private Vector3 BackwardReach(FreeJoint joint)
     if (endEffectorToTargetMap.ContainsKey(joint))
         /* This is an end effector, set it to the corresponding target position */
         joint.position = endEffectorToTargetMap[joint];
     else if (joint.childCount == 0)
         /* This chain has no end effectors in it. Don't change anything */
         Vector3 centroid =;
         for (int i = 0; i < joint.childCount; i++)
             FreeJoint child = joint.GetChild(i);
             centroid += BackwardReach(child);
         /* Set joint position as centroid of new positions calculated by this joint's children */
         joint.position = centroid / joint.childCount;
     if (joint.Parent != null)
         Vector3 v            = joint.Parent.position - joint.position;
         Vector3 newParentPos = joint.position + jointLengthMap[joint] * v.normalized;
    private void SetBonesTransformsToFitJoints(Transform trans, FreeJoint joint)
         * for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; i++)
         * {
         *  Transform childTrans = trans.GetChild(i);
         *  FreeJoint childJoint = joint.GetChild(i);
         *  Vector3 currentOffset = trans.InverseTransformPoint(childTrans.position);
         *  Vector3 desiredOffset = trans.InverseTransformPoint(childJoint.position);
         *  trans.localRotation *= Quaternion.FromToRotation(currentOffset, desiredOffset);
         *  SetBonesTransformsToFitJoints(childTrans, childJoint);
         * }

        Vector3 originalChildrenCentroid =;
        Vector3 newChildrenCentroid      =;

        for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; i++)
            Transform childTrans = trans.GetChild(i);
            FreeJoint childJoint = joint.GetChild(i);
            originalChildrenCentroid += trans.InverseTransformPoint(childTrans.position);
            newChildrenCentroid      += trans.InverseTransformPoint(childJoint.position);

        trans.localRotation *= Quaternion.FromToRotation(originalChildrenCentroid, newChildrenCentroid);
        for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; i++)
            Transform childTrans = trans.GetChild(i);
            FreeJoint childJoint = joint.GetChild(i);
            SetBonesTransformsToFitJoints(childTrans, childJoint);
 public FABRIKSolver(Transform rootTrans, Dictionary <Transform, Vector3> endEffectorTransToTargetMap)
     this.rootTrans              = rootTrans;
     this.jointLengthMap         = new Dictionary <FreeJoint, float>();
     this.endEffectorToTargetMap = new Dictionary <FreeJoint, Vector3>();
     this.root = CreateFreeJointTree(rootTrans, endEffectorTransToTargetMap);
 private void ForwardReach(FreeJoint joint)
     for (int i = 0; i < joint.childCount; i++)
         FreeJoint child       = joint.GetChild(i);
         Vector3   v           = child.position - joint.position;
         Vector3   newChildPos = joint.position + jointLengthMap[child] * v.normalized;
         child.position = newChildPos;
    private FreeJoint CreateFreeJointTree(Transform trans, Dictionary <Transform, Vector3> endEffectorTransToTargetMap)
        FreeJoint joint = new FreeJoint(trans.position);

        for (int i = 0; i < trans.childCount; i++)
            Transform childTrans = trans.GetChild(i);
            FreeJoint childJoint = CreateFreeJointTree(childTrans, endEffectorTransToTargetMap);
            childJoint.Parent          = joint;
            jointLengthMap[childJoint] = Vector3.Distance(childTrans.position, trans.position);
            if (endEffectorTransToTargetMap.ContainsKey(childTrans))
                endEffectorToTargetMap[childJoint] = endEffectorTransToTargetMap[childTrans];