Beispiel #1
         * Compute candidate scores for a shortcut connection.
         * @param start address computed by the SCO.
         * @param range nunber of candidate nodes.
         * @param cb callback function when candidate scores are available.
         * @param current current selection of the optimal in the provided range.
        public override void ComputeCandidates(Address start, int range, TargetSelectorDelegate cb, Address current)
            Channel      q  = null;
            RequestState rs = null;

            lock (_sync) {
                Console.Error.WriteLine("VTS local: {0}, start: {1}, range: {2}, count: {3}", _node.Address, start, range, _num_requests);
                if (_num_requests == MAX_REQUESTS)
                    return; //do nothing and return;
                q  = new Channel();
                rs = new RequestState(start, range, cb, current);
                _channel_to_state[q] = rs;

            //create a new request state
            ISender s = new ForwardingSender(_node,
                                             new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left),

            q.EnqueueEvent += new EventHandler(EnqueueHandler);
            q.CloseEvent   += new EventHandler(CloseHandler);
            RpcManager rpc = _node.Rpc;
            rpc.Invoke(s, q, "ncserver.EchoVivaldiState", new object[] {});
Beispiel #2
        public object[] forwardingproxy(string relay, int init_option, string dest, int ttl, int ahOptions, int maxResultsToWait, string method, params object[] args)
            Address          forwarder = AddressParser.Parse(relay);
            Address          target    = AddressParser.Parse(dest);
            ForwardingSender s         = new ForwardingSender(_node, forwarder, (ushort)init_option, target, (short)ttl, (ushort)ahOptions);

            return(this.Proxy(s, maxResultsToWait, method, args));
        /// <summary>Used to send data over the tunnel via forwarding senders
        /// using a randomly selected peer from our overlap list.</summary>
        public void HandleEdgeSend(Edge from, ICopyable data)
            RelayEdge  te        = from as RelayEdge;
            Connection forwarder = te.NextForwarder;

            if (te.RemoteID == -1)
                Address target = (te.RemoteTA as RelayTransportAddress).Target;
                ISender sender = new ForwardingSender(_node, forwarder.Address, target);
                sender.Send(new CopyList(PType.Protocol.Relaying, te.MId, data));
                try {
                    forwarder.Edge.Send(new CopyList(te.Header, te.MId, data));
                } catch {
                    // We could be sending aon a closed edge... we could deal with this
                    // better, but let's just let the system take its natural course.
Beispiel #4
         * Invoked when a result is enqueued into the channel.
        protected void EnqueueHandler(object o, EventArgs args)
            Channel q             = (Channel)o;
            bool    close_channel = false;

            lock (_sync) {
                try {
                    RpcResult result          = q.Dequeue() as RpcResult;
                    Hashtable ht              = (Hashtable)result.Result;
                    Hashtable ht_position     = (Hashtable)ht["position"];
                    NCService.VivaldiState vs = new NCService.VivaldiState();
                    vs.Position      = new Point((double[])((ArrayList)ht_position["side"]).ToArray(typeof(double)), (double)ht_position["height"]);
                    vs.WeightedError = (double)ht["error"];
                    ForwardingSender fs = result.ResultSender as ForwardingSender;
                    //record this information in the request state.
                    RequestState request = (RequestState)_channel_to_state[q];
                    if (request != null)
                        //make sure this is not our own reply
                        if (!fs.Destination.Equals(_node.Address))
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("VTS local: {0}, start: {1}, dest: {2}", _node.Address, request.Start, fs.Destination);
                            request.ResultTable[fs.Destination] = new object[] { vs, (string)ht["hostname"] };
                        if (request.ResultTable.Keys.Count >= (int)request.Range * 0.75)
                            close_channel = true;
                } catch {}
            if (close_channel)
Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>Used to send data over the tunnel via forwarding senders
    /// using a randomly selected peer from our overlap list.</summary>
    public void HandleEdgeSend(Edge from, ICopyable data)
      TunnelEdge te = from as TunnelEdge;
      Connection forwarder = te.NextForwarder;

      if(te.RemoteID == -1) {
        Address target = (te.RemoteTA as TunnelTransportAddress).Target;
        ISender sender = new ForwardingSender(_node, forwarder.Address, target);
        sender.Send(new CopyList(PType.Protocol.Tunneling, te.MId, data));
      } else {
        try {
          forwarder.Edge.Send(new CopyList(te.Header, te.MId, data));
        } catch {
          // We could be sending aon a closed edge... we could deal with this
          // better, but let's just let the system take its natural course.
Beispiel #6
     * Compute candidate scores for a shortcut connection.
     * @param start address computed by the SCO.
     * @param range nunber of candidate nodes.
     * @param cb callback function when candidate scores are available. 
     * @param current current selection of the optimal in the provided range.
    public override void ComputeCandidates(Address start, int range, TargetSelectorDelegate cb, Address current) {
      Channel q = null;
      RequestState rs = null;
      lock(_sync) {
        Console.Error.WriteLine("VTS local: {0}, start: {1}, range: {2}, count: {3}", _node.Address, start, range, _num_requests);
        if (_num_requests == MAX_REQUESTS) {
          return; //do nothing and return;
        q = new Channel();
        rs = new RequestState(start, range, cb, current);
        _channel_to_state[q] = rs;        
      //create a new request state
      ISender s = new ForwardingSender(_node, 
                                       new DirectionalAddress(DirectionalAddress.Direction.Left),
                                       (short) range,

      q.EnqueueEvent += new EventHandler(EnqueueHandler);
      q.CloseEvent += new EventHandler(CloseHandler);
      RpcManager rpc = _node.Rpc;
      rpc.Invoke(s, q, "ncserver.EchoVivaldiState", new object[]{});
        /// <summary>Where data packets prepended with a tunnel come.  Here we
        /// receive data as well as create new RelayEdges.</summary>
        public void HandleData(MemBlock data, ISender return_path, object state)
            AHSender         ah_from = return_path as AHSender;
            ForwardingSender fs_from = return_path as ForwardingSender;
            AHAddress        target  = null;

            if (ah_from == null)
                if (fs_from == null)
                target = (AHAddress)fs_from.Destination;
                target = (AHAddress)ah_from.Destination;

            int remote_id = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(data, 0);
            int local_id  = NumberSerializer.ReadInt(data, 4);

            RelayEdge te = null;

            // No locally assigned ID, so we'll create a new RelayEdge and assign it one.
            // This could be hit many times by the same RemoteID, but it is safe since
            // we'll attempt Linkers on all of them and he'll only respond to the first
            // one he receives back.
            if (local_id == -1)
                if (fs_from == null)
                    throw new Exception("No LocalID assigned but not from a useful sender!");

                ConnectionList cons  = _connections;
                int            index = cons.IndexOf(fs_from.Forwarder);
                if (index < 0)

                List <Connection> overlap_addrs = new List <Connection>();

                while (true)
                    te = new RelayEdge(this, (RelayTransportAddress)_local_tas[0],
                                       new RelayTransportAddress(target, overlap_addrs),
                                       _iasf.GetForwarderSelector(), overlap_addrs, remote_id);
                    lock (_sync) {
                        if (!_id_to_tunnel.ContainsKey(te.LocalID))
                            _id_to_tunnel[te.LocalID] = te;
                    // Arriving here, implies another RelayEdge will be created and this
                    // one needs to be closed

                local_id = te.LocalID;

                te.CloseEvent += CloseHandler;

            if (!_id_to_tunnel.TryGetValue(local_id, out te))
                // Maybe we closed this edge
                // throw new Exception("No such edge");
                // Old behavior would ignore these packets...
            else if (te.RemoteID == -1)
                // We created this, but we haven't received a packet yet
                te.RemoteID = remote_id;
            else if (te.RemoteID != remote_id)
                // Either we closed this edge and it was reallocated or something is up!
                // throw new Exception("Receiving imposter packet...");
                // Old behavior would ignore these packets...

            if (te.IsClosed)
                throw new Exception("Edge is closed...");

            // Chop off the Ids
            data = data.Slice(8);
Beispiel #8
 public object[] forwardingproxy(string relay, int init_option, string dest, int ttl, int ahOptions, int maxResultsToWait, string method, params object[] args) {
   Address forwarder = AddressParser.Parse(relay);
   Address target = AddressParser.Parse(dest);
   ForwardingSender s = new ForwardingSender(_node, forwarder, (ushort) init_option, target, (short) ttl, (ushort)ahOptions);
   return this.Proxy(s, maxResultsToWait, method, args);