Beispiel #1
 public FileResourceUoW(
     ISessionManager sessionManager,
     FileResourceRepository fileResourceRepository
     ) : base(sessionManager)
     m_fileResourceRepository = fileResourceRepository;
        public void FileRepository_Should_CreateResourceFile()
            IResourceRepository repo = new FileResourceRepository();

            var filename = repo.New("MyView", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name);

            Assert.IsTrue( File.Exists(filename));
        public ActionResult Remove(int id)
            IFileResourceRepository fileResourceRepository = new FileResourceRepository();

            int  count   = _announcementctx.DeleteAnnouncement(id);
            bool removed = (count > 0) ? true : false;

        public void FileRepository_Should_NotOverwriteExistingResx()
            IResourceRepository repo = new FileResourceRepository();

            var filename = repo.New("MyView", Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name);

            // should never actually get here because of expected exception
            Assert.IsTrue(filename == string.Empty);
Beispiel #5
 public ExternalLoginProviderUoW(
     ISessionManager sessionManager,
     ExternalLoginProviderRepository externalLoginProviderRepository,
     FileResourceRepository fileResourceRepository,
     DynamicModuleRepository dynamicModuleRepository
     ) : base(sessionManager)
     m_externalLoginProviderRepository = externalLoginProviderRepository;
     m_fileResourceRepository          = fileResourceRepository;
     m_dynamicModuleRepository         = dynamicModuleRepository;
 public virtual OperationResult ReleaseFileResource(FileResource FileResourceInfo)
         PublicHelper.CheckArgument(FileResourceInfo, "FileResourceInfo");
         return(new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Success, "文件分享成功。", FileResourceInfo));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(new OperationResult(OperationResultType.Error, ex.Message.ToString()));
        public void FileRepository_Should_AddValueToResourceFileForDefaultCulture()
            IResourceRepository repo = new FileResourceRepository();

            string entity = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string key = "MyLabel";
            string value = "Some Text";

            var filename = repo.New(entity, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name);

            repo.AddItem(entity, key, value, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name);

            string actual = ResxHelpers.GetValue(filename, key);

            Assert.IsTrue(value == actual);
Beispiel #8
        public ActionResult DeleteLecturer(int lecturerId)
             * Deleting a lecturer is quite an impactful action to the system's data because a lecturer record
             * has its primary key (student_id) as a foriegn key in other entities, thus prompting the associated
             * records in those entities to also be deleted.
             * The worst case scenario for this, is when the deletion of a lecturer affects n number of entities (prompting their records to be removed also), where n is the maximum number of entities that
             * can be affected.
             * This scenario occurs when the FYP time-period has commenced and the lecturer, being in supervision
             * of FYP group(s) and also, happened to propose "lecturer-intiated" projects and made announcements
             * (also attaching file resources to at least one of the announcement(s)) before (the commenement of
             * the FYP time-period), has decided to leave SP. In this worst case scenario, n turns out to be 4
             * (The four affected entities are namely; Announcement, File_Resource, Group,
             * Industry_Lecturer_Project).
             * Superificially, it might seem OK to have those record(s) in (all) the associated tables, deleted.
             * However practically, it would make no sense, to have a group (with students in it deleted) merely
             * because its supervisor has left SP.
             * Hence, in practicality n would be modified as; n = 4 - 1 = 3, where the entity, "exempted" from
             * deletion is; Group.
             * Additionally, it should be noted that n can be further reduced to; n = 3 - 2 = 1, where the
             * additional two entities, which should also be exempted deletion (alike the above-mentioned
             * Group entity) are; Announcement and File_Resource. However due to technical database
             * constraint, those two entities would not be removed from deletion. Thus, n is still; 3.
             * Also, like Group, the records in the Industry_Lecturer_Project entity should not be deleted. Thus
             * n = 3 - 1 = 2;
             * Hence as dicussed above, in the worst case scenario, only at most n entities can be affected, where
             * n is revealed to be 2. The affected entities are thus Announcement and File_Resource.
             * Thus, with the above discussion, the code below deletes associated records from the the Announcement
             * and File_Resource entity.

            // Variable declaration and initialization.
            int numberOfRowsAffected = 0;
            IAnnouncementRepository    announcementRepository             = new AnnouncementRepository();
            IFileResourceRepository    fileResourceRepository             = new FileResourceRepository();
            IProjectRepository         projectRepository                  = new ProjectRepository();
            IGroupRepository           groupRepository                    = new GroupRepository();
            IEnumerable <Announcement> associatedAnnouncements            = null;
            IEnumerable <object>       associatedGroups                   = null;
            IEnumerable <dynamic>      associatedIndustryLecturerProjects = null;

                associatedAnnouncements = announcementRepository.GetAnnouncementsByLecturerId(lecturerId);

                // Deleting records from the File_Resource entity.
                foreach (Announcement announcement in associatedAnnouncements)

                // Deleting Announcement's records.

                associatedGroups = groupRepository.GetGroupsByLecturerId(lecturerId);

                // Disassociating any group records which are currently associated to the (to be) deleted lecturer record, by setting the group_role field in the Group entity to NULL.
                foreach (object group in associatedGroups)
                    int groupId = int.Parse(group.GetType().GetProperty("groupId").GetValue(group, null).ToString());
                    groupRepository.AssignSupervisor(null, groupId);

                associatedIndustryLecturerProjects = projectRepository.GetIndustryLecturerProjectsByLecturerId(lecturerId);

                // Disassociating any project records which are currently associated to the (to be) deleted lecturer record, by setting the lecturer_id field in the Lecturer entity to NULL.
                foreach (dynamic project in associatedIndustryLecturerProjects)
                    projectRepository.SetLecturerId(project.project_id, null);

                // Finally, once all records are properly settled, as from above, delete the lecturer (from the Lecturer entity).
                numberOfRowsAffected = lecturerRepository.DeleteLecturer(lecturerId);

                return(Json(new { rowsAffected = numberOfRowsAffected }));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Json(new { rowsAffected = numberOfRowsAffected, error = e.Message }));