public async void Returns_PatchedFileOut_when_Success() { FileOut file = new FileOut { ID = Guid.NewGuid() }; Mock <IFileService> fileService = new Mock <IFileService>(); fileService.Setup(_ => _.PatchByIdAndFilePatchAndUser(It.IsAny <Guid>(), It.IsAny <JsonPatchDocument <FilePatch> >(), It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(Task.FromResult(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status200OK, file))); string username = "******"; FilesController filesController = new FilesController(fileService.Object, UserManagerHelper.GetUserManager(username)); filesController.Authenticate(username); IActionResult result = await filesController.Patch(Guid.NewGuid(), new JsonPatchDocument <FilePatch>()); OkObjectResult okObjectResult = result as OkObjectResult; Assert.NotNull(okObjectResult); Assert.IsType <FileOut>(okObjectResult.Value); }
public async void Returns_FileOut_when_FileExistAndBelongsToUser() { FileOut file = new FileOut { ID = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; Mock <IFileService> fileService = new Mock <IFileService>(); fileService.Setup(_ => _.GetByIdAndUser(It.IsAny <Guid>(), It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(Task.FromResult(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status200OK, file))); string username = "******"; FilesController filesController = new FilesController(fileService.Object, UserManagerHelper.GetUserManager(username)); filesController.Authenticate(username); IActionResult result = await filesController.Get(Guid.NewGuid()); OkObjectResult okObjectResult = result as OkObjectResult; Assert.NotNull(okObjectResult); Assert.IsType <FileOut>(okObjectResult.Value); }
public void RunExecute(FileIn fileIn, FileOut, fileout) { var scheduler = new FileInFileOut { FileIn = fileIn, FileOut = fileOut }; scheduler.Execute(); }
//--------------------文件,分割与合并---------------------------------------- using System.IO /// <summary> /// 单个文件分割函数, /// 可将任意文件fileIn分割为若干个子文件, 单个子文件最大为 len KB /// delet标识文件分割完成后是否删除原文件, change为加密密匙 /// fileIn = "D:\\file.rar", 子文件名形如"D:\\file.rar@_1.split" /// </summary> public void fileSplit(String fileIn, long KBlen, bool delet, string key) { //输入文件校验 if (fileIn == null || !System.IO.File.Exists(fileIn)) { MessageBox.Show("文件" + fileIn + "不存在!"); return; } //从文件创建输入流 FileStream FileIn = new FileStream(fileIn, FileMode.Open); byte[] data = new byte[KBlen < 1024 ? KBlen : 1024]; //流读取,缓存空间 long len = 0, I = 1; //记录子文件累积读取的KB大小, 分割的子文件序号 FileStream FileOut = null; //输出流 int readLen = 0; //每次实际读取的字节大小 while (readLen > 0 || (readLen = FileIn.Read(data, 0, data.Length)) > 0) //读取数据 { //创建分割后的子文件,已有则覆盖,子文件"D:\\1.rar@_1.split" if (len == 0) { FileOut = new FileStream(fileIn + "@_" + I++ + ".split", FileMode.Create); } len += readLen; //累计读取的文件大小 curLen += readLen; //当前处理进度 if (!key.Equals("【不加密】")) { Locker(ref data, key, true); // 数据加密 } //输出,缓存数据写入子文件 FileOut.Write(data, 0, readLen); FileOut.Flush(); //预读下一轮缓存数据 readLen = FileIn.Read(data, 0, data.Length); if (len >= KBlen || readLen == 0) //子文件达到指定大小,或文件已读完 { FileOut.Close(); //关闭当前输出流 len = 0; } //显示处理进度 if (Progress != null) { Progress.Value = (int)(curLen / FileLen * Progress.Maximum); } } FileIn.Close(); //关闭输入流 if (delet) { System.IO.File.Delete(fileIn); //删除源文件 } }
/// <summary> /// CFF, Common File Format, files have a text header that includes the file extension followed by the data for that extension. /// This function will break the CFF files into multiple files with the same name but the headers specified in the file. Each /// file will contain the data listed under that extension header. /// </summary> /// <param name="FileName">Name of the CFF file to work from</param> public static void BreakOutCFFFile(string FileName) { string Extension, FileNameBase, NewFileName, Line; StreamReader FileIn; StreamWriter FileOut = null; Match rxResult; Extension = GetFileExtension(FileName); FileNameBase = FileName.Substring(0, FileName.Length - Extension.Length); FileIn = new StreamReader(FileName); Line = FileIn.ReadLine(); NewFileName = FileName + ".NEW"; while (Line != null) { rxResult = Regex.Match(Line, "^--- file type: ([A-Z]{3,3})( [A-Z]+)? ---$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (rxResult.Success == true) //Begin a new file { Extension = rxResult.Groups[1].Value; if (FileOut != null) { FileOut.Close(); } FileOut = null; NewFileName = FileNameBase + Extension; } else //possible data to put in a file { if ((FileOut != null) || (Line.Trim().CompareTo("") != 0)) //Non-blank lines won't be written if we haven't started a file { if (FileOut == null) { FileOut = new StreamWriter(NewFileName, false); } FileOut.WriteLine(Line); } } Line = FileIn.ReadLine(); } if (FileOut != null) //Make sure the file is closed { FileOut.Close(); } FileIn.Close(); }
private void btnProc_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PathIn.Text.Length == 0 || ListInputFiles.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Debe haber archivos de entrada seleccionados"); } else if (PathOut.Text.Length == 0) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Debe seleccionar carpeta e salida"); } else if (chkApplyRate.IsChecked.Value && txtExchgRate.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Debe ingresar el tipo de cambio"); txtExchgRate.Focus(); } else { FileOut.Clear(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.Append("eerr_"); s.Append(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()); FileOut.Text = s.ToString() + ".xlsx"; StreamWriter log = new StreamWriter(s.ToString() + ".log"); XSSFWorkbook xlDoc = new XSSFWorkbook(); XSSFSheet sh = (XSSFSheet)xlDoc.CreateSheet(Constants.EERR_SHEET_NAME); var r = sh.CreateRow(0); int col = 0; foreach (string h in Constants.EERR_SHEET_HEADERS) { (r.CreateCell(col++)).SetCellValue(h); } System.Collections.IEnumerator idxEnum = ListInputFiles.SelectedItems.GetEnumerator(); EERRCsvRW csvrw = new EERRCsvRW(); string path = PathIn.Text + "\\"; while (idxEnum.MoveNext()) { string inFile = path + (string)idxEnum.Current; Double rate = chkApplyRate.IsChecked.Value?Double.Parse(txtExchgRate.Text):0; csvrw.readXlsx(inFile, eerrLib, xlDoc, chkApplyRate.IsChecked.Value, rate); } xlDoc.Write(new FileStream(PathOut.Text + "\\" + FileOut.Text /*+ ".xlsx"*/, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)); log.Close(); System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Proceso terminado"); } }
public async Task <StatusCode <FileOut> > PatchByIdAndFilePatchAndUser(Guid id, JsonPatchDocument <FilePatch> jsonPatchDocument, string username) { string userId = (await _databaseContext.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(_ => _.UserName == username))?.Id; ResourceAbstract fileAbstract = await _databaseContext.ResourceAbstracts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(_ => _.ID == id && _.OwnerID == userId); if (fileAbstract == null) { return(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, StatusMessages.FILE_NOT_FOUND)); } JsonPatchDocument <ResourceAbstract> fileAbstractPatch = _mapper.Map <JsonPatchDocument <ResourceAbstract> >(jsonPatchDocument); fileAbstractPatch.ApplyTo(fileAbstract); fileAbstract.LastModifiedDateTime = DateTime.Now; await _databaseContext.SaveChangesAsync(); FileOut result = _mapper.Map <FileOut>(await _databaseContext.ResourceAbstracts.FirstOrDefaultAsync(_ => _.ID == id)); return(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status200OK, result)); }
public void GivenAInfoMessageExpectAnInitializedFileToHaveInfoMessageLinesAppended() { var testFileOut = new FileOut( _testTime, TestDirectory, TestFileName, _mockDotNetFile.Object ); var expectedLogList = new[] { "## Info ", $"**Time**: {_testLogTimeString}", $"> {TestText}", "---" }; testFileOut.Out(TestText, 1, _testTime); _mockDotNetFile.Verify(file => file.WriteAllLines(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string[]>()), Times.Once); _mockDotNetFile.Verify(file => file.AppendAllLines(_testFilePath, expectedLogList)); _mockDotNetFile.Verify(file => file.AppendAllLines(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string[]>()), Times.Once); }
public void GivenAnyMessageExpectAFileToBeCreatedAndHaveInitialLinesWritten() { var testFileOut = new FileOut( _testTime, TestDirectory, TestFileName, _mockDotNetFile.Object ); var expectedInitializationList = new[] { $"# {TestFileName} ", $"#### Initialized On {_testInitializationTimeString} ", "---", "---", "" }; testFileOut.Out(TestText, 2, _testTime); _mockDotNetFile.Verify(file => file.CreateDirectory(TestDirectory)); _mockDotNetFile.Verify(file => file.WriteAllLines(_testFilePath, expectedInitializationList)); }
static void Main() { Tracer.Tracer tracer = new Tracer.Tracer(); Class1 c1 = new Class1(tracer); Class2 c2 = new Class2(tracer); c2.f1(); c1.f2(); c1.f1(); c2.f2(); Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Some)); thread.Start(tracer); Thread.Sleep(1000); IOutput iOutput = new ConsoleOut(); iOutput.Serializer = new TraceResultJsonSerialize(); iOutput.Write(tracer.GetTraceResult()); iOutput = new FileOut(); iOutput.Serializer = new TraceResultXMLSerialize(); iOutput.Write(tracer.GetTraceResult()); }
/// <summary> /// 单个文件分割函数, /// 可将任意文件fileIn分割为若干个子文件, 单个子文件最大为 len KB /// delet标识文件分割完成后是否删除原文件, change为加密密匙 /// fileIn = "D:\\file.rar", 子文件名形如"D:\\file.rar@_1.split" /// </summary> public void fileSplit(String fileIn, int KBlen, bool delet, int change) { //输入文件校验 if (fileIn == null || !System.IO.File.Exists(fileIn)) { MessageBox.Show("文件" + fileIn + "不存在!"); return; } //加密初始化 short sign = 1; int num = 0, tmp; if (change < 0) { sign = -1; change = -change; } //取文件名和后缀, fileIn = "D:\\1.rar" //从文件创建输入流 FileStream FileIn = new FileStream(fileIn, FileMode.Open); byte[] data = new byte[1024]; //流读取,缓存空间 int len = 0, I = 1; //记录子文件累积读取的KB大小, 分割的子文件序号 FileStream FileOut = null; //输出流 int readLen = 0; //每次实际读取的字节大小 while (readLen > 0 || (readLen = FileIn.Read(data, 0, data.Length)) > 0) //读取数据 { //创建分割后的子文件,已有则覆盖,子文件"D:\\1.rar@_1.split" if (len == 0) { String splitFileName = fileIn + "@_" + I++ + ".split"; outputLog("即将拆分文件" + splitFileName); FileOut = new FileStream(splitFileName, FileMode.Create); } //加密逻辑,对data的首字节进行逻辑偏移加密 if (num == 0) { num = change; } tmp = data[0] + sign * (num % 3 + 3); if (tmp > 255) { tmp -= 255; } else if (tmp < 0) { tmp += 255; } data[0] = (byte)tmp; num /= 3; //输出,缓存数据写入子文件 FileOut.Write(data, 0, readLen); FileOut.Flush(); //预读下一轮缓存数据 readLen = FileIn.Read(data, 0, data.Length); if (++len >= KBlen || readLen == 0) //子文件达到指定大小,或文件已读完 { FileOut.Close(); //关闭当前输出流 len = 0; } } FileIn.Close(); //关闭输入流 if (delet) { System.IO.File.Delete(fileIn); //删除源文件 } }
public async Task <StatusCode <FileOut> > GetByIdAndUser(Guid id, string username) { string userId = (await _databaseContext.Users .FirstOrDefaultAsync(_ => _.UserName == username))?.Id; ResourceAbstract fileAbstract = await _databaseContext.ResourceAbstracts .Include(_ => _.ParentDirectory) .Include(_ => _.ShareEveryone) .Include(_ => _.ShareForUsers) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(_ => _.ID == id && (_.ResourceType == ResourceType.FILE || _.ResourceType == ResourceType.DIRECTORY)); if (fileAbstract == null) { return(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, $"File {id} not found")); } if (fileAbstract.OwnerID == userId) { FileOut result = _mapper.Map <FileOut>(fileAbstract); if (fileAbstract is File) { result.FileSizeBytes = (fileAbstract as File).FileSizeBytes; } return(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status200OK, result)); } if (fileAbstract.IsShared) { if (fileAbstract.IsSharedForEveryone) { ShareEveryone share = fileAbstract.ShareEveryone; if (share != null) { if ((share.ExpirationDateTime == null || (share.ExpirationDateTime != null && share.ExpirationDateTime >= DateTime.Now)) && (share.DownloadLimit == null || (share.DownloadLimit != null && share.DownloadLimit > 0))) { FileOut result = _mapper.Map <FileOut>(fileAbstract); if (fileAbstract is File) { result.FileSizeBytes = (fileAbstract as File).FileSizeBytes; } return(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status200OK, result)); } } } else if (fileAbstract.IsSharedForUsers) { ShareForUser share = fileAbstract.ShareForUsers.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.SharedForUserID == userId && _.ResourceID == id); if (share != null) { if (share.ExpirationDateTime == null || (share.ExpirationDateTime != null && share.ExpirationDateTime >= DateTime.Now)) { FileOut result = _mapper.Map <FileOut>(fileAbstract); if (fileAbstract is File) { result.FileSizeBytes = (fileAbstract as File).FileSizeBytes; } return(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status200OK, result)); } } } } return(new StatusCode <FileOut>(StatusCodes.Status404NotFound, $"File {id} not found")); }