public void ShouldBeEquivalentToReturnSuccess_FluentAssertFail()
            // Given
            var booMock  = new Mock <IBar>();
            var foo      = new Foo(booMock.Object);
            var fooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "test description", ReferenceNumber = 12345
            var expectedFooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "tesdst description", ReferenceNumber = 123345


            // When
            var testException = Assert.Throws <XunitException>(() =>
                                                               booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(It.Is <BarParam>(o => o.ShouldBeEquivalentToReturnSuccess(expectedFooParam))))

            // Then
            var expectedStartOfException =
                $"Expected member {nameof(expectedFooParam.Description)} to be {Environment.NewLine}"
                + $"\"{expectedFooParam.Description}\" with a length of {expectedFooParam.Description.Length}, but {Environment.NewLine}"
                + $"\"{fooParam.Description}\" has a length of {fooParam.Description.Length}.{Environment.NewLine}"
                + $"Expected member {nameof(expectedFooParam.ReferenceNumber)} to be {expectedFooParam.ReferenceNumber}, "
                + $"but found {fooParam.ReferenceNumber}.";

            Assert.StartsWith(expectedStartOfException, testException.Message);
        public void Its_EquivalentTo_WithDiffereningTypes_ThrowsAssertionExcpetion()
            // Given
            var booMock  = new Mock <IBar>();
            var foo      = new Foo(booMock.Object);
            var fooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "actual description", ReferenceNumber = 12345
            var expectedFooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "expected description", ReferenceNumber = 54321


            // When
            var testException = Assert.Throws <XunitException>(() =>
                                                               booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(Its.EquivalentTo <BarParam, FooParam>(expectedFooParam)))

            // Then
            var expectedStartOfException =
                $"Expected member {nameof(expectedFooParam.Description)} to be {Environment.NewLine}\"{expectedFooParam.Description}\" with a length of {expectedFooParam.Description.Length}, "
                + $"but {Environment.NewLine}\"{fooParam.Description}\" has a length of {fooParam.Description.Length}."
                + $"{Environment.NewLine}Expected member {nameof(expectedFooParam.ReferenceNumber)} to be {expectedFooParam.ReferenceNumber}, "
                + $"but found {fooParam.ReferenceNumber}.";

            Assert.StartsWith(expectedStartOfException, testException.Message);
        public void ShouldBeEquivalentToReturnSuccess()
            // Given
            var booMock  = new Mock <IBar>();
            var foo      = new Foo(booMock.Object);
            var fooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "test description", ReferenceNumber = 12345

            // When

            // Then
            booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(It.Is <BarParam>(o => o.ShouldBeEquivalentToReturnSuccess(fooParam))));
        public void It_IsEquivilentToMatcher_VerifySuccess_WithDiffereningTypes()
            // Given
            var booMock  = new Mock <IBar>();
            var foo      = new Foo(booMock.Object);
            var fooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "test description", ReferenceNumber = 12345
            var expectedFooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = fooParam.Description + "", ReferenceNumber = fooParam.ReferenceNumber


            // When
            booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(It <BarParam> .IsEquivalentTo(expectedFooParam)));

            // Then
            // No Exception thrown
        public void Its_EquivalentTo_DoesNotThrowException()
            // Given
            var booMock  = new Mock <IBar>();
            var foo      = new Foo(booMock.Object);
            var fooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "test description", ReferenceNumber = 12345
            var expectedBarParam = new BarParam {
                Description = fooParam.Description, ReferenceNumber = fooParam.ReferenceNumber


            // When
            booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(Its.EquivalentTo(expectedBarParam)));

            // Then
            // No Exception thrown
        public void It_IsEquivilentToMatcher_VerifyFail_WithDiffereningTypes()
            // Given
            var booMock  = new Mock <IBar>();
            var foo      = new Foo(booMock.Object);
            var fooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "test description", ReferenceNumber = 12345
            var expectedFooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "something else", ReferenceNumber = 54321


            // When, Then
            var testException = Assert.Throws <MockException>(() =>
                                                              booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(It <BarParam> .IsEquivalentTo(expectedFooParam)), Times.Once)

            Assert.StartsWith("Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times", testException.Message.Trim());
        public void Its_EquivalentTo_ThrowsException_WithMultipleSetups()
            // Given
            var booMock  = new Mock <IBar>();
            var foo      = new Foo(booMock.Object);
            var fooParam = new FooParam {
                Description = "given value 1", ReferenceNumber = 12345
            var fooParam2 = new FooParam {
                Description = "given value 2", ReferenceNumber = 23456
            var expectedBarParam = new BarParam {
                Description = fooParam.Description, ReferenceNumber = fooParam.ReferenceNumber
            var expectedBarParam2 = new BarParam {
                Description = fooParam2.Description, ReferenceNumber = fooParam2.ReferenceNumber
            var unExpectedBarParam = new BarParam {
                Description = "Unexpected value"

            booMock.Setup(b => b.ItWorked(Its.EquivalentTo(expectedBarParam, true)));
            booMock.Setup(b => b.ItWorked(Its.EquivalentTo(expectedBarParam2, true)));

            // When
            booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(Its.EquivalentTo(expectedBarParam, true)), Times.Once);
            booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(Its.EquivalentTo(expectedBarParam2, true)), Times.Once);

            // and When Then
            var testException = Assert.Throws <MockException>(() =>
                                                              booMock.Verify(b => b.ItWorked(Its.EquivalentTo(unExpectedBarParam, true)), Times.Once)

            Assert.StartsWith("Expected invocation on the mock once, but was 0 times", testException.Message.Trim());
 public void CallBoo(FooParam param)
     _bar.ItWorked(new BarParam {
         Description = param.Description, ReferenceNumber = param.ReferenceNumber