/// <summary>
        /// Extracts lo/la from a json object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jObj"></param>
        /// <param name="lo"></param>
        /// <param name="la"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected static bool TryExtractLoLaFromJsonObject(JObject jObj, out object lo, out object la)
            lo = null;
            la = null;

            var jProps = jObj.Properties();
            var loProp = jProps.FirstOrDefault(p => FlatLonProps.Contains(p.Name.ToLower()));

            if (loProp != null)
                lo = loProp.Value;

            var laProp = jProps.FirstOrDefault(p => FlatLatProps.Contains(p.Name.ToLower()));

            if (laProp != null)
                la = laProp.Value;

            if (lo == null && la == null)
                var locationProp = jProps.FirstOrDefault(p => FlatGeoLocationProps.Contains(p.Name.ToLower()));
                if (locationProp != null)
                    if (locationProp.Value is JArray array && array.Count == 2)
                        lo = array.First.Value <double>();
                        la = array.Last.Value <double>();
                        TryExtractLoLaFromJsonObject((JObject)locationProp.Value, out lo, out la);
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a flat json file; file has got to have numeric lon / longitude & lat / latitude properties; coords are assumed to be in lon/lat
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbCtx"></param>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <param name="dsc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <DataStore> ProcessJson(DbContext dbCtx, string path, DataSourceCredentials dsc)
            //assuming a single zip can only be present in a directory, as uploading data for a single layer

            //if there is a zip archive, need to extract it

            //test for required shp format files presence...
            var file = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.json").FirstOrDefault();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file))
                throw MapHive.Core.DataModel.Validation.Utils.GenerateValidationFailedException("JSON", "no_json_file",
                                                                                                "JSON file has not been found");

            var fName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);

            var output = GetDataStore(fName, "json", dsc);

            var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(file));

            if (json.GetType() != typeof(JArray))
                throw MapHive.Core.DataModel.Validation.Utils.GenerateValidationFailedException("JSON", "not_array",
                                                                                                "JSON file has not been deserialized to array");

            var data = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(((JArray)json).Count);

            foreach (JObject jRec in (JArray)json)
                var rec = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                foreach (var jProp in jRec.Properties())
                    var propName = jProp.Name.ToLower();

                    //basically looking at a flat json file, BUT allowing convenience parsing for some nested properties
                    if (FlatLonProps.Contains(propName))
                        rec.Add("lo", GetValueFromJsonProperty(jProp.Value));
                    else if (FlatLatProps.Contains(propName))
                        rec.Add("la", GetValueFromJsonProperty(jProp.Value));
                    else if (FlatGeoLocationProps.Contains(propName))
                        if (TryExtractLoLaFromJsonObject((JObject)jProp.Value, out var lo, out var la))
                            rec.Add("lo", lo);
                            rec.Add("la", la);
                    else if (FlatGeomProps.Contains(propName))
                        rec.Add("wkt", GetValueFromJsonProperty(jProp.Value));
                        rec.Add(jProp.Name, GetValueFromJsonProperty(jProp.Value));

                if (rec.ContainsKey("lo") && rec.ContainsKey("la") || rec.ContainsKey("wkt"))

            //work out a data model - this is json, so can be totally unpredictable
            foreach (var rec in data)
                foreach (var fProp in rec)
                    //ignore lon/lat, this will be turned into a point
                    //testing for lon/lat only as data is already normalized
                    if (fProp.Key == "lo" || fProp.Key == "la" || fProp.Key == "wkt")

                    if (output.DataSource.Columns.Any(c => c.Name == GetSafeDbObjectName(fProp.Key)))

                    if (!CheckIfObjectSafe(fProp.Key))
                        throw MapHive.Core.DataModel.Validation.Utils.GenerateValidationFailedException("ColName", "bad_col_name",
                                                                                                        "Column name contains forbidden words");

                    var colType = SystemTypeToColumnDataType(fProp.Value.GetType());
                    if (colType != ColumnDataType.Unknown)
                        output.DataSource.Columns.Add(new Column
                            Type         = colType,
                            Name         = GetSafeDbObjectName(fProp.Key),
                            FriendlyName = fProp.Key

            //create object straight away, so when something goes wrong with import, etc. there is a chance for a cleanup bot
            //to pick it up and cleanup the orphaned data when necessary
            await output.CreateAsync(dbCtx);

            return(await ProcessFlatData(dbCtx, output, data));