public static FontHandle CreateFont( int height, int width, int escapement, int orientation, FontWeight weight, bool italic, bool underline, bool strikeout, CharacterSet characterSet, OutputPrecision outputPrecision, ClippingPrecision clippingPrecision, Quality quality, FontPitch pitch, FontFamily family, string typeface) => GdiMethods.CreateFont( height, width, escapement, orientation, weight, italic, underline, strikeout, characterSet, outputPrecision, clippingPrecision, quality, pitch, family, typeface);
public static FontHandle CreateFont( int height, int width, int escapement, int orientation, FontWeight weight, bool italic, bool underline, bool strikeout, CharacterSet characterSet, OutputPrecision outputPrecision, ClippingPrecision clippingPrecision, Quality quality, FontPitch pitch, FontFamily family, string typeface) { return(Imports.CreateFontW(height, width, escapement, orientation, weight, italic, underline, strikeout, (uint)characterSet, (uint)outputPrecision, (uint)clippingPrecision, (uint)quality, (uint)((byte)pitch | (byte)family), typeface)); }
public void method_42(FontPitch A_0) { base[5] = A_0; base.SetPropUpdateFlag(5); }
public static extern IntPtr CreateFont(int nHeight, int nWidth, int nEscapement, int nOrientation, FontWeight fnWeight, uint fdwItalic, uint fdwUnderline, uint fdwStrikeOut, FontLanguageCharSet fdwCharSet, FontPrecision fdwOutputPrecision, FontClipPrecision fdwClipPrecision, FontQuality fdwQuality, FontPitch fdwPitchAndFamily, string lpszFace);
/// <summary> /// Gets a collection of fonts based on the specified criteria. /// </summary> /// <param name="families">Bit Field representing which font families to retrieve.</param> /// <param name="pitch">Specify the desired pitch.</param> /// <param name="charset">Specify the desired character set.</param> /// <param name="weight">Specify the desired weight.</param> /// <param name="Script">Specify the desired script(s) (this can be a String or an array of Strings).</param> /// <param name="Style">Specify the desired style(s) (this can be a String or an array of Strings).</param> /// <returns></returns> public static FontCollection GetFonts(FontFamilies families = FontFamilies.DontCare, FontPitch pitch = FontPitch.Default, FontCharSet charset = FontCharSet.Default, FontWeight weight = FontWeight.DontCare, object Script = null, object Style = null) { IntPtr hdc; var fonts = new List <ENUMLOGFONTEX>(); var lf = new LOGFONT(); string s; MemPtr mm = new MemPtr(); string[] wscript; string[] wstyle; if (Script is null) { wscript = new[] { "Western" }; } else if (Script is string) { wscript = new[] { (string)(Script) }; } else if (Script is string[]) { wscript = (string[])Script; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid parameter type for Script"); } if (Style is null) { wstyle = new[] { "", "Normal", "Regular" }; } else if (Style is string) { wstyle = new[] { (string)(Style) }; } else if (Style is string[]) { wstyle = (string[])Style; } else { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid parameter type for Style"); } lf.lfCharSet = (byte)charset; lf.lfFaceName = ""; mm.Alloc(Marshal.SizeOf(lf)); mm.FromStruct(lf); hdc = User32.CreateDC("DISPLAY", null, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); int e; bool bo = false; e = EnumFontFamiliesEx(hdc, mm, (ref ENUMLOGFONTEX lpelfe, IntPtr lpntme, uint FontType, IntPtr lParam) => { int z; if (fonts is null) { z = 0; } else { z = fonts.Count; } // make sure it's the normal, regular version bo = false; foreach (var y in wstyle) { if ((y.ToLower() ?? "") == (lpelfe.elfStyle.ToLower() ?? "")) { bo = true; break; } } if (bo == false) { return(1); } bo = false; foreach (var y in wscript) { if ((y.ToLower() ?? "") == (lpelfe.elfScript.ToLower() ?? "")) { bo = true; break; } } if (bo == false) { return(1); } bo = false; if (weight != FontWeight.DontCare && lpelfe.elfLogFont.lfWeight != (int)weight) { return(1); } // we don't really need two of the same font. if (z > 0) { if ((lpelfe.elfFullName ?? "") == (fonts[z - 1].elfFullName ?? "")) { return(1); } } // the @ indicates a vertical writing font which we definitely do not want. if (lpelfe.elfFullName.Substring(0, 1) == "@") { return(1); } if (!CheckFamily(lpelfe.elfLogFont, families)) { return(1); } // lpelfe.elfLogFont.lfCharSet = charset // If (lpelfe.elfLogFont.lfCharSet <> charset) Then Return 1 if (pitch != FontPitch.Default && (lpelfe.elfLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily & 3) != (int)pitch) { return(1); } fonts.Add(lpelfe); return(1); }, IntPtr.Zero, 0U); User32.DeleteDC(hdc); mm.Free(); if (e == 0) { e = User32.GetLastError(); s = NativeError.Message; } FontInfo nf; var ccol = new FontCollection(); foreach (var f in fonts) { nf = new FontInfo(f); ccol.Add(nf); } ccol.Sort(); return(ccol); }