public void LoadContent(Resources res, GameHandler gameHandler, int backgroundTexID, int floorTexID) { this.countdownFont = res.Battle_CountDownFont; this.backgroundTex = res.Battle_BackgroundTexList[backgroundTexID]; this.floorTex = res.Battle_FloorTexList[floorTexID]; this.timeSlowOverlayTex = res.Battle_FadeRect; this.fighterShadowTex = res.Battle_FighterShadow; this.timeUntilFightState = 10 * 1000; //The battle starts with 10 seconds until fightMode LoadFighters(res, gameHandler); this.mainSelectionWheel = new OptionWheel(new Vector2(player.standbyScreenPos.X + 6, player.standbyScreenPos.Y - 30), 4); this.mainSelectionWheel.LoadContent(res); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("player attack count: " + this.player.attackList.Count()); this.fightWheel = new OptionWheel(new Vector2(player.standbyScreenPos.X + 6, player.standbyScreenPos.Y - 30), this.player.attackList.Count()); List <Texture2D> icons = new List <Texture2D>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.player.attackList.Count(); i++) { icons.Add(res.MoveIconTexDict[Move.ID_DICT[this.player.attackList[i].moveName]]); } this.fightWheel.LoadContent(res, icons); this.enemySelectorAnim = new FrameAnim(res.Battle_UI_SelectorArrowSpriteSheet, 6, 32, 18, 24, true, false); }
public override void LoadContent(Resources res) { base.LoadContent(res); List <int> idleAnimData = res.GetBasicBattleAnimData(this.enemyID, "idle"); //This block loads the idle animation Texture2D idleAnimSheet = res.GetBasicBattleSpriteSheet(this.enemyID, "idle"); this.idleAnim = new FrameAnim(idleAnimSheet, idleAnimData[0], idleAnimSheet.Width / idleAnimData[0], idleAnimSheet.Height, idleAnimData[1], true, true); this.baseDims = new Vector2(idleAnimSheet.Width / idleAnimData[0], idleAnimSheet.Height); List <int> fleeAnimData = res.GetBasicBattleAnimData(this.enemyID, "flee"); //This block loads the fleeing animation Texture2D fleeAnimSheet = res.GetBasicBattleSpriteSheet(this.enemyID, "flee"); this.fleeAnim = new FrameAnim(fleeAnimSheet, fleeAnimData[0], fleeAnimSheet.Width / fleeAnimData[0], fleeAnimSheet.Height, fleeAnimData[1], true, false); List <Texture2D> fightAnimSheets = res.GetFightBattleSpriteSheets(this.enemyID); //This block loads all of the fighting animations List <List <int> > fightAnimSheetsData = res.GetFightBattleAnimData(this.enemyID); for (int i = 0; i < fightAnimSheets.Count(); i++) { Texture2D sheetTex = fightAnimSheets[i]; List <int> frameData = fightAnimSheetsData[i]; this.fightAnims.Add(new FrameAnim(sheetTex, frameData[0], sheetTex.Width / frameData[0], sheetTex.Height, frameData[1], true, false)); } this.healthFont = res.Battle_HealthFont; this.maxHealth = Enemy.getMaxHealthFromID(this.enemyID); this.curHealth = this.maxHealth; }
public override void LoadContent(Resources res) { this.villagerAnim = new FrameAnim(res.NPC_VillagerAnim, 2, 32, 64, 1000, true, true); this.welcomeBoxTex = res.World_Interaction_TalkWindowOpen; this.welcomeBoxOpenAnimation = new FrameAnim(res.World_Interaction_TalkWindowAnim, 15, 64, 32, 1, true, false); this.welcomeBoxCloseAnimation = new FrameAnim(res.World_Interaction_TalkWindowAnim, 15, 64, 32, 1, false, false); }
public override void LoadContent(Resources res) { spriteAnim = res.MovePrimaryAnims[0]; //This is super placeholder this.bounds = new Rectangle((int)this.worldPos.X, (int)this.worldPos.Y, spriteAnim.frameWidth, spriteAnim.frameHeight); this.debugTex = res.Debug_BoundsRect; this.pulseFX = res.Player_Affinity_ManaPulse; }
public void showWait() { RoomMgr rm = RoomMgr.GetInstance(); NetMgr nm = NetMgr.GetInstance(); GameMaima maima = rm.state.maima; bool act = maima.seatindex == rm.seatindex; Transform mas = tmaima.Find("mas"); UIGrid grid = mas.GetComponent <UIGrid>(); tmaima.gameObject.SetActive(true); title.text = act ? "请选择飞苍蝇" : "请等待飞苍蝇"; score.text = ""; int count = maima.mas.Count; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < mas.childCount && i < count; i++) { Transform board = mas.GetChild(i); Transform tile = board.Find("tile"); FrameAnim anim = board.GetComponent <FrameAnim>(); board.gameObject.SetActive(true); tile.gameObject.SetActive(false); anim.reset(); GameObject _fire = board.Find("fire").gameObject; _fire.SetActive(false); int j = i; PUtils.onClick(board, () => { if (!act) { return; } nm.send("maima", "index", j); }); } for (int j = i; j < mas.childCount; j++) { Transform board = mas.GetChild(j); board.gameObject.SetActive(false); } grid.Reposition(); }
public override void LoadContent(Resources res) { this.enemyID = Enemy.ID_SLIME; this.tex = res.Enemy_Slime; this.anim = getFrameAnimFromID(res); this.level = 1; this.PopulateWithThisFighterRandomCount(); maxHealth = 30; this.Bounds = new Bounds((int)this.superPos.X, (int)this.superPos.Y, (int)(this.anim.frameWidth * this.size), (int)(this.anim.frameHeight * this.size)); }
public void DrawTilemap(SpriteBatch sb) { Vector2 firstSquare = new Vector2(Camera.Location.X / Tile.TileWidth, Camera.Location.Y / Tile.TileHeight); int firstX = (int)firstSquare.X; int firstY = (int)firstSquare.Y; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("firstX: " + firstX + " firstY: " + firstY); squaresAcross = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(Camera.viewWidth / Tile.TileWidth)) + 1; squaresDown = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(Camera.viewHeight / Tile.TileHeight)) + 2; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Squaresdown: " + squaresDown + " SquaresAcross: " + squaresAcross); for (int y = 0; y < squaresDown; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < squaresAcross; x++) { int mapX = firstX + x; int mapY = firstY + y; if ((mapX >= map.mapWidth) || (mapY >= map.mapHeight)) //Makes sure we're not out of bounds { continue; } foreach (int tileID in map.Rows[mapY].Columns[mapX].BaseTiles) { if (tileID == Tile.OVERWORLD_WATER) //maybe changethis to an isAnimated value later { FrameAnim tileAnim = new FrameAnim(this.tileAnimSpiteSheets[Tile.OVERWORLD_WATER], map.waterMaxAnimFrame + 1, Tile.TileWidth, Tile.TileHeight, map.waterAnimFrameMS, true, false); tileAnim.curFrameID = map.curWaterAnimFrame; tileAnim.Draw(sb, Camera.WorldToScreen(new Vector2(mapX * Tile.TileWidth, mapY * Tile.TileHeight))); } else { sb.Draw(Tile.TileSetTexture, //this calls the tileset that the tile texture comes from Camera.WorldToScreen(new Vector2(mapX * Tile.TileWidth, mapY * Tile.TileHeight)), Tile.GetSourceRectangle(tileID), //this calls the position from the tileset of the tile Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, 1.0f, SpriteEffects.None, 1.0f); } } } } }
public void LoadContent(Resources res) { highlightAnim = new FrameAnim(res.Battle_UI_OptionWheel_HighlighterSpriteSheet, 2, 20, 20, 200, true, true); if (optionCount == 4) { this.optionTextures.Add(res.Battle_UI_OptionWheel_Fight); this.optionTextures.Add(res.Battle_UI_OptionWheel_Item); this.optionTextures.Add(res.Battle_UI_OptionWheel_Pass); this.optionTextures.Add(res.Battle_UI_OptionWheel_Flee); curSelectedID = 1; } SolveScreenPositionsByPosID(optionCount); }
public override void LoadContent(Resources res) { //this.mousePointerTex = res.Menu_MousePointer; this.mousePointer = new FrameAnim(res.Menu_MousePointer_anim, 6, 16, 16, 80, false, false); this.gameHandler = new GameHandler(); this.gameHandler.inputHandler = new InputHandler(Keyboard.GetState(), Mouse.GetState()); this.gameHandler.curSceneID = Scene.ID_OVERWORLD; this.worldScene = new OverworldScene(); this.worldScene.LoadContent(res, gameHandler); this.battleScene = new BattleScene(); this.battleScene.LoadContent(res, gameHandler); }
public void LoadContent(Resources res) { this.titleFont = res.Menu_Font; this.emptySquare = res.Inventory_Square_Empty; this.fullSqaure = res.Inventory_Square_Full; this.statIcons = new List <Texture2D>(); this.statIcons.Add(res.Menu_Stats_ATK); this.statIcons.Add(res.Menu_Stats_DEF); this.statIcons.Add(res.Menu_Stats_VIT); this.statIcons.Add(res.Menu_Stats_DEX); this.statIcons.Add(res.Menu_Stats_INT); this.statIcons.Add(res.Menu_Stats_WIS); this.statIcons.Add(res.Menu_Stats_VIR); this.statIcons.Add(res.Menu_Stats_EVL); this.folderArrow_Right = new FrameAnim(res.Inventory_ArrowAnim_Right, 8, 8, 15, 50, true, true); this.folderArrow_Left = new FrameAnim(res.Inventory_ArrowAnim_Left, 8, 8, 15, 50, false, true); this.backgroundTint = res.Battle_FadeRect; this.backgroundTintRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)Window.resolution.X, (int)Window.resolution.Y); this.expBar.LoadContent(res); }
public void showResult(Action cb) { RoomMgr rm = RoomMgr.GetInstance(); NetMgr nm = NetMgr.GetInstance(); GameMaima maima = rm.state.maima; bool act = false; Transform mas = tmaima.Find("mas"); UIGrid grid = mas.GetComponent <UIGrid>(); tmaima.gameObject.SetActive(true); title.text = "请等待飞苍蝇"; score.text = ""; int id = maima.selected; int i = 0; int count = maima.mas.Count; for (i = 0; i < mas.childCount && i < count; i++) { Transform board = mas.GetChild(i); Transform tile = board.Find("tile"); FrameAnim anim = board.GetComponent <FrameAnim>(); board.gameObject.SetActive(true); tile.gameObject.SetActive(false); anim.reset(); PUtils.onClick(board, () => {}); if (i == id) { continue; } int _mjid = maima.mas[i]; GameObject _fire = board.Find("fire").gameObject; _fire.SetActive(false); => { tile.gameObject.SetActive(true); UISprite t = tile.GetComponent <UISprite>(); t.spriteName = "" + _mjid; UISpriteData sp = t.GetAtlasSprite(); t.width = sp.width; t.height = sp.height; }); } for (int j = i; j < mas.childCount; j++) { Transform board = mas.GetChild(j); board.gameObject.SetActive(false); } grid.Reposition(); int mjid = maima.mas[id]; int add = maima.scores[id]; Transform _board = mas.GetChild(id); FrameAnim frame = _board.GetComponent <FrameAnim>(); Transform _tile = _board.Find("tile"); GameObject fire = _board.Find("fire").gameObject; fire.SetActive(true); => { _tile.gameObject.SetActive(true); UISprite t = _tile.GetComponent <UISprite>(); t.spriteName = "" + mjid; UISpriteData sp = t.GetAtlasSprite(); t.width = sp.width; t.height = sp.height; _tile.localScale = new Vector3(1.8f, 1.8f, 1.0f); score.text = add > 0 ? "+" + add : "" + add; end(cb); }); }
public void Parse(GameBitBuffer buffer) { Field0 = buffer.ReadInt(32); Field1 = buffer.ReadInt(32); Field2 = new FrameAnim(); Field2.Parse(buffer); snoSound = buffer.ReadInt(32); Field4 = buffer.ReadInt(32); serFrames = new SerializeData(); serFrames.Parse(buffer); Field6 = new DT_VARIABLEARRAY(); Field6.Parse(buffer); }
public void Parse(GameBitBuffer buffer) { Field0 = buffer.ReadInt(32); Field1 = new Matrix4x4(); Field1.Parse(buffer); Field2 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field3 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field4 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field5 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field6 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field7 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field8 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field9 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field10 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field11 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field12 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field13 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field14 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field15 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field16 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field17 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field18 = buffer.ReadFloat32(); Field19 = buffer.ReadInt(32); Field20 = buffer.ReadInt(32); Field21 = buffer.ReadInt(32); Field22 = buffer.ReadInt(32); Field23 = new FrameAnim(); Field23.Parse(buffer); Field24 = buffer.ReadInt(32); }
public Frame(FrameEffect effect, FrameAnim anim) { this.effect = effect; this.anim = anim; }
protected void SetDefaultFrame(FrameEffect effect, FrameAnim anim) { defaultFrame = new Frame(effect, anim); }
protected void AddFrame(FrameEffect effect, FrameAnim anim) { frames.Add(new Frame(effect, anim)); }