//use name as key word to check whether exist a contact person who use the input name
        public FindContactResponse findContactByName(string contactName, string accessToken)
            var getContactUri         = new Uri(ContactURL + "?name=" + contactName);
            var contactWebRequest     = WebRequest.Create(getContactUri);
            var contactHttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)contactWebRequest;

            contactHttpWebRequest.PreAuthenticate = true;
            contactHttpWebRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
            contactHttpWebRequest.Accept = "application/json";

            var contactWebResponse = contactWebRequest.GetResponse();
            var responseStream     = contactWebResponse.GetResponseStream();

            var myStreamReader        = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.Default);
            var contactResponseString = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();


            JsonSerializer      serializer      = new JsonSerializer();
            FindContactResponse contactResponse = new FindContactResponse(contactResponseString);

Beispiel #2
        public static string parsing(StringBuilder text, string contactToken)
            // initialize many fields which only be used for parsing the 343 format Job Description
            string title                 = "Title:";
            string hiringManager         = "Hiring Manager:";
            string startDate             = "Start Date:";
            string asap                  = "ASAP";
            string endDate               = "End Date:";
            string withPossibilityBlaBla = " (w/possibility of extension)";
            string numOfPositions        = "# of positions to fill:";
            string redmondB4             = "Redmond Town Center B4";
            string Location              = "Location:";
            string redmond               = "Redmond";
            string agencyBillRate        = "Agency Bill Rate:";
            string hourDependingOnExp    = "hour depending on experience";
            string billRate              = "Bill rate MUST include Microsoft facility fees.";

            string[] payReplacementCheck = { billRate, hourDependingOnExp, "$", "/" };
            string   pay = "";

            string[] lowAndHigh     = { };
            string   jobDescription = "Job Description";
            string   jobId          = "Job ID #";

            // string[] skillSet1 = { "SQL", "python", "java", "PowerShell", "javascript", "matlab", "julia", "ruby", "cshell", "csharp", "http", "css", "vba" };
            // string[] skillSet2 = { "c++", "c#" };

            string[] january     = { "jan", "JAN", "janu", "JANU", "january", "JANUARY" };
            string[] february    = { "feb", "FEB", "febr", "FEBR", "february", "FEBRUARY" };
            string[] march       = { "mar", "MAR", "MARC", "marc", "march", "MARCH" };
            string[] April       = { "apr", "APR", "apri", "APRI", "april", "APRIL" };
            string[] may         = { "may", "MAY" };
            string[] june        = { "jun", "JUN", "june", "JUNE" };
            string[] july        = { "jul", "JUL", "july", "JULY" };
            string[] august      = { "aug", "AUG", "augu", "AUGU", "august", "AUGUST" };
            string[] september   = { "sep", "SEP", "sept", "SEPT", "september", "SEPTEMBER" };
            string[] october     = { "oct", "OCT", "octo", "OCTO", "october", "OCTOBER" };
            string[] november    = { "nov", "NOV", "nove", "NOVE", "november", "NOVEMBER" };
            string[] december    = { "dec", "DEC", "dece", "DECE", "decemebr", "DECEMBER" };
            bool     monthReaded = false;

            string contactName = "";

            DateTime startTime = new DateTime();
            DateTime endTime   = new DateTime();
            TimeSpan diff      = new TimeSpan();

            apiMethod apiMethod = new apiMethod();

            dynamic jobOrder = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            jobOrder.ownerUserId = 214994;
            ArrayList recuriter = new ArrayList();

            jobOrder.recuriterUserId = recuriter;
            jobOrder.source          = "Existing client";
            jobOrder.workTypeId      = 9445;

            jobOrder.companyId = 529769;
            jobOrder.statusId  = 38753;
            dynamic skill = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

            skill.matchAll     = true;
            skill.tags         = new ArrayList();
            jobOrder.skillTags = skill;

            dynamic   salary = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
            ArrayList custom = new ArrayList();

            //start scanning the text of 343 format job description
            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(text.ToString()))
                string line = string.Empty;
                line = reader.ReadLine();
                while (true)
                    //parse job title
                    if (line.ToString().Equals(string.Empty) == false)
                        if (line.ToString().Equals(title))
                            line = reader.ReadLine();
                            string rawTitle = line.ToString().Replace(title, "").Trim();
                            rawTitle = rawTitle.ToString().Replace(jobId, "").Trim();
                            string[] numAndTitle = rawTitle.Split('-');
                            if (numAndTitle.Length > 1)
                                jobOrder.jobTitle = numAndTitle[1];
                                jobOrder.jobTitle = numAndTitle[0];
                    line = reader.ReadLine();

                line = reader.ReadLine();

                while (line != null)
                    // parse the name and email of contact person
                    if (line.ToString().Contains(hiringManager))
                        if (line.ToString().Equals(hiringManager))
                            line = reader.ReadLine();
                            while (line.ToString().Equals(string.Empty))
                                line = reader.ReadLine();
                            contactName = line.ToString();
                            contactName = line.ToString().Replace(hiringManager, "").Trim();
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                    //parse the start date of job
                    else if (line.ToString().Equals(startDate))
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                        while (true)
                            if (line.ToString().Equals(String.Empty) == false)
                            line = reader.ReadLine();
                        if (line.ToString().Equals(asap))
                            dynamic start = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                            start.immediate = true;
                            jobOrder.start  = start;
                            startTime       = DateTime.Now;
                            startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    //parse the end date of job
                    else if (line.ToString().Equals(endDate))
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                        while (true)
                            if (line.ToString().Equals(String.Empty) == false)
                            line = reader.ReadLine();
                        //fuzzy matchcing for the end date
                        if (line.ToString().Contains(withPossibilityBlaBla))
                            string   end          = line.ToString().Replace(" (w/possibility of extension)", "").Trim();
                            string[] monthAndYear = end.Split(' ');

                            foreach (string str in january)
                                if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                    endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Jan", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                    monthReaded = true;
                                    endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in february)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Feb", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(27);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in march)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Mar", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in April)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Apr", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in may)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "May", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in june)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Jun", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in july)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Jul", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in august)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Aug", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in september)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Sep", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in october)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Oct", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in november)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Nov", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            if (monthReaded == false)
                                foreach (string str in december)
                                    if (monthAndYear[0].Equals(str))
                                        endTime     = DateTime.ParseExact(monthAndYear[1] + "Dec", "yyyyMMM", null);
                                        monthReaded = true;
                                        endTime     = endTime.AddDays(29);

                            dynamic duration = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                            diff = endTime - startTime;
                            if (diff.Days > 100)
                                duration.unit = "Month";
                                if (diff.Days > 3000)
                                    duration.period = 100;
                                    duration.period = diff.Days / 30;
                                duration.unit   = "Day";
                                duration.period = diff.Days;
                            jobOrder.duration = duration;
                    //parse the number of job
                    else if (line.ToString().Contains(numOfPositions))
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                        while (true)
                            if (line.ToString().Equals(String.Empty) == false)
                            line = reader.ReadLine();
                            jobOrder.numberOfJobs = Int32.Parse(line.ToString());
                        catch (FormatException)
                            jobOrder.numberOfJobs = 1;
                    //parse the work location in job description
                    else if (line.ToString().Equals(Location))
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                        while (true)
                            if (line.ToString().Equals(String.Empty) == false)
                            line = reader.ReadLine();
                        if (line.ToString().Contains(redmondB4))
                            jobOrder.workplaceAddressId = "3e97c233-2bc0-4e78-8399-b5e006d911fd";
                        else if (line.ToString().Contains(redmond))
                            jobOrder.workplaceAddressId = "923d5855-48af-4445-b2d4-406a4756ca52";
                    //parse the bill rate
                    else if (line.ToString().Contains(agencyBillRate))
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                        while (true)
                            if (line.ToString().Contains(hourDependingOnExp))
                                pay = line.ToString();
                                foreach (string str in payReplacementCheck)
                                    pay = pay.Replace(str, "").Trim();
                                dynamic custom1 = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                                custom1.fieldId = 2;
                                custom1.type    = "Text";
                                custom1.value   = pay;
                                jobOrder.custom = custom;
                            line = reader.ReadLine();
                    //parse the job description
                    else if (line.ToString().Contains(jobDescription))
                        jobOrder.jobDescription = "";
                        line = reader.ReadLine();
                        while (line != null)
                            if (line.ToString().Equals(String.Empty) == true)
                                foreach (string requiredSkill in SkillSet.SkillSet.skillSet1)
                                    if (line.ToString().IndexOf(requiredSkill, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                                foreach (string requiredSkill in SkillSet.SkillSet.skillSet2)
                                    if (line.ToString().IndexOf(requiredSkill, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                                        jobOrder.skillTags.tags.Add("\"" + requiredSkill + "\"");
                                jobOrder.jobDescription += line.ToString() + "<br>";
                            line = reader.ReadLine();

                    if (line != null)
                        line = reader.ReadLine();

                if (string.Equals(contactName, ""))
                    FindContactResponse contactResponse = apiMethod.findContactByName(contactName, contactToken);

                    if (contactResponse.totalCount == 0)
                        // POST a new contact

                        string contactJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new newContact(contactName));;

                        HttpClient contactClient = new HttpClient();
                        contactClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

                        contactClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", contactToken);

                        var contactBody   = new StringContent(contactJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                        var contactResult = contactClient.PostAsync(apiMethod.ContactURL, contactBody).Result;

                        contactResponse = apiMethod.findContactByName(contactName, contactToken);
                    contactItem contactItem = new contactItem(contactResponse.items.GetValue(0).ToString());
                    jobOrder.contactId = contactItem.contactId;

                string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jobOrder);

