Beispiel #1
 public ThenStepRunnerSpec_StepRunningWithExceptionAsync()
     StepResults = new FixtureStepResultCollection
Beispiel #2
 void Ex02()
     Given("GivenStep that has an arrangement that does not throw any exceptions", () => Step = FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep(() => { }));
     Given("a result of ThenStep", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Passed().Build()));
     When("the given GivenStep is run", () => Result = RunnerOf(Step).Run(StepResults).Build());
     Then("InvalidFixtureStepException should be thrown", exc => exc.GetType() == typeof(InvalidFixtureStepException));
Beispiel #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs a Given step with the specified results of a fixture step.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="results">The results of the fixture step that was completed running.</param>
    /// <returns>The result of the Given step running.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="InvalidFixtureStepException">
    /// The <paramref name="results"/> does not have the <see cref="WhenStep"/> or the <see cref="ThenStep"/>.
    /// </exception>
    protected override FixtureStepResult.Builder Run(FixtureStepResultCollection results)
        if (results.Has(typeof(WhenStep), typeof(ThenStep)))
            throw new InvalidFixtureStepException("Given must be before When or Then");

        if (IsPending)

        if (results.HasExceptionAt <GivenStep>())


        catch (Exception exc)
Beispiel #4
 public ThenStepRunnerSpec_StepRunningWithoutException()
     StepResults = new FixtureStepResultCollection
 public ThenStepRunnerSpec_StepRunningWithTypedException()
     StepResults = new FixtureStepResultCollection
         FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Failed(new ArgumentNullException()).Build()
Beispiel #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs a When step with the specified results of a fixture step.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="results">The results of the fixture step that was completed running.</param>
    /// <returns>The result of the When step running.</returns>
    protected override FixtureStepResult.Builder Run(FixtureStepResultCollection results)
        if (IsPending)

        if (results.HasExceptionAt <GivenStep>() || results.HasLatestExceptionAt <WhenStep>())

        if (results.HasStatusAt <GivenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Ready) || results.HasStatusAtLatest <WhenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Ready))

        if (results.HasStatusAt <GivenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Pending) || results.HasStatusAtLatest <WhenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Pending))


        catch (Exception exc)
Beispiel #7
 void Ex10()
     Given("ThenStep that has an assertion with Exception that returns boolean", () => Step = FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep(new Action <Exception>(exc => throw new Exception())));
     Given("a result of GivenStep that does not have an exception", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Passed().Build()));
     Given("a result of WhenStep that has an exception", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
     When("the given ThenStep is run", () => RunnerOf(Step).Run(StepResults).Build());
     Then("the status of the result of the latest WhenStep should be Passed", () => StepResults.GetLatestStepResultsOf <WhenStep>().First().Status == FixtureStepStatus.Passed);
     Then("the exception of the result of the latest WhenStep should be null", () => StepResults.GetLatestStepResultsOf <WhenStep>().First().Exception == null);
Beispiel #8
 void Ex03()
     Given("GivenStep that has an arrangement that does not throw any exceptions", () =>
         Step           = FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep(() => { });
         ExpectedResult = FixtureStepResultAssertion.ForNullException(FixtureStepStatus.Ready, Step);
     Given("a result of GivenStep that has an exception", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
     When("the given GivenStep is run", () => Result = RunnerOf(Step).Run(StepResults).Build());
     Then($"the result should be as follows:{ExpectedResult.ToDescription()}", () => FixtureStepResultAssertion.Of(Result) == ExpectedResult);
Beispiel #9
 void Ex05()
     Given("ExpectStep that has an assertion that returns true", () =>
         Step           = FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep(() => true);
         ExpectedResult = FixtureStepResultAssertion.ForNullException(FixtureStepStatus.Ready, Step);
     Given("a result of GivenStep that does not have Ready status", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Passed().Build()));
     Given("a result of WhenStep that has Ready status", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Ready().Build()));
     When("the given ExpectStep is run", () => Result = RunnerOf(Step).Run(StepResults).Build());
     Then($"the result should be as follows:{ExpectedResult.ToDescription()}", () => FixtureStepResultAssertion.Of(Result) == ExpectedResult);
Beispiel #10
 void Ex13()
     Given("ThenStep that has an assertion without Exception that returns true", () =>
         Step           = FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep(() => true);
         ExpectedResult = FixtureStepResultAssertion.ForNullException(FixtureStepStatus.Pending, Step);
     Given("a result of GivenStep that has Passed status", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Passed().Build()));
     Given("a result of WhenStep that has Pending status", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Pending().Build()));
     When("the given ThenStep is run", () => Result = RunnerOf(Step).Run(StepResults).Build());
     Then($"the result should be as follows:{ExpectedResult.ToDescription()}", () => FixtureStepResultAssertion.Of(Result) == ExpectedResult);
 void Ex08()
     Given("WhenStep that has an action that does not throw any exceptions", () =>
         Step           = FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep(() => { });
         ExpectedResult = FixtureStepResultAssertion.ForNullException(FixtureStepStatus.Pending, Step);
     Given("a result of GivenStep that has Passed status", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Passed().Build()));
     Given("a result of WhenStep that has Pending status", () => StepResults.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Pending().Build()));
     When("the given WhenStep is run", () => Result = RunnerOf(Step).Run(StepResults).Build());
     Then($"the result should be as follows:{ExpectedResult.ToDescription()}", () => FixtureStepResultAssertion.Of(Result) == ExpectedResult);
Beispiel #12
 void Ex01()
     When("the result of GivenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Build()));
     When("the result of ThenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Build()));
     When("the result of ThenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Build()));
     Then("the collection should not have the result of ExpectStep", () => !Results.Has(typeof(ExpectStep)));
     Then("the collection should have the result of GivenStep", () => Results.Has(typeof(GivenStep)));
     Then("the collection should have the result of WhenStep", () => Results.Has(typeof(WhenStep)));
     Then("the collection should have the result of ThenStep", () => Results.Has(typeof(ThenStep)));
     Then("the collection should have the result of GivenStep, WhenStep, and ThenStep", () => Results.Has(typeof(GivenStep), typeof(WhenStep), typeof(ThenStep)));
Beispiel #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs a Then step with the specified results of a fixture step.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="results">The results of the fixture step that was completed running.</param>
    /// <returns>The result of the Then step running.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="InvalidFixtureStepException">
    /// The <paramref name="results"/> does not have the <see cref="WhenStep"/>.
    /// </exception>
    protected override FixtureStepResult.Builder Run(FixtureStepResultCollection results)
        if (!results.Has(typeof(WhenStep)))
            throw new InvalidFixtureStepException("Then must be after When.");

        if (IsPending)

        if (HasAssertionWithoutException && results.HasLatestExceptionAt <WhenStep>())

        if (results.HasStatusAtLatest <WhenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Ready))

        if (results.HasStatusAtLatest <WhenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Pending))

            if (Step.Assertion is not null)

            if (HasAssertionWithException)

        catch (Exception exc)
Beispiel #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Reports the specified fixture step running result to the specified XML element.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="result">The fixture step running result.</param>
    /// <param name="element">The XML element to which the result is reported.</param>
    protected virtual void ReportFixtureStep(FixtureStepResult result, XElement element)
        var stepElement = new XElement("step",
                                       new XAttribute("type", result.Step.GetType()),
                                       new XAttribute("description", result.Step.Description),
                                       new XAttribute("status", result.Status),
                                       new XAttribute("startTime", result.StartTime.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                       new XAttribute("endTime", result.EndTime.GetValueOrDefault()),
                                       new XAttribute("duration", result.Duration.GetValueOrDefault().TotalSeconds),
                                       new XAttribute("formattedDescription", FixtureFormatter.FormatFixtureStep(result.Step))

        if (result.Exception is not null)
            stepElement.Add(new XElement("exception", result.Exception));

Beispiel #15
 void Ex08()
     When("the result of GivenStep that has a Ready status is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Ready().Build()));
     When("the result of ExpectStep that has a Failed status is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep that has a Passed status is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Passed().Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep that has a Failed status is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep that has a Pending status is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Pending().Build()));
     When("the result of ThenStep that has a Passed is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Passed().Build()));
     When("the result of ExpectStep that has a Ready status is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep()).Ready().Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep that has a Ready status is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Ready().Build()));
     When("the result of ThenStep that has a Failed is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of GivenStep has Ready status should be true", () => Results.HasStatusAtLatest <GivenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Ready));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of GivenStep has Passed status should be false", () => !Results.HasStatusAtLatest <GivenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Passed));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of WhenStep has Passed status should be false", () => !Results.HasStatusAtLatest <WhenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Passed));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of WhenStep has Ready status should be true", () => Results.HasStatusAtLatest <WhenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Ready));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of ThenStep has Failed status should be true", () => Results.HasStatusAtLatest <ThenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Failed));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of ThenStep has Passed status should be false", () => !Results.HasStatusAtLatest <ThenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Passed));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of ExpectStep has Failed should be false", () => !Results.HasStatusAtLatest <ExpectStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Failed));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of ExpectStep has Ready should be true", () => Results.HasStatusAtLatest <ExpectStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Ready));
Beispiel #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Runs an Expect step with the specified results of a fixture step.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="results">The results of the fixture step that was completed running.</param>
    /// <returns>The result of the Expect step running.</returns>
    protected override FixtureStepResult.Builder Run(FixtureStepResultCollection results)
        if (IsPending)

        if (results.HasExceptionAt <GivenStep>() || results.HasLatestExceptionAt <WhenStep>())

        if (results.HasStatusAt <GivenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Ready) || results.HasStatusAtLatest <WhenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Ready))

        if (results.HasStatusAt <GivenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Pending) || results.HasStatusAtLatest <WhenStep>(FixtureStepStatus.Pending))

            if (Step.Assertion is not null)

        catch (Exception exc)
Beispiel #17
    void Ex03()
        When("the result of GivenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep("Given")).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep("When 1")).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep("When 2")).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep("When 3")).Build()));
        When("the result of ThenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep("Then 1")).Build()));
        When("the result of ThenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep("Then 2")).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep("When 4")).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep("When 5")).Build()));
        When("the result of ThenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep("Then 3")).Build()));
        When("the result of ThenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep("Then 4")).Build()));
        When("the result of ThenStep is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep("Then 5")).Build()));

        var latestGivenSteps = Results.GetLatestStepResultsOf <GivenStep>();

        Then("the count of the latest results of GivenStep should be 1", () => latestGivenSteps.Count() == 1);
        Then("the description of the latest result of GivenStep should be the specified description", () => latestGivenSteps.ElementAt(0).Step.Description == "Given");

        var latestWhenSteps = Results.GetLatestStepResultsOf <WhenStep>();

        Then("the count of the latest results of WhenStep should be 2", () => latestWhenSteps.Count() == 2);
        Then("the description of the latest result of WhenStep(1st) should be the specified description", () => latestWhenSteps.ElementAt(0).Step.Description == "When 5");
        Then("the description of the latest result of WhenStep(2nd) should be the specified description", () => latestWhenSteps.ElementAt(1).Step.Description == "When 4");

        var latestThenSteps = Results.GetLatestStepResultsOf <ThenStep>();

        Then("the count of the latest results of ThenStep should be 3", () => latestThenSteps.Count() == 3);
        Then("the description of the latest result of ThenStep(1st) should be the specified description", () => latestThenSteps.ElementAt(0).Step.Description == "Then 5");
        Then("the description of the latest result of ThenStep(2nd) should be the specified description", () => latestThenSteps.ElementAt(1).Step.Description == "Then 4");
        Then("the description of the latest result of ThenStep(3rd) should be the specified description", () => latestThenSteps.ElementAt(2).Step.Description == "Then 3");

        var latestExpectSteps = Results.GetLatestStepResultsOf <ExpectStep>();

        Then("the count of the latest results of ExpectStep should be 0", () => !latestExpectSteps.Any());
Beispiel #18
 void Ex04()
     When("the result of GivenStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Build()));
     When("the result of ExpectStep that has an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep that has an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
     When("the result of WhenStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Build()));
     When("the result of ThenStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Build()));
     When("the result of ExpectStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep()).Build()));
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of GivenStep has an exception should be false", () => !Results.HasLatestExceptionAt <GivenStep>());
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of WhenStep has an exception should be true", () => Results.HasLatestExceptionAt <WhenStep>());
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of ThenStep has an exception should be false", () => !Results.HasLatestExceptionAt <ThenStep>());
     Then("the value that indicates whether the latest result of ExpectStep has an exception should be false", () => !Results.HasLatestExceptionAt <ExpectStep>());
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FixtureStepRunEventArgs"/> class
 /// with the specified fixture step running result.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="result">The fixture step running result.</param>
 public FixtureStepRunEventArgs(FixtureStepResult result)
     Result = result;
Beispiel #20
    void Ex06()
        var targetException = new Exception();

        When("the result of GivenStep that has an exception that is not a target exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
        When("the result of ExpectStep that has a target exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep()).Failed(targetException).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep that has a target exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Failed(targetException).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep that has a target exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Failed(targetException).Build()));
        When("the result of ThenStep that has an exception that is not a target exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
        When("the result of ThenStep that has an exception that is not a target exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
        When("the result of ExpectStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep()).Passed().Build()));
        When("the collection clears the exception of the result the exception of which is equal to the target exception", () => Results.ClearException(targetException));
        Then("the exception of the result of GivenStep should not be cleared", () => Results.HasExceptionAt <GivenStep>());
        Then("all status of the result of GivenStep should not be Passed", () => Results.Where(r => r.Step.GetType() == typeof(GivenStep)).Any(r => r.Status != FixtureStepStatus.Passed));
        Then("the exception of the result of WhenStep should be cleared", () => !Results.HasExceptionAt <WhenStep>());
        Then("all status of the result of WhenStep should be Passed", () => Results.Where(r => r.Step.GetType() == typeof(WhenStep)).All(r => r.Status == FixtureStepStatus.Passed));
        Then("the exception of the result of ThenStep should not be cleared", () => Results.HasExceptionAt <ThenStep>());
        Then("all status of the result of GivenStep should not be Passed", () => Results.Where(r => r.Step.GetType() == typeof(ThenStep)).Any(r => r.Status != FixtureStepStatus.Passed));
        Then("the exception of the result of ExpectStep should be cleared", () => !Results.HasExceptionAt <ExpectStep>());
        Then("all status of the result of ExpectStep should be Passed", () => Results.Where(r => r.Step.GetType() == typeof(ExpectStep)).All(r => r.Status == FixtureStepStatus.Passed));
Beispiel #21
    void Ex05()
        var whenException = new Exception();
        var thenException = new Exception();

        When("the result of GivenStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateGivenStep()).Build()));
        When("the result of ExpectStep that has an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep that has an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Failed(new Exception()).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep that has an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Failed(whenException).Build()));
        When("the result of WhenStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateWhenStep()).Build()));
        When("the result of ThenStep that has an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateThenStep()).Failed(thenException).Build()));
        When("the result of ExpectStep that does not have an exception is added", () => Results.Add(FixtureStepResult.Of(FixtureSteps.CreateExpectStep()).Build()));
        Then("the exception of the latest result of GivenStep should be null", () => Results.GetLatestExceptionAt <GivenStep>() == null);
        Then("the exception of the latest result of WhenStep should be the specified last exception", () => Results.GetLatestExceptionAt <WhenStep>() == whenException);
        Then("the exception of the latest result of ThenStep should be the specified last exception", () => Results.GetLatestExceptionAt <ThenStep>() == thenException);
        Then("the exception of the latest result of ExpectStep should be null", () => Results.GetLatestExceptionAt <ExpectStep>() == null);
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Runs a Note step with the specified results of a fixture step.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="results">The results of the fixture step that was completed running.</param>
 /// <returns>The result of the Note step running.</returns>
 protected override FixtureStepResult.Builder Run(FixtureStepResultCollection results)
 => FixtureStepResult.Of(Step).None();
Beispiel #23
 public FixtureStepResult.Builder Run(FixtureStepResultCollection results)