Beispiel #1
        public FpReturn ReadMyKad(string reader, out List <string> strList, out byte[] fp1, out byte[] fp2, out Image img)
            FpReturn r = FpReturn.ErrorUnknown;

            strList = new List <string>();
            fp1     = null;
            fp2     = null;
            img     = null;
                r = ConnectSmartCard(reader);
                if (r != FpReturn.Success)
                    throw new Exception();
                r = ReadJPN(out strList, out fp1, out fp2, out img);
                if (r != FpReturn.Success)
                    throw new Exception();

Beispiel #2
        public Data.ProfileInfo ReadFromMyKad()
            ProfileInfo pf  = null;
            Image       img = null;

                List <string> sList = new List <string>();
                byte[]        fp1   = null;
                byte[]        fp2   = null;


                FpReturn state = FpReturn.ErrorUnknown;
                //Read mykad using previous working reader
                state = ReadMyKad(_previousWorkingReader, out sList, out fp1, out fp2, out img);

                //If failed, try all the readers
                if (state != FpReturn.Success)
                    foreach (var rdr in _rdrList)
                        state = ReadMyKad(rdr, out sList, out fp1, out fp2, out img);
                        if (state == FpReturn.Success)
                            _previousWorkingReader = rdr;

                if (state != FpReturn.Success)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to read MyKad");

                pf = new ProfileInfo();
                //_photoImage = img;
                foreach (string s in sList)
                    if (s.StartsWith("JPN_IDNum"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.IcNo = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_GMPCName"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.FullName = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_Citizenship"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.Citizenship = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_Gender"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.Gender = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_Address1"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.Address1 = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_Address2"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.Address2 = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_Address3"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.Address3 = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_Postcode"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.Postcode = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_City"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.City = ids[1];
                    else if (s.StartsWith("JPN_State"))
                        string[] ids = s.Split('=');
                        pf.State = ids[1];
            catch (Exception ex)

            //ProfileInfo = new ProfileInfo
            //    FullName = "Fakhrul Azran Bin Nawi",
            //    IcNo = "99999999-99-9999",
            //    //DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1975, 01, 01),
            //    Gender = "Male"
