Beispiel #1
        public async Task <FindPathResult> GetUrlAsync(ICurrentRequest currentRequest, string action, string controller,
                                                       object additionalValues)
            if (currentRequest == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("currentRequest is null");

            var input = new FindPathInput();

            input.DomainDatas = currentRequest.DomainDatas;
            input.DomainId    = currentRequest.DomainId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            input.IsSecure    = currentRequest.IsSecure;
            input.Port        = currentRequest.Port;
            input.Datas       = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            input.Datas.Add("action", action);
            input.Datas.Add("controller", controller);

            var values = UrlHelper.GetValues(additionalValues);

            if (values != null)
                foreach (var value in values)
                    input.Datas.Add(value.Key, value.Value);

            return(await _routeManager.FindDomainPathAsync(input));
Beispiel #2
        public static async Task <GetSiteMapResult> SitemapUrlAsync(ItemDataModel itemDataModel, IDataFactory dataFactory, IRouteManager routeManager)
            var isSecure          = true;
            var siteBusinessModel = (SiteBusinessModel)itemDataModel.Data;

            var input = new FindPathInput();

            input.DomainDatas = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            input.DomainDatas.Add("site", UrlHelper.NormalizeTextForUrl(siteBusinessModel.Name));
            input.MasterDomainId = siteBusinessModel.MasterDomainId;
            input.IsSecure       = null;

            input.Datas = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            input.Datas.Add("controller", "Seo");
            input.Datas.Add("action", "Sitemap");

            var result = await routeManager.FindDomainPathAsync(input);

            var getSiteMapResult = new GetSiteMapResult();

            getSiteMapResult.BaseUrl = UrlHelper.Concat(result.BaseUrl, result.PreUrl);
            getSiteMapResult.Url     = result.FullUrl;

Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Récupère la première route qui match avec les parmètres
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <FindRouteResult> FindRouteAsync(FindRouteInput input)
            var result = new FindRouteResult();

            result.IsSuccess = true;

            if (_routeProvider.Domains == null)
                result.IsSuccess = false;
                result.HttpCode  = "404";
            var url = input.Url;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                result.IsSuccess = false;
                result.HttpCode  = "404";

            var datas       = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var domainDatas = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var cacheResult = await _cacheRepository.GetValueAsync <FindRouteResult>(input, CacheRepository.CacheUrlRoutageKey);

            if (cacheResult != null)

            #region 1: on récupère le domaine et la culture

            var loadDomainResult = await LoadDomainAsync(url, domainDatas, _routeProvider, _logger);

            // On récupère le nom de domaine
            var domain = loadDomainResult.Domain;
            var siteId = loadDomainResult.SiteId;

            // On éjecte les domaines non sécurisé
            if (domain == null)
                result.IsSuccess = false;
                result.HttpCode  = "404";

            if (domain.SecureMode == SecureMode.Secure && !input.IsSecure)
                ComputeRedirection(input, result);


            #region 3: Route

            // On récupère la route associé
            var routePath = GetRoutePath(url, domain, domainDatas);

            var route = await LoadRouteAsync(routePath, datas, _routeProvider, domainDatas, siteId, _logger);

            if (route == null)
                result.IsSuccess = false;
                result.HttpCode  = "404";

            // on ajoute les valeurs par défaut de la route
            if (route.DefaultValues != null)
                foreach (var defaultValue in route.DefaultValues)
                    if (!datas.ContainsKey(defaultValue.Key))
                        datas.Add(defaultValue.Key, defaultValue.Value);


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(route.Controller))
                SetValue(datas, "controller", route.Controller);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(route.Action))
                SetValue(datas, "action", route.Action);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(route.Namespace))
                SetValue(datas, "namespace", route.Namespace);

            // Gestion de la redirection de domain à domain
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(domain.RedirecToDomainId))
                if (!route.CancelRedirect)
                    var findPathInput = new FindPathInput();
                    findPathInput.DomainDatas = domainDatas;
                    findPathInput.DomainId    = domain.RedirecToDomainId;
                    findPathInput.IsSecure    = null;
                    findPathInput.Port        = input.Port;
                    findPathInput.Datas       = datas;

                    var resultFindDomainPath = await FindDomainPathAsync(findPathInput);

                    result.IsSuccess = false;
                    result.HttpCode  = "301";
                    if (input.FullUrl.StartsWith(_routeProvider.ProtocolDefault))
                        result.RedirectionUrl = resultFindDomainPath.FullUrl;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(route.RedirectPath))
                result.IsSuccess = false;
                result.HttpCode  = "301";
                if (input.FullUrl.StartsWith(_routeProvider.ProtocolDefault))
                    result.RedirectionUrl = route.RedirectPath; //UrlHelper.Concat(domain.Path, route.RedirectPath);

            result.Datas       = datas;
            result.DomainDatas = domainDatas;
            result.RouteId     = route.Identity;
            result.SiteId      = siteId;
            result.DomainId    = domain.Id;

            result.Path        = routePath;
            result.RewritePath = (new Rewriter()).Map(routePath, route, datas);
            result.Domain      = domain.Path;

            await _cacheRepository.SaveAsync(new Data.Model.Cache.CacheItem()
                Key        = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input),
                Type       = CacheRepository.CacheUrlRoutageKey,
                SiteId     = siteId,
                Value      = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result),
                CreateDate = DateTime.Now

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Retourne le chemin complet de la route et domaine qui match
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <FindPathResult> FindDomainPathAsync(FindPathInput input)
            var findPathResult = new FindPathResult();

            findPathResult.IsSuccess = false;

            if (_routeProvider.Domains == null)

            var datas       = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var datasDomain = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var data in input.Datas)
                var key = data.Key;
                datas.Add(key, data.Value);

            //Pour les données de nom de domaine, on persite les valeurs s'il nont pas été redéfinie
            if (input.DomainDatas != null)
                foreach (var domainData in input.DomainDatas)
                    var key = domainData.Key;
                    if (!datasDomain.ContainsKey(key))
                        datasDomain.Add(key, domainData.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            var domainMasterId = input.MasterDomainId;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domainMasterId))
                domainMasterId = (from d in _routeProvider.Domains
                                  where input.DomainId == d.Id
                                  select d.DomainMasterId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(domainMasterId))

            Route route;
            var   routePath = GetRoutePath(_routeProvider, datas, input.DomainDatas, _logger, out route);

            Domain domain;
            var    isSecure = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.DomainId))
                domain = (from d in _routeProvider.Domains
                          d.Id == input.DomainId
                          select d).FirstOrDefault();
                isSecure = domain.SecureMode == SecureMode.Secure;
                if (domain == null)
                if (input.IsSecure.HasValue)
                    var secureMode = input.IsSecure.Value ? SecureMode.Secure : SecureMode.NoSecure;
                    isSecure = input.IsSecure.Value;
                    domain   = (from d in _routeProvider.Domains
                                d.DomainMasterId == domainMasterId && d.SecureMode == secureMode &&
                                IsSameDomainType(datasDomain, d)
                                select d).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (domain == null)
                    domain = (from d in _routeProvider.Domains
                              d.DomainMasterId == domainMasterId &&
                              IsSameDomainType(datasDomain, d)
                              select d).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (domain == null)

                    isSecure = domain.SecureMode == SecureMode.Secure;

            var domainPath = GetPath(domain.Path, datasDomain, null);

            var domainSplitted = domainPath.Split('/');
            var domainLenght   = domainSplitted.Length;

            if (domainLenght <= 0)

            var requestDomain = domainSplitted[0];
            var preUrl        = domainPath.ReplaceIgnoreCase(requestDomain, string.Empty);

            var applicationPath = string.Empty;

            if (datasDomain.ContainsKey("application_path"))
                applicationPath = UrlHelper.RemoveSeparator(datasDomain["application_path"]);
                preUrl          = UrlHelper.RemoveSeparator(preUrl.ReplaceFirstIgnoreCase(applicationPath, string.Empty));

            findPathResult.RoutePathWithoutHomePage = routePath;
            // Gestion de la page d'accueil
            var isHomePage = await IsHomePage(domain, datasDomain, datas);

            if (isHomePage)
                routePath = string.Empty;

            var path = GetPath(isSecure, requestDomain, applicationPath, preUrl, input.Port,
                               routePath, _routeProvider.ProtocolSecure);

            findPathResult.PreUrl        = preUrl;
            findPathResult.RequestDomain = requestDomain;
            findPathResult.Path          = path;
            findPathResult.Route         = route;
            findPathResult.IsSuccess     = true;
            findPathResult.RoutePath     = routePath;

            var protocole = isSecure ? _routeProvider.ProtocolSecure : _routeProvider.ProtocolDefault;

            findPathResult.FullUrl = string.Concat(protocole, "://", UrlHelper.Concat(requestDomain, path));
            findPathResult.BaseUrl = string.Concat(protocole, "://", requestDomain);

            findPathResult.IsSecure = isSecure;

Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a path in reverse order (final target first)
    /// </summary>
    public static List <Vector2> FindPath(FindPathInput input)
        var agentHalfSize = input.agentSize * 0.5f;
        var tree          = new List <Node>();
        var result        = new List <Vector2>();

        // TODO PERF: Don't need allocations per call if not running in parallel
        RaycastHit2D[] lHits = new RaycastHit2D[2];
        RaycastHit2D[] rHits = new RaycastHit2D[2];

        var first = new Node {
            position = input.from, parentIndex = -1


        for (int i = 0; i < tree.Count && i < PATH_NODES_MAX; i++)
            // TODO PERF: direction is recalculated in edge raycast
            var node      = tree[i];
            var direction = ( - node.position);
            var raycast = EdgeRaycast(, node.position, agentHalfSize, ref lHits, ref rHits, input.layerMask);

            if (raycast.Valid)
                // hit something
                var center  = raycast.Item.transform.position.ToVector2();
                var leftDir = Rotate90Left(direction);

                // get obstacle size from input or circle collider
                var obstacleRadius = input.obstacleSize;
                var col            = raycast.Item.collider as CircleCollider2D;
                if (col != null)
                    var wScale = col.transform.lossyScale;
                    Assert.AreEqual(wScale.x, wScale.y, "Scale is not uniform");
                    obstacleRadius = col.radius * wScale.x;

                var  marginAbs          = input.margin * obstacleRadius;
                var  distanceFromCenter = obstacleRadius + marginAbs;
                var  lOffsetVec         = leftDir * distanceFromCenter;
                bool canReachSide;
                    // find potential positions
                    // try sides of obstacle
                    var newPosLeft  = center + lOffsetVec;
                    var newPosRight = center - lOffsetVec;
                    canReachSide = FindCloserAndAdd(newPosLeft, newPosRight);

                if (!canReachSide)
                    // try sides of current node
                    var offsetVec   = lOffsetVec * 0.5f;
                    var newPosLeft  = center - direction * distanceFromCenter + offsetVec;
                    var newPosRight = center - direction * distanceFromCenter - offsetVec;
                    FindCloserAndAdd(newPosLeft, newPosRight);

                bool FindCloserAndAdd(Vector2 lhs, Vector2 rhs)
                    // pick closer first
                    // TODO PERF: no need for two branches, done for readability
                    // TODO PERF: redundant check, also in CheckAndAdd
                    var     leftDist   = (lhs - node.position).sqrMagnitude;
                    var     rightDist  = (rhs - node.position).sqrMagnitude;
                    bool    leftCloser = leftDist < rightDist;
                    Vector2 closerPos  = leftCloser ? lhs : rhs;
                    Vector2 furtherPos = !leftCloser ? lhs : rhs;

                    // Add New Nodes
                    bool added = false;

                    added |= CheckAndAdd(closerPos);
                    added |= CheckAndAdd(furtherPos);

                // If way between currnet node and the new position is clear, add the node to tree
                // return true if added
                bool CheckAndAdd(Vector2 newPos)
                    // TODO PERF: Don't need the hit info, just to see if hit anything, but for convenience sake
                    var raycastIn = EdgeRaycast(newPos, node.position, agentHalfSize, ref lHits, ref rHits, input.layerMask);

                    if (!raycastIn.Valid)
                        tree.Add(new Node {
                            position = newPos, parentIndex = i
            else  // found valid path
                // add last node to resulting path
                var final = - (direction * input.targetDistance);

                // traverse the tree in reverse order and add to result
                for (int j = i; j > 0; j = tree[j].parentIndex)


        // could not find a valid path
Beispiel #6
        protected override async Task ActionAsync()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.Data.SiteName))
                throw new ArgumentException("SiteName is empty");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.Data.ModuleId))
                throw new ArgumentException("ModuleId is empty");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Input.Data.CategoryId))
                throw new ArgumentException("CategoryId is empty");

            var checkAddSiteInput = new CheckAddSiteInput
                CategoryId = Input.Data.CategoryId,
                ModuleId   = Input.Data.ModuleId,
                SiteId     = Input.Data.SiteId,
                SiteName   = Input.Data.SiteName

            if (await CheckAddSiteCommand.IsSiteAlreadyExistAsync(_dataFactorySource, _dataFactoryDestination, checkAddSiteInput))
                Result.ValidationResult.AddError("SITE_ADRESS_ALREADY_EXIST", "L'adresse demandé existe déjà");

            var addSiteItemBusinessModel =
                (await _dataFactorySource.ItemRepository.GetItemAsync(Input.Data.Site.SiteId, Input.Data.ModuleId)).Data;
            var template    = addSiteItemBusinessModel.Templates.First(t => t.CategoryId == Input.Data.CategoryId);
            var newSiteName = template.Title + " " + Input.Data.SiteName;

            var itemDataModelCurrentSite = await TransfertSiteCommand.GetSiteAsync(template.SiteId, _dataFactorySource);

            var currentSiteBusinessModel = (SiteBusinessModel)itemDataModelCurrentSite.Data;

            #region duplication du site

            var createFromSiteModel = new CreateFromSiteModel();
            createFromSiteModel.CategoryId = template.CategoryId;
            createFromSiteModel.SiteName   = newSiteName;
            createFromSiteModel.Title      = Input.Data.SiteName;
            createFromSiteModel.UserId     = Input.UserId;

            var moduleSite        = _businessModuleFactory.GetModuleCreate(itemDataModelCurrentSite.Module);
            var siteItemDataModel = await moduleSite.CreateFromAsync(_dataFactorySource, _dataFactoryDestination,
                                                                     itemDataModelCurrentSite, null, false, createFromSiteModel);


            await _dataFactoryDestination.SaveChangeAsync();

            await _cacheProvider.UpdateCacheAsync(siteItemDataModel.Id);

            #region Association Site/User

            await SaveSiteUserCommand.CreateNewSiteUserAsync(_siteUserService, _userService, siteItemDataModel.Id, Input.UserId);


            #region Generation Url nouveaux site

            var siteBusinessModel = (SiteBusinessModel)siteItemDataModel.Data;

            var input = new FindPathInput();
            input.DomainDatas = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            input.DomainDatas.Add("site", UrlHelper.NormalizeTextForUrl(newSiteName));

            if (Input.Data.Port.HasValue)
                input.Port = Input.Data.Port.ToString();
            //TODO règle temporaire pour le développement
            var isLocalhost = Input.Data.Site.DomainDatas.ContainsKey("domain") &&
                              Input.Data.Site.DomainDatas["domain"] == "localhost";
            if (isLocalhost)
                input.DomainDatas.Add("domain", Input.Data.Site.DomainDatas["domain"]);
            input.MasterDomainId = siteBusinessModel.MasterDomainId;

            input.IsSecure = null;

            input.Datas = await _routeProvider.GetRootMetadataAsync(siteItemDataModel.Id);

            var result = await _routeManager.FindDomainPathAsync(input);


            // On reconstitue l'Url
            var protocole = Input.Data.IsSecure ? _routeProvider.ProtocolSecure : _routeProvider.ProtocolDefault;
            var port      = string.Empty;

            if (Input.Data.Port.HasValue && Input.Data.Port.Value != 80 && Input.Data.Port.Value != 443)
                port = string.Concat(":", Input.Data.Port.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            var siteUrl = string.Concat(protocole, "://",
                                        UrlHelper.Concat(string.Concat(result.RequestDomain, port), result.Path));
            await SendEmailAsync(newSiteName, siteUrl, Input.UserId);

            Result.Data = UrlHelper.Concat(siteUrl, "/site/creation/confirmation?dm=false");