//############################### method's, which the keyboard is using ##############################

    //load the data from the txt-file
    public void loadFile()
        //Load AutoCompleteSuggestion-Dictionary
        this.autoCompleteDic = FileHandlerDictEntry.read();
        if (this.autoCompleteDic == null)
            this.autoCompleteDic = new DictEntryMultyWord();
        //this.autoCompleteDic.print ();
    //called by the keyboard to add eventually new words to the dictionary
    public void enteredText(string text)
        string[] words = this.getWordsFromInput(text);
        if (words != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                DictEntrySingleWord entry = autoCompleteDic.insert(words [i]);
                if (entry != null)
        //TestDictionary t = new TestDictionary ();

        /*List<DictEntrySingleWord> stringlist = autoCompleteDic.getSortedLikelyWordsAfterRate("");
         * foreach (DictEntrySingleWord s in stringlist)
         *      Debug.Log( "Words: " + s.getWord() );