public static void SelfTest(string rootpath, string[] args)
                if (selftest == false)
                selftest = false;

                string         filepath = rootpath + @"\Bioinfo\External.Gromacs\Selftest\FileTrajectory.traj.txt";
                FileTrajectory eigvec   = FromFile(filepath);
            public static FileTrajectory FromLines(string[] lines)
                List <List <string> > frameliness = GroupByFrames(lines);
                FileTrajectory        trajs       = new FileTrajectory();

                trajs.frames = new List <Frame>();
                foreach (List <string> framelines in frameliness)
                    Frame frame = Frame.FromLines(framelines.ToArray());

Beispiel #3
            public static Vector[] GetForce(IList <Pdb.Atom> atoms
                                            , IList <Vector> coords = null
                                            , string ff             = null // -ff          string select  Force field, interactive by default. Use -h for information.
                                                                           //              "charmm27", ...
                                            , string water = null          // -water       enum   select  Water model to use: select, none, spc, spce, tip3p, tip4p or tip5p
                Vector[] forces;
                    string currdir = HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory;
                    System.IO.DirectoryInfo temproot = HDirectory.CreateTempDirectory();
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = temproot.FullName;
                        if (coords != null)
                            HDebug.Assert(atoms.Count == coords.Count);
                        Pdb.ToFile("conf.pdb", atoms, coords: coords
                                   , headers: new string[] { "CRYST1                                                                          " }
                                            , new string[] { "; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save                                                                    "
                                                             , "integrator      = md                                                                                                                 "
                                                             , "emtol           = 0.001                                                                                                              "
                                                             , "emstep          = 0.001      ; Energy step size                                                                                      "
                                                             , "nsteps          = 0 ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to perform                                                              "
                                                             , "                             ; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to calculate the interactions    "
                                                             , "nstlist         = 1          ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and long range forces                                           "
                                                             , "ns_type         = grid       ; Method to determine neighbor list (simple, grid)                                                      "
                                                             , "rlist           = 1.0        ; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short range forces) ; htna 1.0-1.2                                  "
                                                             , "coulombtype     = Shift                                                                                                              "
                                                             , "rcoulomb        = 1.0                                                                                                                "
                                                             , "rcoulomb_switch = 0.7                                                                                                                "
                                                             , "vdwtype         = Shift                                                                                                              "
                                                             , "rvdw            = 1.0                                                                                                                "
                                                             , "rvdw_switch     = 0.7                                                                                                                "
                                                             , "                                                                                                                                     "
                                                             , "                                                                                                                                     "
                                                             , "nstxout         = 1; (100) [steps]  frequency to write coordinates to output trajectory file, the last coordinates are always written"
                                                             , "nstvout         = 1; (100) [steps]  frequency to write velocities to output trajectory, the last velocities are always written       "
                                                             , "nstfout         = 1; (  0) [steps]  frequency to write forces to output trajectory.                                                  " });

                        RunPdb2gmx(f: "conf.pdb"
                                   , o: "confout.pdb"
                                   , p: ""
                                   , i: "posre.itp"
                                   , n: "clean.ndx"
                                   , q: "clean.pdb"
                                   , ff: "charmm27"
                                   , water: "none"
                                   , merge: "all"
                                   , lineStderr: null
                                   , lineStdout: null

                        RunGrompp(f: "grompp-nm.mdp"
                                  , p: ""
                                  , o: "topol-nm.tpr"
                                  , c: "confout.pdb"
                                  , lineStderr: null
                                  , lineStdout: null

                        RunMdrun(s: "topol-nm.tpr"
                                 , c: "confout.pdb"
                                 , o: "traj.trr"
                                 , g: "md.log"
                                 //, mtx:"hessian.mtx"
                                 //, pf:"pullf.xvg"
                                 //, px:"pullx.xvg"
                                 //, nt:"3"
                                 , lineStderr: null
                                 , lineStdout: null

                                   , f: "traj.trr");

                        FileTrajectory traj = FileTrajectory.FromFile("traj.txt");
                        forces = traj.frames[0].f;
                    HEnvironment.CurrentDirectory = currdir;
                    try{ temproot.Delete(true); } catch (Exception) {}

                HDebug.Assert(forces.Length == atoms.Count);