private void butMerge_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_patTo.PatNum == _patFrom.PatNum)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Cannot merge a patient account into itself. Please select a different patient to merge from.");
            string msgText = "";

            if (_patFrom.FName.Trim().ToLower() != _patTo.FName.Trim().ToLower() ||
                _patFrom.LName.Trim().ToLower() != _patTo.LName.Trim().ToLower() ||
                _patFrom.Birthdate != _patTo.Birthdate)
            {            //mismatch
                msgText = Lan.g(this, "The two patients do not have the same first name, last name, and birthdate.");
                if (Programs.UsingEcwTightOrFullMode())
                    msgText += "\r\n" + Lan.g(this, "The patients must first be merged from within eCW, then immediately merged in the same order in Open Dental.  "
                                              + "If the patients are not merged in this manner, some information may not properly bridge between eCW and Open Dental.");
                msgText += "\r\n\r\n"
                           + Lan.g(this, "Into patient name") + ": " + Patients.GetNameFLnoPref(_patTo.LName, _patTo.FName, "") + ", "     //using Patients.GetNameFLnoPref to omit MiddleI
                           + Lan.g(this, "Into patient birthdate") + ": " + _patTo.Birthdate.ToShortDateString() + "\r\n"
                           + Lan.g(this, "From patient name") + ": " + Patients.GetNameFLnoPref(_patFrom.LName, _patFrom.FName, "") + ", " //using Patients.GetNameFLnoPref to omit MiddleI
                           + Lan.g(this, "From patient birthdate") + ": " + _patFrom.Birthdate.ToShortDateString() + "\r\n\r\n"
                           + Lan.g(this, "Merge the patient on the bottom into the patient shown on the top?");
                if (MessageBox.Show(msgText, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)
                    return;                    //The user chose not to merge
            else              //name and bd match
                if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "Merge the patient at the bottom into the patient shown at the top?"))
                    return;                    //The user chose not to merge.
            if (_patFrom.PatNum == _patFrom.Guarantor)
                Family fam = Patients.GetFamily(_patFrom.PatNum);
                if (fam.ListPats.Length > 1)
                    msgText = Lan.g(this, "The patient you have chosen to merge from is a guarantor.  Merging this patient into another account will cause all "
                                    + "family members of the patient being merged from to be moved into the same family as the patient account being merged into.") + "\r\n"
                              + Lan.g(this, "Do you wish to continue with the merge?");
                    if (MessageBox.Show(msgText, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes)
                        return;                        //The user chose not to merge.
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            List <Task> listPatientTasks  = Tasks.RefreshPatientTickets(_patFrom.PatNum);        //Get this before the merge, because the merge updates Task.KeyNum.
            bool        isSuccessfulMerge = false;

            try {
                isSuccessfulMerge = Patients.MergeTwoPatients(_patTo.PatNum, _patFrom.PatNum);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.PatientMerge, _patTo.PatNum,
                                          "Error occurred while merging Patient: " + _patFrom.GetNameFL() + "\r\nPatNum From: " + _patFrom.PatNum + "\r\nPatNum To: " + _patTo.PatNum);
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                FriendlyException.Show(Lan.g(this, "Unable to fully merge patients.  Contact support."), ex);
            if (isSuccessfulMerge)
                //The patient has been successfully merged.
                #region Refresh Patient's Tasks
                List <Signalod> listSignals = new List <Signalod>();
                foreach (Task task in listPatientTasks)
                    Signalod signal = new Signalod();
                    signal.IType       = InvalidType.Task;
                    signal.FKeyType    = KeyType.Task;
                    signal.FKey        = task.TaskNum;
                    signal.DateViewing = DateTime.MinValue;                  //Mimics Signalods.SetInvalid()
                Signalods.SetInvalid(InvalidType.TaskPatient, KeyType.Undefined, _patTo.PatNum); //Ensure anyone viewing Patient tab of new pat gets refreshed.
                Signalods.Insert(listSignals.ToArray());                                         //Refreshes existing tasks in all other tabs.
                //Causes Task area and open Task Edit windows to refresh immediately.  No popups, alright to pass empty lists for listRefreshedTaskNotes and
                FormOpenDental.S_HandleRefreshedTasks(listSignals, listPatientTasks.Select(x => x.TaskNum).ToList(), listPatientTasks, new List <TaskNote>()
                                                      , new List <UserOdPref>());
                //Now copy the physical images from the old patient to the new if they are using an AtoZ image share.
                //This has to happen in the UI because the middle tier server might not have access to the image share.
                //If the users are storing images within the database, those images have already been taken care of in the merge method above.
                int fileCopyFailures = 0;
                if (PrefC.AtoZfolderUsed == DataStorageType.LocalAtoZ)
                    #region Copy AtoZ Documents
                    //Move the patient documents within the 'patFrom' A to Z folder to the 'patTo' A to Z folder.
                    //We have to be careful here of documents with the same name. We have to rename such documents
                    //so that no documents are overwritten/lost.
                    string   atoZpath  = ImageStore.GetPreferredAtoZpath();
                    string   atozFrom  = ImageStore.GetPatientFolder(_patFrom, atoZpath);
                    string   atozTo    = ImageStore.GetPatientFolder(_patTo, atoZpath);
                    string[] fromFiles = Directory.GetFiles(atozFrom);
                    if (atozFrom == atozTo)
                        //Very rarely, two patients have the same image folder.  PatFrom and PatTo both have Documents that point to the same file.  Since we
                        //are about to copy the image file for PatFrom to PatTo's directory and delete the file from PatFrom's directory, we would break the
                        //file reference for PatTo's Document.  In this case, skip deleting the original file, since PatTo's Document still references it.
                        Documents.MergePatientDocuments(_patFrom.PatNum, _patTo.PatNum);
                        foreach (string fileCur in fromFiles)
                            string fileName     = Path.GetFileName(fileCur);
                            string destFileName = fileName;
                            string destFilePath = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(atozTo, fileName);
                            if (File.Exists(destFilePath))
                                //The file being copied has the same name as a possibly different file within the destination a to z folder.
                                //We need to copy the file under a unique file name and then make sure to update the document table to reflect
                                //the change.
                                destFileName = _patFrom.PatNum.ToString() + "_" + fileName;
                                destFilePath = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(atozTo, destFileName);
                                while (File.Exists(destFilePath))
                                    destFileName = _patFrom.PatNum.ToString() + "_" + fileName + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
                                    destFilePath = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(atozTo, destFileName);
                            try {
                                File.Copy(fileCur, destFilePath);                                //Will throw exception if file already exists.
                            catch (Exception ex) {
                                continue;                                //copy failed, increment counter and move onto the next file
                            //If the copy did not fail, try to delete the old file.
                            //We can now safely update the document FileName and PatNum to the "to" patient.
                            Documents.MergePatientDocument(_patFrom.PatNum, _patTo.PatNum, fileName, destFileName);
                            try {
                            catch (Exception ex) {
                                //If we were unable to delete the file then it is probably because someone has the document open currently.
                                //Just skip deleting the file. This means that occasionally there will be an extra file in their backup
                                //which is just clutter but at least the merge is guaranteed this way.
                    #endregion Copy AtoZ Documents
                }                //end if AtoZFolderUsed
                else if (CloudStorage.IsCloudStorage)
                    string atozFrom = ImageStore.GetPatientFolder(_patFrom, "");
                    string atozTo   = ImageStore.GetPatientFolder(_patTo, "");
                    if (atozFrom == atozTo)
                        //Very rarely, two patients have the same image folder.  PatFrom and PatTo both have Documents that point to the same file.  Since we
                        //are about to copy the image file for PatFrom to PatTo's directory and delete the file from PatFrom's directory, we would break the
                        //file reference for PatTo's Document.  In this case, skip deleting the original file, since PatTo's Document still references it.
                        Documents.MergePatientDocuments(_patFrom.PatNum, _patTo.PatNum);
                        FormProgress FormP = new FormProgress();
                        FormP.DisplayText          = "Moving Documents...";
                        FormP.NumberFormat         = "F";
                        FormP.NumberMultiplication = 1;
                        FormP.MaxVal = 100;                      //Doesn't matter what this value is as long as it is greater than 0
                        FormP.TickMS = 1000;
                        OpenDentalCloud.Core.TaskStateMove state = CloudStorage.MoveAsync(atozFrom
                                                                                          , atozTo
                                                                                          , new OpenDentalCloud.ProgressHandler(FormP.OnProgress));
                        if (FormP.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
                            state.DoCancel   = true;
                            fileCopyFailures = state.CountTotal - state.CountSuccess;
                            fileCopyFailures = state.CountFailed;
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                if (fileCopyFailures > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Some files belonging to the from patient were not copied.") + "\r\n"
                                    + Lan.g(this, "Number of files not copied") + ": " + fileCopyFailures);
                //Make log entry here not in parent form because we can merge multiple patients at a time.
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.PatientMerge, _patTo.PatNum,
                                          "Patient: " + _patFrom.GetNameFL() + "\r\nPatNum From: " + _patFrom.PatNum + "\r\nPatNum To: " + _patTo.PatNum);
                textPatientIDFrom.Text    = "";
                textPatientNameFrom.Text  = "";
                textPatFromBirthdate.Text = "";
                //This will cause CheckUIState() to disabled the merge button until the user selects a new _patFrom.
                _patFrom = null;
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Patients merged successfully.");
            }            //end MergeTwoPatients
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;