Beispiel #1
 public void Emit(Format5OpCode opCode, Register rd, Register rs, string nopExplanation=null)
     string fluentComment;
       var rsIsHigh=rs is HighRegister;
       var rdIsHigh=rd is HighRegister;
       if(opCode==Format5OpCode.BX) {
     //rd is ignored on BX instruction
     fluentComment="BX "+rs;
       } else if(!rsIsHigh && !rdIsHigh) {
     throw new Exception("illegal use of this instruction");
       } else if(rd.EqualTo(rs)) {
       } else {
     fluentComment=opCode.ToHumanReadable().MyConcat(" ", rd, ",", rs);
       if(nopExplanation!=null) {
     fluentComment=fluentComment+" ("+nopExplanation+")";
       var maskedRs=rs.Index&7;
       var maskedRd=rd.Index&7;
       var h1Bits=rdIsHigh ? 1 : 0;
       var h2Bits=rsIsHigh ? 1 : 0;
       EmitHelper(rd, 5, fluentComment, 17, 6, (int)opCode, 2, h1Bits, 1, h2Bits, 1, maskedRs, 3, maskedRd, 3);
Beispiel #2
        public void Emit(Format5OpCode opCode, Register rd, Register rs, string nopExplanation = null)
            string fluentComment;
            var    rsIsHigh = rs is HighRegister;
            var    rdIsHigh = rd is HighRegister;

            if (opCode == Format5OpCode.BX)
                //rd is ignored on BX instruction
                rd            = Register.R0;
                fluentComment = "BX " + rs;
            else if (!rsIsHigh && !rdIsHigh)
                throw new Exception("illegal use of this instruction");
            else if (rd.EqualTo(rs))
                fluentComment = "NOP";
                fluentComment = opCode.ToHumanReadable().MyConcat(" ", rd, ",", rs);
            if (nopExplanation != null)
                fluentComment = fluentComment + " (" + nopExplanation + ")";
            var maskedRs = rs.Index & 7;
            var maskedRd = rd.Index & 7;
            var h1Bits   = rdIsHigh ? 1 : 0;
            var h2Bits   = rsIsHigh ? 1 : 0;

            EmitHelper(rd, 5, fluentComment, 17, 6, (int)opCode, 2, h1Bits, 1, h2Bits, 1, maskedRs, 3, maskedRd, 3);
Beispiel #3
 public static string ToHumanReadable(this Format5OpCode opCode)
     return("ADDCMPMOVBX ".Substring((int)opCode * 3, 3));