//This generates all of the rows and cells for the report
        public ReportGenerator(int id, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, IPASEntities db)
            reportId = id;
            startDateTime = startDate;
            endDateTime = endDate;
            repository = new Repository(db);
            columnHeaders = new List<string>();
            rowHeaders = new List<string>();
            finalReportRows = new List<FinalReportRow>();
            initialReportRowsList = repository.GetReportRowsForReportId(id);
            reportType = repository.GetReportType(reportId);
            measurementList = repository.GetAllAvaliableMeasurementsManageMeasurement();
            reportMeasurementList = new List<BaseFieldsViewModel>();

            // Build headers
            title = repository.GetReportTitle(reportId);

            //Build data for report type 1(PAS Report)
            if (reportType == 1)
                //populate reportMeasurementList with only measures that are in the report
                foreach (var measure in measurementList)
                    int? measureIdInReport = null;
                    foreach (var row in initialReportRowsList)
                        if (row.Type == 1 && measure.MeasurementID == Convert.ToInt32(row.Row_Item))
                            measureIdInReport = Convert.ToInt32(row.Row_Item);

                    if (measureIdInReport != null)

                //build Rows
                foreach (var row in initialReportRowsList)
                    // Make new FinalReportrow
                    FinalReportRow reportRow = new FinalReportRow();

                    switch (row.Type)
                        case 1: //row is a measure
                            int measureId = Convert.ToInt32(row.Row_Item);
                            reportRow.rowName = reportMeasurementList.Find(m => m.MeasurementID == measureId).NameMeasurement;
                            //TODO optimize call so it only makes one database call per row, instead of once per column in each row
                            foreach (var col in columnList)
                                // Go through each column and get Datapoint
                                var list = repository.GetReportDatapoint(measureId, (ReportColumnsEnum)col.Type, startDate, endDate);

                                // Add DP to RR
                                reportRow.measurementId = measureId;
                                if (list == null)
                                    reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata("", ""));
                                    foreach (var item in list)
                                        reportRow.rowItems.Add(item.cellData == null ? new RowItemWithMetadata("", "") : new RowItemWithMetadata(item.cellData, item.cellMetadata));
                        case 2: //row is a Display Text
                            reportRow.rowName = row.Row_Item;
                            reportRow.isHeader = true;
                        case 3: //row is a Category Score
                            switch (row.Row_Item)
                                case "1":
                                    GetCategoryScoreData("Key Performance", startDate, endDate, ref reportRow);
                                case "2":
                                    GetCategoryScoreData("Financial", startDate, endDate, ref reportRow);
                                case "3":
                                    GetCategoryScoreData("HR", startDate, endDate, ref reportRow);

                    // Add RR to table
        //Method that gets the data for how calculating a Categorys total score
        private void GetCategoryScoreData(string categoryType, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, ref FinalReportRow reportRow)
            reportRow.rowName = categoryType + " Score";
            //calculate scores
            decimal monthlyScore = 0;
            decimal monthWeight = 0;
            decimal yearWeight = 0;
            decimal prevYearWeight = 0;
            decimal twoYearPrevWeight = 0;
            decimal threeYearPrevWeight = 0;
            decimal currentYearScore = 0;
            decimal previousYearScore = 0;
            decimal twoYearPreviousScore = 0;
            decimal threeYearPreviousScore = 0;

            //calculate Month Score
            foreach (var measurement in reportMeasurementList)
                if (measurement.MeasurementCategory.Equals(categoryType) && measurement.HasGoal == 1)
                    var measureScoreMonth = repository.GetReportDatapoint(measurement.MeasurementID, ReportColumnsEnum.MonthScore, startDate, endDate);
                    var measureScoreYear = repository.GetReportDatapoint(measurement.MeasurementID, ReportColumnsEnum.YTDScore, startDate, endDate);
                    var measureScorePrevYear = repository.GetReportDatapoint(measurement.MeasurementID, ReportColumnsEnum.YTDScore,
                        new DateTime(startDate.Year - 1, startDate.Month, 1), new DateTime(endDate.Year - 1, endDate.Month, 1));
                    var measureScoreTwoYearPrev = repository.GetReportDatapoint(measurement.MeasurementID, ReportColumnsEnum.YTDScore,
                        new DateTime(startDate.Year - 2, startDate.Month, 1), new DateTime(endDate.Year - 2, endDate.Month, 1));
                    var measureScoreThreeYearPrev = repository.GetReportDatapoint(measurement.MeasurementID, ReportColumnsEnum.YTDScore,
                        new DateTime(startDate.Year - 3, startDate.Month, 1), new DateTime(endDate.Year - 3, endDate.Month, 1));

                    if (measureScoreMonth != null)
                        decimal internalMonthScore;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(measureScoreMonth.First().cellData, out internalMonthScore))
                            CalculateScoreWeight(internalMonthScore, measurement.MeasurementID, startDate, endDate, ref monthlyScore, ref monthWeight);

                    if (measureScoreYear != null)
                        decimal internalYearScore;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(measureScoreYear.First().cellData, out internalYearScore))
                            CalculateScoreWeight(internalYearScore, measurement.MeasurementID, startDate, endDate, ref currentYearScore, ref yearWeight);

                    if (measureScorePrevYear != null)
                        decimal internalPrevYearScore;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(measureScorePrevYear.First().cellData, out internalPrevYearScore))
                            CalculateScoreWeight(internalPrevYearScore, measurement.MeasurementID, new DateTime(startDate.Year - 1, startDate.Month, 1),
                                new DateTime(endDate.Year - 1, endDate.Month, 1), ref previousYearScore, ref prevYearWeight);

                    if (measureScoreTwoYearPrev != null)
                        decimal internalTwoPrevScore;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(measureScoreTwoYearPrev.First().cellData, out internalTwoPrevScore))
                            CalculateScoreWeight(internalTwoPrevScore, measurement.MeasurementID, new DateTime(startDate.Year - 2, startDate.Month, 1),
                                new DateTime(endDate.Year - 2, endDate.Month, 1), ref twoYearPreviousScore, ref twoYearPrevWeight);

                    if (measureScoreThreeYearPrev != null)
                        decimal internalThreePrevScore;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(measureScoreThreeYearPrev.First().cellData, out internalThreePrevScore))
                            CalculateScoreWeight(internalThreePrevScore, measurement.MeasurementID, new DateTime(startDate.Year - 3, startDate.Month, 1),
                                new DateTime(endDate.Year - 3, endDate.Month, 1), ref threeYearPreviousScore, ref threeYearPrevWeight);

            if (monthWeight > 0) { monthlyScore = monthlyScore / (monthWeight / 100); }
            if (yearWeight > 0) { currentYearScore = currentYearScore / (yearWeight / 100); }
            if (prevYearWeight > 0) { previousYearScore = previousYearScore / (prevYearWeight / 100); }
            if (twoYearPrevWeight > 0) { twoYearPreviousScore = twoYearPreviousScore / (twoYearPrevWeight / 100); }
            if (threeYearPrevWeight > 0) { threeYearPreviousScore = threeYearPreviousScore / (threeYearPrevWeight / 100); }

            //round scores to 2 decimal places
            monthlyScore = Math.Round(monthlyScore, 2);
            currentYearScore = Math.Round(currentYearScore, 2);
            previousYearScore = Math.Round(previousYearScore, 2);
            twoYearPreviousScore = Math.Round(twoYearPreviousScore, 2);
            threeYearPreviousScore = Math.Round(threeYearPreviousScore, 2);

            //populate row
            foreach (var col in columnList)
                switch (col.Type)
                    //Month score
                    case 16:
                        if (monthWeight > 0) { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata(Convert.ToString(monthlyScore), "")); }
                        else { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata("", "")); }
                    //Year Score
                    case 17:
                        if (yearWeight > 0) { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata(Convert.ToString(currentYearScore), "")); }
                        else { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata("", "")); }
                    //Previous Year Score
                    case 4:
                        if (prevYearWeight > 0) { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata(Convert.ToString(previousYearScore), "")); }
                        else { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata("", "")); }
                    //2 Years Previous Score
                    case 5:
                        if (twoYearPrevWeight > 0) { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata(Convert.ToString(twoYearPreviousScore), "")); }
                        else { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata("", "")); }
                    //3 Years Previous Score
                    case 6:
                        if (threeYearPrevWeight > 0) { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata(Convert.ToString(threeYearPreviousScore), "")); }
                        else { reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata("", "")); }
                    case 2:
                        for (var date = startDateTime; date <= endDateTime; date = date.AddMonths(1))
                            reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata(" ", ""));
                        reportRow.rowItems.Add(new RowItemWithMetadata("", ""));