Beispiel #1
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // Create configuration.
            var config = new HubConfigurationBuilder <MessageEvent>()
                         .AddRouter(new ConsoleRouter())
                         .AddPreprocessor(FilterPreprocessor <MessageEvent>
                                          .Allow(new Func <MessageEvent, bool>[] { e => e.Message.StartsWith("Important") }))

            // Create and configure event hub.
            var hub = new Hub <MessageEvent>();
            await hub.ReconfigureAsync(config, default);

            // Have events be forwarded to the configured routers.

            // Wait a second to allow concurrent event distribution mechanisms to complete.
            await hub.FlushAsync(default);
 public void AllowNull_ShouldThrow_ArgumentNullException()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => { FilterPreprocessor <TestRoutable> .Allow(null); });
 public void AllowWithCatchingCondition_ShouldReturn_Routable()
     FilterPreprocessor <TestRoutable> .Allow(CatchingConditions).Process(new TestRoutable()).Count().Should().Be(1);