public override double LevelSetForm(ref Foundation.XDG.CommonParamsLs cp,
                                            double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                            double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double M = ComputeEvaporationMass(cp.ParamsNeg.GetSubVector(2 * D, D + 3), cp.ParamsPos.GetSubVector(2 * D, D + 3), cp.n, cp.jCell);

            if (M == 0.0)

            double[] VelocityMeanIn  = new double[D];
            double[] VelocityMeanOut = new double[D];
            for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                VelocityMeanIn[d]  = cp.ParamsNeg[D + d];
                VelocityMeanOut[d] = cp.ParamsPos[D + d];

            double LambdaIn;
            double LambdaOut;

            LambdaIn  = LambdaConvection.GetLambda(VelocityMeanIn, cp.n, false);
            LambdaOut = LambdaConvection.GetLambda(VelocityMeanOut, cp.n, false);

            double Lambda = Math.Max(LambdaIn, LambdaOut);

            double uJump = -M * ((1 / rhoA) - (1 / rhoB)) * cp.n[m_d];

            double flx = Lambda * uJump * 0.8;

            return(-flx * (rhoA * vA - rhoB * vB));
Beispiel #2
        public double LevelSetForm(ref Foundation.XDG.CommonParamsLs cp,
                                   double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                   double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double uAxN = GenericBlas.InnerProd(U_Neg, cp.n);
            double uBxN = GenericBlas.InnerProd(U_Pos, cp.n);

            //double s = 0;//cp.ParamsNeg[0];
            //if (!MaterialInterface) {
            //    Debug.Assert(cp.ParamsNeg[0] == cp.ParamsPos[0], "The interface velocity must be continuous across the level set!");
            //    throw new NotImplementedException();

            double rhoJmp = rhoB - rhoA;

            // transform from species B to A: we call this the "A-fictitious" value
            double uAxN_fict;

            //    uAxN_fict = (1 / rhoA) * (rhoB * uBxN + (-s) * rhoJmp);
            uAxN_fict = uBxN;

            // transform from species A to B: we call this the "B-fictitious" value
            double uBxN_fict;

            //    uBxN_fict = (1 / rhoB) * (rhoA * uAxN - (-s) * rhoJmp);
            uBxN_fict = uAxN;

            // compute the fluxes: note that for the continuity equation, we use not a real flux,
            // but some kind of penalization, therefore the fluxes have opposite signs!
            double FlxNeg;
            double FlxPos;

            if (!weighted)
                FlxNeg = -Flux(uAxN, uAxN_fict, 1.0, 1.0); // flux on A-side
                FlxPos = +Flux(uBxN_fict, uBxN, 1.0, 1.0); // flux on B-side
                FlxNeg = -Flux(uAxN, uAxN_fict, wB, wA); // flux on A-side
                FlxPos = +Flux(uBxN_fict, uBxN, wA, wB); // flux on B-side

            FlxNeg *= scaleA;
            FlxPos *= scaleB;

            return(FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB);
        public override double LevelSetForm(ref Foundation.XDG.CommonParamsLs cp,
                                            double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                            double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double M = ComputeEvaporationMass(cp.ParamsNeg.GetSubVector(2 * D, D + 3), cp.ParamsPos.GetSubVector(2 * D, D + 3), cp.n, cp.jCell);

            if (M == 0.0)

            double Ucentral = 0.0;

            for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                Ucentral += 0.5 * (cp.ParamsNeg[d] + cp.ParamsPos[d]) * cp.n[d];

            double uAxN = Ucentral * (-M * (1 / rhoA) * cp.n[m_d]);
            double uBxN = Ucentral * (-M * (1 / rhoB) * cp.n[m_d]);

            uAxN += -M * (1 / rhoA) * 0.5 * (U_Neg[0] + U_Pos[0]);
            uBxN += -M * (1 / rhoB) * 0.5 * (U_Neg[0] + U_Pos[0]);

            // transform from species B to A: we call this the "A-fictitious" value
            double uAxN_fict;

            //uAxN_fict = (1 / rhoA) * (rhoB * uBxN);
            uAxN_fict = uBxN;

            // transform from species A to B: we call this the "B-fictitious" value
            double uBxN_fict;

            //uBxN_fict = (1 / rhoB) * (rhoA * uAxN);
            uBxN_fict = uAxN;

            // compute the fluxes: note that for the continuity equation, we use not a real flux,
            // but some kind of penalization, therefore the fluxes have opposite signs!
            double FlxNeg = -Flux(uAxN, uAxN_fict); // flux on A-side
            double FlxPos = +Flux(uBxN_fict, uBxN); // flux on B-side

            FlxNeg *= rhoA;
            FlxPos *= rhoB;

            double Ret = FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB;

        public double LevelSetForm(ref Foundation.XDG.CommonParamsLs cp,
                                   double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                   double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            Debug.Assert(cp.ParamsPos[D] == cp.ParamsNeg[D], "curvature must be continuous across interface");
            Debug.Assert(cp.ParamsPos[D + 1] == cp.ParamsNeg[D + 1], "disjoining pressure must be continuous across interface");

            //double M = ComputeEvaporationMass_Macro(cp.ParamsNeg.GetSubVector(0, D), cp.ParamsPos.GetSubVector(0, D), cp.n);
            //double M = ComputeEvaporationMass_Micro(cp.ParamsNeg[D], cp.ParamsPos[D], cp.ParamsNeg[D + 1], cp.ParamsNeg[D + 2]);
            double M = -0.1; // ComputeEvaporationMass(cp.ParamsNeg, cp.ParamsPos, cp.n, evapMicroRegion[cp.jCell]);

            if (M == 0.0)

            //Console.WriteLine("mEvap - GeneralizedDivergenceAtLevelSet: {0}", M);

            double uAxN = -M * (1 / rhoA) * U_Neg[0];
            double uBxN = -M * (1 / rhoB) * U_Pos[0];

            // transform from species B to A: we call this the "A-fictitious" value
            double uAxN_fict;

            //uAxN_fict = (1 / rhoA) * (rhoB * uBxN);
            uAxN_fict = uBxN;

            // transform from species A to B: we call this the "B-fictitious" value
            double uBxN_fict;

            //uBxN_fict = (1 / rhoB) * (rhoA * uAxN);
            uBxN_fict = uAxN;

            // compute the fluxes: note that for the continuity equation, we use not a real flux,
            // but some kind of penalization, therefore the fluxes have opposite signs!
            double FlxNeg = -Flux(uAxN, uAxN_fict); // flux on A-side
            double FlxPos = +Flux(uBxN_fict, uBxN); // flux on B-side

            FlxNeg *= capA;
            FlxPos *= capB;

            double Ret = FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB;

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public double LevelSetForm(ref Foundation.XDG.CommonParamsLs cp, double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                   double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double uAxN = GenericBlas.InnerProd(U_Neg, cp.n);
            double uBxN = GenericBlas.InnerProd(U_Pos, cp.n);

            // transform from species B to A: we call this the "A-fictitious" value
            double uAxN_fict = uBxN;
            // transform from species A to B: we call this the "B-fictitious" value
            double uBxN_fict = uAxN;

            double FlxNeg = (DirichletCond) ? 0.0 : Flux(uAxN, uAxN_fict); // flux on A-side
            double FlxPos = (DirichletCond) ? 0.0 : Flux(uBxN_fict, uBxN); // flux on B-side

            return(-(FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB));
        public override double LevelSetForm(ref Foundation.XDG.CommonParamsLs cp,
                                            double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                            double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            double M = ComputeEvaporationMass(cp.ParamsNeg, cp.ParamsPos, cp.n, cp.jCell);

            if (M == 0.0)

            double Tavg = (DirichletCond) ? Tsat : 0.5 * (U_Neg[0] + U_Pos[0]);
            //double T_sat = 0.0;

            double uAxN = -M * (1 / rhoA) * (Tavg);
            double uBxN = -M * (1 / rhoB) * (Tavg);

            // transform from species B to A: we call this the "A-fictitious" value
            double uAxN_fict;

            //uAxN_fict = (1 / rhoA) * (rhoB * uBxN);
            uAxN_fict = uBxN;

            // transform from species A to B: we call this the "B-fictitious" value
            double uBxN_fict;

            //uBxN_fict = (1 / rhoB) * (rhoA * uAxN);
            uBxN_fict = uAxN;

            // compute the fluxes: note that for the continuity equation, we use not a real flux,
            // but some kind of penalization, therefore the fluxes have opposite signs!
            double FlxNeg = -Flux(uAxN, uAxN_fict); // flux on A-side
            double FlxPos = +Flux(uBxN_fict, uBxN); // flux on B-side

            FlxNeg *= capA;
            FlxPos *= capB;

            double Ret = FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB;

Beispiel #7
        public double LevelSetForm(ref Foundation.XDG.CommonParamsLs cp,
                                   double[] U_Neg, double[] U_Pos, double[,] Grad_uA, double[,] Grad_uB,
                                   double vA, double vB, double[] Grad_vA, double[] Grad_vB)
            //Debug.Assert(cp.ParamsPos[D + 1] == cp.ParamsNeg[D + 1], "curvature must be continuous across interface");
            //Debug.Assert(cp.ParamsPos[D + 2] == cp.ParamsNeg[D + 2], "disjoining pressure must be continuous across interface");

            //double M = ComputeEvaporationMass_Macro(cp.ParamsNeg.GetSubVector(0, D), cp.ParamsPos.GetSubVector(0, D), cp.n);
            //double M = ComputeEvaporationMass_Micro(cp.ParamsNeg[D], cp.ParamsPos[D], cp.ParamsNeg[D + 1], cp.ParamsNeg[D + 2]);
            double M = -0.1; // ComputeEvaporationMass(cp.ParamsNeg, cp.ParamsPos, cp.n, evapMicroRegion[cp.jCell]);

            double[] Uint   = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 };
            double   UintxN = 0.0;

            double uAxN = 0.0;
            double uBxN = 0.0;

            // [[ rho(u*n) ]] {{u}} * {{v}}
            // ============================

            //for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) {
            //    uAxN += rhoA * cp.ParamsNeg[d] * cp.n[d];
            //    uBxN += rhoB * cp.ParamsPos[d] * cp.n[d];

            uAxN += -rhoA * UintxN;
            uBxN += -rhoB * UintxN;

            double Uaver = 0.5 * (U_Neg[0] + U_Pos[0]);

            uAxN *= Uaver;
            uBxN *= Uaver;

            // {{ rho(u*n) }} [[u]] * {{v}}
            // ============================

            double UnCentral = 0.0;

            for (int d = 0; d < D; d++)
                UnCentral += 0.5 * (rhoA * (cp.ParamsNeg[d] - Uint[d]) + rhoB * (cp.ParamsPos[d] - Uint[d])) * cp.n[d];

            uAxN += UnCentral * (0.0 - (-M * (1 / rhoA) * cp.n[m_d]));
            uBxN += UnCentral * (0.0 - (-M * (1 / rhoB) * cp.n[m_d]));

            // ====================================================================

            // transform from species B to A: we call this the "A-fictitious" value
            double uAxN_fict = uBxN;

            // transform from species A to B: we call this the "B-fictitious" value
            double uBxN_fict = uAxN;

            double FlxNeg = -Flux(uAxN, uAxN_fict); // flux on A-side
            double FlxPos = +Flux(uBxN_fict, uBxN); // flux on B-side

            double Ret = FlxNeg * vA - FlxPos * vB;
