Beispiel #1
        public void ShouldUseSameDependencyDuringMappingOperation()
            //While Mapping, if requesting the same dependency on multiple maps, the same dependency should be
            //used (instead of going back to the IOC container).
            //The idea is that mapping an object is a single function (and therefore the dependencies should be resolved only once).

            var foo      = new FooX();
            var resolver = new ResolverMock();

            resolver.Add(() => new Dependency1());

            var mapper = CreateMapper(resolver, builder =>
                builder.CreateMap <FooX, BarX>()
                .WithDependencies <Dependency1>()
                .MapProperty((x, dep) => dep.Item1.RandomProperty, x => x.Property4)
                .MapProperty((x, dep) => dep.Item1.RandomProperty, x => x.Property3);

            var bar1 = mapper.Map <BarX>(foo);
            var bar2 = mapper.Map <BarX>(foo);

            Assert.AreEqual(bar1.Property3, bar1.Property4, "Those properties must be the same!");
            Assert.AreEqual(bar2.Property3, bar2.Property4, "Those properties must be the same!");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(bar1.Property3, bar2.Property3, "Those properties cannot be the same!");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(bar1.Property4, bar2.Property4, "Those properties cannot be the same!");
Beispiel #2
        public void ShouldMapWithDifferentDependenciesResolvedByName()
            var foo = new FooX()
                Property1 = 10, Property2 = 100
            var resolver = new ResolverMock();

            resolver.Add(() => new Dependency1()
                GlobalProperty1 = 1
            }, "dependency1");
            resolver.Add(() => new Dependency1()
                GlobalProperty1 = 2
            }, "dependency2");

            var mapper = CreateMapper(resolver, builder =>
                builder.CreateMap <Foo, Bar>()
                .WithDependencies <Dependency1>("dependency1")
                .MapProperty((x, dep) => dep.Item1.GlobalProperty1 + x.Property1, x => x.Property3);

                builder.CreateMap <FooX, BarX>()
                .WithDependencies <Dependency1>("dependency2")
                .MapProperty((x, dep) => dep.Item1.GlobalProperty1 + x.Property2, x => x.Property4);

            var bar = (BarX)mapper.Map <Bar>(foo);

            Assert.AreEqual(11, bar.Property3);
            Assert.AreEqual(102, bar.Property4);
Beispiel #3
        public void ShouldNotLookForParentsWhenMappingInheritedProperties()
            //NOTE: By design, when calling Map<FooX>, no mappings for Foo will be used - eventhough FooX inherits from Foo.
            //To get all mappings, ca

            var foo = new FooX()
                Property1 = 18, Property2 = 7
            var mapper = CreateMapper(new ResolverMock(), builder =>
                builder.CreateMap <Foo, Bar>()
                .MapProperty(x => x.Property1, x => x.Property3);

                builder.CreateMap <FooX, BarX>()
                .MapProperty(x => x.Property2, x => x.Property4);

            //Not specifying TTargetBase will skip all mappings from BarX upwards (the inheritance chain).
            var barX1 = mapper.Map <BarX, BarX>(foo);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, barX1.Property3);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, barX1.Property4);

            //Specifying TTargetBase will enture all mappings from Bar downwards (the inheritance chain) are applied.
            var barX2 = mapper.Map <BarX, Bar>(foo);

            Assert.AreEqual(18, barX2.Property3);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, barX2.Property4);
Beispiel #4
        public void ShouldUseMappingFunctionInherited()
            var fooX = new FooX()
                Property1 = 1, Property2 = 7
            var mapper = CreateMapper(new ResolverMock(), builder =>
                //NOTE: This is interesting because FooBarMapping function take Foo and Bar, not FooX and BarX
                builder.CreateMap <FooX, BarX>()
                .MapProperty(x => x.Property2, x => x.Property4);

            var barX = mapper.Map <BarX>(fooX);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, barX.Property3);
            Assert.AreEqual(7, barX.Property4);
Beispiel #5
        public void ShouldMapInheritedPropertyExistingObject()
            var foo = new FooX()
                Property1 = 18, Property2 = 7
            var mapper = CreateMapper(new ResolverMock(), builder =>
                builder.CreateMap <Foo, Bar>()
                .MapProperty(x => x.Property1, x => x.Property3);

                builder.CreateMap <FooX, BarX>()
                .MapProperty(x => x.Property2, x => x.Property4);

            var bar = new Bar();

            mapper.Map(foo, bar);

            Assert.AreEqual(foo.Property1, bar.Property3);
Beispiel #6
        public void ShouldMapInheritedProperty()
            var foo = new FooX()
                Property1 = 18, Property2 = 7
            var mapper = CreateMapper(new ResolverMock(), builder =>
                builder.CreateMap <Foo, Bar>()
                .MapProperty(x => x.Property1, x => x.Property3);

                builder.CreateMap <FooX, BarX>()
                .MapProperty(x => x.Property2, x => x.Property4);

            var bar = mapper.Map <Bar>(foo);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <BarX>(bar, "Even if you have requested 'Bar', the mapper found a more specific type and will return that instead.");
            var barX = (BarX)bar;

            Assert.AreEqual(foo.Property1, barX.Property3);
            Assert.AreEqual(foo.Property2, barX.Property4);