Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a sequence of suggestions on how errors for unknown types and callable in the given diagnostics can be fixed,
        /// given the file for which those diagnostics were generated and the corresponding compilation.
        /// The given line number is used to determine the containing namespace.
        /// Returns an empty enumerable if any of the given arguments is null.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IEnumerable <(string, WorkspaceEdit)> SuggestionsForUnknownIdentifiers
            (this FileContentManager file, CompilationUnit compilation, int lineNr, IEnumerable <Diagnostic> diagnostics)
            if (file == null || diagnostics == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <(string, WorkspaceEdit)>());
            var unknownCallables = diagnostics.Where(DiagnosticTools.ErrorType(ErrorCode.UnknownIdentifier));
            var unknownTypes     = diagnostics.Where(DiagnosticTools.ErrorType(ErrorCode.UnknownType));

            if (!unknownCallables.Any() && !unknownTypes.Any())
                return(Enumerable.Empty <(string, WorkspaceEdit)>());

            var suggestionsForIds = unknownCallables.Select(d => d.Range.Start)
                                    .SelectMany(pos => file.NamespaceSuggestionsForIdAtPosition(pos, compilation, out var _));
            var suggestionsForTypes = unknownTypes.Select(d => d.Range.Start)
                                      .SelectMany(pos => file.NamespaceSuggestionsForTypeAtPosition(pos, compilation, out var _));

            return(file.OpenDirectiveSuggestions(lineNr, suggestionsForIds.Concat(suggestionsForTypes).ToArray())
                   .Select(edit => (edit.NewText.Trim().Trim(';'), file.GetWorkspaceEdit(edit))));
Beispiel #2
        // the actual update routine

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to perform the necessary updates when replacing the range [start, start + count) by newText for the given file
        /// wrapping each step in a QsCompilerError.RaiseOnFailure.
        /// </summary>
        private static void Update(this FileContentManager file, int start, int count, IEnumerable <string> newText)
            CodeLine[] replacements = QsCompilerError.RaiseOnFailure(
                () => ComputeCodeLines(newText, start > 0 ? file.GetLine(start - 1) : null).ToArray(),
                "scope tracking update failed during computing the replacements");

            IEnumerable <CodeLine>?updateRemaining = QsCompilerError.RaiseOnFailure(
                () => ComputeUpdates(file, start, count, replacements),
                "scope tracking update failed during computing the updates");

                () =>
                if (updateRemaining == null)
                    file.ContentUpdate(start, count, replacements);
                    file.ContentUpdate(start, file.NrLines() - start, replacements.Concat(updateRemaining).ToArray());
            }, "the proposed ContentUpdate failed");

                () =>
                if (updateRemaining == null)
                    file.AddScopeDiagnostics(file.ComputeScopeDiagnostics(start, replacements.Length));
            }, "updating the scope diagnostics failed");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the workspace edit that describes the changes to be done if the symbol at the given position - if any - is renamed to the given name.
        /// Returns null if no symbol exists at the specified position,
        /// or if some parameters are unspecified (null),
        /// or if the specified position is not a valid position within the file.
        /// </summary>
        public static WorkspaceEdit Rename(this FileContentManager file, CompilationUnit compilation, Position position, string newName)
            if (newName == null || file == null)
            var found = file.TryGetReferences(compilation, position, out var declLocation, out var locations);

            if (!found)

            if (declLocation != null)
                locations = new[] { declLocation }.Concat(locations);
            var changes = locations.ToLookup(loc => loc.Uri, loc => new TextEdit {
                Range = loc.Range, NewText = newName

            return(new WorkspaceEdit
                DocumentChanges = changes
                                  .Select(change => new TextDocumentEdit
                    TextDocument = new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
                        Uri = change.Key, Version = 1
                    },                                                                                        // setting version to null here won't work in VS Code ...
                    Edits = change.ToArray()

                Changes = changes.ToDictionary(
                    items => CompilationUnitManager.TryGetFileId(items.Key, out var name) ? name.Value : null,
                    items => items.ToArray())
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the given file contains any tokens overlapping with the given fragment.
        /// The range of the tokens in the file is assumed to be relative to their start line (the index at which they are listed),
        /// whereas the range of the given fragment is assumed to be the absolute range.
        /// Throws an ArgumentNullException if the given file or range is null.
        /// Throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if the given range is not a valid range within file.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool ContainsTokensOverlappingWith(this FileContentManager file, Range range)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
            if (!Utils.IsValidRange(range, file))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(range));

            var(start, end) = (range.Start.Line, range.End.Line);
            if (start != end && file.GetTokenizedLines(start + 1, end - start - 1).SelectMany(x => x).Any())

            var inRange = file.GetTokenizedLine(start).Where(TokensAfter(new Position(0, range.Start.Character))); // checking tokens overlapping with range.Start below

            inRange = start == end
                ? inRange.Where(TokensStartingBefore(new Position(0, range.End.Character)))
                : inRange.Concat(file.GetTokenizedLine(end).Where(TokensStartingBefore(new Position(0, range.End.Character))));

            if (inRange.Any())
                QsCompilerError.Raise($"{range.DiagnosticString()} overlaps for start = {start}, end = {end}, \n\n" +
                                      $"{String.Join("\n", file.GetTokenizedLine(start).Select(x => $"{x.GetRange().DiagnosticString()}"))},\n\n " +
                                      $"{String.Join("\n", file.GetTokenizedLine(end).Select(x => $"{x.GetRange().DiagnosticString()}"))},");

            var overlapsWithStart = file.TryGetFragmentAt(range.Start, out var _);

            return(overlapsWithStart != null);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a sequence of suggestions for update-and-reassign statements based on the generated diagnostics,
        /// and given the file for which those diagnostics were generated.
        /// Returns an empty enumerable if any of the given arguments is null.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IEnumerable <(string, WorkspaceEdit)> SuggestionsForUpdateAndReassignStatements
            (this FileContentManager file, IEnumerable <Diagnostic> diagnostics)
            if (file == null || diagnostics == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <(string, WorkspaceEdit)>());
            var updateOfArrayItemExprs = diagnostics.Where(DiagnosticTools.ErrorType(ErrorCode.UpdateOfArrayItemExpr));

            (string, WorkspaceEdit) SuggestedCopyAndUpdateExpr(CodeFragment fragment)
                var exprInfo = Parsing.ProcessUpdateOfArrayItemExpr.Invoke(fragment.Text);

                // Skip if the statement did not match a pattern for which we can give a code action
                if (exprInfo == null || (exprInfo.Item1.Line == 1 && exprInfo.Item1.Column == 1))
                    return("", null);

                // Convert set <identifier>[<index>] = <rhs> to set <identifier> w/= <index> <- <rhs>
                var rhs           = $"{exprInfo.Item3} {Keywords.qsCopyAndUpdateOp.cont} {exprInfo.Item4}";
                var outputStr     = $"{} {exprInfo.Item2} {Keywords.qsCopyAndUpdateOp.op}= {rhs}";
                var fragmentRange = fragment.GetRange();
                var edit          = new TextEdit {
                    Range = fragmentRange.Copy(), NewText = outputStr

                return("Replace with an update-and-reassign statement.", file.GetWorkspaceEdit(edit));

                   .Select(d => file?.TryGetFragmentAt(d.Range.Start, out var _, includeEnd: true))
                   .Where(frag => frag != null)
                   .Select(frag => SuggestedCopyAndUpdateExpr(frag))
                   .Where(s => s.Item2 != null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the completion environment at the given position in the file or null if the environment cannot be
        /// determined. Stores the code fragment found at or before the given position into an out parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when any argument is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when the position is invalid.</exception>
        private static (CompletionScope, QsFragmentKind) GetCompletionEnvironment(
            FileContentManager file, Position position, out CodeFragment fragment)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
            if (!Utils.IsValidPosition(position))
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(position));
            if (!Utils.IsValidPosition(position, file))
                // FileContentManager.IndentationAt will fail if the position is not within the file.
                fragment = null;
                return(null, null);

            var token = GetTokenAtOrBefore(file, position);

            if (token == null)
                fragment = null;
                return(null, null);

            fragment = token.GetFragment();
            var relativeIndentation = fragment.Indentation - file.IndentationAt(position);

            QsCompilerError.Verify(Math.Abs(relativeIndentation) <= 1);
            var parents =
                new[] { token }.Concat(token.GetNonEmptyParents())
            .Skip(relativeIndentation + 1)
            .Select(t => t.GetFragment());

            CompletionScope scope = null;

            if (!parents.Any())
                scope = CompletionScope.TopLevel;
            else if (parents.Any() && parents.First().Kind.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
                scope = CompletionScope.NamespaceTopLevel;
            else if (parents.Where(parent => parent.Kind.IsFunctionDeclaration).Any())
                scope = CompletionScope.Function;
            else if (parents.Any() && parents.First().Kind.IsOperationDeclaration)
                scope = CompletionScope.OperationTopLevel;
            else if (parents.Where(parent => parent.Kind.IsOperationDeclaration).Any())
                scope = CompletionScope.Operation;

            QsFragmentKind previous = null;

            if (relativeIndentation == 0 && IsPositionAfterDelimiter(file, fragment, position))
                previous = fragment.Kind;
            else if (relativeIndentation == 0)
                previous = token.PreviousOnScope()?.GetFragment().Kind;
            else if (relativeIndentation == 1)
                previous = token.GetNonEmptyParent()?.GetFragment().Kind;

            return(scope, previous);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a sequence of suggestions for replacing ranges over array indices with the corresponding library call,
        /// provided the corresponding library is referenced.
        /// Returns an empty enumerable if this is not the case or any of the given arguments is null.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IEnumerable <(string, WorkspaceEdit)> SuggestionsForIndexRange
            (this FileContentManager file, CompilationUnit compilation, LSP.Range range)
            if (file == null || compilation == null || range?.Start == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <(string, WorkspaceEdit)>());
            var indexRangeNamespaces = compilation.GlobalSymbols.NamespacesContainingCallable(BuiltIn.IndexRange.Name);

            if (!indexRangeNamespaces.Contains(BuiltIn.IndexRange.Namespace))
                return(Enumerable.Empty <(string, WorkspaceEdit)>());
            var suggestedOpenDir = file.OpenDirectiveSuggestions(range.Start.Line, BuiltIn.IndexRange.Namespace);

            /// Returns true the given expression is of the form "0 .. Length(args) - 1",
            /// as well as the range of the entire expression and the argument tuple "(args)" as out parameters.
            bool IsIndexRange(QsExpression iterExpr, Position offset, out LSP.Range exprRange, out LSP.Range argRange)
                if (iterExpr.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .RangeLiteral rangeExpression && iterExpr.Range.IsValue &&                               // iterable expression is a valid range literal
                    rangeExpression.Item1.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .IntLiteral intLiteralExpression && intLiteralExpression.Item == 0L &&      // .. starting at 0 ..
                    rangeExpression.Item2.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .SUB SUBExpression &&                                                       // .. and ending in subracting ..
                    SUBExpression.Item2.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .IntLiteral subIntLiteralExpression && subIntLiteralExpression.Item == 1L &&  // .. 1 from ..
                    SUBExpression.Item1.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .CallLikeExpression callLikeExression &&                                      // .. a call ..
                    callLikeExression.Item1.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .Identifier identifier &&                                                 // .. to and identifier ..
                    identifier.Item1.Symbol is QsSymbolKind <QsSymbol> .Symbol symName && symName.Item.Value == BuiltIn.Length.Name.Value &&                                          // .. "Length" called with ..
                    callLikeExression.Item2.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .ValueTuple valueTuple && callLikeExression.Item2.Range.IsValue)          // .. a valid argument tuple
                    exprRange = DiagnosticTools.GetAbsoluteRange(offset, iterExpr.Range.Item);
                    argRange  = DiagnosticTools.GetAbsoluteRange(offset, callLikeExression.Item2.Range.Item);

                (exprRange, argRange) = (null, null);

            /// Returns the text edits for replacing an range over the indices with the corresponding library call if the given code fragment is a suitable for-loop intro.
            /// The returned edits do *not* include an edit for adding the corresponding open-directive if necessary.
            IEnumerable <TextEdit> IndexRangeEdits(CodeFragment fragment)
                if (fragment.Kind is QsFragmentKind.ForLoopIntro forLoopIntro && // todo: in principle we could give these suggestions for any index range
                    IsIndexRange(forLoopIntro.Item2, fragment.GetRange().Start, out var iterExprRange, out var argTupleRange))
                    yield return(new TextEdit()
                        Range = new LSP.Range()
                            Start = iterExprRange.Start, End = argTupleRange.Start
                        NewText = BuiltIn.IndexRange.Name.Value

                    yield return(new TextEdit()
                        Range = new LSP.Range()
                            Start = argTupleRange.End, End = iterExprRange.End
                        NewText = ""

            var fragments = file.FragmentsOverlappingWithRange(range);
            var edits     = fragments.SelectMany(IndexRangeEdits);

                ? new[] { ("Use IndexRange to iterate over indices.", file.GetWorkspaceEdit(suggestedOpenDir.Concat(edits).ToArray())) }
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the code fragments based on the current file content that need to be re-processed due to content changes on the given lines.
        /// Ignores any whitespace or comments at the beginning of the file (whether they have changed or not).
        /// Ignores any whitespace or comments that occur after the last piece of code in the file.
        /// Throws an ArgumentNullException if any of the arguments is null.
        /// </summary>
        private static IEnumerable <CodeFragment> FragmentsToProcess(this FileContentManager file, SortedSet <int> changedLines)
            // NOTE: I suggest not to touch this routine unless absolutely necessary...(things *will* break)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
            if (changedLines == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(changedLines));

            var iter       = changedLines.GetEnumerator();
            var lastInFile = LastInFile(file);

            Position processed = new Position(0, 0);

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                QsCompilerError.Verify(iter.Current >= 0 && iter.Current < file.NrLines(), "index out of range for changed line");
                if (processed.Line < iter.Current)
                    var statementStart = file.PositionAfterPrevious(new Position(iter.Current, 0));
                    if (processed.IsSmallerThan(statementStart))
                        processed = statementStart;

                while (processed.Line <= iter.Current && processed.IsSmallerThan(lastInFile))
                    processed = processed.Copy(); // because we don't want to modify the ending of the previous code fragment ...
                    var nextEnding     = file.FragmentEnd(ref processed);
                    var extractedPiece = file.GetCodeSnippet(new LSP.Range {
                        Start = processed, End = nextEnding

                    // constructing the CodeFragment -
                    // NOTE: its Range.End is the position of the delimiting char (if such a char exists), i.e. the position right after Code ends

                    // length = 0 can occur e.g. if the last piece of code in the file does not terminate with a statement ending
                    if (extractedPiece.Length > 0)
                        var code = file.GetLine(nextEnding.Line).ExcessBracketPositions.Contains(nextEnding.Character - 1)
                            ? extractedPiece.Substring(0, extractedPiece.Length - 1)
                            : extractedPiece;
                        if (code.Length == 0 || !CodeFragment.DelimitingChars.Contains(code.Last()))
                            code = $"{code}{CodeFragment.MissingDelimiter}";

                        var endChar   = nextEnding.Character - (extractedPiece.Length - code.Length) - 1;
                        var codeRange = new LSP.Range {
                            Start = processed, End = new Position(nextEnding.Line, endChar)
                        yield return(new CodeFragment(file.IndentationAt(codeRange.Start), codeRange, code.Substring(0, code.Length - 1), code.Last()));
                    processed = nextEnding;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a sequence of suggestions on how deprecated syntax can be updated based on the generated diagnostics,
        /// and given the file for which those diagnostics were generated.
        /// Returns an empty enumerable if any of the given arguments is null.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IEnumerable <(string, WorkspaceEdit)> SuggestionsForDeprecatedSyntax
            (this FileContentManager file, IEnumerable <Diagnostic> diagnostics)
            if (file == null || diagnostics == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <(string, WorkspaceEdit)>());
            var deprecatedUnitTypes         = diagnostics.Where(DiagnosticTools.WarningType(WarningCode.DeprecatedUnitType));
            var deprecatedNOToperators      = diagnostics.Where(DiagnosticTools.WarningType(WarningCode.DeprecatedNOToperator));
            var deprecatedANDoperators      = diagnostics.Where(DiagnosticTools.WarningType(WarningCode.DeprecatedANDoperator));
            var deprecatedORoperators       = diagnostics.Where(DiagnosticTools.WarningType(WarningCode.DeprecatedORoperator));
            var deprecatedOpCharacteristics = diagnostics.Where(DiagnosticTools.WarningType(WarningCode.DeprecatedOpCharacteristics));

            (string, WorkspaceEdit) ReplaceWith(string text, LSP.Range range)
                bool NeedsWs(Char ch) => Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_';

                if (range?.Start != null && range.End != null)
                    var beforeEdit = file.GetLine(range.Start.Line).Text.Substring(0, range.Start.Character);
                    var afterEdit  = file.GetLine(range.End.Line).Text.Substring(range.End.Character);
                    if (beforeEdit.Any() && NeedsWs(beforeEdit.Last()))
                        text = $" {text}";
                    if (afterEdit.Any() && NeedsWs(afterEdit.First()))
                        text = $"{text} ";
                var edit = new TextEdit {
                    Range = range?.Copy(), NewText = text

                return($"Replace with \"{text.Trim()}\".", file.GetWorkspaceEdit(edit));

            // update deprecated keywords and operators

            var suggestionsForUnitType = deprecatedUnitTypes.Select(d => ReplaceWith(, d.Range));
            var suggestionsForNOT      = deprecatedNOToperators.Select(d => ReplaceWith(Keywords.qsNOTop.op, d.Range));
            var suggestionsForAND      = deprecatedANDoperators.Select(d => ReplaceWith(Keywords.qsANDop.op, d.Range));
            var suggestionsForOR       = deprecatedORoperators.Select(d => ReplaceWith(Keywords.qsORop.op, d.Range));

            // update deprecated operation characteristics syntax

            var typeToQs = new ExpressionTypeToQs(new ExpressionToQs());

            string CharacteristicsAnnotation(Characteristics c)
                return($"{} {typeToQs.Output}");

            var suggestionsForOpCharacteristics = deprecatedOpCharacteristics.SelectMany(d =>
                // TODO: TryGetQsSymbolInfo currently only returns information about the inner most leafs rather than all types etc.
                // Once it returns indeed all types in the fragment, the following code block should be replaced by the commented out code below.
                var fragment = file.TryGetFragmentAt(d.Range.Start, out var _);
                IEnumerable <Characteristics> GetCharacteristics(QsTuple <Tuple <QsSymbol, QsType> > argTuple) =>
                SyntaxGenerator.ExtractItems(argTuple).SelectMany(item => item.Item2.ExtractCharacteristics()).Distinct();
                var characteristicsInFragment =
                    fragment?.Kind is QsFragmentKind.FunctionDeclaration function ? GetCharacteristics(function.Item2.Argument) :
                    fragment?.Kind is QsFragmentKind.OperationDeclaration operation ? GetCharacteristics(operation.Item2.Argument) :
                    fragment?.Kind is QsFragmentKind.TypeDefinition type ? GetCharacteristics(type.Item2) :
                    Enumerable.Empty <Characteristics>();

                //var symbolInfo = file.TryGetQsSymbolInfo(d.Range.Start, false, out var fragment);
                //var characteristicsInFragment = (symbolInfo?.UsedTypes ?? Enumerable.Empty<QsType>())
                //    .SelectMany(t => t.ExtractCharacteristics()).Distinct();
                var fragmentStart = fragment?.GetRange()?.Start;
                       .Where(c => c.Range.IsValue && DiagnosticTools.GetAbsoluteRange(fragmentStart, c.Range.Item).Overlaps(d.Range))
                       .Select(c => ReplaceWith(CharacteristicsAnnotation(c), d.Range)));

        // external routines for context verification

        /// <summary>
        /// Given the line number of the lines that contain tokens that (possibly) have been modified,
        /// checks which callable declaration they can potentially belong to and returns the fully qualified name of those callables.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IEnumerable <(Range, QsQualifiedName)> CallablesWithContentModifications(this FileContentManager file, IEnumerable <int> changedLines)
            var lastInFile = file.LastToken()?.GetFragment()?.Range?.End ?? file.End();
            var callables  = file.GetCallableDeclarations().Select(tuple => // these are sorted according to their line number
                var ns = file.TryGetNamespaceAt(tuple.Item2.Start);
                QsCompilerError.Verify(ns != null, "namespace for callable declaration should not be null"); // invalid namespace names default to an unknown namespace name, but remain included in the compilation
                return(tuple.Item2.Start, new QsQualifiedName(ns, tuple.Item1));

            // NOTE: The range of modifications that has to trigger an update of the syntax tree for a callable
            // does need to go up to and include modifications to the line containing the next callable!
            // Otherwise inserting a callable declaration in the middle of an existing callable does not trigger the right behavior!
            (Range, QsQualifiedName) TypeCheckingRange((Position, QsQualifiedName) lastPreceding, IEnumerable <(Position, QsQualifiedName)> next)
                var callableStart = lastPreceding.Item1;
                var callableEnd   = next.Any() ? next.First().Item1 : lastInFile;

                return(Range.Create(callableStart, callableEnd), lastPreceding.Item2);

            foreach (var lineNr in changedLines)
                bool Precedes((Position, QsQualifiedName) tuple) => tuple.Item1.Line < lineNr;

                var preceding = callables.TakeWhile(Precedes);
                var following = callables.SkipWhile(Precedes);

                if (preceding.Any())
                    yield return(TypeCheckingRange(preceding.Last(), following));
                if (following.Any() && following.First().Start.Line == lineNr)
                    yield return(TypeCheckingRange(following.First(), following.Skip(1)));
Beispiel #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a sequence of suggestions on how errors for unknown types and callable in the given diagnostics can be fixed,
 /// given the file for which those diagnostics were generated and the corresponding compilation.
 /// The given line number is used to determine the containing namespace.
 /// Returns an empty enumerable if any of the given arguments is null.
 /// </summary>
 internal static IEnumerable <(string, WorkspaceEdit)> UnknownIdSuggestions(
     this FileContentManager file,
     CompilationUnit compilation,
     int lineNr,
     IReadOnlyCollection <Diagnostic> diagnostics) =>
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the position and the kind of the closest specialization preceding the given position,
        /// and the name of the callable it belongs to as well as its position as Nullable.
        /// Returns null if the given file or position is null, or if no preceding callable can be found (e.g. because the callable name is invalid).
        /// If a callable name but no specializations (preceding or otherwise) within that callable can be found,
        /// assumes that the correct specialization is an auto-inserted default body,
        /// and returns QsBody as well as the start position of the callable declaration along with the callable name and its position.
        /// If a callable name as well as existing specializations can be found, but no specialization precedes the given position,
        /// returns null for the specialization kind as well as for its position.
        /// </summary>
        public static ((NonNullable <string>, Position), (QsSpecializationKind, Position))? TryGetClosestSpecialization(this FileContentManager file, Position pos)
            QsSpecializationKind GetSpecializationKind(CodeFragment fragment)
                var specDecl = fragment.Kind.DeclaredSpecialization();

                if (specDecl.IsNull)
                var((kind, gen), typeArgs) = specDecl.Item;  // note: if we want to support type specializations we need to compute the signature of the spec to find the right one

            if (file == null || pos == null || !Utils.IsValidPosition(pos, file))
            try {
                var declarations  = file.CallableDeclarationTokens();
                var precedingDecl = declarations.TakeWhile(tIndex => tIndex.GetFragment().GetRange().Start.IsSmallerThan(pos));
                if (!precedingDecl.Any())

                var closestCallable  = precedingDecl.Last();
                var callablePosition = closestCallable.GetFragment().GetRange().Start;
                var callableName     = closestCallable.GetFragment().Kind.DeclaredCallableName(null);
                if (callableName == null)

                var specializations = FileHeader.FilterCallableSpecializations(closestCallable.GetChildren(deep: false).Select(tIndex => tIndex.GetFragment()));
                var precedingSpec   = specializations.TakeWhile(fragment => fragment.GetRange().Start.IsSmallerThan(pos));
                var lastPreceding   = precedingSpec.Any() ? precedingSpec.Last() : null;

                if (specializations.Any() && lastPreceding == null) // the given position is within a callable declaration
                    return((NonNullable <string> .New(callableName), callablePosition), (null, null));
                return(lastPreceding == null
                    ? ((NonNullable <string> .New(callableName), callablePosition), (QsSpecializationKind.QsBody, callablePosition))
                    : ((NonNullable <string> .New(callableName), callablePosition), (GetSpecializationKind(lastPreceding), lastPreceding.GetRange().Start)));
            finally { file.SyncRoot.ExitReadLock(); }
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the signature help information for a call expression if there is such an expression at the specified position.
        /// Returns null if some parameters are unspecified (null),
        /// or if the specified position is not a valid position within the currently processed file content,
        /// or if no call expression exists at the specified position at this time,
        /// or if no signature help information can be provided for the call expression at the specified position.
        /// </summary>
        public static SignatureHelp?SignatureHelp(
            this FileContentManager file,
            CompilationUnit compilation,
            MarkupKind format = MarkupKind.PlainText)
            // getting the relevant token (if any)

            var fragment = file?.TryGetFragmentAt(position, out var _, includeEnd: true);

            if (file is null || position is null || fragment?.Kind == null || compilation == null)
            var fragmentStart = fragment.Range.Start;

            // getting the overlapping call expressions (if any), and determine the header of the called callable

            bool OverlapsWithPosition(Range symRange) => (fragmentStart + symRange).ContainsEnd(position);

            var overlappingEx = fragment.Kind.CallExpressions().Where(ex => ex.Range.IsValue && OverlapsWithPosition(ex.Range.Item)).ToList();

            if (!overlappingEx.Any())
            overlappingEx.Sort((ex1, ex2) => // for nested call expressions, the last expressions (by range) is always the closest one
                var(x, y)  = (ex1.Range.Item, ex2.Range.Item);
                int result = x.Start.CompareTo(y.Start);
                return(result == 0 ? x.End.CompareTo(y.End) : result);

            var nsName = file.TryGetNamespaceAt(position);

            var(method, args) = overlappingEx.Last().Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .CallLikeExpression c ? (c.Item1, c.Item2) : (null, null);
            if (nsName == null || method == null || args == null)

            // getting the called identifier as well as what functors have been applied to it

            List <QsFunctor> FunctorApplications(ref QsExpression ex)
                var(next, inner) =
                    ex.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .AdjointApplication adj ? (QsFunctor.Adjoint, adj.Item) :
                    ex.Expression is QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .ControlledApplication ctl ? (QsFunctor.Controlled, ctl.Item) :
                    (null, null);
                var fs = inner == null ? new List <QsFunctor>() : FunctorApplications(ref inner);

                if (next != null)
                ex = inner ?? ex;

            var functors = FunctorApplications(ref method);
            var id       = method.Expression as QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .Identifier;

            if (id == null)

            // extracting and adapting the relevant information for the called callable

            ResolutionResult <CallableDeclarationHeader> .Found?methodDecl = null;
            if (id.Item1.Symbol is QsSymbolKind <QsSymbol> .Symbol sym)
                methodDecl =
                    as ResolutionResult <CallableDeclarationHeader> .Found;
            else if (id.Item1.Symbol is QsSymbolKind <QsSymbol> .QualifiedSymbol qualSym)
                methodDecl =
                        new QsQualifiedName(qualSym.Item1, qualSym.Item2),
                    as ResolutionResult <CallableDeclarationHeader> .Found;

            if (methodDecl == null)

            var(documentation, argTuple) = (methodDecl.Item.Documentation, methodDecl.Item.ArgumentTuple);
            var nrCtlApplications = functors.Where(f => f.Equals(QsFunctor.Controlled)).Count();

            while (nrCtlApplications-- > 0)
                var ctlQsName = QsLocalSymbol.NewValidName(nrCtlApplications == 0 ? "cs" : $"cs{nrCtlApplications}");
                argTuple = SyntaxGenerator.WithControlQubits(argTuple, QsNullable <Position> .Null, ctlQsName, QsNullable <Range> .Null);

            // now that we now what callable is called we need to check which argument should come next

            bool BeforePosition(Range symRange) => fragmentStart + symRange.End < position;

            IEnumerable <(Range?, string?)> ExtractParameterRanges(
                QsExpression?ex, QsTuple <LocalVariableDeclaration <QsLocalSymbol> > decl)
                var @null = ((Range?)null, (string?)null);

                IEnumerable <(Range?, string?)> SingleItem(string paramName)
                    var arg = ex?.Range == null ? ((Range?)null, paramName)
                        : ex.Range.IsValue ? (ex.Range.Item, paramName)
                        : @null; // no signature help if there are invalid expressions

                    return(new[] { arg });

                if (decl is QsTuple <LocalVariableDeclaration <QsLocalSymbol> > .QsTupleItem dItem)
                    return(SingleItem(dItem.Item.VariableName is QsLocalSymbol.ValidName n ? n.Item : "__argName__"));

                var declItems = decl as QsTuple <LocalVariableDeclaration <QsLocalSymbol> > .QsTuple;
                var exItems   = ex?.Expression as QsExpressionKind <QsExpression, QsSymbol, QsType> .ValueTuple;

                if (declItems == null)
                    return(new[] { @null });
                if (exItems == null && declItems.Item.Length > 1)

                var argItems = exItems != null
                    ? exItems.Item.ToImmutableArray <QsExpression?>()
                    : ex == null
                    ? ImmutableArray <QsExpression?> .Empty
                    : ImmutableArray.Create <QsExpression?>(ex);

                return(argItems.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat <QsExpression?>(null, declItems.Item.Length - argItems.Length))
                       .Zip(declItems.Item, (e, d) => (e, d))
                       .SelectMany(arg => ExtractParameterRanges(arg.Item1, arg.Item2)));

            var callArgs = ExtractParameterRanges(args, argTuple).ToArray();

            if (id == null || callArgs == null || callArgs.Any(item => item.Item2 == null))
                return(null); // no signature help if there are invalid expressions

            // finally we can build the signature help information

            MarkupContent AsMarkupContent(string str) => new MarkupContent
                Kind = format, Value = str
            ParameterInformation AsParameterInfo(string?paramName) => new ParameterInformation
                Label         = paramName,
                Documentation = AsMarkupContent(documentation.ParameterDescription(paramName))

            var signatureLabel = $"{methodDecl.Item.QualifiedName.Name} {argTuple.PrintArgumentTuple()}";

            foreach (var f in functors)
                if (f.IsAdjoint)
                    signatureLabel = $"{} {signatureLabel}";
                if (f.IsControlled)
                    signatureLabel = $"{} {signatureLabel}";

            var doc  = documentation.PrintSummary(format == MarkupKind.Markdown).Trim();
            var info = new SignatureInformation
                Documentation = AsMarkupContent(doc),
                Label         = signatureLabel, // Note: the label needs to be expressed in a way that the active parameter is detectable
                Parameters    = callArgs.Select(d => d.Item2).Select(AsParameterInfo).ToArray()
            var precedingArgs = callArgs
                                .TakeWhile(item => item.Item1 == null || BeforePosition(item.Item1)) // skip args that have already been typed or - in the case of inner items - are missing
                                .Reverse().SkipWhile(item => item.Item1 == null);                    // don't count missing, i.e. not yet typed items, of the relevant inner argument tuple

            return(new SignatureHelp
                Signatures = new[] { info }, // since we don't support overloading there is just one signature here
                ActiveSignature = 0,
                ActiveParameter = precedingArgs.Count()
 /// <nodoc />
 public SourceChangeAffectedContents(PathTable pathTable, FileContentManager fileContentManager)
     m_pathTable          = pathTable;
     m_fileContentManager = fileContentManager;
Beispiel #15
 public FileContentManagerSemanticPathExpander(FileContentManager fileContentManager, SemanticPathExpander innerExpander)
     m_innerExpander      = innerExpander;
     m_fileContentManager = fileContentManager;
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the given range is valid,
 /// i.e. if both start and end are valid positions within the given file, and start is smaller than or equal to end.
 /// Throws an ArgumentNullException if an argument is null.
 /// </summary>
 internal static bool IsValidRange(LSP.Range range, FileContentManager file) =>
 IsValidPosition(range?.Start, file) && IsValidPosition(range.End, file) && range.Start.IsSmallerThanOrEqualTo(range.End);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads configured symlink definitions (if not already loaded)
        /// Stores to cache for use by workers in distributed build
        /// Eagerly creates symlinks if lazy symlink creation is disabled
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <Possible <SymlinkDefinitions> > TryPrepareSymlinkDefinitionsAsync(
            LoggingContext loggingContext,
            GraphReuseResult reuseResult,
            IConfiguration configuration,
            MasterService masterService,
            CacheInitializationTask cacheInitializerTask,
            PipExecutionContext context,
            ITempDirectoryCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
            var  pathTable           = context.PathTable;
            bool isDistributedMaster = configuration.Distribution.BuildRole == DistributedBuildRoles.Master;
            Possible <SymlinkDefinitions> maybeSymlinkDefinitions = new Possible <SymlinkDefinitions>((SymlinkDefinitions)null);

            if (reuseResult?.IsFullReuse == true)
                maybeSymlinkDefinitions = reuseResult.EngineSchedule.Scheduler.SymlinkDefinitions;
            else if (configuration.Layout.SymlinkDefinitionFile.IsValid)
                var symlinkFilePath = configuration.Layout.SymlinkDefinitionFile.ToString(pathTable);
                Logger.Log.SymlinkFileTraceMessage(loggingContext, I($"Loading symlink file from location '{symlinkFilePath}'."));
                maybeSymlinkDefinitions = await SymlinkDefinitions.TryLoadAsync(
                    symlinksDebugPath : configuration.Logging.LogsDirectory.Combine(pathTable, "DebugSymlinksDefinitions.log").ToString(pathTable),
                    tempDirectoryCleaner : tempDirectoryCleaner);

            if (!maybeSymlinkDefinitions.Succeeded || maybeSymlinkDefinitions.Result == null)

            // Need to store symlinks to cache for workers
            if (configuration.Distribution.BuildRole == DistributedBuildRoles.Master)
                var possibleCacheInitializer = await cacheInitializerTask;
                if (!possibleCacheInitializer.Succeeded)

                Logger.Log.SymlinkFileTraceMessage(loggingContext, I($"Storing symlink file for use by workers."));

                var symlinkFile = configuration.Layout.SymlinkDefinitionFile.Expand(pathTable);

                var possibleStore = await TryStoreToCacheAsync(
                    cache : possibleCacheInitializer.Result.CreateCacheForContext(context).ArtifactContentCache,
                    symlinkFile : symlinkFile);

                if (!possibleStore.Succeeded)

                masterService.SymlinkFileContentHash = possibleStore.Result;
                Logger.Log.SymlinkFileTraceMessage(loggingContext, I($"Stored symlink file for use by workers."));

            if (!configuration.Schedule.UnsafeLazySymlinkCreation || configuration.Engine.PopulateSymlinkDirectories.Count != 0)
                // Symlink definition file is defined, and BuildXL intends to create it eagerly.
                // At this point master and worker should have had its symlink definition file, if specified.
                if (!FileContentManager.CreateSymlinkEagerly(loggingContext, configuration, pathTable, maybeSymlinkDefinitions.Result, context.CancellationToken))
                    return(new Failure <string>("Failed eagerly creating symlinks"));

Beispiel #18
 /// <nodoc />
 public SourceChangeAffectedInputs(FileContentManager fileContentManager)
     m_fileContentManager = fileContentManager;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns completion items that match the given kind.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when any argument is null.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when the position is invalid.</exception>
        private static IEnumerable <CompletionItem> GetCompletionsForKind(
            FileContentManager file,
            CompilationUnit compilation,
            Position position,
            CompletionKind kind,
            string namespacePrefix = "")
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
            if (compilation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(compilation));
            if (!Utils.IsValidPosition(position))
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(position));
            if (kind == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(kind));
            if (namespacePrefix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(namespacePrefix));

            switch (kind)
            case CompletionKind.Member member:
                return(GetCompletionsForKind(file, compilation, position, member.Item2,
                                             ResolveNamespaceAlias(file, compilation, position, member.Item1)));

            case CompletionKind.Keyword keyword:
                return(new[] { new CompletionItem {
                                   Label = keyword.Item, Kind = CompletionItemKind.Keyword
                               } });
            var currentNamespace = file.TryGetNamespaceAt(position);
            var openNamespaces   =
                namespacePrefix == "" ? GetOpenNamespaces(file, compilation, position) : new[] { namespacePrefix };

            switch (kind.Tag)
            case CompletionKind.Tags.UserDefinedType:
                    (GetTypeCompletions(file, compilation, currentNamespace, openNamespaces)
                     .Concat(GetGlobalNamespaceCompletions(compilation, namespacePrefix))
                     .Concat(GetNamespaceAliasCompletions(file, compilation, position, namespacePrefix)));

            case CompletionKind.Tags.NamedItem:

            case CompletionKind.Tags.Namespace:
                    (GetGlobalNamespaceCompletions(compilation, namespacePrefix)
                     .Concat(GetNamespaceAliasCompletions(file, compilation, position, namespacePrefix)));

            case CompletionKind.Tags.Variable:
                return(GetLocalCompletions(file, compilation, position));

            case CompletionKind.Tags.MutableVariable:
                return(GetLocalCompletions(file, compilation, position, mutableOnly: true));

            case CompletionKind.Tags.Callable:
                    (GetCallableCompletions(file, compilation, currentNamespace, openNamespaces)
                     .Concat(GetGlobalNamespaceCompletions(compilation, namespacePrefix))
                     .Concat(GetNamespaceAliasCompletions(file, compilation, position, namespacePrefix)));
            return(Enumerable.Empty <CompletionItem>());
Beispiel #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an SortedSet of changed lines, verifies the context for each token on one of these lines,
        /// and adds the computed diagnostics to the ones returned as out parameter.
        /// Marks the token indices which are to be excluded from compilation due to context errors.
        /// Returns the line numbers for which the context diagnostics have been recomputed.
        /// Throws an ArgumentNullException if any of the arguments is null.
        /// </summary>
        private static HashSet <int> VerifyContext(this FileContentManager file, SortedSet <int> changedLines, out List <Diagnostic> diagnostics)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));
            if (changedLines == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(changedLines));

            IEnumerable <CodeFragment.TokenIndex> TokenIndices(int lineNr) =>
            Enumerable.Range(0, file.GetTokenizedLine(lineNr).Count()).Select(index => new CodeFragment.TokenIndex(file, lineNr, index));

            var tokensToVerify = changedLines.SelectMany(TokenIndices);
            var verifiedLines  = new HashSet <int>();

            List <Diagnostic> Verify(CodeFragment.TokenIndex tokenIndex)
                var messages = new List <Diagnostic>();
                var fragment = tokenIndex.GetFragment();
                var context  = tokenIndex.GetContext();

                var fragmentStart = fragment.GetRange().Start;

                var(include, verifications) = Context.VerifySyntaxTokenContext(context);
                foreach (var msg in verifications)
                    messages.Add(Diagnostics.Generate(file.FileName.Value, msg, fragmentStart));

                if (include)

                // if a token is newly included in or excluded from the compilation,
                // then this may impact context information for all following tokens
                var changedStatus = include ^ fragment.IncludeInCompilation;
                var next          = tokenIndex.NextOnScope();

                if (changedStatus && next != null && !changedLines.Contains(next.Line))
                    // NOTE: since we invalidate context diagnostics on a per-line basis, we need to verify the whole line!
                    var tokens = TokenIndices(next.Line);
                    foreach (var token in tokens)

            diagnostics = tokensToVerify.SelectMany(tIndex => Verify(tIndex)).ToList();
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the fragment has a delimiting character and the given position occurs after it.
 /// </summary>
 private static bool IsPositionAfterDelimiter(FileContentManager file,
                                              CodeFragment fragment,
                                              Position position) =>
 fragment.FollowedBy != CodeFragment.MissingDelimiter &&
 GetDelimiterPosition(file, fragment).IsSmallerThan(position);
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes excess bracket errors for the given range of lines in file based on the corresponding CodeLine.
 /// Throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if start is not within file.
 /// </summary>
 private static IEnumerable <Diagnostic> ComputeScopeDiagnostics(this FileContentManager file, int start) =>
 ComputeScopeDiagnostics(file, start, file == null ? 0 : file.NrLines() - start);
        // routine(s) called by the FileContentManager upon updating a file

        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to compute an incremental update for the change specified by start, count and newText, and updates file accordingly.
        /// The given argument newText replaces the entire lines from start to (but not including) start + count.
        /// If the given change is null, then (only) the currently queued unprocessed changes are processed.
        /// Throws an ArgumentNullException if file is null.
        /// Any other exceptions should be throws (and caught, and possibly re-thrown) during the updating.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void UpdateScopeTacking(this FileContentManager file, TextDocumentContentChangeEvent change)
            if (file == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(file));

            /// <summary>
            /// Replaces the lines in the range [start, end] with those for the given text.
            /// </summary>
            void ComputeUpdate(int start, int end, string text)
                QsCompilerError.Verify(start >= 0 && end >= start && end < file.NrLines(), "invalid range for update");

                // since both LF and CR in VS cause a line break on their own,
                // we need to check if the change causes subequent CR LF to merge into a single line break
                if (text.StartsWith(Utils.LF) && start > 0 && file.GetLine(start - 1).Text.EndsWith(Utils.CR))
                    text = file.GetLine(--start).Text + text;

                // we need to check if the change causes the next line to merge with the (last) changed line
                if (end + 1 < file.NrLines() && !Utils.EndOfLine.Match(text).Success)
                    text = text + file.GetLine(++end).Text;

                var newLines = Utils.SplitLines(text);
                var count    = end - start + 1;

                // note that the last line in the file won't end with a line break,
                // and is hence only captured by SplitLines if it is not empty
                // -> we therefore manually add the last line in the file if it is empty
                if (newLines.Length == 0 || // the case if the file will be empty after the update
                    (start + count == file.NrLines() && Utils.EndOfLine.Match(newLines.Last()).Success))
                    newLines = newLines.Concat(new string[] { string.Empty }).ToArray();

                QsCompilerError.Verify(newLines.Any(), "should have at least one line to replace");
                file.Update(start, count, newLines);

                // process the currently queued changes if necessary
                if (file.DequeueUnprocessedChanges(out int start, out string text))
                    ComputeUpdate(start, start, text);

                // process the given change if necessary
                if (change != null)
                    ComputeUpdate(change.Range.Start.Line, change.Range.End.Line, Utils.GetTextChangedLines(file, change));
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes excess bracket errors for the given range of lines in file based on the corresponding CodeLine.
 /// Throws an ArgumentNullException if file is null.
 /// Throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException if start is not within file.
 /// </summary>
 private static IEnumerable <Diagnostic> ComputeScopeDiagnostics(this FileContentManager file, int start)
     return(ComputeScopeDiagnostics(file, start, file == null ? 0 : file.NrLines() - start));
 }                                                                                           // will raise an exception if file is null