// If user don't push enter that counts for no response.
        // An interaction interface.
        internal static void ConsoleInterface()
            Console.WriteLine("The application will automatically close after a minute if " +
                              "no input is provided.");
            // Create timer to escape infinite loop.
            Timer timer = new Timer(TimerExit, null, 60000, 60000);

            // Create a list of formats.
            FontFormat[] formats = (FontFormat[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(FontFormat));
            // Initialization of new FontFormat object.
            FontFormat fontFormatVal = new FontFormat();

                Console.Write("Inscription Parameters: ");
                // Output current font format.
                Console.WriteLine("\n Type-in:");
                Console.WriteLine("1: " + FontFormat.Bold);
                Console.WriteLine("2: " + FontFormat.Italic);
                Console.WriteLine("3: " + FontFormat.Underline);
                int inputValue = 0;
                    // Change the user state to default.
                    noResponse = true;
                    // Read the format index.
                    Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out inputValue);
                    // Change the user state to response.
                    noResponse = false;
                    // Reset timer.
                    timer.Change(60000, 60000);
                // Until the index is correct.
                while (inputValue < 1 || inputValue > 3);
                // If current format contains input format
                fontFormatVal = fontFormatVal.HasFlag(formats[inputValue]) ?
                              // Exclude the format.
                                fontFormatVal ^ formats[inputValue]
                            : // If current format is none.
                                fontFormatVal.HasFlag(formats[inputValue]) ?
                              // Rewrite the format.
                            : // Include the format.
                                fontFormatVal | formats[inputValue];
            } while (true);