Result.Combine(results); if (result.Failure) { return(Result.Fail <Freight>(result.Message)); } var values = results.Select(it => it.Value); var freigth = new Freight { Name = viewModel.Name, Values = values }; return(Result.Ok(freigth)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> CalculateFreight(int cepDestiny) { try { //Verify if exists at freight the calculate for same CEP and products Freight freight = _cookieFreight.Consult().Where(a => a.CEP == cepDestiny && a.ShoppingCartCode == GenerateHashAndSerialize(_cookieShoppingCart.Consult())).FirstOrDefault(); if (freight != null) { return(Ok(freight)); } else { List <ProductItem> products = LoadProductDb(); List <Package> packages = _calculatePackage.CalculatingPackage(products); ValueDeadlineFreight valuesPAC = await _wSCorreiosCalculateFreight.CalculateFreight(cepDestiny.ToString(), TypeFreightConstant.PAC, packages); ValueDeadlineFreight valuesSEDEX = await _wSCorreiosCalculateFreight.CalculateFreight(cepDestiny.ToString(), TypeFreightConstant.SEDEX, packages); ValueDeadlineFreight valuesSEDEX10 = await _wSCorreiosCalculateFreight.CalculateFreight(cepDestiny.ToString(), TypeFreightConstant.SEDEX10, packages); List <ValueDeadlineFreight> list = new List <ValueDeadlineFreight>(); if (valuesPAC != null) { list.Add(valuesPAC); } if (valuesSEDEX != null) { list.Add(valuesSEDEX); } if (valuesSEDEX10 != null) { list.Add(valuesSEDEX10); } freight = new Freight() { CEP = cepDestiny, ShoppingCartCode = GenerateHashAndSerialize(_cookieShoppingCart.Consult()), ListValues = list }; _cookieFreight.Register(freight); return(Ok(freight)); } } catch (Exception e) { return(BadRequest(e)); } }
public static Freight FreightGenerator() { double weight = rnd.Next(-3, 10) * rnd.NextDouble(); double a = rnd.Next(-3, 10) * rnd.NextDouble(); double b = rnd.Next(-3, 10) * rnd.NextDouble(); double c = rnd.Next(-3, 10) * rnd.NextDouble(); var res = new Freight(weight, a, b, c); Console.WriteLine(res); return(res); }
private Freight AddFreight() { Freight freight = new Freight(); if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { freight.Freight_id = Convert.ToInt32(id); } freight.Freight_name = this.txt_name.Text; return(freight); }
private void UpdateDenominations(ForeignCurrency value) { Freight.UpdateDenomination(value); if (Items != null) { foreach (var itm in Items) { itm.UnitCost.UpdateDenomination(value); } } }
protected void btn_Result_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Freight freight = new Freight(); freight.Freight_name = "%" + this.txt_Name.Text + "%"; FreightProvider provider = new FreightProvider(); this.ListPager1.RecordCount = provider.GetSize(freight); this.BindSource(0, "%" + this.txt_Name.Text + "%"); this.ListPager1.PageChange += new PagerEventHandler(ListPager1_PageChange); }
public void Remove(Freight item) { var list = Consult(); var itemLocalized = list.SingleOrDefault(i => i.CEP == item.CEP); if (itemLocalized != null) { list.Remove(itemLocalized); Save(list); } }