/// <summary>
        /// Find a location like an address (1500 Central rd., Chicago, IL) or landmark (Sears tower or Navy Pier)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locationString">address or landmark</param>
        /// <returns>Location</returns>
        public Location FindLocation(string locationString)
            Location[] location = null;

                if (locationString == "")
                    throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Location cannot be empty");

                FindSpecification myFindSpec = new FindSpecification();
                myFindSpec.InputPlace     = locationString;
                myFindSpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
                FindResults results = theMapPointFindService.Find(myFindSpec);

                // if there is no result found try it as an address instead
                if (results.NumberFound == 0)
                    // if you want to use addresses instead you can use the code below
                    Address address = theMapPointFindService.ParseAddress(locationString, "USA");
                    FindAddressSpecification myFindASpec = new FindAddressSpecification();
                    myFindASpec.DataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
                    myFindASpec.InputAddress   = address;
                    results = theMapPointFindService.FindAddress(myFindASpec);

                // at this point a place (e.g. Sears Tower) or an address was not found so
                // return an error
                if (results.NumberFound == 0)
                    throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Location cannot be found");

            catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                throw e;  // rethrow for app to handle
            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;  // rethrow for app to handle
Beispiel #2
        private static GeoPoint GetGeoPositionMicrosoft(string address, string plz, string city, string region, string country)
            GeoPoint        geoPoint    = null;
            FindServiceSoap findService = new FindServiceSoap();

            string myUserID   = Properties.Settings.Default.MPUser;
            string myPassword = Properties.Settings.Default.MPPass;

            NetworkCredential myCredentials = new NetworkCredential(myUserID, myPassword);

            findService.Credentials     = myCredentials;
            findService.PreAuthenticate = true;
            string addressLine    = (address != null) ? address.Trim() : string.Empty;
            string zipCode        = (plz != null) ? plz.Trim() : string.Empty;
            string stadt          = (city != null) ? city.Trim() : string.Empty;
            string kanton         = (region != null) ? region.Trim() : string.Empty;
            string land           = (country != null) ? country.Trim() : string.Empty;
            string dataSourceName = "MapPoint.EU";

            if (land.Length == 0)
                land = "switzerland";
            if (kanton.Length == 0)
                kanton = stadt;

            FindOptions myFindOptions = new FindOptions();

            myFindOptions.ThresholdScore   = 0.5;
            myFindOptions.Range            = new FindRange();
            myFindOptions.Range.StartIndex = 0;
            myFindOptions.Range.Count      = 1;
            //Try find exact address

            Address myAddress = new Address();

            myAddress.AddressLine   = addressLine;
            myAddress.PrimaryCity   = stadt;
            myAddress.SecondaryCity = string.Empty;
            myAddress.Subdivision   = kanton;
            myAddress.PostalCode    = zipCode;
            myAddress.CountryRegion = land;

            FindAddressSpecification findAddressSpec = new FindAddressSpecification();

            findAddressSpec.InputAddress = myAddress;
            findAddressSpec.Options      = myFindOptions;

            FindSpecification findSpec   = new FindSpecification();
            string            inputPlace = string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", city, kanton, land);

            inputPlace          = inputPlace.Replace(",,", "").TrimStart(',');
            findSpec.InputPlace = inputPlace;

            FindResults myFindResults = null;

            FindResult[] myResults = null;
                findAddressSpec.DataSourceName = dataSourceName;
                myFindResults = findService.FindAddress(findAddressSpec);
            if (myFindResults != null && myFindResults.Results != null && myFindResults.Results.Count() > 0)
                myResults = myFindResults.Results;
                if (myResults.Count() > 0)
                    geoPoint = FillGeoPoint(myResults[0]);
                //Try finding by Location

                    findSpec.DataSourceName = dataSourceName;
                    myFindResults           = findService.Find(findSpec);
                if (myFindResults != null && myFindResults.Results != null && myFindResults.Results.Count() > 0)
                    myResults = myFindResults.Results;
                    geoPoint  = FillGeoPoint(myResults[0]);
            if (geoPoint == null)
                //still nothing
                //try it again with new datasource
                myFindResults  = null;
                myResults      = null;
                dataSourceName = "MapPoint.NA";
                    findAddressSpec.DataSourceName = dataSourceName;
                    myFindResults = findService.FindAddress(findAddressSpec);
                if (myFindResults != null && myFindResults.Results != null && myFindResults.Results.Count() > 0)
                    myResults = myFindResults.Results;
                    if (myResults.Count() > 0)
                    //Try finding by Location

                        findSpec.DataSourceName = dataSourceName;
                        myFindResults           = findService.Find(findSpec);
                    if (myFindResults != null && myFindResults.Results != null && myFindResults.Results.Count() > 0)
                        myResults = myFindResults.Results;
                        geoPoint  = FillGeoPoint(myResults[0]);