Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This performns a lookup directly against the underlying data source, returns the result, and adds the result to cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <param name="filters"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <ICollection <object[]> > LookupRow(Table table, List <Filter> filters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var restFunction = (WebService)table;
                var baseRow      = new object[table.Columns.Count];

                var response = await GetWebServiceResponse(restFunction, filters, cancellationToken);

                var responseStatusOrdinal  = restFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.ResponseStatus);
                var responseSuccessOrdinal = restFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.ResponseSuccess);
                var responseDataOrdinal    = restFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.ResponseData);
                var urlOrdinal             = restFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.Url);
                var errorOrdinal           = restFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.Error);

                var lookupResult = new List <object[]>();

                if (responseStatusOrdinal >= 0)
                    baseRow[responseStatusOrdinal] = response.statusCode;

                if (responseSuccessOrdinal >= 0)
                    baseRow[responseSuccessOrdinal] = response.isSuccess;

                if (urlOrdinal >= 0)
                    baseRow[urlOrdinal] = response.url;

                foreach (var column in restFunction.Columns.Where(c => c.IsInput))
                    if (filters != null)
                        var filter = filters.Where(c => c.Column1.Name == column.Name).ToArray();
                        if (!filter.Any())
                            baseRow[restFunction.GetOrdinal(column)] = column.DefaultValue;
                            baseRow[restFunction.GetOrdinal(column)] = filter.First().Value2;
                        baseRow[restFunction.GetOrdinal(column)] = column.DefaultValue;

                if (response.isSuccess)
                    FileHandlerBase fileHanlder = null;

                    if (restFunction.FormatType == ETypeCode.Json)
                        fileHanlder = new FileHandlerJson(restFunction, restFunction.RowPath);

                    if (restFunction.FormatType == ETypeCode.Xml)
                        fileHanlder = new FileHandlerXml(restFunction, restFunction.RowPath);

                    if (fileHanlder != null)
                        await fileHanlder.SetStream(response.response, null);

                        return(await fileHanlder.GetAllRows(baseRow));
                    if (errorOrdinal >= 0)
                        var reader      = new StreamReader(response.response);
                        var errorString = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                        baseRow[errorOrdinal] = errorString;

                    return(new[] { baseRow });

                throw new ConnectionException($"The lookup failed as the web service format type {restFunction.FormatType} is not currently supported.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ConnectionException($"Lookup on the web service {table.Name} failed. {ex.Message}", ex);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves web services information.  The RestfulUri must be passed through the properties.  This should be in the format http://sitename/{value1}/{value2} where the names between {} are the names for input parameters.  The properties can also contain default values for the parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async Task <Table> GetSourceTableInfo(Table table, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var restFunction = (WebService)table;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(restFunction.RestfulUri))
                    throw new ConnectionException($"The restful uri has not been specified.");

                var restfulUri = restFunction.RestfulUri;
                var rowPath    = restFunction.RowPath;

                var newRestFunction = new WebService
                    Name        = restFunction.Name,
                    Description = "",
                    RestfulUri  = restfulUri,
                    LogicalName = restFunction.Name,
                    FormatType  = restFunction.FormatType

                //The new datatable that will contain the table schema

                TableColumn col;

                //use the regex to extract items in uri between { }.  These will be input columns
                var match = Regex.Match(restfulUri, @"\{([^}]+)\}");

                while (match.Success)
                    var name = match.Groups[1].Value;

                    col = new TableColumn
                        //add the basic properties
                        Name        = name,
                        IsInput     = true,
                        LogicalName = name,
                        DataType    = ETypeCode.String,
                        DeltaType   = TableColumn.EDeltaType.NaturalKey,
                        MaxLength   = 1024,

                        Description = "Url Parameter " + name,

                        AllowDbNull = true,
                        IsUnique    = false

                    //Copy the inputvalue from the table input.  This allows the preview table function below to get sample data.
                    var originalColumn = table.Columns.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == col.Name);
                    if (originalColumn != null)
                        var inputValue = originalColumn.DefaultValue;
                        col.DefaultValue = inputValue;

                    match = match.NextMatch();

                //This column is use to capture the entire response from the web services call.
                col = new TableColumn()
                    Name        = "Response",
                    IsInput     = false,
                    LogicalName = "Response",
                    DataType    = newRestFunction.FormatType,
                    DeltaType   = TableColumn.EDeltaType.ResponseData,
                    MaxLength   = null,
                    Description = "Response content from the service",
                    AllowDbNull = true,
                    IsUnique    = false

                col = new TableColumn()
                    Name        = "ResponseStatusCode",
                    IsInput     = false,
                    LogicalName = "ResponseStatusCode",
                    DataType    = ETypeCode.String,
                    DeltaType   = TableColumn.EDeltaType.ResponseStatus,
                    MaxLength   = null,
                    Description = "The status code returned by the service",
                    AllowDbNull = true,
                    IsUnique    = false

                col = new TableColumn()
                    Name        = "ResponseSuccess",
                    IsInput     = false,
                    LogicalName = "ResponseSuccess",
                    DataType    = ETypeCode.Boolean,
                    DeltaType   = TableColumn.EDeltaType.ResponseSuccess,
                    MaxLength   = null,
                    Description = "Is the web service call successful.",
                    AllowDbNull = true,
                    IsUnique    = false

                col = new TableColumn()
                    Name        = "ResponseError",
                    IsInput     = false,
                    LogicalName = "ResponseError",
                    DataType    = ETypeCode.Boolean,
                    DeltaType   = TableColumn.EDeltaType.Error,
                    MaxLength   = null,
                    Description = "Error message calling the web service.",
                    AllowDbNull = true,
                    IsUnique    = false

                col = new TableColumn()
                    Name        = "Url",
                    IsInput     = false,
                    LogicalName = "Url",
                    DataType    = ETypeCode.Boolean,
                    DeltaType   = TableColumn.EDeltaType.Url,
                    MaxLength   = null,
                    Description = "Url used to call the web service.",
                    AllowDbNull = true,
                    IsUnique    = false

                var query = new SelectQuery();
                query.Columns.Add(new SelectColumn(new TableColumn("Response")));
                query.Columns.Add(new SelectColumn(new TableColumn("ResponseSuccess")));
                query.Table = newRestFunction.Name;
                query.Rows  = 1;

                if (newRestFunction.Columns.Count > 0)
                    var data = await GetPreview(newRestFunction, query, cancellationToken);

                    var reader = data.Data;

                    var row     = reader[0];
                    var success = (bool)row[newRestFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.ResponseSuccess)];
                    if (!success)
                        var url   = (string)row[newRestFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.Url)];
                        var error = (string)row[newRestFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.Error)];

                        throw new ConnectionException($"The web service called failed.  Url used: {url}.  Response Error:  {error}.");

                    var dataString = (string)row[newRestFunction.GetDeltaColumnOrdinal(TableColumn.EDeltaType.ResponseData)];

                    var byteArray  = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dataString);
                    var dataStream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

                    ICollection <TableColumn> fileColumns = null;

                    if (newRestFunction.FormatType == ETypeCode.Json)
                        var jsonHandler = new FileHandlerJson(restFunction, rowPath);
                        fileColumns = await jsonHandler.GetSourceColumns(dataStream);

                    if (newRestFunction.FormatType == ETypeCode.Xml)
                        var xmlHandler = new FileHandlerXml(restFunction, rowPath);
                        fileColumns = await xmlHandler.GetSourceColumns(dataStream);

                    if (fileColumns != null)
                        foreach (var column in fileColumns)

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ConnectionException($"Get web service information for {table.Name} failed. {ex.Message}", ex);
Beispiel #3
        public override async Task <Table> GetSourceTableInfo(Table originalTable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var flatFile = (FlatFile)originalTable;

                if (flatFile.FileConfiguration == null || flatFile.FileSample == null)
                    throw new ConnectionException($"The properties have not been set to import the flat files structure.  Required properties are (FileFormat)FileFormat and (Stream)FileSample.");

                var stream = new MemoryStream();
                var writer = new StreamWriter(stream);
                stream.Position = 0;

                FileHandlerBase fileHandler = null;

                switch (flatFile.FormatType)
                case ETypeCode.Json:
                    fileHandler = new FileHandlerJson(flatFile, flatFile.RowPath);

                case ETypeCode.Text:
                    fileHandler = new FileHandlerText(flatFile, flatFile.FileConfiguration);

                case ETypeCode.Xml:
                    fileHandler = new FileHandlerXml(flatFile, flatFile.RowPath);

                    throw new ConnectionException($"The source type {flatFile.FormatType} is not currently supported.");

                var columns = await fileHandler.GetSourceColumns(stream);

                //The new datatable that will contain the table schema
                var newFlatFile = new FlatFile();
                flatFile.Name = originalTable.Name;
                newFlatFile.LogicalName       = newFlatFile.Name;
                newFlatFile.Description       = "";
                newFlatFile.FileConfiguration = flatFile.FileConfiguration;

                foreach (var column in columns)

                var col = new TableColumn()
                    //add the basic properties
                    Name        = "FileName",
                    LogicalName = "FileName",
                    IsInput     = false,
                    DataType    = ETypeCode.String,
                    DeltaType   = TableColumn.EDeltaType.FileName,
                    Description = "The name of the file the record was loaded from.",
                    AllowDbNull = false,
                    IsUnique    = false

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ConnectionException($"Failed to import the file structure. {ex.Message}", ex);