public void ValueReturnsDifferentValueForIEThenFireFoxAndIE8()
            // OK, this one is weird. The HTML says value="ButtonElementValue"
            // but the value attribute returns the innertext(!) in IE6, IE7 and IE8.
            // But FireFox does return the value attribute.....
            // <button id="buttonelementid" name="buttonelementname" value="ButtonElementValue">Button Element</button>

            const string ieValue     = "Button Element";
            const string actualValue = "ButtonElementValue";

            Assert.AreEqual(ieValue, Ie.Button("buttonelementid").Value, "IE issue");
            Assert.AreEqual(actualValue, Firefox.Button("buttonelementid").Value, "FireFox issue");
        public void FindByValueBehavesDifferentlyForIEThenFireFox()
            // OK, this one is weird. The HTML says value="ButtonElementValue"
            // but the value attribute returns the innertext(!) in IE6, IE7 and IE8
            // But FireFox does return the value attribute.....
            // <button id="buttonelementid" name="buttonelementname" value="ButtonElementValue">Button Element</button>

            const string ieValue     = "Button Element";
            const string actualValue = "ButtonElementValue";

            Assert.That(Ie.Button(Find.ByValue(ieValue)).Exists, Is.True, "IE issue");
            Assert.That(Firefox.Button(Find.ByValue(actualValue)).Exists, Is.True, "Firefox issue");