Beispiel #1
        public void FilesCanBeWithoutAnyContent()
            var    fileManagmentSerice = new FileManagmentService();
            string path = $"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}";

            var fileContents = new List <string> {
                "1", "", "3"
            };                                                               // List of contents that should be saved in files

            fileManagmentSerice.CreateFilesFromContents(fileContents, path); //Invoke CreateFiles method

            //Read all created files and check that file without any content has been successfully saved
            IEnumerable <bool> allFilesWrittenSequantially = fileContents.Select((content, index) =>
                var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(path, string.Format("generated_file_{0}.txt", ++index)));
                return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileContent)); //Condition to check if file has any content

            Assert.Contains(allFilesWrittenSequantially, x => x == true); //True when there are at least one file with empty content
Beispiel #2
        public void FilesShouldBeWrittenSequantially()
            var    fileManagmentSerice = new FileManagmentService();
            string path = $"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}";

            var fileContents = new List <string> {
                "1", "2", "3"
            };                                                               // List of contents that should be saved in files

            fileManagmentSerice.CreateFilesFromContents(fileContents, path); //Invoke CreateFiles method

            //Read all created files and check content to be sure that its created sequantially
            IEnumerable <bool> allFilesWrittenSequantially = fileContents.Select((content, index) =>
                var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(path, string.Format("generated_file_{0}.txt", ++index)));
                return(fileContent == content && fileContent == index.ToString()); //Condition to check if content of file is equal to initial content and equal to index number

            Assert.True(allFilesWrittenSequantially.All(x => x == true)); //True if content of files is equal to its index number