/// <summary>
    /// Initialisation du Flock
    /// </summary>
    public void InitializeFlock(FlockSettings newFlockSettings, BezierSolution.BezierSpline spawnSpline, Vector3Int sensitivity)
        flockSettings   = newFlockSettings;
        flockInitialRot = transform.rotation;

        inAttack   = false;
        isSpawning = true;
        _Player    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        transform.position = spawnSpline.GetPoint(0);
        bezierWalkerTime.NormalizedT = 0;
        bezierWalkerTime.travelTime  = flockSettings.spawnTimer;

        _mainGuide = gameObject.transform;              //Main guide prends la valeur de this (CF : Variable _mainGuide)

        _GuideList            = new List <Transform>(); //Instanciation de la guide list
        _curCurveDistanceList = new List <Vector3>();   // Instanciation de la list de distance sur les courbes pour chaque guide

        _BoidSettings = new BoidSettings[6][];

        spawnSettings       = flockSettings.spawnSettings;
        roamSettings        = flockSettings.roamSettings;
        attackSettings      = flockSettings.attackSettings;
        destructionSettings = flockSettings.destructionSettings;
        getAwaySettings     = flockSettings.getAwaySettings;
        hitReactionSettings = flockSettings.hitReactionSettings;

        _BoidSettings[0] = spawnSettings;
        _BoidSettings[1] = roamSettings;
        _BoidSettings[2] = attackSettings;
        _BoidSettings[3] = destructionSettings;
        _BoidSettings[4] = getAwaySettings;
        _BoidSettings[5] = hitReactionSettings;

        _KoaManager   = Instantiate(_KoaPrefab, transform);                                                             //Instantiate Koa
        _SCKoaManager = _KoaManager.GetComponent <SC_KoaManager>();                                                     //Récupère le Koa manager du koa instancié
        _SCKoaManager.Initialize(_mainGuide, flockSettings.boidSpawn, spawnSettings[0], newFlockSettings, sensitivity); //Initialise le Koa | paramètre : Guide a suivre <> Nombre de Boids a spawn <> Comportement des boids voulu
        flockWeaponManager.Initialize(flockSettings, KoaMainAnimator, KoaEmissiveAnimator);

        _splineTab = new BezierSolution.BezierSpline[flockSettings.splines.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < flockSettings.splines.Length; i++)
            if (flockSettings.splines[i] != null)
                _splineTab[i] = Instantiate(flockSettings.splines[i]);

        Invoke("ActivateFlock", flockSettings.spawnTimer);
    /// <summary>
    /// Avant le start, instanciation
    /// </summary>
    public void Initialize(Transform newGuide, int newSpawnCount, BoidSettings newSettings, FlockSettings flockSettings)
        regeneration     = true;
        curRecoveryTimer = 0;
        recoveryDuration = 1.5f;
        flockManager     = newGuide.GetComponent <SC_FlockDisplay>();
        curFlockSettings = flockSettings;
        spawnCount       = newSpawnCount;

        Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        switch (flockSettings.attackType)
        case FlockSettings.AttackType.none:

            koaCharID = 'A';


        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Bullet:

            koaCharID = 'B';


        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Laser:

            koaCharID = 'C';

        koaNumID = SC_BoidPool.Instance.GetFlockID();
        koaID    = koaCharID + "#" + koaNumID;

        //Instanciation des list de Boid et de Guide
        _boidsTab = SC_BoidPool.Instance.GetBoid(curFlockSettings.maxBoid);

        _guideList = new List <Transform>();

        //Récupération du comportement initial
        curBoidSettings = newSettings;

        sensitivity = new Vector3Int(3, 5, 4);
        //Ajout du premier guide a la liste

        respawnTimer            = 0;
        _koa                    = Instantiate(_koaPrefab);
        _koa.transform.position = transform.position;

        Invoke("InitBoids", 1f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialisation du Flock
    /// </summary>
    public void InitializeFlock()
        flockSettings = flockDisplay;

        flockInitialRot = transform.rotation;
        inAttack        = false;

        _mainGuide = gameObject.transform;              //Main guide prends la valeur de this (CF : Variable _mainGuide)

        _GuideList            = new List <Transform>(); //Instanciation de la guide list
        _curCurveDistanceList = new List <Vector3>();   // Instanciation de la list de distance sur les courbes pour chaque guide

        _BoidSettings = new BoidSettings[5][];

        spawnSettings       = flockSettings.spawnSettings;
        roamSettings        = flockSettings.roamSettings;
        attackSettings      = flockSettings.attackSettings;
        destructionSettings = flockSettings.destructionSettings;
        reactionSettings    = flockSettings.getAwaySettings;

        _BoidSettings[0] = spawnSettings;
        _BoidSettings[1] = roamSettings;
        _BoidSettings[2] = attackSettings;
        _BoidSettings[3] = destructionSettings;
        _BoidSettings[4] = reactionSettings;

        _KoaManager   = Instantiate(_KoaPrefab, transform);                                             //Instantiate Koa
        _SCKoaManager = _KoaManager.GetComponent <SC_KoaManagerDisplay>();                              //Récupère le Koa manager du koa instancié

        _SCKoaManager.Initialize(_mainGuide, flockSettings.boidSpawn, spawnSettings[0], flockSettings); //Initialise le Koa | paramètre : Guide a suivre <> Nombre de Boids a spawn <> Comportement des boids voulu

        _splineTab = new BezierSolution.BezierSpline[_BoidSettings.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < flockSettings.splines.Length; i++)
            if (flockSettings.splines[i] != null)
                _splineTab[i] = Instantiate(flockSettings.splines[i]);
        _curSpline = splineLine;
        isActive = true;
Beispiel #4
    public void Initialize(FlockSettings curFlockSettings, Animator mainAnimator, Animator emissiveAnimator)
        flockSettings = curFlockSettings;
        switch (flockSettings.attackType)
        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Bullet:     //Bullet

        case FlockSettings.AttackType.none:     //Bullet

        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Laser:     //Laser
        this.mainAnimator     = mainAnimator;
        this.emissiveAnimator = emissiveAnimator;
Beispiel #5

    //--------------------------- UTILITIES -------------------------------//
    #region Utilites
    /// <summary>
    /// Invoque un nouveau Flock
    /// </summary>
    void SpawnNewFlock(FlockSettings flockSettings, int index, bool backup = false)
        Vector3Int newSensitivity  = new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3Int baseSensitivity = new Vector3Int(0, 0, 0);

        switch (flockSettings.attackType)
        case FlockSettings.AttackType.none:

            baseSensitivity = sensitivityA;


        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Bullet:

            baseSensitivity = sensitivityB;


        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Laser:

            baseSensitivity = sensitivityC;


        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Kamikaze:

            baseSensitivity = sensitivityD;


        int[] tabValue = new int[3];

        tabValue[0] = baseSensitivity.x;
        tabValue[1] = baseSensitivity.y;
        tabValue[2] = baseSensitivity.z;

        int remainingOffset = 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            if (remainingOffset > 0)
                int newValue = GetVariationSensitivity(tabValue[i]);
                if (newValue != tabValue[i])
                    tabValue[i]      = newValue;
                    remainingOffset -= 1;
                if (i == 2 && remainingOffset > 0)
                    i = 0;

        newSensitivity = new Vector3Int(tabValue[0], tabValue[1], tabValue[2]);

        //Instantiate new flock
        GameObject curFlock = Instantiate(_FlockPrefab);

        //Add new flock to the flock list

        BezierSolution.BezierSpline spawnSpline;
        if (backup)
            spawnSpline = spawnSplines[_curWaveSettings.backupSpawnPosition[index]];
            spawnSpline = spawnSplines[_curWaveSettings.initialSpawnPosition[index]];

        //Initialize flock
        curFlock.GetComponent <SC_FlockManager>().InitializeFlock(flockSettings, spawnSpline, newSensitivity);
Beispiel #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Avant le start, instanciation
    /// </summary>
    public void Initialize(Transform newGuide, int newSpawnCount, BoidSettings newSettings, FlockSettings flockSettings, Vector3Int newSensitivity)
        regeneration     = true;
        curRecoveryTimer = 0;
        recoveryDuration = 1.5f;
        flockManager     = newGuide.GetComponent <SC_FlockManager>();

        curFlockSettings = flockSettings;
        spawnCount       = newSpawnCount;

        switch (flockSettings.attackType)
        case FlockSettings.AttackType.none:

            koaCharID = "Neutral";
            type      = 0;

        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Bullet:

            koaCharID = "Bullet";
            type      = 1;

        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Laser:

            koaCharID = "Laser";
            type      = 2;

        case FlockSettings.AttackType.Kamikaze:

            koaCharID = "Kamikaze";
            type      = 3;

        koaNumID = SC_BoidPool.Instance.GetFlockID();
        koaID    = koaCharID + " #" + koaNumID;

        //Instanciation des list de Boid et de Guide
        _boidsTab = SC_BoidPool.Instance.GetBoid(curFlockSettings.maxBoid);

        _guideList = new List <Transform>();

        //Récupération du comportement initial
        curBoidSettings = newSettings;
        if (SC_EnemyManager.Instance.curPhaseIndex != 0)
            sensitivity = newSensitivity;
            sensitivity = new Vector3Int(3, 5, 4);
        //Ajout du premier guide a la liste

        respawnTimer = 0;
        if (_koaPrefab != null)
            _koa = NetPSpawnKoa.SpawnKoa();
            _koa.transform.position = transform.position;
            _koa.GetComponent <SC_KoaCollider>().Initialize(this);

            flockManager.KoaMainAnimator = _koa.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>();

            koaEmissiveAnimator = _koa.transform.GetChild(0).GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator>();
            flockManager.KoaEmissiveAnimator = koaEmissiveAnimator;

            vfx_Hit = _koa.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

            syncVarKoa = _koa.GetComponent <SC_MoveKoaSync>();
            flockManager.moveKoaSync = syncVarKoa;
            syncVarKoa.InitOPKoaSettings(sensitivity, flockSettings.spawnTimer, koaID, KoaLife, maxLife, type, newGuide);
            syncVarKoa.curboidNumber = spawnCount;
            syncVarKoa.curboidNumber = flockSettings.maxBoid;