public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(
            ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands,
            FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
            // We resolve interface arrays.
            object[] interfaces = InterfaceHelper.ResolveInterfaceArray(inputs[1], parameters);

            Dictionary <ICompositeInterface, ShaderCompiler.Operand[]> constants
                = new Dictionary <ICompositeInterface, ShaderCompiler.Operand[]>(interfaces.Length);

            // We extract interface parameters and register them.
            for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)
                ICompositeInterface provider = interfaces[i] as ICompositeInterface;

                // We now register it.
                constants.Add(provider, InterfaceHelper.RegisterInterfaceConstants(compiler,
                                                                                   string.Format("Composite[{0}]", i), parameters, interfaces[i] as ICompositeInterface));

            // We only need to execute last element.
            ICompositeInterface pixelProvider = interfaces[interfaces.Length - 1] as ICompositeInterface;

            // We execute it.
            return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] {
                pixelProvider.GetPixel(compiler, operands[0], constants)
Beispiel #2
 public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands,
                                                  FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] {
         compiler.CreateFixed(PinFormat.UInteger, Pin.NotArray, operands[0].ArraySize)
Beispiel #3
        public void DAGUsageCases2()
            // We first initialize our shader.
            ShaderCode code = new ShaderCode(BindingStage.VertexShader);
                // We write a simple Tranform code:
                code.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.Position, PinFormat.Floatx3);
                Pin positon = code.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.Position);

                // We first need to expand our position to float4 (adding 1 at the end).
                ExpandOperation expand = new ExpandOperation(PinFormat.Floatx4, ExpandType.AddOnesAtW);
                Pin expPosition = expand.Outputs[0];

                // We now create constant transform matrix.
                ConstantOperation mvpConstant = code.CreateConstant("MVP", PinFormat.Float4x4);
                Pin MVP = mvpConstant.Outputs[0];

                // We multiply matrix and pin.
                MultiplyOperation mul = new MultiplyOperation();
                mul.BindInputs(MVP, expPosition);
                Pin transPosition = mul.Outputs[0];

                // We just bind transformed position to output.
                code.OutputOperation.AddComponentAndLink(PinComponent.Position, transPosition);

            // We create constant buffer manually.
            ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder builder = new ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder();

            builder.AppendElement("MVP", PinFormat.Float4x4, Pin.NotArray);
            ConstantBufferLayout layout = builder.CreateLayout();

            // We now fill the data.
            FixedShaderParameters parameters = code.FixedParameters;

            if (!parameters.IsDefined)
                throw new Exception();

            GraphicsDevice device = InitializeDevice();

            // We have all parameters defined, compile the shader.
            VShader shader = code.Compile(device, parameters) as VShader;

            // Shader expects data in constant buffers.
            TypelessBuffer     buffer         = new TypelessBuffer(Usage.Default, BufferUsage.ConstantBuffer, CPUAccess.Write, GraphicsLocality.DeviceOrSystemMemory, 4 * 4 * 4);
            ConstantBufferView constantBuffer = buffer.CreateConstantBuffer(layout);

            // We fill the buffer.
            constantBuffer.SetConstant("MVP", Math.Matrix.Matrix4x4f.Identity);
Beispiel #4
 public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands,
                                                  FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     ShaderCompiler.Operand dst = compiler.CreateTemporary(operands[1].Format, operands[1].ArraySize);
     compiler.Mov(operands[1], dst);
     compiler.Mov(operands[2], dst);
     return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] { dst });
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve an interface array by tracing until it is spawned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pin"></param>
        /// <param name="parameters"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static object[] ResolveInterfaceArray(Pin pin, FixedShaderParameters parameters)
            if (pin.Owner is ConstantOperation)
                ConstantOperation c = pin.Owner as ConstantOperation;

                // We extract interface array.
                throw new NotSupportedException("Resolving 'operation on interfaces' not yet supported.");
Beispiel #6
        public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands,
                                                         FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
            // We obtain input from operands and update shared context. We move all
            // operands.
            for (int i = 0; i < operands.Length; i++)
                compiler.Mov(operands[i], shareContext.Operands[i]);

            // We now end loop.

            // We return all values.
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers parameters of interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xname"></param>
        /// <param name="interface"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ShaderCompiler.Operand[] RegisterInterfaceConstants(
            ShaderCompiler compiler, string xname,
            FixedShaderParameters parameters, IInterface @interface)
            // We first extract interface parameters and register them
            ParameterDescription[]   descs     = @interface.AdditionalParameters;
            ShaderCompiler.Operand[] constants = new ShaderCompiler.Operand[descs.Length];
            for (int j = 0; j < descs.Length; j++)
                ParameterDescription desc = descs[j];

                string name = string.Format("{0}.{1}", xname, desc.Name);

                if (desc.IsFixed)
                    if (PinFormatHelper.IsTexture(desc.Pin.Format))
                        // We check the id.
                        uint regId = (uint)parameters[name];

                        constants[j] = compiler.CreateTexture(desc.Pin.Format, desc.Pin.TextureFormat, regId);
                    else if (desc.Pin.Format == PinFormat.Sampler)
                        uint regId = (uint)parameters[name];

                        constants[j] = compiler.CreateSampler(regId);
                        throw new NotImplementedException("Fixed data not yet implemented.");
                    uint layoutID;

                    // If it is not fixed, we create constant.
                    uint offset = parameters.GetOffset(name, out layoutID);

                    constants[j] = compiler.CreateConstant(desc.Pin.Format, desc.Pin.Size, layoutID, offset);

Beispiel #8
        public unsafe void DAGUsageCase2()
            // We first initialize our shader.
            ShaderCode code = new ShaderCode(BindingStage.VertexShader);

                // We write a simple Tranform code:
                code.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.Position, PinFormat.Floatx3);
                Pin positon = code.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.Position);

                // We create 3 interations.
                LoopOperation loop = new LoopOperation();
                loop.InputOperation.BindInputs(code.CreateFixed((uint)3).Outputs[0], positon);

                AddOperation add = new AddOperation();
                add.BindInputs(loop.InputOperation.Outputs[1], code.CreateFixed(new Vector3f(1, 0, 0)).Outputs[0]);


                ExpandOperation expand = new ExpandOperation(PinFormat.Floatx4, ExpandType.AddOnesAtW);

                // We just bind transformed position to output.
                code.OutputOperation.AddComponentAndLink(PinComponent.Position, expand.Outputs[0]);

            // Immutate it.
            code.Immutable = true;

            // We now compile it.
            FixedShaderParameters p = code.FixedParameters;

            using (GraphicsDevice device = InitializeDevice())
                code.Compile(device, p).Dispose();
 public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] { compiler.Convert(operands[0], outFormat) });
Beispiel #10
        public unsafe void DAGUsageCases()
            // We first initialize our shader.
            ShaderCode code = new ShaderCode(BindingStage.VertexShader);

                // We write a simple Tranform code:
                code.InputOperation.AddInput(PinComponent.Position, PinFormat.Floatx3);
                Pin positon = code.InputOperation.PinAsOutput(PinComponent.Position);

                // We first need to expand our position to float4 (adding 1 at the end).
                ExpandOperation expand = new ExpandOperation(PinFormat.Floatx4, ExpandType.AddOnesAtW);
                Pin expPosition = expand.Outputs[0];

                // We now create constant transform matrix.
                ConstantOperation mvpConstant = code.CreateConstant("MVP", PinFormat.Float4x4);
                Pin MVP = mvpConstant.Outputs[0];

                // We multiply matrix and pin.
                MultiplyOperation mul = new MultiplyOperation();
                mul.BindInputs(MVP, expPosition);
                Pin transPosition = mul.Outputs[0];

                // We just bind transformed position to output.
                code.OutputOperation.AddComponentAndLink(PinComponent.Position, transPosition);

            // Immutate it.
            code.Immutable = true;

            // We create constant buffer manually.
            ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder builder = new ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder();

            builder.AppendElement("MVP", PinFormat.Float4x4, Pin.NotArray);
            ConstantBufferLayout layout = builder.CreateLayout();

            // We now fill the data.
            FixedShaderParameters parameters = code.FixedParameters;

            if (!parameters.IsDefined)
                throw new Exception();

            using (GraphicsDevice device = InitializeDevice())
                // We create shaders.

                // We have all parameters defined, compile the shader.
                VShader shader = code.Compile(device, parameters) as VShader;

                // Shader expects data in constant buffers.
                TypelessBuffer     tbuffer        = new TypelessBuffer(Usage.Dynamic, BufferUsage.ConstantBuffer, CPUAccess.Write, GraphicsLocality.DeviceOrSystemMemory, 4 * 4 * 4);
                ConstantBufferView constantBuffer = tbuffer.CreateConstantBuffer(layout);

                // We fill the buffer.
                constantBuffer.SetConstant("MVP", new Math.Matrix.Matrix4x4f(1, 0, 0, 0,
                                                                             0, 1, 0, 0,
                                                                             0, 0, 1, 0,
                                                                             -0.5f, -0.5f, 0, 1));

                PShader pshader;
                VShader vshader = shader;
                using (ShaderCompiler compiler = device.CreateShaderCompiler())
                    // And pixel shader.
                    ShaderCompiler.Operand colour = compiler.CreateFixed(PinFormat.Floatx4, Pin.NotArray, new Vector4f(1, 0, 0, 1));
                    compiler.Output(colour, PinComponent.RenderTarget0);
                    pshader = compiler.End(null) as PShader;

                // We create triangles.
                Geometry       geometry = new Geometry();
                TypelessBuffer buffer   = new TypelessBuffer(Usage.Static,
                                                             BufferUsage.VertexBuffer, CPUAccess.None, GraphicsLocality.DeviceOrSystemMemory, 4 * 4 * 3);

                byte[] d = buffer.Map(MapOptions.Read);
                fixed(byte *p = d)
                    float *data = (float *)p;

                    // Vertex 0:
                    data[0] = -0.5f; data[1] = -0.5f; data[2] = 0.0f; data[3] = 1.0f;

                    // Vertex 1:
                    data[4] = 0.5f; data[5] = -0.5f; data[6] = 0.0f; data[7] = 1.0f;

                    // Vertex 2:
                    data[8] = 0.0f; data[9] = 0.5f; data[10] = 0.0f; data[11] = 1.0f;


                // Create vertex buffer and view.
                VertexBufferView vbuffer = buffer.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexFormat.Parse("P.Fx4"));

                // We construct geometry.
                geometry[0]       = vbuffer;
                geometry.Topology = Topology.Triangle;

                // Blend state.
                BlendState blendState = new BlendState();
                blendState[0] = false;

                blendState = StateManager.Intern(blendState);

                RasterizationState rastState = new RasterizationState();
                rastState.CullMode = CullMode.None;
                rastState.FillMode = FillMode.Solid;

                rastState = StateManager.Intern(rastState);

                DepthStencilState depthState = new DepthStencilState();
                depthState.DepthTestEnabled  = false;
                depthState.DepthWriteEnabled = false;

                depthState = StateManager.Intern(depthState);

                // Enter rendering loop.
                bool isClosed = false;
                window.Closed += delegate(Window w)
                    isClosed = true;

                for (uint i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

                    if (!isClosed)
                        SwapChain chain = device.SwapChain;

                            // We just clear.
                            device.Clear(chain, Colour.Black);

                            // Set blend/rast.
                            device.SetBlendState(blendState, Colour.White, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                            device.RasterizationState = rastState;
                            device.SetDepthStencilState(depthState, 0);

                            // Sets states.
                            device.SetVertexShader(vshader, geometry, null, null, new ConstantBufferView[] { constantBuffer });
                            device.SetPixelShader(pshader, null, null, null, new RenderTargetView[] { chain }, null);

                            device.Viewport = new Region2i(0, 0, (int)chain.Width, (int)chain.Height);

                            // Render.
                            device.Draw(0, 3);



                // Dispose all.
Beispiel #11
        public ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
            // We checked if it is fixed on "constant" level (not named).
            if (!IsReferencable)
                return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] {
                    compiler.CreateFixed(output.Format, output.Size, value)

            // We first check if this parameter is fixed.
            if (parameters.IsParameterFixed(name))
                // If it is fixed, we create a fixed constant.
                switch (output.Format)
                case PinFormat.Texture1D:
                case PinFormat.Texture1DArray:
                case PinFormat.Texture2D:
                case PinFormat.Texture2DArray:
                case PinFormat.TextureCube:
                case PinFormat.Texture3D:
                case PinFormat.Sampler:
                case PinFormat.BufferTexture:
                case PinFormat.Interface:
                    // We return "unresolved" parameter, it must be obtained directly.
                    return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[1] {


                return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[]
                    compiler.CreateFixed(output.Format, output.Size, parameters[name])

            // We locate it.
            uint bufferID = 0;
            uint offset   = 0;

            ConstantBufferLayout[] layouts = parameters.ConstantBuffers;
            foreach (ConstantBufferLayout layout in layouts)
                if (layout.TryGetOffset(name, out offset))

            // We must emit code.
            return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] {
                compiler.CreateConstant(output.Format, output.Size, bufferID, offset)
Beispiel #12
        public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
            // We prepare operands.
            ShaderCompiler.Operand[] ret = new ShaderCompiler.Operand[operands.Length];
            for (int i = 1; i < ret.Length; i++)
                ret[i] = compiler.CreateTemporary(operands[i].Format, operands[i].ArraySize);
                compiler.Mov(operands[i], ret[i]);

            // At index 0, we have indexer, we initialize to 0.
            ret[0] = compiler.CreateTemporary(PinFormat.UInteger, Pin.NotArray);
            compiler.Mov(compiler.CreateFixed(PinFormat.UInteger, Pin.NotArray, (uint)0), ret[0]);

            // We begin while.

            // We exit if iteration count is exceeded.
            compiler.Break(compiler.Compare(CompareFunction.Less, ret[0], operands[0]));
            compiler.Add(ret[0], compiler.CreateFixed(PinFormat.UInteger, Pin.NotArray, (uint)1), ret[0]);

            // We also fill dual share context.
            ShaderCompiler.Operand[] shared = new ShaderCompiler.Operand[ret.Length - 1];
            for (int i = 1; i < ret.Length; i++)
                shared[i - 1] = ret[i];

            shareContext = new DualShareContext(shared, parent.outputOperation);

            // We now go forward.
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Composites to source 2.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compositeOperation"></param>
        public void CompositeToSource2(IBinaryOperation compositeOperation, BlendState blendOverwrite,
                                       Vector2f minCoord, Vector2f maxCoord)
            // 1) We first prepare the providers.
            List <IOperation> relavantOperations = CompositionHelper.RelavantOperations(compositeOperation);

            // 2) We extract processors.
            List <ICompositeInterface> processors = new List <ICompositeInterface>(relavantOperations.Count + 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < relavantOperations.Count; i++)


            // 3) We prepare the shader.
            ShaderCode pshader = PixelShader;
            ShaderCode vshader = VertexShader;

            States.BlendState         bstate = blendOverwrite != null ? blendOverwrite : DefaultBlendState;
            States.DepthStencilState  dstate = DefaultDepthStencilState;
            States.RasterizationState rstate = DefaultRasterizationState;

            FixedShaderParameters       pparams  = pshader.FixedParameters;
            FixedShaderParameters       vparams  = vshader.FixedParameters;
            ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder builder  = new ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder();
            List <TextureView>          textures = new List <TextureView>();
            List <States.SamplerState>  samplers = new List <States.SamplerState>();

            // We set interface array.
            pparams.SetInterfaceArray("Composite", processors);

            // 4) We fill parameters and builder.
            for (int i = 0; i < processors.Count; i++)
                string name = string.Format("Composite[{0}]", i);

                InterfaceHelper.ApplyInterfaceConstants(name, processors[i], builder, pparams, textures, samplers,

            // 5) We obtain layout big enough.
            ConstantBufferLayout layout = builder.CreateLayout();

            pparams.AddLayout(0, layout);

            ConstantBufferView constantBuffer =

            // 6) We fill buffer.
                for (int i = 0; i < processors.Count; i++)
                    InterfaceHelper.FillInterfaceConstants(string.Format("Composite[{i}]", i), processors[i],
                                                           constantBuffer, processors[i].ParameterValues);

            // 7) We prepare geometry.

            // We create quad geometry
            Geometry geometry = CreateQuadGeometry(minCoord, maxCoord);

            // ) We render the composition.
            GraphicsDevice device = Device;

            using (DeviceLock l = device.Lock())
                // We set our state objects.
                device.SetBlendState(bstate, Colour.White, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                device.SetDepthStencilState(dstate, 0);

                // We prepare to render.
                device.SetVertexShader(vshader.Compile(device, vparams) as VShader, geometry, null, null, null);
                device.SetGeometryShader(null, null, null, null, null);
                device.SetPixelShader(pshader.Compile(device, pparams) as PShader, samplers.ToArray(), textures.ToArray(), new ConstantBufferView[] { constantBuffer },
                                      new RenderTargetView[] { compositeOperation.Source2.DestinationView }, null);

                // We render it.
                if (geometry.IndexBuffer != null)
                    device.DrawIndexed(0, 6, 0);
                    device.Draw(0, 6);

            // We do not use constant buffer anymore.
            ResourceProvider.Unused(constantBuffer.TypelessResource as TypelessBuffer);
Beispiel #14
        public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
            // We prepare operands.
            ShaderCompiler.Operand[] ret = new ShaderCompiler.Operand[operands.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++)
                ret[i] = compiler.CreateTemporary(operands[i].Format, operands[i].ArraySize);
                compiler.Mov(operands[i], ret[i]);

            // We begin while.

            // We also fill dual share context.
            ShaderCompiler.Operand[] shared = new ShaderCompiler.Operand[ret.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++)
                shared[i] = ret[i];

            shareContext = new DualShareContext(shared, parent.outputOperation);

            // We now go forward.
Beispiel #15
        public ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref SharpMedia.Graphics.Shaders.Operations.DualShareContext shareContext)
            // We obtain interfaces (CPU resolve).
            object[] interfaces = InterfaceHelper.ResolveInterfaceArray(inputs[4], parameters);

            // We first register all our "constants" (for fill IDs).
            ShaderCompiler.Operand[] integerConstants = new ShaderCompiler.Operand[interfaces.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < integerConstants.Length; i++)
                integerConstants[i] = compiler.CreateFixed(PinFormat.Integer, Pin.NotArray, i);

            // We pack out "attributes".
            ShaderCompiler.Operand[] attributes = new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] { operands[2] };

            // We create output colour constant.
            ShaderCompiler.Operand outColour = compiler.CreateTemporary(PinFormat.Floatx4, Pin.NotArray);

            // We switch

            // We go through all interfaces.
            for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++)

                // We cast to fill.
                IFill fill = interfaces[i] as IFill;

                ShaderCompiler.Operand[] constants =
                                                               string.Format("Fills[{0}]", i), parameters, fill);

                fill.Compile(compiler, operands[0], operands[1], attributes, null, constants, outColour);


            // We also add "default" handler.
            compiler.Mov(compiler.CreateFixed(PinFormat.Floatx4, Pin.NotArray, new Math.Vector4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)),

            // And end switch.

            return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] { outColour });
Beispiel #16
 public ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented.");
Beispiel #17
 public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] { compiler.Call(ShaderFunction.All, operands[0]) });
Beispiel #18
 public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] { compiler.Expand(operands[0], expandTo, type) });
Beispiel #19
        public ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
            // We output all.
            int i = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <PinComponent, Pin> p in inputs)
                compiler.Output(operands[i++], p.Key);

            return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] { });
Beispiel #20
        unsafe void Flush(bool rebatch)
            if (batch.VertexCount == 0)
                if (!rebatch)


            // We flush the buffer, first end batch.

            // We update vertex constants.

                DataTransform vtransform = positionTransforms.Peek();
                if (!vtransform.ProcessCPU)
                                                Matrix4x4f.CreateTranslate(new Vector3f(-unitSize.X, -unitSize.Y, 0)) *
                                                Matrix4x4f.CreateScale(new Vector3f(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f)) *
                    vertexConstants.SetConstant("PositionTransform", Matrix4x4f.Identity);

                DataTransform ttransform = textureTransforms.Peek();
                if (!ttransform.ProcessCPU)
                    vertexConstants.SetConstant("TextureTransform", ttransform.Transform.RuntimeForm);
                    vertexConstants.SetConstant("TextureTransform", Matrix4x4f.Identity);

            // Vertex Shader:
            FixedShaderParameters vparams = vertexShaderCode.FixedParameters;

            vparams.AddLayout(0, vertexConstants.Layout);
            VShader vshader = vertexShaderCode.Compile(device, vparams) as VShader;

            // Pixel Shaders:
            FixedShaderParameters pparams = pixelShaderCode.FixedParameters;

            // We set interfaces.
            pparams.SetInterfaceArray("Fills", fills);

            // We now set per parameter data.
            ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder builder = new ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder();

            List <TextureView>  textures = new List <TextureView>();
            List <SamplerState> samplers = new List <SamplerState>();

            // We add per-fill data.
            for (int i = 0; i < fills.Count; i++)
                IFill  fill   = fills[i];
                string prefix = string.Format("Fills[{0}]", i);

                InterfaceHelper.ApplyInterfaceConstants(prefix, fill, builder, pparams, textures,
                                                        samplers, fill.ParameterValues);

            // We create view and fill data.
            ConstantBufferLayout layout             = builder.CreateLayout();
            ConstantBufferView   pixelConstantsView = pixelConstants.CreateConstantBuffer(layout);

            pparams.AddLayout(0, layout);

            // TODO: this may not be needed for optimized setting.
                for (int i = 0; i < fills.Count; i++)
                    IFill  fill   = fills[i];
                    string prefix = string.Format("Fills[{0}]", i);

                    InterfaceHelper.FillInterfaceConstants(prefix, fill,
                                                           pixelConstantsView, fill.ParameterValues);

            // Finally compile.
            PShader pshader = pixelShaderCode.Compile(device, pparams) as PShader;

            using (DeviceLock devLock = device.Lock())
                // We now draw using data, set all states.
                device.SetBlendState(blendState, Colour.Black, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                device.SetDepthStencilState(depthStencilState, 0);

                if (viewport.Width == viewport.Height && viewport.Height == 0)
                    device.Viewport = new Region2i(new Vector2i(0, 0), new Vector2i((int)renderTarget.Width, (int)renderTarget.Height));
                    device.Viewport = viewport;
                // We bind stages.
                device.SetVertexShader(vshader, batch, null, null, new ConstantBufferView[] { vertexConstants });
                device.SetPixelShader(pshader, samplers.ToArray(), textures.ToArray(),
                                      new ConstantBufferView[] { pixelConstantsView },
                                      new RenderTargetView[] { renderTarget }, null);
                device.SetGeometryShader(null, null, null, null, null);

                // We now draw.
                device.DrawIndexed(0, batch.IndexCount, 0);

                // We clear state.
                device.SetVertexShader(null, null, null, null, null);
                device.SetPixelShader(null, null, null, null, null, null);


            // Fills and data is irrelavant.

            // We rebatch if not completelly ended.
            if (rebatch)
        /// <summary>
        /// Composites to source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compositeOperation"></param>
        public void CompositeToSource(ICompositingOperation compositeOperation,
                                      BlendState blendOverwrite, Colour blendColour, Region2i viewport, RenderTargetView target)
            // 1) We first prepare the providers.
            List <ICompositingOperation> relavantOperations = new List <ICompositingOperation>();

            ListOperations(compositeOperation, relavantOperations);

            // 2) We extract processors.
            List <ICompositeInterface> processors = new List <ICompositeInterface>(relavantOperations.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < relavantOperations.Count; i++)

            // 3) We prepare the shader.
            ShaderCode pshader = PixelShader;
            ShaderCode vshader = VertexShader;

            States.BlendState         bstate = blendOverwrite != null ? blendOverwrite : DefaultBlendState;
            States.DepthStencilState  dstate = DefaultDepthStencilState;
            States.RasterizationState rstate = DefaultRasterizationState;

            FixedShaderParameters       pparams  = pshader.FixedParameters;
            FixedShaderParameters       vparams  = vshader.FixedParameters;
            ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder builder  = new ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder();
            List <TextureView>          textures = new List <TextureView>();
            List <States.SamplerState>  samplers = new List <States.SamplerState>();

            // We set interface array.
            pparams.SetInterfaceArray("Composite", processors);

            builder.AppendElement("Offset", PinFormat.Floatx2);

            // 4) We fill parameters and builder.
            for (int i = 0; i < processors.Count; i++)
                string name = string.Format("Composite[{0}]", i);

                InterfaceHelper.ApplyInterfaceConstants(name, processors[i], builder, pparams, textures, samplers,

            // 5) We obtain layout big enough.
            ConstantBufferLayout layout = builder.CreateLayout();

            pparams.AddLayout(0, layout);

            ConstantBufferView constantBuffer = pixelTypelessConstantBuffer.CreateConstantBuffer(layout);

            // 6) We fill buffer.
                constantBuffer.SetConstant("Offset", new Vector2f((float)viewport.X, (float)viewport.Y));

                for (int i = 0; i < processors.Count; i++)
                    InterfaceHelper.FillInterfaceConstants(string.Format("Composite[{0}]", i), processors[i],
                                                           constantBuffer, processors[i].ParameterValues);

            // 7) We prepare geometry.

            // We get quad geometry
            Geometry geometry = alignedQuad;

            // ) We render the composition.
            GraphicsDevice device = Device;

            using (DeviceLock l = device.Lock())
                // We set our state objects.
                device.SetBlendState(bstate, blendColour, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                device.SetDepthStencilState(dstate, 0);
                device.Viewport = viewport;

                // We prepare to render.
                device.SetVertexShader(vshader.Compile(device, vparams) as VShader, geometry, null, null, null);
                device.SetGeometryShader(null, null, null, null, null);
                device.SetPixelShader(pshader.Compile(device, pparams) as PShader, samplers.ToArray(), textures.ToArray(), new ConstantBufferView[] { constantBuffer },
                                      new RenderTargetView[] { target }, null);

                // We render it.
                if (geometry.IndexBuffer != null)
                    device.DrawIndexed(0, 6, 0);
                    device.Draw(0, 6);

                device.SetPixelShader(null, null, null, null, null, null);

            // We do not use constant buffer anymore.
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies interface constants to layout. Textures and samplers are appended.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ApplyInterfaceConstants(string name, IInterface @interface, ConstantBufferLayoutBuilder builder, FixedShaderParameters pparams,
                                                   List <TextureView> textures, List <States.SamplerState> samplers, params object[] parameterValues)
            string prefix = name + ".";

            object[] parameters          = parameterValues;
            ParameterDescription[] descs = @interface.AdditionalParameters;

            if (parameters.Length != descs.Length)
                throw new Exception("Lengths of descriptor and parameter array incompatible.");

            // We now go through all elements and append them.
            for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++)
                ParameterDescription desc = descs[j];
                object value = parameters[j];

                switch (desc.Pin.Format)
                case PinFormat.Integer:
                case PinFormat.Integerx2:
                case PinFormat.Integerx3:
                case PinFormat.Integerx4:
                case PinFormat.UInteger:
                case PinFormat.UIntegerx2:
                case PinFormat.UIntegerx3:
                case PinFormat.UIntegerx4:
                case PinFormat.Bool:
                case PinFormat.Boolx2:
                case PinFormat.Boolx3:
                case PinFormat.Boolx4:
                case PinFormat.SNorm:
                case PinFormat.SNormx2:
                case PinFormat.SNormx3:
                case PinFormat.SNormx4:
                case PinFormat.UNorm:
                case PinFormat.UNormx2:
                case PinFormat.UNormx3:
                case PinFormat.UNormx4:
                case PinFormat.Float:
                case PinFormat.Floatx2:
                case PinFormat.Floatx3:
                case PinFormat.Floatx4:
                case PinFormat.Float2x2:
                case PinFormat.Float3x3:
                case PinFormat.Float4x4:
                case PinFormat.Integer2x2:
                case PinFormat.Integer3x3:
                case PinFormat.Integer4x4:
                case PinFormat.UInteger2x2:
                case PinFormat.UInteger3x3:
                case PinFormat.UInteger4x4:
                case PinFormat.SNorm2x2:
                case PinFormat.SNorm3x3:
                case PinFormat.SNorm4x4:
                case PinFormat.UNorm2x2:
                case PinFormat.UNorm3x3:
                case PinFormat.UNorm4x4:
                    builder.AppendElement(prefix + desc.Name, desc.Pin.Format);
                    // TODO: may optimize setting data directly (map/unmap).

                case PinFormat.Texture1D:
                case PinFormat.Texture1DArray:
                case PinFormat.Texture2D:
                case PinFormat.Texture2DArray:
                case PinFormat.TextureCube:
                case PinFormat.Texture3D:
                case PinFormat.BufferTexture:
                    pparams.SetParameter(prefix + desc.Name, (uint)textures.Count);
                    textures.Add(value as TextureView);

                case PinFormat.Sampler:
                    pparams.SetParameter(prefix + desc.Name, (uint)samplers.Count);
                    samplers.Add(value as States.SamplerState);

                    throw new NotSupportedException("Nested interfaces or some other excotic feature not supported.");
 public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[]
         compiler.Swizzle(operands[0], mask)
 public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] { compiler.IndexInArray(operands[0], operands[1]) });
Beispiel #25
 public override ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
     return(new ShaderCompiler.Operand[] {
         compiler.Load(operands[0], operands[1], operands.Length >= 3 ? operands[2] : null)
Beispiel #26
        public ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands, FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext)
            ShaderCompiler.Operand[] results = new ShaderCompiler.Operand[outputs.Count];

            // We simply emit descriptors.
            int i = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <PinComponent, Pin> pair in outputs)
                results[i++] = compiler.CreateInput(pair.Value.Format, pair.Key);

Beispiel #27
 public abstract ShaderCompiler.Operand[] Compile(ShaderCompiler compiler, ShaderCompiler.Operand[] operands,
                                                  FixedShaderParameters parameters, ref DualShareContext shareContext);