//event handler for the Item Expanded event
        void ItemExpanded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            TreeViewItem itemExpanded = (TreeViewItem)e.OriginalSource;
            //get the object being expanded
            DirectoryDisplayItem displayItem = (DirectoryDisplayItem)itemExpanded.Header;

            //check if the children of this item are dummy items
            if (displayItem.ContainsDummyItems)
                //if the children are dummy children replace them with the actual data
                var modelData = FileSystemDataService.GetChildDirectories(displayItem.Path);
                if (modelData != null)
                    var children = from x in modelData
                                   select new DirectoryDisplayItem {
                        Name = x.Name, Path = x.FullName

                    //add all the data to the list
                    foreach (var child in children)
                    displayItem.ContainsDummyItems = false;
 //load all the files for the directory
 private void LoadFiles(DirectoryDisplayItem dir)
     if (dir != null)
         DataSource = FileSystemDataService.GetChildFiles(dir.Path);
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public DirectorySelectorController()
            DataSource = (from x in FileSystemDataService.GetRootDirectories()
                          select new DirectoryDisplayItem {
                Name = x.Name, Path = x.FullName

            //Register to the SelectedIndex Routed event
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(Control), TreeViewItem.ExpandedEvent,

            //Register to the SelectedIndex Routed event
            EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(typeof(Control), TreeView.SelectedItemChangedEvent,