public override IEnumerable <StandardBankOutputModel> Import(string path)
            if (!FileWrapper.FileExists(path))
                throw new ArgumentException("file path not found");

            var lines = FileWrapper.ReadFile(path);

            if (lines == null || !lines.Any())
                throw new InvalidDataException("file found but no data was found");

            var enumerable = lines as string[] ?? lines.ToArray();
            var outputList = new List <NatwestBankImportModel>();

            // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBeConvertedToQuery
            foreach (var line in enumerable.Where(x => !x.Contains("Date, Type, Description,")))
                var parts = CsvSplitterAndStripper.GetPartsOfLine(line);

                var collection = parts as string[] ?? parts.ToArray();
                var amount     = decimal.Parse(collection[3]);
                // try parse might be nice but if it fails would we want to continue and skip a row ??? that could be worse than just throwing a exception to discuss with client before implementing
                outputList.Add(new NatwestBankImportModel
                    TransactionDate = DateTime.Parse(collection[0]),
                    Type            = collection[1],
                    Description     = collection[2].TrimStart('\''),
                    // remove ' at start is in here and not stripper as for natest  they add them to start of all descriptions specific to natwest so removed in the natwest implementation
                    TransactionAmount   = amount < 0 ? amount * -1 : amount,
                    TransactionIsCredit = amount >= 0,
                    Balance             = decimal.Parse(collection[4]),
                    AccountName         = collection[5],
                    AccountNumber       = collection[6],
