List <QuestionGenMethod> questionList = new List <QuestionGenMethod>(); //question type
    //QuestionGenMethod questionList;

    // Start is called before the first frame update.  Only runs once each time the scene loads.
    void Start()
        //Finds the corresponding game objects
        answerBox    = GameObject.Find("AnswerField").gameObject;
        codeQuestion = GameObject.Find("CodeQuestion").gameObject;

        correctPopup = GameObject.Find("CorrectPopup").gameObject; //Note: Find only works on active objects
        correctPopup.SetActive(false);                             //Deactivates the popup panel
        wrongPopup = GameObject.Find("WrongPopup").gameObject;

        fbq = gameObject.GetComponent <FillInTheBlankQuestion>();   //Picks a random fill in the blank question

        StartCoroutine(DelayedStart());                             //Generates the first question
        answerBox.GetComponent <InputField>().ActivateInputField(); //So the user doesn't need to click inside the input field to start
Beispiel #2
    List <QuestionGenMethod> questionList = new List <QuestionGenMethod>(); //question type
    //QuestionGenMethod questionList;

    // Start is called before the first frame update.  Only runs once each time the scene loads.
    void Start()
        //Finds the corresponding game objects
        answerBox    = GameObject.Find("AnswerField").gameObject;
        codeQuestion = GameObject.Find("CodeQuestion").gameObject;

        correctPopup = GameObject.Find("CorrectPopup").gameObject; //Note: Find only works on active objects
        correctPopup.SetActive(false);                             //Deactivates the popup panel
        wrongPopup = GameObject.Find("WrongPopup").gameObject;

        scoreBox = GameObject.Find("Score").gameObject;
        scoreBox.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Score: " + GameManager.instance.score; //displays the current score

        questionTypes = GameManager.instance.fitbTypes;                               //Grabs the question types from the game manager

        fbq = gameObject.GetComponent <FillInTheBlankQuestion>();                     //Picks a random fill in the blank question

        StartCoroutine(DelayedStart());                                               //Generates the first question
        answerBox.GetComponent <InputField>().ActivateInputField();                   //So the user doesn't need to click inside the input field to start