public static string ValueToDescripton(string value) { if (Firmwares.ContainsKey(value)) { return(Firmwares[value]); } if (SoundCards.ContainsKey(value)) { return(SoundCards[value]); } if (NICs.ContainsKey(value)) { return(NICs[value]); } return(""); }
public static List <Firmwares> Listar(string fabricante, string modelo) { List <Firmwares> listaFirmwares = new List <Firmwares>(); DataTable dtFirmwares = DAO.retornadt(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dnaprint"].ToString(), string.Format("select distinct idPerfil, firmware from cadastroperfiloid where fabricante = '{0}' and modelo = '{1}'", fabricante, modelo)); if (dtFirmwares.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow p in dtFirmwares.Rows) { Firmwares firm = new Firmwares(); firm.IdFirmware = p["idPerfil"].ToString(); firm.Firmwares1 = p["firmware"].ToString(); listaFirmwares.Add(firm); } } return(listaFirmwares); }
public static List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > getModesList(Firmwares firmware) { log.Info("getModesList Called"); if (firmware == Firmwares.PX4) { /* * union px4_custom_mode { * struct { * uint16_t reserved; * uint8_t main_mode; * uint8_t sub_mode; * }; * uint32_t data; * float data_float; * }; */ var temp = new List <KeyValuePair <int, string> >() { new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_MANUAL << 16, "Manual"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_ACRO << 16, "Acro"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_STABILIZED << 16, "Stabalized"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_RATTITUDE << 16, "Rattitude"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_ALTCTL << 16, "Altitude Control"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_POSCTL << 16, "Position Control"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_OFFBOARD << 16, "Offboard Control"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_AUTO << 16) + (int)PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO.PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO_READY << 24, "Auto: Ready"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_AUTO << 16) + (int)PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO.PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO_TAKEOFF << 24, "Auto: Takeoff"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_AUTO << 16) + (int)PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO.PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO_LOITER << 24, "Loiter"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_AUTO << 16) + (int)PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO.PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO_MISSION << 24, "Auto"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_AUTO << 16) + (int)PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO.PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO_RTL << 24, "RTL"), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE.PX4_CUSTOM_MAIN_MODE_AUTO << 16) + (int)PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO.PX4_CUSTOM_SUB_MODE_AUTO_LAND << 24, "Auto: Landing") }; return(temp); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduPlane) { var flightModes = Utilities.ParameterMetaDataRepository.GetParameterOptionsInt("FLTMODE1", firmware.ToString()); flightModes.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(16, "INITIALISING")); return(flightModes); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.Ateryx) { var flightModes = Utilities.ParameterMetaDataRepository.GetParameterOptionsInt("FLTMODE1", firmware.ToString()); //same as apm return(flightModes); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduCopter2) { var flightModes = Utilities.ParameterMetaDataRepository.GetParameterOptionsInt("FLTMODE1", firmware.ToString()); return(flightModes); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduRover) { var flightModes = Utilities.ParameterMetaDataRepository.GetParameterOptionsInt("MODE1", firmware.ToString()); return(flightModes); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduTracker) { var temp = new List <KeyValuePair <int, string> >(); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(0, "MANUAL")); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(1, "STOP")); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(2, "SCAN")); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(3, "SERVO_TEST")); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(10, "AUTO")); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(16, "INITIALISING")); return(temp); } return(null); }
public async Task StartSwarmSeperate(Firmwares firmware) { var max = 10; if (InputBox.Show("how many?", "how many?", ref max) != DialogResult.OK) { return; } // kill old session try { simulator.ForEach(a => { try { a.Kill(); } catch { } }); } catch { } Task <string> exepath; string model = ""; if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduPlane) { exepath = CheckandGetSITLImage("ArduPlane.elf"); model = "plane"; } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduRover) { exepath = CheckandGetSITLImage("ArduRover.elf"); model = "rover"; } else // (firmware == Firmwares.ArduCopter2) { exepath = CheckandGetSITLImage("ArduCopter.elf"); model = "+"; } var config = await GetDefaultConfig(model); max--; for (int a = (int)max; a >= 0; a--) { var extra = " --disable-fgview -r50 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config)) { extra += @" --defaults """ + config + @",identity.parm"" -P SERIAL0_PROTOCOL=2 -P SERIAL1_PROTOCOL=2 "; } var home = new PointLatLngAlt(markeroverlay.Markers[0].Position).newpos((double)NUM_heading.Value, a * 4); if (max == a) { extra += String.Format( " -M{4} -s1 --home {3} --instance {0} --uartA tcp:0 {1} -P SYSID_THISMAV={2} ", a, "", a + 1, BuildHomeLocation(home, (int)NUM_heading.Value), model); } else { extra += String.Format( " -M{4} -s1 --home {3} --instance {0} --uartA tcp:0 {1} -P SYSID_THISMAV={2} ", a, "" /*"--uartD tcpclient:" + (5770 + 10 * a)*/, a + 1, BuildHomeLocation(home, (int)NUM_heading.Value), model); } string simdir = sitldirectory + model + (a + 1) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; Directory.CreateDirectory(simdir); File.WriteAllText(simdir + "identity.parm", String.Format(@"SERIAL0_PROTOCOL=2 SERIAL1_PROTOCOL=2 SYSID_THISMAV={0} SIM_TERRAIN=0 TERRAIN_ENABLE=0 SCHED_LOOP_RATE=50 SIM_RATE_HZ=400 SIM_DRIFT_SPEED=0 SIM_DRIFT_TIME=0 ", a + 1)); string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", sitldirectory + ";" + simdir + ";" + path, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("HOME", simdir, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); ProcessStartInfo exestart = new ProcessStartInfo(); exestart.FileName = await exepath; exestart.Arguments = extra; exestart.WorkingDirectory = simdir; exestart.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized; exestart.UseShellExecute = true; simulator.Add(System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(exestart)); await Task.Delay(100); } await Task.Delay(2000); MainV2.View.ShowScreen(MainV2.View.screens[0].Name); try { Parallel.For(0, max + 1, (a) => //for (int a = (int)max; a >= 0; a--) { var mav = new MAVLinkInterface(); var client = new Comms.TcpSerial(); client.client = new TcpClient("", 5760 + (10 * (a))); mav.BaseStream = client; //SITLSEND = new UdpClient("", 5501); Thread.Sleep(200); this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { MainV2.instance.doConnect(mav, "preset", "5760", false); }); lock (this) MainV2.Comports.Add(mav); try { _ = mav.getParamListMavftpAsync((byte)mav.sysidcurrent, (byte)mav.compidcurrent); } catch { } } ); return; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); CustomMessageBox.Show(Strings.Failed_to_connect_to_SITL_instance + ex.InnerException?.Message, Strings.ERROR); return; } }
public static List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > getModesList(Firmwares csFirmware) { return(ArduPilot.Common.getModesList(csFirmware)); }
public List <Firmwares> RetornaFirmwares(string fabricante, string modelo) { List <Firmwares> listaFirmwares = Firmwares.Listar(fabricante, modelo); return(listaFirmwares); }
public void Update(UasHeartbeat hb) { Autopilot = (MavAutopilot)hb.Autopilot; Type = (MavType)hb.Type; switch (Autopilot) { case MavAutopilot.Ardupilotmega: switch (Type) { case MavType.FixedWing: Firmware = Firmwares.ArduPlane; break; case MavType.Quadrotor: case MavType.Coaxial: case MavType.Helicopter: case MavType.Octorotor: case MavType.Tricopter: case MavType.Hexarotor: Firmware = Firmwares.ArduCopter2; break; case MavType.AntennaTracker: Firmware = Firmwares.ArduTracker; break; case MavType.GroundRover: case MavType.SurfaceBoat: Firmware = Firmwares.ArduRover; break; case MavType.Submarine: Firmware = Firmwares.ArduSub; break; default: Firmware = Firmwares.Unknown; break; } break; case MavAutopilot.Px4: Firmware = Firmwares.PX4; break; case MavAutopilot.Generic: case MavAutopilot.Reserved: case MavAutopilot.Slugs: case MavAutopilot.Openpilot: case MavAutopilot.GenericWaypointsOnly: case MavAutopilot.GenericWaypointsAndSimpleNavigationOnly: case MavAutopilot.GenericMissionFull: case MavAutopilot.Invalid: case MavAutopilot.Ppz: case MavAutopilot.Udb: case MavAutopilot.Fp: case MavAutopilot.Smaccmpilot: case MavAutopilot.Autoquad: case MavAutopilot.Armazila: case MavAutopilot.Aerob: case MavAutopilot.Asluav: case MavAutopilot.Smartap: case MavAutopilot.Airrails: Firmware = Firmwares.Unknown; break; } Armed = (hb.BaseMode & (byte)MavModeFlag.SafetyArmed) == (byte)MavModeFlag.SafetyArmed; Guided = (hb.BaseMode & (byte)MavModeFlag.GuidedEnabled) == (byte)MavModeFlag.GuidedEnabled; HardwareInLoopSimulation = (hb.BaseMode & (byte)MavModeFlag.HilEnabled) == (byte)MavModeFlag.HilEnabled; Autonomous = (hb.BaseMode & (byte)MavModeFlag.AutoEnabled) == (byte)MavModeFlag.AutoEnabled; Stabilized = (hb.BaseMode & (byte)MavModeFlag.StabilizeEnabled) == (byte)MavModeFlag.StabilizeEnabled; Manual = (hb.BaseMode & (byte)MavModeFlag.ManualInputEnabled) == (byte)MavModeFlag.ManualInputEnabled; var customModeEnabled = (hb.BaseMode & (byte)MavModeFlag.CustomModeEnabled) == (byte)MavModeFlag.CustomModeEnabled; if (customModeEnabled) { if (_customModeType != hb.CustomMode) { _customModeType = hb.CustomMode; var modelist = Modes.getModesList(Firmware); if (modelist != null) { var customMode = modelist.Where(mod => mod.Key == hb.CustomMode).FirstOrDefault(); if (customMode.Key == hb.CustomMode) { CustomMode = customMode.Value; } else { CustomMode = String.Empty; } } } } else { CustomMode = String.Empty; } Standby = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.Standby; FlightTermination = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.FlightTermination; Unknown = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.Uninit; Calibrating = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.Calibrating; Critical = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.Critical; Emergency = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.Emergency; Poweroff = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.Poweroff; Active = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.Active; Boot = hb.SystemStatus == (byte)MavState.Boot; GaugeStatus = Emergency || Critical ? GaugeStatus.Error : GaugeStatus.OK; TimeStamp = DateTime.Now; }
public static List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > getModesList(Firmwares csFirmware) { return(ArduPilot.Common.getModesList(MainV2.comPort.MAV.cs.firmware)); }
public static List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > getModesList(Firmwares firmware) { if (firmware == Firmwares.PX4) { /* * union px4_custom_mode { * struct { * uint16_t reserved; * uint8_t main_mode; * uint8_t sub_mode; * }; * uint32_t data; * float data_float; * }; */ var temp = new List <KeyValuePair <int, string> >() { new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4CustomModes.Manual << 16, CoreResources.PX4Mode_Manual), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4CustomModes.Acro << 16, CoreResources.PX4Mode_Acro), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4CustomModes.Stablilized << 16, CoreResources.PX4Mode_Stabilized), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4CustomModes.Rattitude << 16, CoreResources.PX4Mode_Stabilized), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4CustomModes.AltCtl << 16, CoreResources.PX4Mode_AltCtl), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4CustomModes.PosCtl << 16, CoreResources.PX4Mode_PoCtl), new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)PX4CustomModes.OffBoard << 16, CoreResources.PX4Mode_Offboard), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4CustomModes.Auto << 16) + (int)PX4CustomSubodes.Ready << 24, CoreResources.PX4Mode_AutoReady), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4CustomModes.Auto << 16) + (int)PX4CustomSubodes.Takeoff << 24, CoreResources.PX4Mode_AutoTakeoff), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4CustomModes.Auto << 16) + (int)PX4CustomSubodes.Loiter << 24, CoreResources.PX4Mode_Loiter), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4CustomModes.Auto << 16) + (int)PX4CustomSubodes.Mission << 24, CoreResources.PX4Mode_Mission), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4CustomModes.Auto << 16) + (int)PX4CustomSubodes.RTL << 24, CoreResources.PX4Mode_RTL), new KeyValuePair <int, string>( ((int)PX4CustomModes.Auto << 16) + (int)PX4CustomSubodes.Land << 24, CoreResources.PX4Mode_Landing) }; return(temp); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduPlane) { var flightModes = Parameters.GetParameterOptionsInt("FLTMODE1", firmware.ToString()); flightModes.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(16, "INITIALISING")); flightModes.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(17, "QStabilize")); flightModes.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(18, "QHover")); flightModes.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(19, "QLoiter")); flightModes.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(20, "QLand")); flightModes.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(21, "QRTL")); return(flightModes); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.Ateryx) { var flightModes = Parameters.GetParameterOptionsInt("FLTMODE1", firmware.ToString()); //same as apm return(flightModes); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduCopter2) { var flightModes = Parameters.GetParameterOptionsInt("FLTMODE1", firmware.ToString()); return(flightModes); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduRover) { var flightModes = Parameters.GetParameterOptionsInt("MODE1", firmware.ToString()); return(flightModes); } else if (firmware == Firmwares.ArduTracker) { var temp = new List <KeyValuePair <int, string> >(); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(0, CoreResources.TrackerMode_Manual)); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(1, CoreResources.TrackerMode_Stop)); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(2, CoreResources.TrackerMode_Scan)); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(3, CoreResources.TrackerMode_ServoTest)); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(10, CoreResources.TrackerMode_Auto)); temp.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(16, CoreResources.TrackerMode_Initializing)); return(temp); } return(null); }
private void xmlconfig(bool write) { if (write || !File.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @"config.xml")) { try { //System.Configuration.Configuration appconfig = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(System.Configuration.ConfigurationUserLevel.None); XmlTextWriter xmlwriter = new XmlTextWriter(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @"config.xml", Encoding.ASCII); xmlwriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; xmlwriter.WriteStartDocument(); xmlwriter.WriteStartElement("Config"); xmlwriter.WriteElementString("comport", comportname); xmlwriter.WriteElementString("baudrate", CMB_baudrate.Text); xmlwriter.WriteElementString("APMFirmware", APMFirmware.ToString()); //appconfig.AppSettings.Settings.Add("comport", comportname); //appconfig.AppSettings.Settings.Add("baudrate", CMB_baudrate.Text); //appconfig.AppSettings.Settings.Add("APMFirmware", APMFirmware.ToString()); foreach (string key in config.Keys) { try { if (key == "") continue; xmlwriter.WriteElementString(key, config[key].ToString()); //appconfig.AppSettings.Settings.Add(key, config[key].ToString()); } catch { } } xmlwriter.WriteEndElement(); xmlwriter.WriteEndDocument(); xmlwriter.Close(); //appconfig.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } } else { try { using (XmlTextReader xmlreader = new XmlTextReader(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + @"config.xml")) { while (xmlreader.Read()) { xmlreader.MoveToElement(); try { switch (xmlreader.Name) { case "comport": string temp = xmlreader.ReadString(); CMB_serialport.SelectedIndex = CMB_serialport.FindString(temp); if (CMB_serialport.SelectedIndex == -1) { CMB_serialport.Text = temp; // allows ports that dont exist - yet } comPort.BaseStream.PortName = temp; comportname = temp; break; case "baudrate": string temp2 = xmlreader.ReadString(); CMB_baudrate.SelectedIndex = CMB_baudrate.FindString(temp2); if (CMB_baudrate.SelectedIndex == -1) { CMB_baudrate.Text = temp2; //CMB_baudrate.SelectedIndex = CMB_baudrate.FindString("57600"); ; // must exist } //bau = int.Parse(CMB_baudrate.Text); break; case "APMFirmware": string temp3 = xmlreader.ReadString(); TOOL_APMFirmware.SelectedIndex = TOOL_APMFirmware.FindStringExact(temp3); if (TOOL_APMFirmware.SelectedIndex == -1) TOOL_APMFirmware.SelectedIndex = 0; APMFirmware = (MainV2.Firmwares)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainV2.Firmwares), TOOL_APMFirmware.Text); break; case "Config": break; case "xml": break; default: if (xmlreader.Name == "") // line feeds break; config[xmlreader.Name] = xmlreader.ReadString(); break; } } catch (Exception ee) { Console.WriteLine(ee.Message); } // silent fail on bad entry } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Bad Config File: " + ex.ToString()); } // bad config file } }
private void TOOL_APMFirmware_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { APMFirmware = (MainV2.Firmwares)Enum.Parse(typeof(MainV2.Firmwares), TOOL_APMFirmware.Text); MainV2.cs.firmware = APMFirmware; }