Beispiel #1
        // Builds a map from foreign key instances to commands, with an entry for every command that may need to
        // precede some other operation.
        // Predecessor commands must precede other commands using those values. There are two kinds of
        // predecessor:
        // - Commands (updates or inserts) inserting FK "targets" (referenced by the foreign key)
        // - Commands (updates or deletes) deleting FK "sources" (referencing the foreign key)
        // To avoid violating constraints, FK values must be created before they are referenced, and
        // cannot be deleted before their references
        private KeyToListMap <ForeignKeyValue, UpdateCommand> DetermineForeignKeyPredecessors()
            var predecessors = new KeyToListMap <ForeignKeyValue, UpdateCommand>(

            foreach (var command in Vertices.OfType <DynamicUpdateCommand>())
                if (ModificationOperator.Update == command.Operator
                    ModificationOperator.Insert == command.Operator)
                    foreach (var fkConstraint in _targetMap.EnumerateValues(command.Table))
                        ForeignKeyValue fk;
                        if (ForeignKeyValue.TryCreateTargetKey(fkConstraint, command.CurrentValues, true, out fk))
                            // if this is an update and the target key is unchanged, there is no
                            // need to add a dependency (from the perspective of the target, the update
                            // is a no-op)
                            ForeignKeyValue originalFK;
                            if (ModificationOperator.Update != command.Operator
                                !ForeignKeyValue.TryCreateTargetKey(fkConstraint, command.OriginalValues, true, out originalFK)
                                !_keyComparer.Equals(originalFK, fk))
                                predecessors.Add(fk, command);

                // register all source predecessors
                if (ModificationOperator.Update == command.Operator
                    ModificationOperator.Delete == command.Operator)
                    foreach (var fkConstraint in _sourceMap.EnumerateValues(command.Table))
                        ForeignKeyValue fk;
                        if (ForeignKeyValue.TryCreateSourceKey(fkConstraint, command.OriginalValues, false, out fk))
                            // if this is an update and the source key is unchanged, there is no
                            // need to add a dependency (from the perspective of the source, the update
                            // is a no-op)
                            ForeignKeyValue currentFK;
                            if (ModificationOperator.Update != command.Operator
                                !ForeignKeyValue.TryCreateSourceKey(fkConstraint, command.CurrentValues, false, out currentFK)
                                !_keyComparer.Equals(currentFK, fk))
                                predecessors.Add(fk, command);
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize foreign key object for the source of a foreign key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="metadata">Sets Metadata</param>
 /// <param name="record">Record containing key value</param>
 /// <param name="isInsert">Indicates whether the key value is being inserted or deleted</param>
 /// <param name="key">Outputs key object</param>
 /// <returns>true if the record contains key values for this constraint; false otherwise</returns>
 internal static bool TryCreateSourceKey(ReferentialConstraint metadata, PropagatorResult record, bool isInsert, out ForeignKeyValue key)
     key = new ForeignKeyValue(metadata, record, false, isInsert);
     if (null == key.Key)
         return false;
     return true;
        private IEnumerable <ObjectData> GetList()
            var Ioc = AtawIocContext.Current;
            List <PlugModel> list = new List <PlugModel>();
            var sourceList        = Ioc.PlugInModelList.ToList();

            // var
            if (KeyValues != null && KeyValues.Count() > 0)
                sourceList = sourceList.Where(a => (KeyValues.ToList().Contains(a.Key))).ToList();
            if (!ForeignKeyValue.IsEmpty())
            string _tableName = this.RegName + "_SEARCH";

            if (PostDataSet != null && PostDataSet.Tables[_tableName] != null && PostDataSet.Tables[_tableName].Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow row = PostDataSet.Tables[_tableName].Rows[0];
                sourceList = WhereFilter(sourceList, row).ToList();

            List <PlugInModel> regList = new List <PlugInModel>();

            if (Pagination != null)
                regList = sourceList.Skip((Pagination.PageIndex) * Pagination.PageSize).Take(Pagination.PageSize).ToList();
                Pagination = new Pagination().FormDataTable(PostDataSet.Tables["PAGER"]);
                //Pagination.PageSize =
                //regList = source.ToList();
            Pagination.TotalCount = sourceList.Count;
            int i = 0;

            regList.ForEach((a) =>
                    new PlugModel()
                    RegName           = a.Key + i.ToString(),
                    BassClassName     = a.BaseType.Name,
                    Desc              = a.Description,
                    DllPath           = a.InstanceType.Module.ScopeName,
                    InstanceClassName = a.InstanceType.Name,
                    Author            = a.Author,
                    CreateDate        = a.CreateDate.Value <string>()

            return(list.OrderBy(a => a.DllPath).ThenBy(a => a.BassClassName).ThenBy(a => a.Author));
        public void CheckUnique(List <ObjectDataView> insertDataViewList, List <ObjectDataView> updateDataViewList, List <string> deleteStringList)
            string _columSelect = String.Join(",", UniqueList);

            // var _updateObjs = updateDataViewList.FindAll(a => HasAllUniqueColumns(a.objectData));
            // var _updateIds = updateDataViewList.Select(a => a.KeyId);

            // deleteStringList.AddRange(_updateIds);
            if (CheckUniqueFilterSql.IsEmpty())
                CheckUniqueFilterSql = " 1 = 1";
            string           _strSql = "SELECT {0},{1} FROM {2} WHERE ({3}) ".SFormat(PrimaryKey, _columSelect, RegName, CheckUniqueFilterSql);
            var              _sqlCmd = SqlUtil.SqlByNotAnd(_strSql, PrimaryKey, deleteStringList);
            DataSet          ds      = _sqlCmd.QueryDataSet(DbContext);
            UniqueRowArrange list    = new UniqueRowArrange();

            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                HasOnlyUniqueColumns(row, updateDataViewList);
                var _isCheck = list.CheckInsert(new UniqueRow(GetColumnValues(row).ToArray()));
                if (!_isCheck)
                    string str = "  {0}  : {1} ".SFormat(GetColumnDisPlayName(), String.Join(",", GetColumnTexts(row)));
            //  insertDataViewList.

            insertDataViewList.ForEach(a =>
                if (!ForeignKeyValue.IsEmpty() && UniqueList.Contains(ForeignKey))
                    if (!a.objectData.Row.Table.Columns.Contains(ForeignKey))
                    a.objectData.Row[ForeignKey] = ForeignKeyValue;
                var _isCheck = list.CheckInsert(new UniqueRow(GetColumnValues(a.objectData.Row).ToArray()));
                if (!_isCheck)
                    string str = "  {0}  : {1} ".SFormat(GetColumnDisPlayName(), String.Join(",", GetColumnTexts(a.objectData.Row)));
                    //ThrowUniError(GetColumnDisPlayName() + ":" + String.Join(",", GetColumnTexts(a.objectData.Row)));
Beispiel #5
        // Finds all successors to the given predecessors and registers the resulting dependency edges in this
        // graph.
        // - Commands (updates or inserts) inserting FK "sources" (referencing foreign key)
        // - Commands (updates or deletes) deleting FK "targets" (referenced by the foreign key)
        // To avoid violating constraints, FK references must be created before their referees, and
        // cannot be deleted before their references.
        private void AddForeignKeyEdges(KeyToListMap <ForeignKeyValue, UpdateCommand> predecessors)
            foreach (var command in Vertices.OfType <DynamicUpdateCommand>())
                // register all source successors
                if (ModificationOperator.Update == command.Operator
                    ModificationOperator.Insert == command.Operator)
                    foreach (var fkConstraint in _sourceMap.EnumerateValues(command.Table))
                        ForeignKeyValue fk;
                        if (ForeignKeyValue.TryCreateSourceKey(fkConstraint, command.CurrentValues, true, out fk))
                            // if this is an update and the source key is unchanged, there is no
                            // need to add a dependency (from the perspective of the target, the update
                            // is a no-op)
                            ForeignKeyValue originalFK;
                            if (ModificationOperator.Update != command.Operator
                                !ForeignKeyValue.TryCreateSourceKey(fkConstraint, command.OriginalValues, true, out originalFK)
                                !_keyComparer.Equals(originalFK, fk))
                                foreach (var predecessor in predecessors.EnumerateValues(fk))
                                    // don't add self-edges for FK dependencies, since a single operation
                                    // in the store is atomic
                                    if (predecessor != command)
                                        AddEdge(predecessor, command);

                // register all target successors
                if (ModificationOperator.Update == command.Operator
                    ModificationOperator.Delete == command.Operator)
                    foreach (var fkConstraint in _targetMap.EnumerateValues(command.Table))
                        ForeignKeyValue fk;
                        if (ForeignKeyValue.TryCreateTargetKey(fkConstraint, command.OriginalValues, false, out fk))
                            // if this is an update and the target key is unchanged, there is no
                            // need to add a dependency (from the perspective of the source, the update
                            // is a no-op)
                            ForeignKeyValue currentFK;
                            if (ModificationOperator.Update != command.Operator
                                !ForeignKeyValue.TryCreateTargetKey(fkConstraint, command.CurrentValues, false, out currentFK)
                                !_keyComparer.Equals(currentFK, fk))
                                foreach (var predecessor in predecessors.EnumerateValues(fk))
                                    // don't add self-edges for FK dependencies, since a single operation
                                    // in the store is atomic
                                    if (predecessor != command)
                                        AddEdge(predecessor, command);
        private void SetSqlSelect()
            string where = "";
            DynamicParameters sqlList = new DynamicParameters();

            if (KeyValues.Count() == 0)
                string searchTable = RegName + "_SEARCH";
                if (PostDataSet != null && PostDataSet.Tables[searchTable] != null && PostDataSet.Tables[searchTable].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow row = PostDataSet.Tables[searchTable].Rows[0];
                    where = WhereStringBuilder(row, sqlList);
                    if (IsFillEmpty)
                        where = "  AND 1=2 ";
                if (ForeignKeyValue.IsEmpty())
                    where = SetWhereByKeyValue(sqlList);
                    where = string.Format(" AND {0}=@{0}", ForeignKey);
                    sqlList.Add(string.Format("@{0}", ForeignKey), ChangeForeignKeyValue(ForeignKeyValue));//获取子表过滤条件
            where = SetWhereFilterSqlByFormConfig(where);
            where = AdditionalConditionSql(where);
            string countSql = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE 1=1 {1}", SetSelectTable(RegName), where);

            Pagination.TotalCount = DbContext.QueryObject <int>(countSql, sqlList);
            string _selectStr = SetSelectSql();
            string orderName  = PrimaryKey + " DESC ";

            if (Order.IsEmpty())
                if (XmlColumns.Contains("CREATE_TIME"))
                    orderName = "CREATE_TIME DESC ";
                if (XmlColumns.Contains("UPDATE_TIME"))
                    orderName = "UPDATE_TIME DESC ";
                orderName = Order;
            if (!Pagination.SortName.IsEmpty())
                if (Pagination.IsASC)
                    orderName = Pagination.SortName + " ASC";
                    orderName = Pagination.SortName + " DESC";
            paraList = new DynamicParameters();
            paraList = sqlList;
            //foreach (var qsql in sqlList)//对象克隆,防止参数重复
            //    SqlParameter sqlP = new SqlParameter();
            //    qsql.ObjectClone(sqlP);
            //    paraList.Add(sqlP);
            sql = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, PAGE_SQL, _selectStr, orderName, SetSelectTable(RegName), where);
            paraList.Add("@skip", Pagination.PageIndex);
            paraList.Add("@pageSize", Pagination.PageSize);
Beispiel #7
 private static TestResult CreateInvalidForeignKeyError(ForeignKeyValue foreignKeyValue)
     return(new TestResult(ResultType.Error, AddmlLocation.FromFieldIndex(foreignKeyValue.Field),
                           string.Format(Messages.ControlForeignKeyMessage1, foreignKeyValue.Value,
Beispiel #8
        public void Fill()
            MySqlCommand    command;
            MySqlDataReader reader;
            ArrayList       newList = new ArrayList();

            if ((mTable == null) || (mDisplayColumn == null) || (mValueColumn == null))

            if (mDB == null)

            if (mDB.State != ConnectionState.Open)

            if (mForeignKey == null)
                command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT " + mDisplayColumn + ", " + mValueColumn + " FROM " + mTable + ";", mDB);
                command = new MySqlCommand("SELECT " + mDisplayColumn + ", " + mValueColumn + " FROM " + mTable + " WHERE " + mForeignKey + " = " + ForeignKeyValue.ToString() + ";", mDB);

            reader = command.ExecuteReader();
            if (!reader.HasRows)
                DataSource = null;
                this.Enabled = false;
                mList        = null;

            this.Enabled = true;
            while (reader.Read())
                newList.Add(new ComboData(reader.GetString(mDisplayColumn), reader.GetInt32(mValueColumn), ForeignKeyValue));

            DataSource    = newList;
            DisplayMember = "Name";
            ValueMember   = "Key";
            mList         = newList;